Another Evil Attempt to Hijack Education
Another Evil Attempt to Hijack Education
Analysis. As concerned parents continue trying to tackle pressing issues in their local schools, the threat of yet another attempt to hijack America’s educational system looms. The United Nations and other powerful entities are working with global elites to transform education using climate change as their weapon of choice. This takeover demands our prayers and attention to put a stop to this evil plan.
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When COVID-19 disrupted schools worldwide, the UN and world elites began reworking education from a means of learning life skills to a vehicle for global transformation. By using climate change as a motivator to produce students who would be change agents, they could achieve their ambitious goal of a Global Reset by 2030. The UN provided the perfect base to develop curricula, with its Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals. These goals include every conceivable aspect of human life to make everyone “equal.” Using Goal No. 4 — education — they could present climate change as an impending danger and thus encourage students to act on all the remaining 16 goals. By these methods, the elites push relentlessly toward a Great Reset to attain their goal of global governance.
Our current administration, on board with the climate change agenda, is making its position clear as President Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi attend the 27th United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP27), in Egypt. This conference presents an opportunity to mobilize commitments and action for making education a tool to tackle climate change. Biden will address the attendees about his administration’s Build Back Better plan, which designates $550 billion for climate change initiatives. He also hopes to encourage attendees to develop plans of their own.
At the Transforming Education Summit, in September, UN Secretary-General António Guterres, confirmed that education must be transformed so that it contributes to solutions to the global climate and environmental crisis. Over 130 countries participated in that summit, at the conclusion of which they all committed to rebooting their education systems and to promoting actions to stop climate change.
UNESCO, the principal UN agency for global education, was host to the World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development on May 17–19, 2021. Over 2,800 people attended, and 161 representatives of governments, international and intergovernmental organizations, NGOs, and businesses signed the memorandum of agreement titled the Berlin Declaration. The stated purpose of the document was to “ensure that ESD … is a fundamental element of our education systems at all levels, with environmental and climate action as a core part of the curriculum.”
In December 2021, UNESCO released a report on restructuring education titled Reimagining Our Futures Together: A New Social Contract for Education that included climate change. Though integrating climate change into education is a central theme of this 150-page report, it is not the only one of concern. “Transformed” education would also include sexual identity, sexuality, anti-nationalism, and equity inclusion, to name a few.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon (2007–2016), realizing the importance of education based on climate change, said at a news briefing on June 29, 2015, that “development cannot be sustainable if it does not address the challenge of climate change.”
UNESCO’s most recent educational guide, Progress on Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Education, weaves global citizenship and ways of mobilizing resources into ideas for implementing climate change at the country level. The UN is always seeking partners to underwrite the cost of its global education efforts. An important meeting occurred on June 13, 2019, when Guterres and Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum, met together at UN headquarters in New York City. They signed an agreement to “strengthen and broaden their combined impact by building on existing and new collaborations.” They identified six areas of focus, education being one. Both men knew their collaboration would significantly impact bringing every child on earth under their plan for a New World Order by 2030. This unholy alliance gave the UN the financing it needed to reach every child globally. “All aspects of our societies and economies must be revamped from education to social contracts and working conditions,” Schwab said.
It might be tempting to dismiss this push to make education a means of combating climate change, but doing so would be to our nation’s peril. It is not difficult to see the intrusions into our classrooms that have already taken place. It is time we addressed this global agenda in our prayers. May our actions protect our children and those the world over.
How are you praying for our children and against the global agenda? Share this article to keep people informed.
Nancy Huff is an educator with a mission to equip believers to pray strategically for the “cultural mountain” of education. She is the author of Taking the Mountain of Education: A Strategic Prayer Guide to Transform America’s School; Safety Zone: Scriptural Prayers to Revolutionize Your School; and Decrees for Your School. She leads prayer groups at educational locations across the country. For additional information, visit Photo Credit: iStock.
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As a Christian educator and administrator for a number of years in the public school system, I am praying and believing God for an opportunity to speak against the injustices and diabolical plan to dismantle and education system that was founded upon biblical principles. Praying against this attempt to hijack our education system.
They teach children that skin color divides them into oppressors and oppressed. They teach that if a child doesn’t fit some stereotypes, this child was born in a “wrong body,” and her parents raised her with a wrong “identity.” They teach students that by eating meat, driving cars, and having children, their families “kill the planet.” They teach kids to hate their country, parents, and bodies but love their government and believe that the government is their only Lord and Savior. How is it possible that parents still send their children to these schools?
So the climate change is a whole lot more than about the weather!
Interesting that the memorandum of agreement was titled “Berlin Declaration “ .
