Ways To Donate To IFA
If you would like to donate securely using PayPal click here:
(800) USA-PRAY
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (EST)
Intercessors for America
PO Box 915
Purcellville, VA 20134
Donating Stocks, Bonds, & Mutual Funds
Gifts of appreciated securities are a smart and simple way to maximize the effectiveness of your charitable giving. If stocks or mutual funds you’ve held for more than a year have increased in value, you may want to consider using these assets rather than cash to fund your giving. By transferring ownership of your long-term stock to IFA, you make a gift to support the ministry, avoid capital gains tax you would pay if the stock were sold, and you my claim a charitable income tox deduction for the current fair market value of the asset.
Click here to contact us about donating your stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Please include your contact information, the name of the stock, and number of shares in your request.
Please provide your broker with the following information:
Notify IFA:
When we receive a gift of stock or mutual funds, we do not receive any identifying information. In order to properly acknowledge the gift, please fill out the following form and email or mail before or after donating.
Name of the stock:
Number of shares:
Your name and address:
Planned Giving – An Eternal Legacy
Join the community!
Become a Monthly Ministry Partner (MMP)

Join Now using a credit/debit card:
As an MMP, you play a vital role in continuing IFA’s mission of informing, connecting, and mobilizing a growing community of people praying for the nation.
Join Now using your bank’s bill pay:
Would you like to use your bank’s bill pay service to give a monthly gift to IFA? Let us know and we will add you to our list of MMP’s so you can begin to receive special IFA benefits!
- Log into your bank account
- Go to bill pay section and add IFA as a payee: Intercessors for America PO Box 915 Purcellville VA 20134
- Let us know so you can receive the benefits of a Monthly Ministry Partner:
- Name
- Address
- Phone
- Amount monthly
- Date
Already an MMP and need to update your contact or gift information? Contact us.
Why become an MMP?
Monthly Ministry Partners provide regular recurring gifts that are automatically transferred from a credit card or bank account and can be adjusted or suspended at any time. No matter the amount, your recurring gift has an impact. Knowing we can count on you makes it easier for us to provide vital prayer resources to intercessors who have a heart to pray for this nation, while also providing a biblical perspective on today’s news to countless individuals searching for the truth.
MMP support also makes it possible for us to minimize our fundraising costs so that we can put more of our resources directly into supporting our mission.
As an MMP, you will have special access to IFA, including invitations to events and town hall meetings. You will receive free resources throughout the year, such as books, prayer guides, and special reports. You will also be subscribed to our monthly newsletter, The Connecter, featuring exclusive articles, prayer guides, and offers.
How do recurring donations work?
It’s simple: Each month, your contribution is transferred to IFA from your credit card or bank account. You can also use your bank’s online bill pay – just let us know so we can make sure to include you in the community. You can increase, decrease, or suspend your gift at any time by calling IFA at (800) 872-7729 or email at [email protected].
The benefits of recurring giving:
It’s convenient to you:
Each month your gift is automatically transferred from your credit card or bank account to IFA. There is no need to mail each donation, and you receive a gift summary for tax purposes every year. You can also set up your bank’s bill pay option to give monthly, but make sure to notify us when you do so you can receive the same benefits.
It gives you control:
You make smaller, more manageable recurring gifts that have a huge impact over time. It’s easy to change your gift at any time.
It gives you connection:
As an MMP, you have access to exclusive events and town hall meetings. You will receive important articles, prayer guides, and special reports along with a subscription to our monthly newsletter, The Connecter.
It includes you in a community:
As an MMP, you join fellow intercessors who believe in IFA’s mission of informing, connecting, and growing a community of people praying for the nation.
Become an MMP now:
FAQs of Giving
Intercessors for America (IFA) is a 501(c)(3) ministry organization and was founded in 1973 when God impressed upon the hearts of a group of godly, respected men the necessity of prayer and fasting. The nation was experiencing a plethora of problems. The Watergate scandal, Vietnam War, Arab oil embargo, Roe v. Wade, a growing acceptance of drug use, and other challenges were changing the way Americans lived and thought.
A group of Christians at a teaching conference in Florida focused on “prayer for the nations.” Challenged by the fresh and extraordinary teachings of the conference leaders, Derek Prince and Ern Baxter, a half dozen men were chosen to steward the movement of prayer and fasting for the nation. This group would become Intercessors for America. One of the first activities of the organization took place at a large dining table where John Talcott and his wife, Roselyn, wrote and assembled a prayer letter. This prayer letter was mailed to a group of like-minded people who recognized the need for God to intervene in U.S. governmental and cultural issues. From these beginnings, IFA has grown to impact the masses. Our leadership is comprised of staff and a board of directors, some of whom have been with the ministry since its inception.
