The day I was told I had breast cancer, I only knew one thing to do. Cry out to God! Run to Him! Wait for Him to say something. And He did.
Almost immediately after I drove home, utterly numb with uncertainty, God spoke.
There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. (Lk 12:2)
It was reassuring that God was “on it” and that He intended for every little thing to be exposed in regard to this medical diagnosis.
That very day, I reached out to a handful of women I knew would stand with me in the fight. I didn’t want to broadcast this news because (1) I knew it was important to have prayer warriors around me who would believe God for my healing alongside me and (2) I wasn’t “owning” this diagnosis. It might have been happening “to” me, but it wasn’t “mine” and I didn’t want people claiming it for me!
One of those women was my friend, Judy. Judy’s response the moment she heard what I had to say was to begin to pour Scripture out to me. As we talked, she said, “You’re going to get your miracle.” What an encouraging statement for me to cling to as I waited and believed to see how God would work it out. In addition, I knew it was from the heart of God, she wasn’t just saying what she hoped would be true. She proclaimed it as God had given the statement to her for me.
The next few weeks were a mix of a whirlwind and, yet, peace. Endeavoring to hear God about how to proceed and listening to medical professionals about what they would do to treat this very small group of rogue cells which had collected, I battled fear and clung to the promises God had given me through Scripture and friends.
Sometimes, I would see a doctor and think, “I wonder what God is doing in my body?” There was so much to learn in the natural world and so much listening to God to be done in my life spiritually. I believed that God had made a plan for me to be healthy and that somehow, in this broken world we live in, this breakdown had occurred in my body, and that potentially, in my humanness, I had played a part in opening the door.
For many years, I had just been getting by spiritually. This set me up for walking in the world’s ways of handling relationships and being judgmental. I sought ministry from those who had dealt spiritually with many illnesses and were uniquely prepared to hear God with me about how He would have me respond. Once I agreed with God about my sin of judging others – some, my sisters and brothers in Christ – the healing occurred. It was instant. I knew it.
The cleansing was nothing less than spectacular! I felt like a brand new baby. Clean and fresh and tender and at the same time, a woman, a wife, a mom, a grandmother, a professional, all with a brand new future for God to use in His kingdom and for me to spend every day with Him walking so closely to me and showing me His exact plan for every moment.
The story of the cancer wasn’t quite over as there was still a need to get that little tumor out. That happened in August 2019 when God led me to a group of physicians who have been nothing short of God’s hands and His creative talent. Even though the enemy of my soul crept in to begin destroying my body – God redeemed the circumstance and began to restore me using my very own tissue. Day by day, I am given back every single piece of my body which was taken by what seemed to be a negative experience.
God is beyond beautiful and loving. He has healed me completely and continues to heal my soul and mind and allow me to spend my life loving others and sharing what He has done for me. I am grateful that as He promised me on the very first day, there was nothing concealed that has not been disclosed (not one cancer cell) and nothing hidden that was not made known. Not one cancer cell! Not one!
As lovely as this has been, the ongoing experience of walking in this healing has also often included the temptation to be in fear over the word cancer. Just recently, I had prayed and asked God to provide me with a tool – a hammer – to stop the sometimes overwhelming fear and questions in my mind. Only 48 hours later, I woke in the night and was wide awake! I grabbed my phone to check the time and “decided” to look at my email. There was an email there from a woman with whom I had shared that prayer from a couple of days earlier. The email was to a massive group of believers, so it wasn’t directly “to” me. However, as I read, there it was!
“Trouble will not come a second time!” (Nahum 1:9)
Almost like happens in cartoons, I shook my sleepy eyes awake and read again! “Trouble will not come a second time!” There it was. My hammer! God’s word to me, personally, of reassurance that He had healed me completely and that there was no place for fear. I can walk in complete confidence in what He had done and that He is with me.
God is just amazing. That He loves me as He does and cares about every single aspect of me – body, soul, and spirit – is practically incomprehensible. Walking with Him is so complete and so perfect. May Jesus be lifted up in my life and may this body be a monument to the everlasting goodness of God and may you know Him as He has shown Himself to me.
(Author Susanne Brozovich is an IFA intercessor.)
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God and Father of us all I pray for all those more than 300 IFA intercessors that read of your miraculous work in Susan and could not praise you with her! If they were just agnostic about whether or not you actually were directly involved with so-called coincidences grant them repentance from their Hardness of Heart that they may rejoice in your goodness without it needing to be done to them!