I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we come against the dangerous and irreversible "treatments" prescribed to people with gender dysphoria. We pray that puberty blockers would never again be given to a child in the name of "gender affirmation."
Reading Time: 2 minutes

With all the evidence against puberty blockers, does recommending them run afoul of the law? The attorneys general think so.

From The Daily Wire. A group of nearly two dozen state attorneys general is warning the American Academy of Pediatrics that it may be breaking the law by continuing to recommend puberty blockers to children who are unhappy with their biological gender despite evidence the drugs cause harm.

Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.


On Tuesday, the 21 attorneys general, led by Idaho Attorney General Raúl Labrador, sent a letter warning the Academy that it may be violating a slew of state consumer protection laws.

The group put the Academy “on notice for possible violations of state consumer protection statutes over its evidence free standards on gender dysphoria care for minors,” the attorneys general said in a statement.

“Most concerning, AAP claims that the use of puberty blockers on children is safe and reversible,” the group wrote, calling that claim “misleading and deceptive.” …

The attorneys general are demanding the Academy submit specific documentation for its ongoing recommendations of the powerful drugs for gender dysphoric children. …

Puberty blockers can affect bone growth and density and cause sexual dysfunction, voice damage, and infertility, among other issues. …

In Europe, several countries including England, Finland, and Sweden have pumped the brakes on transgender medical interventions for children, including both puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.

The attorneys general cites the Cass review, the landmark report commissioned by England’s National Health Service, which recommended halting the prescription of puberty blockers due to their effects on brain development and bone health. …

Share your prayers about and against puberty blockers and other damaging trans treatments below.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: barbhuiya on Unsplash)

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