I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray that You would fill the churches of America with Your fire. Give us a passion for Your government and Your kingdom, Father, both in Heaven and on earth.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

We are at a tipping point. It’s time for the American church to wake up, take a stand, and pray hard for our government. We need more intercessors!

From Give Him 15. Todayā€™s post is a little strong. The following few paragraphs contain an overview of Godā€™s plan for humankind and the earth. It also includes satanā€™s plan and attempts to thwart Godā€™s intentions. It ends, however, with a challenge to the American church. Where most of you are concerned, Iā€™m preaching to the choir. But you can help me pray, and you can help circulate the post.

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God and Government

The concept of government is first introduced to us in Genesis 1:26-28, when Yahweh assigned the responsibility of governing the earth and all it contains to Adam – humankind. Yahwehā€™s Kingdom (which means ā€œthe domain of a Kingā€) includes all creation, everywhere – heaven, the heavens, earth, and hell. He rules over all. He assigned the governing of this colony of His Kingdom, the earth, to us humans.

Government/authority flows from God – from His nature, the essence of who He is. He IS the King, the Lawgiver, and Judge (Isaiah 33:22). And His laws, precepts, guidelines, etc, are based on love and truth, righteousness and justice (the foundations of His throne – Psalm 89:14). Truth is not something God has to think about or consider; He IS truth (Isaiah 65:16; John 14:6). He doesnā€™t try to love; He IS love (1 John 4:16). He governs from who He is!

He Releases His Will Through Family and Delegated Government

The authority to govern/rule Earth was delegated by Him. The story of the Bible is that: 1) God added a family to His Kingdom, created an amazing home for them – earth – and 2) delegated His rule/government of this home to His family. This government/authority was to be exercised according to His nature, ways, will, and truth – at every level: personal, home, family, cities, and nations. Godā€™s design is that ALL government be a conduit of His truth, righteousness, ways, will, and love.

We know this plan was interrupted at the Fall. Satan stole Godā€™s family temporarily, and with it came the dominion/rule of their home. The story of Scripture then became how God would redeem and restore these two things. The war on earth is over family and government: who will own the people, and who will rule the earth?

Jesus, of course, was Godā€™s answer. He made it possible for all people to become part of Godā€™s family again and recovered Adamā€™s/our lost authority for us. But satan is a thief and usurper. He still attempts to rule people and places, using humankindā€™s ignorance, sin, and rejection of Christ. Believing and receiving the gospel removes us from satanā€™s authority and back into Godā€™s family. The understanding of and exercising Christā€™s authority/government in our lives enforces our freedom from satanā€™s authority.

As Christā€™s family, and having been delegated His authority, we are also called and privileged to extend His redemption and freedom to others. We do so, not by demanding or dictating, but by proclaiming His gospel, declaring His truth, and binding satanic/demonic schemes, plans, and actions. As the power of Holy Spirit is released from us, it opens peopleā€™s eyes to the gospel and Godā€™s truth, allowing them to believe in Christ. This allows even their land, possessions, livelihoods, cities, and nations to also be freed from satanā€™s government/authority/rule (see Deuteronomy 28).

The Scriptures Are All about Government

As one of the two primary issues on earth, it is logical that ā€œgovernmentā€ would be one of Scriptureā€™s dominant themes. It is mentioned extensively throughout the Bible. Earthly ā€œkingdomsā€ are spoken of 36 times, and earthly ā€œkingsā€ are spoken of 108 times. ā€œRuleā€ or ā€œrulerā€ is mentioned 155 times, God is mentioned as ā€œLordā€ thousands of times, and His ā€œkingdomā€ more than 80 times. There are other governmental terms we could list, such as dominion, authority, govern, leader, etc., which are used dozens of times. Suffice it to say, God is government, the source of government, and releases His will and ways through delegated governing authority – at every level.

The Church Ignores It

AND YETā€¦many in the church think government is to be ignored. ā€œGet people saved,ā€ they say, ā€œbut issues of government donā€™t belong in the church. Well, we should pray for it [which most donā€™t], but donā€™t talk about it, make a stand regarding it, or try to influence it.ā€ Getting a church to take time in a service for more than a perfunctory prayer or mention of government, elections, laws, etc., is like trying to raise the dead. Getting pastors to make a public stand on BIBLICAL issues being decided on by the government, such as life, marriage, gender, sexual sin, and more, is even harder. The church doesnā€™t acknowledge the overwhelming amount of Scripture involving government, preferring to ignore it. And it conveniently hides behind manmade laws.

Many pastors actually disagree with portions of Godā€™s Word; others are ashamed or embarrassed by parts of it, and still, others are simply ruled by the fear of man. Therefore, most believers are ignorant of Godā€™s word. Pastors need not be mean-spirited or condemning to preach and teach truth regarding these and other issues. It can and should be done with grace, mercy, and love. But truth must be taught; it is Godā€™s Word.

