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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank you for saving your children in Texas from abusive, invasive, irreversible surgeries. We pray that you would continue to save more of your children across the nation by stopping these surgeries wherever possible.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

We have been praying for years about the horrible abuse of children at the hands of activist doctors who dole out hormone drugs and perform experimental trans surgeries. This is a praise and let’s pray other hospitals follow suit. 

From The Daily Wire. Following Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s directive for the state to investigate whether some transgender procedures on kids constituted child abuse, a pediatric hospital in Texas has announced that it will stop performing “gender-confirming therapies” for children.

Texas Children’s Hospital, America’s biggest pediatric hospital, made the announcement on Friday, saying the move was aimed at protecting health care professionals and families.

“The mission of Texas Children’s Hospital is to create a healthier future for all children, including transgender children, within the bounds of the law,” a statement from the hospital said. “This step was taken to safeguard our health care professionals and impacted families from potential criminal legal ramifications….”

The announcement came after Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott said that he was ordering Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) to investigate whether “so-called ‘sex change’ procedures” were child abuse….

Conservative pro-family groups welcomed the news saying the decision was driven by “strong political leadership….”

Legal challenges to Abbott’s directive are ongoing as last week a Democrat judge placed a temporary stop to the investigation of one such case of the parents of a teen who identifies as transgender.

The Biden administration also came out against Abbott’s actions, calling it “government overreach.”

“This is government overreach at its worst,” a statement from Biden said. “Like so many anti-transgender attacks proliferating in states across the country, the Governor’s actions callously threaten to harm children and their families just to score political points….”

Are you encouraged by this news? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Ben White on Unsplash)

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Sally Ormond
March 13, 2022

So glad to see a leader defying the absurdities of the Biden administration. Cannot wait for Biden to be out of office!!!

March 12, 2022

Thank you for standing up for what is right! That takes wisdom and courage. May God bless this decision.

Laquita Searles
March 12, 2022

Thank you for standing up for God”s law . Satan is trying to ruin everyone.
May God bless you for being so strong,

Judy Radachy
March 11, 2022

So thankful for the courage and wisdom to stand against culture that is destructive to children

Venisa Villar
March 11, 2022

Praise You Father, Son and Holy Spirit…for the merciful & gracious work of Your hands to stop these unethical procedures being done on mere children who do not fully understand yet that You in Your infinite wisdom have created each one of us male and female…and what You created You said was good! We are to accept who You made us to be and not take matters into our own hands to try and change things that were never meant to be changed in the first place. You are the Great I Am and You know best. But God even in all this You are a very forgiving God when we realize our sin and repent…as individuals, as institutions, as nations. Thank You for strong Governors like the Texas Governor and Florida’s Governor…continue to bless them and their families for taking a stance against wickedness…and bless them with 24/7 protection from You, Lord God, our God of Angel armies who’s always by our sides for those who are washed in the Blood of Jesus!! Thanks be to God Who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Bless Texas CHILDRENS Hospital for doing an about face and May all other hospitals in American and around the world follow suit also. Our help comes from You Lord God the Maker of heaven and earth ( Ps. 121). Thank You God, that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and to overcome the world. There is no one like our God!! Greater things are yet to come and greater things are still to be done in our cities as Your people, Your sons and daughters through faith in Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to repent, pray and seek Your face for our nation and all nations. In Jesus’ Name we pray believing Who is Redeemer, Saviour, Deliverer, Overcomer, Conqueror, and Author of salvation. Amen.

Carol Tilton
March 10, 2022

A prayer truly answered now this good news must spread….we must save our children from this “fad”

Shpend Shyti
March 10, 2022

Praise the Lord for this good news.

Nancy B Bryda
March 10, 2022

I declare God’s word trumps all wokism and all ideology which is untrue. God’s word is true and counterfeit antichrist doctrine and vain philosophies are bound in Jesus name. I declare the truth of God’s word to go forth from the pulpits across America and from the ekklesia with clear communication and with a boldness to meet the enemy at the gates. The gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church speaking God’s work with authority. No King but Jesus and he is in us.

Denise Lobato
March 10, 2022

Thank God someone is standing up for morality and doing what is right. We can no longer sit quietly and let liberals determine the narrative of all Americans. It’s an overreach of government to stop these surgeries but not to mandate vaccines and masks. What hypocrisy! Does he realize his own ignorance?!

Sherry Osmonovich
March 10, 2022

God bless Gov. Abbott and all those Governor’s who take a stand against unrighteousness. God bless the Texas Pediatric hospital staff and directors as well. The Lord strengthen them all in their stand.
My husband and I both taught and are now retired from the public school sector. We understand the vacillations of young people and their need for training in the “way they should go.” The word of God specifically uses the word train – for a purpose. “Train up a child in the way he should go…”
Children are not wise enough to make monumental decisions at this stage of their lives. Parents who buy into this are sadly mistaken in their beliefs to the contrary and have a lack of knowledge of Biblical principles and medical science. Therefore, we who are aware of some of the ramifications of such decisions and outcomes need to employ safety measures in support of their developing into adulthood protected against the
now changing mores of society. Meanwhile, we pray for revival, and that God will come in His power and glory to change the hearts of people so that they will honor & value Him and His infallible Word to us.

