I Prayed have prayed
Lord, may our nation turn to You on this National Day of Prayer as we never have before. Thank You for receiving our prayers!
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Many are saying that the health and stability of this republic are under siege. We’re now witnessing a fiery assault against our constitutional liberties, a relentless onslaught upon the very principles that went into our founding. A number of things corroborate this. And so, Thursdayā€™s National Day of Prayer (May 2, 2024) may be the most crucial mobilization of intercession this country has ever seen.

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Paul wrote to the Christians at Corinth: So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my understanding ā€¦ (1 Corinthians 14:15 NIV).

And we read in 1 Chronicles 12:32 that of all the tribes then supporting King David in war, only the sons of Issachar are described as men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do.

Likewise, if we are to effectually intercede for our nation at this very critical time, we must understand and perceive the pernicious powers that are at work in all of the current strife and deceptiveness. And in order to properly discern what is happening here in America, it is vital that we understand what is happening around the world.

Anti-Christ mandates are being implemented by many foreign governments at the behest of a powerful oligarchy of elites fully intent on subverting independent nations into unified globalization.Ā Even a cursory reading of the materials published by the World Economic Forum will provide understanding of what’s taking place all across the globe and subsequently unfolding also here in America.

Here are just a handful of the global initiatives wreaking havoc even here in our homeland:

    • Open bordersĀ 
    • Reckless monetary policyĀ 
    • An unwillingness to broker peaceĀ 
    • Virulent promotion of abortionĀ 
    • Anti-family policies with regard to gender, sexuality, and marriageĀ 
    • A refusal to investigate claims of election fraudĀ 
    • Capitulation to World Health Organization edictsĀ 
    • Coordinated suppression of free speechĀ 
    • An ironic fomenting of racism and divisiveness through DEI initiativesĀ 
    • The promotion of unscientific climate claims and the implemention of dangerous energy policiesĀ 

In view of these expanding evils, what are we to do? Well, Paul tells us first to pray with our spirit.Ā So, as our knees hit the floor, our spirit becomes fully engaged and we cry out to God for justice, mercy, favor, and provision.

But Paul also encourages us to pray with our understanding. Interceding for our nation with understanding means we must devote ourselves to learning the truth about all these matters.Ā That’s why IFA so carefully curates important news articles, prophetic insights, and political commentary with a kingdom perspective.Ā This is intended to help equip you, the intercessor, with a deep sense of understanding, so that you can better discern these days in which we live.

Be an Evangelist for Prayer

As a worship leader and church planter, Iā€™ve learned how challenging it can be to cultivate a transcendent experience of corporate worship on a Sunday morning. One primary hindrance is that many in the congregation spend little or no time in personal worship during the week.Ā How can we expect the glory of the Lord to fill the temple on Sunday morning if we’ve not tended to the fire on the personal altar in our homes?

Likewise, our prayer meetings will lack corporate power and prophetic precision if our prayer closets at home become devoid of our own breath, or if they’re relegated to the purposes of mere storage.

So, the first way to help bolster a robust intercession at any National Day of Prayer gathering is to become filled to overflowing in our personal practice of prayer.Ā 

Second, we should be regularly toiling, laboring, and travailing with others in a weekly prayer meeting. Just as the prayer closet is the engine room of the prayer meeting, even so the prayer meeting is intended to be the engine room of the Church.Ā It’s confounding that far too often the least-attended meeting in our churches is the prayer meeting.

When you find a church that has a dedicated room for prayer during the week, you’ve most likely also found a church that is disciplined in prayer, intimate in worship, and engaged with local, state, and national concerns.

In his influential book, Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire, Pastor Jim Cymbala of New York City’s Brooklyn Tabernacle describes the dry, arduous journey of that church’s early years.Ā Sunday services were sparsely attended, but Cymbala committed himself to holding a prayer meeting every Tuesday evening. His plea to God was that the participants might experience signs, wonders, and miracles.Ā The people who came to pray were sincere and disciplined, but everyone continued waiting for a tangible move of God.