America In Crisis

As a result of not doing so, America hangs in the balance of life or death. In a recent Fox News interview, (1) Newt Gingrich issued a wake-up call. Referencing the meetings this week between Putin and Xi – while the Biden administration, which he compared to a ā€œsituation comedy,ā€ ignores them and downplays any significance – Gingrich said that in his opinion, ā€œThis is the most dangerous time in our history since Washington crossed the Delaware Christmas night in 1776ā€¦This is not a game. The threat to our civilization is so great that we really need a dramatic change.ā€

Mr. Gingrich also said, ā€œXi gave four different speeches to his people last week on preparing for war. People should take him seriously and understand how determined, how aggressive, and how competent Xi is.ā€ He compared Xi and Putin to ā€œthe Axis powers of Italy, Germany, and Japan in the 1930s that wanted to take on Democracies. Unlike in the 30s, we have a President that is dedicated to weakness, dedicated to confusionā€¦America is in an enormous crisis, with a news media that doesnā€™t want to cover the truth. This is the moment when America truly is what Mao called America ā€œa paper tiger.ā€ Itā€™s a very sobering and very frightening moment in American history.ā€

The church might want to find her voice.

Iā€™ve said before that regardless of the overall churchā€™s abdication, God will save America through a remnant. I truly believe this. But I also believe this could have occurred much more quickly – and still could be sped up – had a larger percentage of the church been praying and taking action. And the pain we are experiencing, and will for two more years, could be substantially less. To those of you who are praying – thank you! Please persevere.

Pray with me:

Father, in Christā€™s name, on behalf of the church of America, we ask You to forgive us for not representing You and Your ways as we should. We have been complacent, willfully ignorant, and fearful of speaking out against the promotion of sin and evil. But an awakening is occurring; please breathe on this and cause it to increase. Awaken the church to the fact that we are Your voice, the speakers of Your Word and truth, on the earth. Revive this truth in us.

Send Your fire to the pulpits of America again. We preachers in America repent for watering down Your truth. We repent for ignoring portions of Your Word and operating under the fear of man. We should have hearts like Joshua, Caleb, Paul, Finney, Wesley, Whitfield, and other warriors from the past. Again we pray, send Your fire!

And Father, as the dragon and bear align, led by principalities and world rulers of darkness, thwart their evil plans to rule the world. We must reap a great harvest for You. You told me You HAD to have America in order to reap this harvest. You said we could close the doors to these forces, not with our hands/works, but with our words. So, in the name of Jesus, we call America back to You. We release Your Kingdom authority to bind these evil plans and release the power of Holy Spirit to oppose them. We release Your will for revival and awakening. We call forth Your fire. All that You have promised, we will see and experience.

Our decree:

We decree that lethargy and complacency in the church are being broken and replaced with revival fire!

Share your prayers for America below, and share this article to encourage others to pray!

(Used with permission. From Give Him 15. Photo Credit: Aaron Burden on Unsplash)

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March 25, 2023

Newt Gindrich is quoted comparing today Xi and Putin with the 1930s Axis powers, Germany, Italy, and Japan who wished to take ‘on democracies’ and you make a comparison to the current President’s leadership. In those far off days the US was isolationist and not interested in foreign wars (so ex-President Trump). Hostilities in World War II commenced in September 1939 with the German invasion of Poland – the US took no active role until Pearl Harbour was bombed in December 1941 – two years plus later. If the Japanese had not attacked American colonies no doubt the US would have reached some agreement with Nazi Germany as it had with American factories in Germany aiding the Nazi war effort.

    March 25, 2023

    Actually President Roosevelt could not engage in WW2 because Congress voted against it! However Winston Churchill met with him in the middle of the ocean and asked for help because England was not equipped to hold off Hitler. So Roosevelt, without the approval of congress for years began supplying England with tanks, jeeps, weapons, planes, and whatever was needed to stave off Germany! Roosevelt believed that if England fell to Hitler, then we were next! At England was our greatest and best ally! Then when Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese, Congress declared war on tha Axis powers and America entered in WW2! President Trump was more interested in diplomacy which the enemy nations respected him for and made no move toward war as long as he was President. Why kill American military if peace wuth respect can be brokered? The weak man in the white house today has no respect from any of our enemies and they know how weak and ineffectual he is! Look at the 2 men in drag that he sent to the Paris meetings! FATHER GOD please protect Americans from all enemies, both foreign and domestic in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Linda Kellogg
March 24, 2023

So powerful. Iā€™m praying against and releasing the grip of Pres Johnson and his ā€œJohnson amendmentā€ he made as senator which has stifled the churchā€™s voice and involvement in Americaā€™s governmental affairs for 60 years. I come against the lies our preachers and church prayers have ingrained into our thinking that we lost our way. Forgive us and release the prayer leaders and preachers to be bold and truthful again. And when they are afraid the IRS will come after their money, defend and provide. amen

Susan CC
March 24, 2023

Oh my God, hear this prayer!
Jesus, call America back to You!
Holy Spirit, release Your power!
Lord and God, bind and oppose every evil plan of the enemy!
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, may thy will be done in America. I ask this for Your glory and our good. Amen

March 24, 2023

Amen! I agree with this prayer and description of
what the problem is and how to pray! GOD brought Vladimir Putin before my face early last year or 2021 to pray for his salvation. I and intercessors at my church have been praying for him since that time. FATHER GOD I ask that YOU send laborers to Mr. Putin today for salvation in JESUS CHRIST! Let YOUR church read YOUR WORD and learn of YOU and pray accordingly! Help YOUR church to stop trying so hard to be like the world and to come out from among them and be separate, called by GOD to a higher standard! Speak through us and work through us in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! Amen!


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