Maria Montessori left Italy because Hitler wanted her to teach the children with his agenda.
Wanted to share with you what God says about the climate change crisis. This is in Genesis after the great flood of Noah. It’s Genesis 8:22. The Lord God said “:Whilethe earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease. This is His Promise. Also see Jeremiah 33: 20,25. NKJV. Hope this gives some clarity on the issue. 🌎🙏❤️
Thank you for participating, Thank you for sharing.
Who is REALLY in charge of schools in the USA?
We need to know.
We also need a strong sense of right and wrong in our country.
God needs to be included in the discussions. Everything goes back to Him.
I went through several years of prayers in classes, in cities and counties, in the Birmingham, Alabama, area.
I think our country is in trouble. Do many care enough to stand up and take action?
Just wanted to say there is no scientific research or data that supports the theory of climate change. Check it out. It’s a political tool used by the leftists. 😊 Be careful when someone asks you to believe something.
I just ordered a ton of coal to be delivered to heat my place…coal not tied to variable oil, gas, and electricity costs….all the electricity will do is run the pump, autostoker, and appliances. Billionaires are poisoning elections for Americans and I reject virtually all their positions they are trying to cram down our throats including climate change. Billionaires have already poisoned American schools and communities.
Matthew 28:18-20 KJV
And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto ME in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the FATHER, and of the SON, and of the HOLY GHOST: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Also: Luke 10:19 Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
I don’t care what these people have planned, Greater is GOD in me than satan in these globalists and we must remember that we serve the CREATOR of all things and angels and people! Our GOD created satan and the demons! They do not have the power that GOD gave to us! In fact, satan and demons are already defeated! FATHER GOD I take authority over every evil plan these people have for education and the students in our schools! I bind satan and command that he take his hands off of every school in America! Please give us YOUR wisdom to combat and defeat and be victorious over every plan that the enemy has concocted for our schools in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!
Iam a retired public school teacher that with be putting all I am into stopping this evil agenda. May God use my life in this area. Truly it seems that we are inching our way closer to the one world 🌎 government described in the book of Revelation. Come Lord Jesus. , come!!! Also let’s concentrate on sharing Christ with all that are interested in hearing and receiving our Hope of All the World, Jesus. Many are hungry for stability and something that makes sense these days. We have the answer for them!! The Rapture could occur at any time now. 🥰
Lord We shut and lock the door to the globalist agenda. All of your plans are of no effect. We say access denied in Jesus Name. We open the door to God’s Kingdom purposes. To Holy Spirit and Angel Armies in Jesus Name
Father, may we your intercessors stand firm to pray and act as you lead. May we not grow weary of all the fronts that come at us. We know you are able and so we look to you to deliver our education system and save our children. Praise your name.
Yes, we are living the last days found in the book of Revelation! This was certainly predicted in the Bible. However, we as public school teachers, stand for the truth and hope of Christ Jesus and use the power of prayer to fight against Satan and his wicked and evil schemes, trying to impact the minds of our youth. Wear the armor of God no matter what!
In the name of Jesus we have to stand against this evel agenda
Our children would’n be victim of this.
Heavenly Father we pray for the power to fight against this EVIL AGENDA! We also pray for your protection on our children and grandchildren in this world. We pray that people would see the truth that abortion is the killing of incent precious babies! Please help us in this battle! Lord may Your will be done! In Jesus name, Amen!
When David and his men had been in the northern country with Achish, the Amalekites raided the whole Negev AND David’s home base in Ziklag, burning everything and TAKING CAPTIVE all THE WIVES AND CHILDREN. …David strengthened himself in the LORD and sought His guidance. As we know, YHWH told him he should indeed pursue the Amalekites and he would,”surely (without fail) RECOVER ALL”! Yeshua/Jesus told us if we have faith such as a mustard seed (it grows!) we can SPEAK to a MOUNTAIN commanding it to be removed and it will! (Mtt. 17:20, 21:21, Mk.11:23) Let us spiritually pursue to RESCUE/RECOVER our children and families from this Amalek spirit and agree and speak together to command .
So, our FATHER in Heaven, we come before You with thanksgiving for Your love and mercy towards us through the blood of Your Son.
