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Lord, thank You for the way You defended Israel. We know that You love this nation, so we pray that You would make America and President Biden into strong allies of the Israeli government at this time.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Iran, the world’s leading terrorist nation (which previously held Americans hostage for 444 days until President Ronald Reagan secured their release), recently rained down 120 ballistic missiles, 170 drones, and 30 cruise missiles on Israel. It was an unprecedented direct attack following their previous Hamas proxy attack on Oct. 7, 2023, that killed 1,163 people (including Americans) and was the equivalent of 50,000 Americans being killed in the 9/11 attack.

Pray for your fellow intercessor.


Joe Biden applauded the stunning success of the Jewish leaders employing their Iron Dome technology obliterating 99% of the weapons of destruction. He attempted to bask in the glow of the monumental achievement, but do you know the backdrop story of Biden’s opposition to this advanced system when President Ronald Reagan presented the concept to America in the 1980s?

Heed History

British statesman Winston Churchill, is honored as the leader who primarily saved Western civilization. When Britain’s Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain returned from a 1938 meeting with Adolph Hitler foolishly declaring, “There is peace in our time!” Churchill knew better, refusing to project weakness or to gamble with appeasement by avoiding conflict. He told the English citizens, “Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them.”

He looked at the big picture, as did John F. Kennedy, during the Cuban missile crisis; and Reagan, in standing up to Marxism and Islamic terrorism. Today we face a similar situation, in which “peaceniks,” Jew-hating activists, and understandably cautious people don’t want to risk escalating any Middle East tensions. They say we should tolerate the unfair demonizing of Israel; keep giving Iran billions (being used to develop a nuclear weapon and proxy terrorism attacks); avoid justified retaliation; try again for the failed two state solution; call for a cease-fire; give them $6 billion in ransom for five hostages; ignore their failure to cooperate with European nations to restore sanctions; and don’t be concerned about their growing alliance with China, Russia, and North Korea.

pray for iran israel conflict

Iran’s leaders laugh all the way to the bank with the $100 billion (given them directly or indirectly) hoping they’ll not continue developing a nuclear weapon to dangerously change the entire Middle East region bringing us to the brink of an apocalyptic holocaust.

Iran’s fanatical leaders declare “Death to Israel and America — the Great Satan!”

They are the No. 1 state sponsor of terrorism; they’re developing long-range ballistic missiles capable of hitting America; and they can cut off oil passing through the Red Sea to bring about another disastrous energy crisis like 1979 (that I remember painfully well!).

Facing Reality

Richard Goldberg, senior adviser for the Security Council of the Trump administration states: “Iran is at the one-yard line of their nuclear weapon capability, and in April demonstrated their delivery with the multi-missile assault on Israel.” Former CIA Director David Petraeus states: “The U.S. and Israel will never let Iran have a nuclear weapon.” But will this administration do so?

America’s future and that of our children and grandchildren is at stake. Economic, political, and especially military measures must be employed as we return to Reagan’s “peace through strength!”

The acceleration of Iran’s nuclear program was ignited when Biden took office. We’re inching towards a defining moment in dealing with this powder keg.

Prudent or Patsies?

The prudent see danger and take refuge but the simple keep going and pay the penalty (Proverbs 27:12).


Reagan unveiled in the Oval Office his vision for replacing Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) with a Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) to protect America. Democrats mocked, calling it a “Star Wars” fantasy.

It is a matter of historical record that then-Sen. Joe Biden and all Democrats opposed it. For years, they worked to defund and kill it through amendments.

[Christian Science Monitor (6/9/86].

“Among the most vocal critics of the Reagan doctrine and a strong voice for removing it from the bargaining table was then Senator Joe Biden who said, ‘The president’s adherence to SDI constitutes one of the most reckless and irresponsible acts in the history of modern state craft.’ Reagan stood fast in the face of that pressure and refused to back off his missile defense initiative”

[Dallas Morning News 12/20/21].


Reagan met with Soviet leader Gorbachev in Iceland for a summit on nuclear disarmament. Biden, the Democrats and Gorbachev wanted Reagan to bargain away the SDI system but he refused. He knew that in the Cold War, the Soviets did not have the technology nor the resources for such a system. He refused to be intimidated.

Reagan said Communism was an “evil empire” that belonged “on the trash heap of history.” He went to the Berlin Wall and called on Gorbachev in no uncertain terms to “tear down this wall!” Then in 1990 the 30 year Berlin Wall came down and in 1991 the Soviet Union collapsed!

In the face of ongoing opposition from Biden and the Democrat Party, Reagan met with Israeli leaders to share SDI technology to partner in developing it. Since 1986 the United States and Israel developed the “Star Wars” technology that was used to stop and humiliate Iran in this recent Iranian attack.

Today they continue working on an advanced system that will use lasers with pinpoint accuracy to literally shoot missiles and planes out of the sky.

The historic “Abraham Accords” engineered by the Trump Administration to work with Israel and moderate Arab nations (who distrust and dislike the radical Iranian regime), has tragically been sabotaged and it’s diplomatic success blunted by the current administration but the 2024 election brings renewed hope.

Here’s the Deal

Reagan once gave a speech citing “Twilight’s Last Gleaming.” He pointed out that our National Anthem concludes not with a declaration but a question, “Is our flag still there?”

In this time of growing campus protests (organized and funded, not spontaneous) basically ignorant students celebrate Hamas (who tortured, beheaded, raped and killed 1163 adults, children and babies and featured it in videos). We must learn the lessons of history, act courageously and pray fervently while communicating the gospel and truth so our flag will still be there.

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years, telling our children and our grandchildren what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” – “The Gipper” Ronald Reagan

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Larry Tomczak is a cultural commentator of 46 years, an IFA board member, a bestselling author, and a public-policy adviser with Liberty Counsel. His innovative video/book, BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (see www.bullseyechallenge.com). Hear his weekly podcast here. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

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May 5, 2024

Thank You LORD, for Your commitment to Israel. We love You and we pray that America will always stand with our friend and ally, Israel, in Jesus name.

Jessica Renshaw
May 5, 2024

Thank you for letting us know this, Larry, and for putting it all together.

Susan CC
May 5, 2024

Dear Lord and God Almighty, throughout history, You have used countless men and women to achieve Your Purpose. Many were Godly but just as many, not. In a praise to Your greatness, David says, “The Lord helps all who fall; He raises up all who are oppressed. And You say to Israel:
I have chosen you and not rejected you.
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you; I will help you;
I will hold on to you with My righteous right hand.
Because we are grafted in, we share in the rich root of Your cultivated olive tree… thank You Jesus. I pray You are raising up men and women who You will strengthen, to help us. I pray for men and women who hold on to Your righteous hand and seek Your guidance to lead this nation into enlargement and increase. You are God of the breakthrough. Please break out against our enemies, cast them out and enlarge our borders. Let Your kingdom and government increase in our lives and nation. With Holy Spirit power, please grow us in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. I pray for MORE (current) amazing stories and do so in the name of Christ, our Savior and Messiah. Amen

Psalm 145:14, Isaiah 49, Romans 11:17, 2 Samuel 5:20, Exodus 34:24, Isaiah 9:7, 2 Peter 3:18


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