The average Christian does not have the contacts, time, or energy to keep informed about most issues on national, state, and local levels. More and more, some of these issues appear to deny our freedoms. Others undermine the basic moral fiber of our country. With each emerging concern, we need to seek God’s intervention and guidance for our leaders.
According to national studies, 83% to 90% of Christians pray at least weekly. Through our decades of experience and contacts, we estimate that only 10% of those who pray intercede for our nation and leaders. As God intervenes and works in the hearts of His people, we must continue to unite and encourage believers in effective prayer and fasting for America.
God’s Word instructs us to pray regularly for those in authority over us. According to I Timothy 2:1-4:
“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.” (New Living Translation)
Intercessors for America informs, connects, and mobilizes intercessors to pray for our nation and our leaders. We desire to reach Christians in churches and communities nationwide with information and tools to unite them in effective prayer.
To inform, connect, and mobilize intercessors, IFA publishes materials and provides the following resources from its headquarters in Purcellville, Virginia:
- Monthly prayer letters – A First Friday Prayer Letter helps unite and focus Christians as individuals and groups in prayer and fasting. Written from a biblical perspective, the letter contains timely national reports, accounts of revival and answered prayer, inspirational and informative teachings, and provides a First Friday Prayer Focus. Fasting is encouraged during the First Friday observance as a biblical way of humility and intensifying our prayers.
- Weekly prayer alerts – The Informer is sent via e-mail three times weekly. These alerts outline critical issues in our nation’s capital and monitor foreign fronts and national emergency matters. The alert is supplied upon request to individuals, churches, groups, and organizations. Special alerts are also sent as needs arise.
These Scriptures have undergirded the prayer mobilization of Intercessors for America (IFA) since its founding in 1973:
- Matthew 6:6-18 – the pattern of Kingdom prayer and fasting taught by Jesus of Nazareth
- Mark 11:17 – the Church as a house of prayer for all nations
- 1 Timothy 2:1-4 – apostolic mandate to pray for all, and for all in authority, so that there might be good government, peace, a godly society and a release of the gospel
- 2 Chronicles 7:14 – God’s call for His people to repent, pray, and turn from their wicked ways, with the promise of healing for their land
- Ezekiel 22:29-31 – God is looking for even one leader or person who will “stand in the gap” and help avert judgment
- 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 – the weapons of warfare are not carnal, but spiritually powerful to the destruction of demonic strongholds
- Matthew 16:18, 24:14 – the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church as it proclaims the gospel of the Kingdom to the ends of the earth.
To see God’s purposes for America fulfilled through sustained prayer and Spirit-led obedience
- God creates nations and tears them down. (Dan. 2:21)
- God’s heart for nations is to bless them. (Ps. 33:12)
- God holds nations accountable for their collective actions. (Mic. 5:15)
- Leaders of nations are subject to God’s will. (Prov. 21:1)
- Solutions to nations’ problems are spiritual, and rest in the hands of the Church beginning with prayer and an utter dependence upon God’s power. (2 Chron. 7:14)
- God gives us the authority to affect the course of nations. (Acts 17:26)
- We must pray for God-fearing leaders (Exod. 18) and that godly government is the result of an effective Church. (1 Tim 2:1-3)
- The mandate of the Lord’s Prayer, “. . . your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven . . .,” is the purpose of God for the government. (Matt. 6:10)
- We can expect results from prayers. (1 John 5:14)
- Fasting takes our prayers to another level. (Matt. 6:16-18)
- The highest form of government is a constitutional republic led by God-fearing leaders placed in power by a moral society led by an effective Church.
- We are expendable only existing to encourage the Church while understanding that someday our organization will no longer be needed. (Mark 11:17)
Inform, connect, and mobilize a growing community of people praying for the nation.
- God specifically calls some to a ministry that focuses on praying for the nation, while requiring all at some level to pray for leaders.
- Effective intercession requires a prophetic perspective, hearing the voice of the Lord through the leading of the Holy Spirit, coupled with vetted, strategic information, never presented in a sensational manner.
- There is an enemy of our souls and our nation that orchestrates a coordinated battle plan that is discernable and beatable with spiritual weapons. (2 Cor. 10:3-6)
- Passion and boldness for prayer is stoked by collective times of prayer, praying as if the course and destiny of America hangs in the balance.
- We constantly need to be seeking God’s perspective and interests for our nation: what is good, what is bad, and what He cares about most.
- Collective fasting on the first Friday of every month is the single most unifying action the community does together.
