I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we submit to Your sovereignty, humbly asking You to bring Your Kingdom and Your Will to New York City.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is going on in NYC? Justice or judgment?

Maybe both — as is often the case in the Kingdom.

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NYC’s Eric Adams has earned the dubious distinction of being the first sitting mayor to be indicted. He is facing federal charges of conspiracy, wire fraud, and bribery.

The indictment, unsealed Thursday, Sept. 26, alleges Adams sought and accepted illegal campaign donations and bribes from foreign nationals in return for favors that included aiding Turkish emissaries secure permits for a Manhattan-based building.

Earlier in 2024, across the street from this building, the New York IFA prayer group prayed about possible Turkish aggression against Israel.

The indictment also alleges Adams illicitly used NYC’s matching funds program and presided over fake paper trails to hide the extent — more than $10 million — of the bribes and free travel he received.

Adams denies these allegations, claiming he has become a target for the Biden administration’s Department of Justice because of  his outspoken criticism of federal immigration policy.

Adams, a major figure in the Democrat machine, was elected in 2021, after serving as Brooklyn borough president and state senator. Prior to that, he spent 22 years in the police department.

He took office on a law and order platform in reaction to the anarchy and crime produced by the policies of progressive Mayor William de Blasio.

Just as chaos associated with the BLM, Antifa, and COVID-19 pandemic measures was settling down, waves of migrants swamped this sanctuary city, stressing already stretched resources. Recent reports indicate violent gangs have taken control of some migrant housing facilities.

The migrant crisis set Adams on a collision course with the White House, but he also has butted heads with New York Governor Kathy Hochul and the powerful New York City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams (no relation).

The NYC government has been in turmoil for the last several weeks, as FBI agents have raided key officials’ homes, appropriating phones and other electronic devices in the on-going probe of the mayor’s campaign financing. The police commissioner and the city’s top legal aide resigned recently.

If Adams is forced out of office, city business falls into the hands of the progressive Public Advocate Jumaane Williams. A new mayoral race would be scheduled.

In the meantime, with the government collapsing, campuses still boiling, and people edgy, conditions are ideal for an attack on the city.

New York City is shaking.

This is consistent with the coming nationwide shaking of which many reputable national prophets and prayer leaders, including Dutch Sheets, have warned.

Is what we see in the natural a picture of what is happening in the spiritual?

Whether Adams is guilty will be decided in a federal court in the months to come; but the heavenly verdict on the city is already on record.

The Lord has found New York City guilty.

The charges: Greed, sexual immorality, child sacrifice, and blasphemy against the one true God.

Years ago, the Lord revealed the need for judgment to turn NYC from evil to repentance.

As a result, I prayed for many years as David did when offered a choice of judgment after he sinned by taking a census of Israel and Judah.

And David said to Gad, “I am in great distress. Please let us fall into the hand of the Lord, for His mercies are great; but do not let me fall into the hand of man (2 Samuel 24:14).”

But it began to seem judgment might come at the hands of man. About 15 years ago, a believing friend told me of a dream he had had in which the East Coast had been decimated by a nuclear explosion of some sort. Other believers shared dreams of New York City apartment buildings collapsing in a second 9/11-type attack.

I took each revelation to prayer, continuing to ask for the Lord’s hand of mercy.

The warnings ratcheted up in the last three years.

In April 2021, I came upon and validated a prophecy warning New York City residents to repent.

In part, the word read, “A WIND is coming to bring REPENTANCE and HARVEST, but before it can catch them all, sudden attack. Pray that the fullness of the judgment planned will not come upon you. PRAY BELOVED REMNANT! WORSHIP with intensity.”

While praying about this word, my warfare team discerned the following prayer strategy, which IFA published:

Pray for repentance of this city — Join your prayer to those who already seek Me about these sins — and there are many.

Pray for the protection of the faithful/remnant as judgment occurs.

Worship with intensity — yes — personal and corporate worship — Yes at services and special times of corporate worship and praise.

Prepare for the Harvest — Are you ready as My church to catch, to glean? Reflect on what is needed for those I draw to this body of believers.”

My husband Rich, also an IFA contributor, and I began to host monthly worship nights in our Hell’s Kitchen apartment near Times Square.

We noticed the Lord drawing other worshippers to the city, including Sean Feucht of Let Us Worship, The Luis Palau Association, and Keith and Kristyn Getty.

Tomorrow, Sunday, Sept. 29, Lou Engle and other leaders will be leading a worship and communion service called the Esther/Elijah Call in Times Square.

Engle calls it an altar to the Lord, praying for revival and “all pointing to Washington, D.C., on the Day of Atonement calling a million Mordecais and Esthers to turn this nation back to God.”

Rich and I continue our prayer ministry by joining like-minded intercessors, including the New York State IFA prayer group. Other groups of intercessors visit, breaking demonic strongholds and calling out for repentance and revival.

The verdict for judgment stands, however.

In 2022, the Lord again called my attention to a word of warning for New York. This included a vision of a nuclear suitcase bomb in lower Manhattan’s financial district.

The Lord said, “Invasion from within from those who have crossed open borders….I have hidden My Face from this city. And I have taken away My Protective Hand. There is a conspiracy and planned nuclear event on lower Manhattan Island. Everything will stop at once.”

When I asked the Lord for a prayer strategy, He said the following:

Repentance for all things, especially the greed that binds this city & nation into webs of witchcraft & has cost the lives of so many in these days.

Repentance for the sexual misuse of themselves & the misuse & subjugation of the many – especially the children. I will no longer allow this evil in this land. Take note: Those responsible will be judged by My Own Hand.

Mitigation for the evil – Pray the long-lasting nuclear elements be rendered inert.

Pray those charged with protection see & respond accurately & adequately.

Worship among the saints.

Protection for My Own. I shall again return them to this city….

“These my orders. Be uplifted, for this will lead to the necessary correction.

“Be sure – those who have rebuffed Me cannot hide the reality of My Presence. Know their hearts’ Hardness requires this move. In this way, Mercy lies.

Only the Lord can help NYC. He’s listening for His intercessors to stand in the gap. Will you be one of them?

Share your prayer for NYC and America below.

New York City–based Joyce Swingle is an intercessor and a contributing writer for IFA. With her husband, Rich, also a contributing writer for IFA, Joyce shares the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world through theater, speaking, writing, and film. Prior to going into full-time ministry, Joyce worked for about 20 major magazines and now works in pastoral ministry and Christian counseling. www.Richdrama.com. Photo Credit: US Department of Labor – L-22-09-09-A-074, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=126317255.

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September 28, 2024

Dearest Heavenly Father: I lift up to you not only New York but our entire Nation. Father, there is so much sin and lack of acknowledgement of you or your word here in America. We NEED you desperately, Father. We intercessors stand together in prayerful repentance for our sinful lost nation. We pray for revival and a return to you for healing deliverance from our evil ways Please forgive us for having turned so far away from your word, statutes and commandments. We pray you will guide us into all Truth and redeem and restore us to One Nation Under God. We give you all Glory, Honor, Power, and PRAISE for you alone are Worthy to be Praised. In the Mighty Name of Jesus we Pray. Amen


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