Cymbalaā€™s daughter, Chrissy, had rebelled against her parents, rejected the Lord, and run away from home for an extended period.Ā Her parents’ pain was inconsolable, as they had no idea where on the streets of New York City she might be. And yet, week after week they faithfully held that little prayer meeting.Ā 

At one of those meetings, Pastor Cymbala broke down and confessed his agony, and the people began praying with fervency.Ā A few nights later, Chrissy showed up on her parents’ doorstep, collapsed into her fatherā€™s arms, and begged for forgiveness.Ā Jubilant as this reunion was, what happened next was even more glorious.

Cymbala writes: ā€œA few seconds later, she pulled back startled and said, ā€˜Daddy, who was praying for me? On Tuesday night, who was praying for me?ā€™ā€

It was the power of the prayer meeting.

This testimony of answered prayer and of Chrissyā€™s miracle rippled through the entire congregation and also surged through the community. Not long after that, Brooklyn Tabernacle began experiencing phenomenal growth, combined with a heightened revelation of the Lordā€™s presence among them all.

And if the prayer meeting is the engine room of the Church, then the Church is the engine room of the National Day of Prayer!

This Is the Hour of the Church

The prophet Isaiah certainly understood the days he was living in, and he may have foreseen the days we are living in too: See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you (Isaiah 60:2 NIV).

Though Isaiah so rightly discerned the evil and wickedness of his own day, his perspective was overwhelmingly empowered by the radiance of the Lord shining in and through His people. And we, as believers in Christ who are filled with His Holy Spirit, are not depressed by the darkness, but rather impressed with the abundant glory of His rising presence.Ā Out of this awareness and from this position, prayer warriors across our country will plead their case and lift up their prayers fervently before our Lord. Amen!

The Church must not be silent about the perils of globalism and these anti-Christ ideologies, because the kingdom of God is the only antidote to this growing darkness.Ā Even more, the Church is the place where ā€œthe peoplesā€ oppressed by darkness can behold and experience the rising glory of the Lord amid His people. Amen! Ā 

Therefore, this National Day of Prayer is a clarion call to all believers to take their place in the public square and to be counted among those who fear the Lord. May we boldly invite many people to join in this historic event;Ā may we be like the sons of Issachar and pray with great understanding;Ā may our prayer closets burn bright and our prayer meetings behold signs and wonders; may this National Day of Prayer be remembered for generations to come as the turning point of this nation. Amen!

And as we declare the righteousness of God in our towns this Thursday and pray for our country, may we remember Isaiahā€™s promise and pray that it would be true of America:

Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn (Isaiah 60:3 NIV).


How are you encouraging others to pray on the National Day of Prayer? Please post a comment!Ā  Ā 

Keith Guinta blogs at www.winepatch.org. He is a husband and father, and he has been a worship leader and church planter. Photo Credit: blackrancho via Canva Pro.

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Grant Windholz
May 2, 2024

Lord, every day is a day of prayer for you šŸ™. Not just one day a year! This country is truly broken and we so desperately need you in our lives. Repent and ask for forgiveness through prayer and actions as a whole society! Prayer is extremely important through all of our spiritual warfare!

Linda D
May 1, 2024

May we each individually. and all as a nation, through the power of the Holy Spirit, bow down before the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, on this National Day of Prayer, seeking to recognize His righteousness and glory within our hearts, minds, and souls in the coming days. Thank you, Father, for already having answered our prayers. Amen.

Ruth Leech
May 1, 2024

Agreeing, asking, awakening in the night to pray. Sharing, studying, seeking You Lord daily. Bless this National Day of Prayer as we Christians join together to pray. amen

Beverly Steckler
April 30, 2024

Heavenly Father, I praise You that You are in control and the victor over all these events threatening America. They are not going to succeed because of Your great power! I pray that You will embolden all believers to stand strong in our faith and fight against evil in the name of Jesus whose name I pray, Amen

Sue J
April 30, 2024

Thank you, Keith, for this encouraging article. May we all become faithful prayer warriors, at home, at church and at the flag-pole! Lord, help us all to be faithful!

