I Prayed have prayed
God, we worship YOU! You are sovereign over us and we exalt Your name. bring revival in this nation and change the narrative of our country. Let us be a nation that calls on Your name.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Worship artist Sean Feucht believes that the coronavirus prohibitions on holding church services is a double standard and that the United States is on the brink of a revival.

In anĀ interviewĀ with Fox & Friends, Feucht noted that he is participating in and helping lead gathering outside the four walls of the church, in the open air.

Don’t forget to share your thoughts on this revival and change of narrative with your friends!

“It’s not just beaches,” he said. “We’re going under bridges, we’re meeting in fields, really anywhere we can gather and spread out and worship, we’re finding those places. It’s summer time in California, it’s just such an amazing movement that we’ve seen so much momentum on.”. . .

He has been taking the power of worship to the streets where tragedies have happened, including the place where George Floyd was killed while in police custody earlier this year.

Asked by host Pete Hegseth about why singing and church services have been deemed “non-essential” and banned but protests that have drawn large crowds have been permitted, Feucht replied,Ā “It is a double standard and I would say at best it’s hypocrisy and at worst, it’s bigotry. You know there’s a target on churches.”

“I think it’s time. We have to rise up. We need bold and courageous pastors that are not only going to stand on our Constitutional rights to worship, but are going to stand up against the insanity of these laws that are targeting the church.”

Yet he is taking the opportunity to worship outdoors to shift the spiritual atmosphere in troubled places around the nation. One such worship gathering is planned in the streets of Portland, Oregon, for Aug. 8.

“The narrative that we’ve seen has just been burning and destruction. It’s been disheartening, but yet the church in Portland, the church of Oregon, they want to gather, they want to rise up. They want to change the narrative and flip the script on their cities. It’s going to be peaceful. It’s going to be full of love,” he said. . . .

The worship leader noted in a separateĀ postĀ that he has invited California Gov. Gavin Newsom to pray on the steps of the Capitol building for an event called “Let Us Worship” on Sept. 6.

(Excerpt from The Christian Post. By Brandon Showalter. Phote from godtv.)

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August 10, 2020

These prayerful song gatherings are noble and completely irresponsible at the same time. When your faith leaders are Spreading the “Good Word” while ignoring a deadly killer pandemic among their flock, plays on the fears AND hopes people are experiencing. A caring faith leader is selfish to prey upon his flock with a message of Praise. To follow such leadership is like running off a steep sheer cliff to temporarily feel a cool refreshing breeze . . . until the splattering shattering moment of impact. Oh, but before you take the leap of faith, be sure to buy the music cd’s or sign up on the website that has an online store with lots of cool worship items for sale. Step right up! Praise the Lord and pass the collection plate and gather in masses and BREATHE IN and EXHALE with fervent gusto. . . Until of course, you breathe in your final breathe in a hospital ICU. And then the Lord will ask you: Since I created man and gave him a brain to grow and understand the sciences for the betterment of man, WHY did you choose to ignore my wishes for a healthy planet of humans and refuse my instructions to wear a mask? Instead, you chose to spread the pandemic virus to your friends, loved ones, family members, and innocent men, women and children. What a misguided and heartbreaking path you have chosen. Give out safe n-95 masks and be a REAL HERO.

Mel Teoh
August 10, 2020

Holy Father,

We thank YOU for Sean Feucht. We thank YOU that he walks with YOU. We thank YOU that YOU inspire Sean to battle darkness with worshiping YOU.
By that we have won that battle in Portland and California. Thank You.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you”.

In Jesus’ Name, we ask You to bring back Portland, Oregon ; Seattle, Washington ; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ; Chicago, Illinois ; and all other big cities that are targeted by Antifa and BLM or other similar group to YOUR FEET. For the Body of Christ in these places be ignited and take back their city with the love of Christ.

We ask YOU also for the member of Antifa, BLM or other similar group
for YOUR FORGIVENESS and we ask that YOU put in these people heart readiness to receive the Grace of Jesus’ Christ.

We pray that YOU will use mightily churches in Portland, OR to minister to these group of people so that these people be transformed and their passion can be used for the good of the people like You intended them to be.

In Jesus’ name, we thank YOU. Amen.

August 9, 2020

This is awesome!

Alan Veasey
August 9, 2020

Praise the Lord God for raising up servants like Sean Feucht. Praise the Holy One for raising up revival in these troubled times. Decision 2020: revival or destruction, the choice is ours. God’s choice is that none should perish but all obtain everlasting life. Prayer warriors: keep it up God is using you.

Shirley Hewitt
August 9, 2020

I could only find that one local TV news channel covered the Portland, Oregon event which was held last night. https://www.kgw.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/portland-waterfront-gathering-no-masks-sean-feucht/283-7e9e0a3c-2c5e-4788-86c4-52d05022fe71. The news reporter focused on Oregon’s restrictions about face masks and faith gatherings. He seemed to completely fail to understand this was a protest against violence, similar to the other ones going on in Portland except this one was life-affirming and actually peaceful.

It was encouraging to see so many people worshipping the Lord together in downtown Portland! The 3-hour event is on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9oFzy43SoI

Eve Toth
August 9, 2020

Dear Believers,

What if we will take more seriously our Heavenly Father’s Word- God’s Word and do what He ask us to do instead of complaining or arguing with the world around us…

What if we take more time to be His presence – with His Word and pray, pray, pray…

because as He says in Philippians 4:4-9 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirableā€”if anything is excellent or praiseworthyā€”think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in meā€”put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

What if the Church will take seriously the command Jesus-Yeshuas Himself gave Her in Matthew 28:18-20

Then Jesus came to them and said, ā€œAll authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore GO and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and TEACHING them to OBEY EVERYTHING I HAVE COMMANDED YOU. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.ā€

God bless you!
God bless the USA!

Terri K
August 9, 2020

Just like with the first generation christians, the gospel spreads with persecution. Iā€™m seeing church worship held in Walmartā€™s, on beaches, and baptisms being held in New York City fountains. Lord, let Your Spirit reign down on us. Thank You for raising up Courageous pastors that are awakening Your children from sleep and bringing the gospel to the streets.


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