- The Body of Christ has many expressions, and while embracing a charismatic expression, we desire to fellowship with all who hold to orthodox, scriptural Christianity. (Rom. 12:18)
- In the midst of building community, God is looking for those who will stand in the gap and intercede on behalf of the land. ( 22:30)
Prayerful, Truthful, Generous, Hopeful, and Relational
- Prayerful
- Spread the passion that God releases His power through prayer
- Believe in the power and importance of prayer that is Spirit-inspired and based on Scripture
- Be watchful and discerning in prayer with a sense of urgency and desperation
- Be a team who prays in faith
- Truthful
- Provide spiritual truth to the world
- Vet carefully and produce with excellence all our resources
- Express integrity and effective stewardship in all we do
- Generous
- Have a humble spirit in our interactions with others without promoting ourselves
- Share our resources with whomever requests them
- Rejoice in being servants with an outward focus in support of the local church
- Hopeful
- Convey the great Hope that Jesus freely offers
- Champion God’s perspective and His desires for our nation
- Encourage others through prophetic perspective and strategic insight
- Build faith with all with whom we come in contact
- Relational
- Build community among intercessors to foster more intercession
- Create an environment among intercessors that inspires and encourages them
- Value healthy relationships as foundational to our ministry
Visit ifapray.org/donate to make secure donations online
First, it’s convenient for you because once you initiate being a Monthly Ministry Partner (MMP) you don’t have to do anything. Of course, you can cancel or adjust your giving at any time by calling 800-USAPRAY (872-7729). Additionally, it provides a stable base of income that helps us in our planning.
Yes. Your donation to Intercessors for America is tax-deductible in accordance with IRS guidelines.
It is 04-2576811.
Call 1-800-USA-PRAY (872-7729) or email [email protected]
Yes, you can use your bank’s bill pay to set up monthly donations and become a Monthly Ministry Partner. Make sure to let us know because Monthly Ministry Partners receive special communications.
Find out more about using your banks bill pay service by clicking HERE.
Notify IFA that you are using your bank’s bill pay service to send a monthly gift to IFA. Using IFA’s contact page, choose “Monthly Ministry Partner Notification” as the subject, fill out the form with your information, and click SEND. It’s that easy! Go there NOW!
Call 1-800-USA-PRAY (872-7729) or email [email protected]
Call 1-800-USA-PRAY (872-7729) or email [email protected]
If you want to cancel your monthly gift, call 1-800-USAPRAY or email [email protected]
Call 800-USAPRAY (872-7729) to make any adjustments to your gift.
Yes, some people like to have the assurance of talking to IFA staff to ensure the security of a donation. We are happy to assist either by phone or through receiving your check. Please note that all check and credit card information is treated with the utmost security.
Mail your check to:
Intercessors for America
PO Box 915
Purcellville, VA 20134
Call 1-800-USAPRAY (872-7729) to speak with IFA staff.
A gift in your will or living trust continues your investment in IFA beyond your lifetime and often allows you to maximize your legacy.
Please consider contacting your lawyer or estate planner to discuss with them the possibility of including IFA in your plan.
Learn more about leaving IFA in your will HERE.
Gifts of appreciated stocks, bonds and mutual funds are a smart and simple way to maximize the effectiveness of your charitable giving. If stocks or mutual funds have increased in value, you may want to consider using these assets rather than cash to fund your giving. By donating your long-term stock to IFA, you make a gift to support the ministry and you have the opportunity to maximize tax strategies.
Donate Stock or Mutual Funds:
Please provide your broker with the following information:
Name of Account: Intercessors for America
Name of Broker: Edward Jones
DTC Number: 0057
Account Number: 7121715010
Tax ID: 04-2576811
Notify IFA:
When we receive a gift of stock or mutual funds, we do not receive any identifying information. In order to properly acknowledge the gift, please fill out the following form and email or mail before or after donating.
Name of the stock:
Number of shares:
Your name and address:
Yes! Your gift to IFA may be doubled or more! Through corporate gift matching your employer can multiply your gift to IFA, making it go further.
If your company provides gift matching, you can submit your gift 2 ways:
- Request a matching gift from your employer and mail or email the completed and signed form to the following address:
Intercessors for AmericaAttn. Matching GiftPO Box 915Purcellville, VA 20134Or email [email protected]
- If your company uses a matching gift platform, submit your request through the portal by selecting Intercessors for America or by entering our EIN (04-2576811). We will verify the gift amount once your application is received.
If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at [email protected] or call 1-800-USAPRAY (872-7729).
Ways To Donate To IFA
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