We ask and do thank You for forgiving us our failures and ask that You continue to teach us to walk with You in all Your ways and to take up our responsibilities with faith and confidence in YOU. We know you love the children, “for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven,” so we bring them to you asking that You would take the little ones up in Your arms, and lay Your hands upon all of them, blessing them and revealing Yourself and Your Son to them for salvation. We ask that by and in the power of Your Holy Spirit and Word, we shall “recover all” the enemy has been working so diligently to steal, kill and destroy. We plead the Blood of The Lamb for their redemption and deliverance. You sent Your Son to set the captive free, give sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf. In the all authoritative name of Your Son Yeshua/Jesus, we, in agreement with one another in covenant with You, proclaim “LIFE!” and “DELIVERANCE!” for our children and families from this and all evil agendas, and in His name, we declare that every evil agenda and curse that has been levied against the “mountain” of education be uprooted and cast down, demolished and removed. We delcare that THAT mountain of evil and iniquity be removed out of the way! That the sword of YOUR WORD be laid to the roots. We declare on the basis of YOUR Word that “all our children shall be taught of the LORD (Isa. 54:13), that their eyes and ears will be opened to receive the Truth by the overshadowing presence and work of Your Holy Spirit. And we declare that, as You give us the grace, wisdom, and guidance we need and request, we shall “pursue the recovery of integrity in all areas of their educating, taking our responsibility as primary guardians under You for their nurture and admonition. We declare that no weapon formed against us or them shall prosper, but that Your redemptive purposes and Word shall prosper and accomplish by the power of Your Spirit. All praise, honor and glory to YOU ALONE! Amen.
Amen,,, Holly I’d love to have a copy or be able to post, share this!
I thank the Lord for Vishal Mangalwaid’s world reaching ‘Third Education Revolution’- if you dont know about it, please look it up and pray. In the midst of all the doom and gloom, it is so inspirational that a group of Christian men and women of great integrity and self sacrifice are actually doing something on the ground, with great vision.
What kind of wicked people are we becoming where a baby is aborted over public radio. Are we sick or what
How sick can we get?
God’s Word tells us that man’s heart will wax cold,,, we are living in that time where they say,”Evil is good & good is evil!” People PRAY for our Families to WAKEUP, give their Hearts to God before it’s to late ⏰, Time’s running close! 🙏🙏🙏
Lord Jesus, in Your precious name, I bind the New World Order. I bind their attempts to change education into brainwashing of our precious children. I bind ALL of their attempts to ruin our nation, and world with their evil, global agenda. I bind all attempts of the Enemy to steal, kill, and destroy. Satan, your best efforts are short-circuited immediately, in Jesus’ mighty name. You were defeated by the first drop of blood shed on the cross by our Savior. I loose a spirit of decency, and a return to traditional American values in every single aspect of American life. In Jesus’ mighty name.
The attempt to hijack education cannot be accomplished without complicit teachers, who can have tremendous influence over their young students. Parents, pray for each of your children and their minds, pray for each teacher and attempt to learn who those teachers are and what they stand for. I know how exhausted you all are at the end of the day, but strive to get on the school board. We need more Godly parents on our school boards across the nation. It’s not politics; it’s protecting and overseeing our children, it’s our responsibility.
Dear father in heaven we need you now to protect our children from the government’s of this world to tie up there hands and make thier minds scramble so they can’t lead and the people will see the corruption of the government’s and look to gods word and repent and come to him in Jesus holy name I pray amen
Ya’ll quit acting like God is dead or something. He is very much alive, ain’t slewfoot putting anything over on the King.
Just an old old lion roaring without any teeth,having mush for breakfast because he can’t eat meat. (Thats is the devil btw)
Dry your tears, wipe them eyes, get yourself ready for a big surprise. All them prayers, all that fasting, will pay off according to His plan. Don’t you worry, God has everything under control, the ole sissy devil ain’t seen nothing, nothing, yet. Jehosophat lead the way, praise Him. We are getting closer to the Master’s return.
They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
Romans 1:25
Dear Father God you are awesome and powerful and good and I pray that your people who are called by your name may we humble ourselves and pray and seek your face and turn from our wicked ways that you will come and heal our land rescue us Lord, I pray Your powerful hand in Jesus name amen
Yes Lord God, raise up leaders that honor You and Your creation. I pray for those that are so blinded to the Truth. Save us Lord, save America. In Jesus name. Amen
Good Morning!
There is no question that every American citizen should be informed and be prepared to protect our precious education system from potential damaging actions that will erode our strong moral values that our children are exposed to. It is regrettable that our present administration is misguided in supporting liberal policies that will affect the lives of our children – and doing so on both a national and international level! I would urge all citizens to become informed in knowing what is included in the curriculum of their education system – what is being taught – and be ready to defend our precious freedoms!
To God be the glory!
