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Lord, we thank You that parents in San Francisco stood up to the school board. This is answered prayer! Raise up parents everywhere to demand better from school officials.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Last week San Francisco recalled 3 school board members. This move by parents in response to the progressive San Francisco school board is an answer to prayer and could be the beginning of a sea change in education. This wonderful op-ed by WSJ writer Peggy Noonan describes the circumstances that led to this historic recall election. She also predicts what this means for education nationally and for the Democratic party.

From The Wall Street Journal: It was a landslide. That’s the important fact of San Francisco’s school-board recall election: There was nothing mixed or ambivalent about the outcome. Three members were resoundingly ejected from their jobs: 79% voted to oust Alison Collins, 75% to fire Gabriela López, the board president, and 72% to remove Faauuga Moliga, the vice president.

This was a vote against progressive education officials in the heart of liberal San Francisco. It is a signal moment because of its head-chopping definitiveness, its clarity, its swiftness and its unignorable statement by parents on what they must have and won’t accept. It was a battle in the Democratic Party’s civil war between liberals and the progressive left. And it marks a continuation of the parents’ rebellion that surfaced in November in Virginia’s upset gubernatorial election…

You know most of what was at issue. During the height of the pandemic, when San Francisco’s schools were closed, parents were increasingly frustrated and newly angry. They saw that remote learning was an inadequate substitute for children being in the classroom…

While the board was failing to open the schools it was doing other things. It produced government by non sequitur. The board focused on issues of woke antiracism and oppression. The problem wasn’t whether the kids were getting an education, it was whether the boarded-up schools had unfortunate names. They spent months researching the question and proposed renaming a third of the system’s 125 schools. Many were named for previously respectable people like Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Francis Scott Key and Robert Louis Stevenson. Their names were “inappropriate” because their lives and actions could be connected with charges of racism, sexism and colonialism. From the San Francisco Chronicle: “The move shocked many principals and families, who questioned whether changing a name was a mid-pandemic priority when their children cannot physically attend the school in question.”

The public rose up—stop this stuff, get our kids back in school! The backlash intensified when it was revealed some of the board’s historical research was dependent on cutting and pasting from Wikipedia…

The board soon moved onto another item on the progressive wish list. It homed in on academically elite public high schools that based admission on testing and grades. For people who can’t afford a $40,000-a-year private-school tuition, such schools are a godsend; they were designed long ago to offer demanding course study to students with limited money but demonstrable gifts.

The board decided too many Asian-American and white students were accepted in the schools. So they voted to scrap testing and replace it with a permanent lottery system for admission at Lowell High, one of only two campuses in the district to use merit-based admissions. (The decision was later overturned by lawsuits…)

School boards somehow always seem to think they are immune from pushback, that their pronouncements will never be opposed because they can barely be understood.

But people have a way of seeing. If, during a pandemic lockdown, board members speak often and thoughtfully of the increased likelihood of the abuse of neglected children, one will get a sense of their motivation and heart. If instead they dilate on political issues that deflect, one will get a different, darker view of their motivation and heart.

That’s why the three in San Francisco were fired.

What happened shows again that there is a real parents movement going on, and it is going to make a difference in our politics…

Democrats dismiss these issues as “culture-war distractions.” They are not; they are about life at its most real, concrete and immediate. That easy dismissal reveals the party’s distance from the lives of its own constituents.

To think parents would sacrifice their children for your ideology, or an ideology coming from within your ranks that you refuse to stand up to, is political malpractice at a high level.

Joe Biden received 85% of the vote in San Francisco in 2020. Those board members just lost their seats by more than 70%. A cultural rebellion within the Democratic Party has begun.

Our school boards need our prayers, how are you praying? Share in the comments!

(Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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February 24, 2022

Good for these parents for standing strong! What a gift for your children!

February 22, 2022

“Buyers remorse” has set in all over the US. We have a pathetic, decrepit, and morally bankrupt POTUS ( piece of totally useless s—t).
With Beijing Biden’s record and history of deceit, what did folks think was going to happen?? As the old adage goes, “You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear,” But at least pigs are cute.

Toni Kushner
February 22, 2022

Praise God for the parents who stood up against what they did not want for their children. May our children be educated in the skills that will be useful for a future career, may they learn to think for themselves and not be told what they should believe. I pray for the children of our Nation to grow in love of one another, have respect for one another and to be a generation who will pursue a Personnel God who will be their wisdom and knowledge. Thank you to the brave parents who stood in the battle.

