I Prayed have prayed
Lord, give us the strength of mind and heart to readily defend our freedoms when they are threatened; give us courage in making our voices heard.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Last week, Joseph R. Biden was inaugurated as the 46th president of the United States. The federal government began arresting those it claims attempted to interfere violently with Congress’ constitutional duties to authenticate Electoral College votes on Jan. 6. The Senate announced it would go forward with a second impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump, even though he is no longer in office. And the Defense Intelligence Agency sent a two-page memo to Sen. Ron Wyden, Oregon Democrat.

Guess which of these events never made it to the front pages? If you guessed the DIA memo, then you’d be correct. In that memo, the government acknowledged for the first time that it willingly and knowingly has violated the Constitution by using commercially available software to track the movements of innocent people in America without search warrants. . . .

Those of us who follow the government’s violations of natural rights and constitutional guarantees have been arguing for years that the feds have the ability to monitor the movements of our smartphones. We have also argued that the feds can listen in on conversations that take place in the presence of the smartphones, and they do all this without obtaining a search warrant.

Last week, the feds admitted that they have been doing this since the latter part of the Obama administration and throughout the Trump administration.

After years of denying this, the feds must have seen the handwriting on the wall and knew that someone would soon be asked about this during the confirmation process for Biden’s intelligence community nominees. . . .

The DIA’s justification for its warrantless spying is breathtaking. It argues that because it is not law enforcement, it is not subject to the constitutional restraints imposed upon law enforcement as interpreted by the Supreme Court.  . . .

In 2018, in a case called Carpenter v. United States, the Supreme Court was confronted with an appeal of a conviction based on FBI use of commercially purchased tracking software, which agents employed to trace the defendant’s movements, and which put him in the vicinity of a series of armed robberies. On the basis of that data, he was convicted of the robberies.

The court vacated the conviction, holding that the government needs a search warrant based on probable cause of crime before it can use surveillance techniques to trace or track a potential defendant. . . .

This is a profound and direct violation of the Fourth Amendment, which was written for the very purpose of upholding the quintessential American right — the right to be left alone. The pre-Revolutionary British government regularly violated this right by obtaining secret general search warrants from courts in London. General search warrants permitted the bearer to search where he wished and seize what he found.

To ensure that the new American government could not do what the British government had been doing to the colonists, the Fourth Amendment was enacted. . . .

The Fourth Amendment serves a dual purpose. The first is to prevent fishing expeditions — such as the very acts the DIA now admits it utilizes — in violation of the natural right to privacy. The second is to compel the government to focus its resources on those suspects as to whom it has a judicially recognized probable cause of crime.

The depth of the government’s admissions are staggering. Its architecture is a decrepit three-legged stool on which sits totalitarianism, arrogance and lawlessness. One leg of the stool upholds a self-crafted immunity from compliance with the laws of the land. The second leg supports ways to avoid constitutional norms while still appearing licit in the eyes of the public. And the third and weakest leg offers its interpretation of the Constitution — separate and apart from what the Supreme Court has ordered.

This stool should be cast into the dustbin of history. It was built by those who have been unfaithful to their oaths to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States — the very same Constitution that is only as valuable as a safeguard to freedom as is the fidelity of those into whose hands we have reposed it for safekeeping. . . .

(Excerpt from The Washington Times. Article by Andrew P. Napolitano. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

What do you think of this memo and how the government has now acknowledged it used software to track innocent people?

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February 1, 2021

This is really like the 1984 book which I am reading for the first time especially with the whole “Big Brother is Watching.” Pretty much sums up what Big Tech is!

February 1, 2021

My computer is being monitored 24/7! Every comment is being watched/told on by my stalker! She contacts anyone who can cause trouble for me! She cuts me down to everyone! I’m a Christian and work for SWEET GOD ALMIGHTY, think she works for the devil! By her attitude. Follows my every move at work/follows me to/from work, sometimes! Have bumper beeper (car locator) on my car! Uses stingray (look it up-USED MORE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE!) to cut sim card on cell-cuts cell phone off! Listens to ALL cell calls! Suppose to be a Cop (I’ve worked as a Cop, but she is breaking the law-Felony Stalking!)!

February 1, 2021

What Judge Napolitano reports is shocking because it exposes the corruption rampant in our culture. I am instructed, encouraged and challenged by Rom. 2: 1-11. To be “an educated and involved citizenry” we need to know what our Constitution says, why, and how we came to be where we are. Hillsdale College offers many excellent FREE online courses to help us.

    February 1, 2021

    I am taking Hillsdale classes! I totally agree with you!

caleb reutener
January 31, 2021

fire every last one of them and lock them up

January 31, 2021

Whether we like him or not – Edward Snowden was right. He exposed that our own government was doing this.

January 31, 2021

The Lord has placed on my heart the media is the center of the perpetration of this evil. They refuse to report on evils that harm millions and out and out lie about events to meet their agenda . A Christian friend told me that everyone at the Trump rally on January 6th was angry and wanted to storm the Capital and kill senators and congressmen . I told her it was a lie but she would not believe me.

Think of it this way; media is plural for medium.: “a person through whom the spirits of the dead are alleged to be able to contact the living.”

I believe the media is the root of most of America’s downfall. Father I ask that you bring to your people the truth and expose the lies and the sources of the lies. Direct you people to the media that speaks truth. In Jesus name Amen

January 31, 2021

People must be held accountable for these actions.

LT Fisher
January 31, 2021

I believe our country is at a tipping point. It can easily, from here, tumble into a state of totalitarianism or hold onto our remarkable 250 year sanctum of liberty. Where we end up should be and can only be determined by an educated and involved citizenry. Pray that our merciful Heavenly Father will bring a revival to our land and people will be motivated by morality and truth.

The corruption of the recent election needs to be investigated and totally exposed. Those responsible need to be brought to justice and safeguards put in place so it never happens again. Only through the light of transparency and implementation of justice will trust be restored to our electorate and democratic process.

We need strive for and maintain our right to free and fair elections. If we lose that then we lose our country.
It will not be a country “of the people, by the people, and for the people” any longer.
It will be a country owned by a corrupt corporate media and tech industry, a cabal of unelected bureaucrats who think they should decide what is best for the public, and an elitist globalist agenda that needs to weaken the U.S. in order to implement their plans.

Dear Lord please forgive our sin and heal our land.

    Mel PGM/PA
    February 1, 2021

    What Judge Napolitano reports is shocking because it exposes the corruption rampant in our culture. I am instructed, encouraged and challenged by Rom. 2: 1-11. To be “an educated and involved citizenry” we need to know what our Constitution says, why, and how we came to be where we are. Hillsdale College offers many excellent FREE online courses to help us.


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