David Littlefield
Romans 8:37-39
Omnipotent Father, I come to You on behalf of our precious children, our schools, parents and families. We know Father that children are precious in Your sight because You’ve said in Matt. 18:6, “but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” You see the evil that men and women are perpetuating against the innocence of our children when they whisper in their ears and make suggestive comments about their gender, to confuse these precious little ones, when we know O Lord that You do not create mistakes. I pray more parents will rise up and declare all this to be “enough” and run for schoolboards and positions in local, state and national elections. Father, Your Word says in Deut. 20:3-4 “that today we are on the verge of battle with our enemies. We are not to let our hearts faint, nor be afraid, not tremble, nor be terrified because of them, for You O Lord are with us, to fight for us against our enemies and to save us.” What powerful words, Father and to know “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood or do battle against physical opponents, but our enemy is in the spiritual realm, unseen forces of evil bent on ruining the lives of Your people, shipwrecking their testimonies and striving to destroy any believer’s standing before You in any way they can so we dare not be without Your whole armor but put it on daily; Your truth, Your righteousness, Your salvation, Your peace, Your Shield of Victory and Your Sword of the Spirit. I thank You and praise You Lord Jesus that You are the only Way, the onlyTruth and the only Life. Help us Father to be faithful stewards of Your grace and mercy and to stand strong and steadfast in the gap for our precious children and grandchildren. In the mighty and powerful name of Jesus I pray. Amen
Climate change is real, and needs to be dealt with. People need to become stewards of the Earth instead of consumers of the Earth. However, climate change has been co-opted by the powers that wish to exert totalitarian control. We do not need to kill our babies, elders and ill in order to mitigate climate change. We do not need to mandatorily mutilate the English language (esp pronouns) in order to heal the earth. We do not need top-down government or living in Cyberspace in order to stop polluting our home. Please do not say climate change is a hoax. The hoax is the top-down, mandated and often little researched responses to it, responses which lead us into an orwellian/huxlian future. (Brave New World, Brave New World Revisited – Huxley, and 1984 – Orwell)
climate change, global warming, global cooling, all is a myth. it’s weather. Man cannot change the weather, only God can. raising taxes, living in darkness, or doing without cannot change the weather. covering the world with solar panels or windmills cannot save the planet, it reduces our Godly gift of the planet. Oil, gas, coal are natural and abundant resources that are green. CO2 is not the problem, it is required for plants and trees to grow. Climate Change is a heinous attack on our planet & on God himself. Climate change proponents are claiming they are god!! Do not worship the false God, worship only the true God. Psalm 24:1: The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, The world, and those who dwell in it. Praise the Lord! Psalm 25:5: Lead me in Your truth and teach me,
For You are the God of my salvation. Praise the Lord!
Yes, we are to be good stewards, but have you read Don Batten’s (Phd biologist) from Creation Ministries International very well researched and peer reviewed article on climate change aka Anthropogenic Global Warming? Its quite an eye opener re the true science concerning climate change?
A reliable and very current source for information on global warming is astrophysicist, astronomer and Christian minister Dr. Hugh Ross’ enlightening “Weathering Climate Change: A Fresh Approach” which is available at all booksellers, and your local library may even have a copy.
God bless!
Try Institute for Creation Research instead. ICR.ORG.
Dr Ross is highly debatable. See a debate between him and Ken Ham (
Our Puritan Fathers of the 1600’s were very much aware of satan’s tactics against their children’s education, but still, each generation thought the generation before itself was unnecessarily strict or foolish and reduced the strong recommendations of superior education, with the requirements of learning history being especially targeted.
Along the way were some people who understood the danger and implemented much needed requirements, such as the Elementary Catechism on the Constitution, published in 1828, yet before the mid-1800’s it was discontinued. .
Americans have been duped into dismissing the teaching of history by original documents for many generations, until the subject has been discredited as of no value, even by many of God’s people who have dismissed, or ignorant of, His strict admonition to tell the next generation of His Wonders and Works among His people.
Lack of sound education has been a severe sin among God’s people that has led the Church into an apathy of such proportions that the present generations have a profound ignorance of Scripture that even God’s people have led their children into witchcraft, love of money over righteousness, and cold hearts against God and His Flock.
The Church has been far too comfortable living quietly, side by side, with human trafficking, abortion, homelessness, greed, porn, and degrading education, among other unrighteous sins, that the God of the Bible, Jesus Christ, has become a caricature of His true character.
The teaching of Scripture, and other documents of history, must now become the number one priority in education, of which practice strengthened the Foundation of our country at one time.