Tammanika Watkins
April 30, 2024

Prayer works ! The Blood of Jesus will never lose it’s Power!

Kevin Krzyske
April 30, 2024

Amen and Amen!!! GOD save our nation!!

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
April 30, 2024

Almighty God, You have given us this great land as our heritage. We humbly pray that we may always remember Your generosity and faithfully do Your will. Bless our land with honest industry, truthful
education and an honorable way of life. Defend our liberties and strengthen the resolve of the people who have come from throughout the world to make the United States of America their home. Lead us to choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong. Help us to appreciate the opportunities that are ours as we struggle to bring harmony to an unsettled nation and world. May we balance our concern for justice with a willingness to display mercy, and may our concern for security be tempered with a willingness to take risks which will produce worthwhile change for the good of all people. O Lord, we pray for Your guidance as we work together for the best interest of our communities, our nation, our world, and the ultimate goal of peace. When times are prosperous, let our hearts be thankful and in troubled
times may our deepest trust be in You. In Christ Jesus’ mighty and holy Name, and by His authority, I pray. Amen.

Mary Beth
April 30, 2024

Vicki, I don’t know what you are referring to in regard to having to donate to receive prayer. The prayers of God’s people are free, and freely given.
LORD, I pray for Vicki, that You might touch her and reveal Yourself to her – intervene in her life to accomplish Your plans and purposes for her life.

Ron Glenn Deere
April 30, 2024

I have been praying foremostly for the repentance of the Left. God has been saving a remnant of the Left, but we need to pray that He would save yet more Leftists who will then cry unto their fellows to do the right thing lest they fall in the hands of the living God.

Ray Pendergraft
April 30, 2024

Praise God for the thorough commects and guidance. May our Lord bless the intentions and results.

Ray Pendergraft
April 30, 2024

Praise God for the thorough connects and guidance. May our Lord bless the intentions and results.

Allena Jordan
April 30, 2024

God, all of us cry out to You to send a spirit of prayer and supplication upon Your people everywhere. Convict them. Bring them together for corporate prayer. Make time in homes for prayer alone, family prayer, etc. Oh God, hear our cries. We beseech You, O King, to deliver us from our complacency. Amen.

Vicki Smith
April 30, 2024

Please send Natl Day of Prayer as I donated $50…I don’t think it was appropriate to have to donate to receive Prayer..
Vicki Smith

    April 30, 2024

    Not sure where you had to donate “to receive prayer”. It’s not IFA for sure, because they do NOT ask for $$ in exchange for prayer. If there is another ministry “proclaiming to be God’s ministry” doing the same, that’s just wrong & misleading people. But it’s not IFA.

    April 30, 2024

    You are absolutely right, Vicki; It is not right to have to donate to receive prayer!
    This is why IFA doesn’t require it.
    I just want to say that God looks on your heart and He sees your motives;
    He knows what your purposes are, your thoughts and your actions!!!
    Jesus provides the way, the truth and the life to enable us to conform to
    the divine will in all our purposes, thoughts and actions.
    There is probably a great intention on your part to do what is right,
    but you may lack knowledge. IFA has many resources to help you,
    if you will ask; and there is no charge for their help. The Lord Jesus
    says you can come to him and He will never turn you down.
    I hope your $50 will multiply for the Kingdom of God, no matter who
    received it!!! Nothing is impossible with God!

Brian lynch
April 30, 2024

Lord Jesus, stir up a hunger in all of Your children to cry out to You on behalf of our nation. You alone know the challenges facing our nation. By your great grace and mercy, hear our fervent prayers. Thank You, Jesus.


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IFA President
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