February 22, 2022

Oh Lord, for the sake of Your name and the education of these young ones, we pray a continued watch guard upon the education of our students. We pray protection, provision for upright, not partisan education, but reality about You. Thank you Lord for this breakthrough thus far. Please bless all of the parents involved in taking action.

Herb Johnston
February 22, 2022

So the next step would be ..for any of us who might know someone in that area of San Francisco -, I do not know that it would be appropriate to contact them ..and encourage them-.. but-.. if anyone has a relationship of any type with people in that area-,. If possible-, this would be the time to reach out to them… And of course obviously as my brothers and sisters have stated in this column.. to continue in prayer.

Thank you Lord Jesus!!! hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah !!!..and Amen !!

Darlene Estlow
February 22, 2022

Father, thank you for what you are doing. May we be faithful to continue to pray that you may continue to work in our nation.

Janet F.
February 22, 2022

I spent my career in statewide education program administration and leadership. What many people don’t know, but may beginning to realize, is that for politicos becoming an elected member of a school board is an entry level position for higher office. With some exceptions, most school board members are not parents whose children are enrolled in the public school system and their commitment to what is best for students is both limited and molded by their desires for higher office. Consequently, board members, having their eyes on a city council or county supervisor’s seat, are oriented to pleasing their party — which may be dominated by teachers’ unions and captured by proponents of fringe, experimental philosophies. In the old days, local civic leaders served on the school board, bringing with them a long-term investment into their communities and the professional qualifications needed to oversee a large, multi-million dollar organization employing many. Those days are long gone, but could return if parents and civic leaders are willing to wrest control of school boards away from partisans.

    Herb Johnston
    February 22, 2022

    Janet, your experience in your career is greatly appreciated.
    May I add that as well-,that what you described is part of a many -pronged mentality of when a Marxist socialist government-, or political groups n take over or subvert smaller freedom based republic’s.. as world history has shown. This has been well-documented by historian William Federer’s recounting of the history of our world- in telling the story of oppressive regimes crushing smaller republics. ( American minute.com )..that were not blessed with a constitution like ours..founded in God’s Word.
    I have longed to be able to encapsulate William Federer’s recounting of History..to present to school boards -but my foggy brain and my lack of money and transportation has prevented that.. so far- and, having said that, after I attended school board meetings in my local area..the ugly realization that the junior high school locker room environment- and mentality of school board meetings ..was either accidentally, or purposely …geared to not allow the intelligent presentation of any such topic.. but rather a gangland mob assault on any presentation.. based in free speech and intelligent thinking. ..my resolve pending-..

Patty Piper
February 22, 2022

I love it thank you, we keep praying and believing, God IS moving!!!

Barbara Janicki
February 22, 2022

This should be an encouragement to parents and citizens all across the country to get involved in local issues that are of concern – to realize that your voice does make a difference – that there is something each of us can do besides shaking our heads and lamenting what is going on. This school board election proves that. We can let our voices be heard by voting for those who will uphold principles we want to see implemented in our schools or in our government. We can pray. We can get involved. We are not domestic terrorists – but patriots pursuing our lost freedoms in order to regain them. Time to humble ourselves and pray! God is listening, He is our hope! http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Joseph Rystrom
February 22, 2022

Oh God please reveal what need to be revealed and expose what needs to be exposed in our Education system. Give us boldness to stand up for TRUTH. Bring a new wave of active citizenship among Believers across our great nation.

Allena Jordan
February 22, 2022

Father, San Francisco’s population mostly confesses no religion. Just because the “house” is cleaned up doesn’t necessarily mean that the “house” will be righteously filled. We ask You for a Holy Spirit revival in that city. Touch the downtrodden, the deceived, the poor and the wealthy with the fire of Your Holy Spirit. May all people repent and turn to the Lord. Thank You for those who stood up to the school board. We ask for righteousness to fill those vacated seats. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    Herb Johnston
    February 22, 2022

    You are definitely and most certainly absolutely correct. But let us not forget or discount what is huge displacement this is not only in the natural thought process but in the spiritual realm as well. Huge demonic forces have been stood down-, here in this event..

February 22, 2022

Hallelujah! Father, please do this in my county……send leaders with pure motives and big hearts for this young generation!

Susan Askins
February 22, 2022

Glory to God in the highest thank you Jesus .
I love seeing this Mama and Papa Bear’s rise up and fight back
A spiritual Revolution begins!


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