Dear God Almighty, it seems like a tsunami of evil is coming upon us BUT Your Word says that You did not give us a spirit of fear BUT one of power and love and of a sound mind. At age 75 I have seen Your mighty acts in my life and I know You are bigger than all this. Please forgive all my sins and the sins of this nation and hear this prayer as I intercede for all the children and innocents in this world and intervene to stop this evil agenda., in the powerful and mighty and holy Name of Jesus I pray. Amen.
Amen! Save our children Lord as only you can do. Evil abounds here and all over the world Lord. You gave us your Armour to fight on our knees against the forces of darkness that surround us. Thank you Lord as Your will is done. Amen
Father, in Jesus’ Holy Name, place put Your Words and Your will in the mouth and heart of Klaus Schwab, and all leadership around the world. Bring them to their knees in repentance, first of all. You would have all to be saved. Just as you made Jeremiah, “a fortified city, an iron pillar, and a bronze wall to stand against the whole land–against the kings of Judah, its officials, its priests and the people of the land.” I pray, “a fortified city, an iron pillar, and a bronze wall” to stand against any and all evil plans, and perpetrators of those plans using children around the world, and education systems to promote those plans. Lord, have mercy; protect your world, all its children, and the field of education in all areas. Praise, Honor, Glory, and Thanksgiving to You, Lord. Amen. from evil
Psalm 2:1-6 “Why are the nations so angry? Why do they wasted their time with futile plans? The kings of the earth prepare for battle; the rulers plot together against the Lord and against his anointed one. ‘Let us break their chains,’ they cry, and free ourselves from slavery to God.’ But the one who rules in heaven laughs. The Lord scoffs at them. Then in anger he rebukes them, terrifying them with his fierce fury. For the Lord declares, ‘I have placed my chosen king on the throne in Jerusalem, on my holy mountain.” Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, we praise you and thank you that you laugh at the plans of your and our enemies. We thank you and praise you for the move of your hand to destroy them all and deliver your people. We thank you that you say the battle is yours. Father, you hear the cries of your people. Send us where you will have us go. We humble ourselves before you wearing the armor you have given us and stand ready to serve you. We love you and trust you, Abba. In Jesus’s holy name, Amen.
This is where it all begins, in the minds of vulnerable children who believe and trust. Father, in the name of Jesus, protect all educational institutions from indoctrination and mind control. Rise up responsible leadership and paralyze the schemes and assignments in the enemy’s camp, I pray, Amen.
While our GOD is performing what is needed in the spirit realm, parents must be diligent in teaching their children’s the truth. Far too many are still accepting public school teaching with out question. It’s the easy road, but dangerous. Please parents wake up and see the truth.
We are the ones GOD needs to pray and stand against the evil agendas trying to destroy the children.
Wake up🙏
The Blanket of prayer, smother the attempts of fire starting in various corners and oh so many mind spaces
God has risen, His enemies are scattered. And our warfare weapons, Ephesians 6 dictated and exact.
Thank You Father!!! To BE so clothed, now!
The tipping and stripping has been active for at least 50yrs. We just took notice of the “curved letters” and “sharp angles”. NWO? Oh yes , the familiarity is most definitely now such you can taste it!
Prayer as a blanket, a Jeremiah 1:10 core action to be the foundation and walls that afford true weapons of God to a “David” rushing upon the Goliath that must fall!
I know the the tentacles of this evil beast is everywhere, but only Our Heavenly Father God, Our Savior and with Thee Holy Spirit, can this evil beast conquer it, “because all things are possible through Christ who strengthens us”, Amen, Amen and Amen ✝️✝️✝️❤️❤️❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🧐🧐🧐🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
This global agenda of the indoctrination of our children from early education thru all levels of higher education is an evil plan for world domination by the cabal of global satanists to eliminate GOD from our schools! We must rise up, home school our children and pray for GODs intervention!
Amen! Father we pray that parents rise up and take the authority that Jesus gave them/us as believers over all the powers of the enemy through fasting, prayers and intercession. Father we pray also for parents and grandparents to exercise their authority to teach their children the truth so another they will not follow. Also for teachers who are retired to get involved by assisting homeschoolers. All for the Glory of God, and the furtherance of His kingdom so that there be a turnaround in this nation by year 2030. Time for the church to wake up and to roll up their sleeves and get to work. No more slumber on this watch time is running out quickly. In Jesus name
He brings the council of the nations to nothing.He makes the plans of the people of no effect. The council of the Lord stand forever. ps 33:8-12
He rules the nations, No one cans restrain his hand or say what have you done,Daniel 4:34,35
Rightness exalts a nation.
His throne is exstablished in righteousness
Looks like several reasons to proclaim the UN as a false authority to rule nations.
Thank you for these very powerful scriptures.!