Gary A
March 10, 2022

I prayed in support of Governor Greg Abbott’s stance Against the forces of darkness and evil!

Nicole C
March 10, 2022

Praise God for Governor Abbott courage to standup for children.

Christopher M Smith
March 10, 2022

Though I applaud the decision to “end”, the context clearly states this as a matter of obedience to “law” versus any change of heart. So, yes, a Victory but also not indicative of a change of heart – purely based on the wording of the decision. It is the changing of one’s heart where true permanent reversal occurs, and only YHWH aka God can change a person’s heart, through the Holy Spirit and personal acceptance of Jesus as the true and only Son of God who was born, was Crucified and died, was buried and was resurrected and now is seated in glory at the right hand of the Father.

Diane Rayburn
March 10, 2022

Thank You Holy Spirit.
Babies and children…the WORLD’S MOST PRECIOUS GIFT TO ALL OF US.

Diane Rayburn
March 10, 2022
March 10, 2022

Thank you for your work in Texas. I pray that other states will follow their example. Protect our children and families. In Jesus name I bind Satan from trying to destroy our children and youth . Also, I ray for all unorn children. Please God save our families and America.

Sally Jadlow
March 10, 2022

Why is this “government overreach” when the hand of government has reached into 60 million wombs to snatch the lives of pre-born babies?

March 10, 2022

Finally, common sense approach to a subject that is so
Detrimental to children’s life.!

Nancy Greenwell
March 10, 2022

The Nazi’s experimented on children like this in concentration camps. Now evil people pretend to be so “caring” and “progressive”, filling young, vulnerable minds with lies, and all the sheep follow along, claiming to be so “open minded”. Thank God this hospital has stopped this horrific mutilation of young bodies.

Barbara Janicki
March 10, 2022

Thankful for those that are standing against this insanity. Parents make all kinds of decisions for their young children, I remember my children were not allowed to get a tattoo until they turned 18, why? because tattoos are permanent and children change their minds all the time about many different things. Think how many times college students change their majors! And yet we would allow pre-adolescent children to make a life-long, life-altering, body-altering decision when they can’t even decide what they want to eat for dinner or who their best friend is? (which changes often) Transgender surgeries on those under 18 had never made any sense. 18 seems to be the legal age for making decisions for oneself – so that should be the minimum standard for these surgeries plus counseling and therapy before it is done. The stories of those who had this done at young ages and now regret it are being suppressed and censored (no surprise there) this is another part of the bigger picture to destroy the God-given nuclear family one person at a time. Perhaps others will take courage from and follow the lead of this Texas hospital. Sometimes it just takes one to stand up. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Marsha Bashor
March 10, 2022

Yes Lord stop these surgeries, let the truth be known about transgenderism and the promotion of it. Spare our children from it. Protect our children from these horrific procedures. Wipe out this evil in Jesus’ name. Thank you Lord.

March 10, 2022

The outrage from the Democrat Party and the Biden Administration once again proved just how much they have given themselves over to the deception of Satan.
Father God you know what politicians can be saved and those that have sold themselves out to the point that it is not possible we ask you to expose every bit of evil that these people are perpetrating upon our children of America and swiftly remove them from their place of power.
Continue to awaken the Ekklesia that we are to be warriors and fight against the powers of darkness.
We thank you in advance Jesus because we know in you we have victory for there is no other God Like You

March 10, 2022

This RN sooo Thanks You Jesus! So gives You Praise Lord of Life❣️Thank for this Gov, who gives real, authentic leadership to not only Texans but all Americans, especially the most vulnerable. And thank you for the courage AND kindness of those at the Childrens Hospital, making this courageous wise choice to follow Best practice, evidence based, rather than knee jerk ‘political correctness’, really so called ‘p.c.’ because the evidence so far totally supports Your Word Lord. Thank You for this encouragement. We Your children do believe Your promises, that You work all things together for the good of those called according to Your purpose and You Almighty, Most High God, El Shaddai, Jehovah Jirah, Jehovah Jesus…are Sovereign. Thanks for understanding that our wee faith so needs Your help to grow💕This is Big Poppa God, thank You. Help us praise You as Your children, so the whole world hears and believes….

March 10, 2022

Very encouraging I pray all hospitals follow.

Jerry Sauls
March 10, 2022

Praise and thanksgiving to our Father in heaven for hearing and answering our prayers.

Carol Cobb
March 10, 2022

Keep the good news coming! It is encouraging.


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