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Lord, purge our schools of anti-biblical lies! Convict the teachers and principals — no more teaching what offends Your honor.
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At Seaton Elementary School, in our nation’s capital, young children are taught all about Black Lives Matter, homosexuality, and transgenderism. How many other schools in the nation are like this?

From The Daily Wire. An elementary school in the nation’s capital held a spirit week encouraging young students to show up to school wearing colors inspired by Black Lives Matter and the ‘Pride’ flag, according to materials obtained by The Daily Wire.

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For the first week of Black History Month, Seaton Elementary School in Washington, D.C., held a “Black Lives Matter at School!” spirit week that urged students to focus on race and sexual identity.

Students were encouraged to wear red to represent “the blood that unites people of Black African ancestry.” On Tuesday, they were told to wear black to represent “members of the black community,” and on Wednesday to wear green to represent “the abundant natural wealth of the continent of Africa.” Students were told on Thursday to “wear colors inspired by the Inclusive Rainbow Flag,” showing an image of the “Pride” flag with designation for those who identify as transgender. On Friday, students were told to “wear logos inspired by BLM or historical black colleges and universities.”

Schools across the country have been criticized by parents for emphasizing identity politics while educational achievement lags. …

While Seaton has a history of emphasizing diversity and equity, less than half of the students meet either reading or math expectations in the most recent school year, according to District data.

Located in D.C.’s Shaw neighborhood, the school has about 353 students in kindergarten through fifth grade, most of whom are black or Latino. Only 39% of students at Seaton met math expectations and just 33% met English expectations in the 2022-2023 school year.

The revelation of the spirit week comes as no surprise as the school’s website makes it clear that it focuses heavily on racial, ethnic, and sexual identity. Seaton’s website has a whole section devoted to “Diversity and Equity @ Seaton.” …

The school says that it holds a “Black Lives Matter” week every year organized by the BLM at Seaton “to promote the significance [of] the BLM movement and Black History” and to “celebrate black excellence locally (in the DMV area) and throughout history (past, present, and future).”

Last year, Seaton listed guiding principles for “BLM @ School” week, including “unapologetically black,” “diversity,” “black families,” “black villages,” “restorative justice,” “black women,” “queer affirming,” “transgender affirming,” and “globalism.” …

The school recommends teachers read politically charged books to their students, including reading “Julian is a Mermaid,” a book that appears to allude to transgenderism, and “When We Say Black Lives Matter” to those in pre-K or younger.

Kindergarteners are recommended similar books, including “Calvin,” a story about a young girl who identifies as a boy. …

Seaton previously worked with the leftist Human Rights Campaign on an anti-bullying program that provided “LGBTQ-specific training and resources for elementary teachers.” The HRC has attacked states that have banned doctors and medical providers from performing transgender procedures on children. …

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(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: CDC on Unsplash)

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February 11, 2024

Correct me if I am wrong, isn’t that what Hitler did?

Isn’t that what China is doing? And all the other Marxist’s lead countries. Indoctrination?

Schools, colleges, churches – as some one said, “We don’t have a skin problem, we have a sin problem.”

Alpha and Omega, Yahweh Tseboath- LORD of Hosts, Holy Spirit- Intercessor: I am praying to the ONLY ONE who orchestrates miracles and Divine Providence!!! Unmask the lies of the leftists, expose with Your Light “Woe to those who go to great depths to hide their plans from the LORD, who do their work in darkness and think, “Who sees us? Who will know?” Isaiah 29: 15.

You see. You know.

My hope is in You, LORD my Rock and my Righteousness. Intercede with Your Holy Right Hand.

In Jesus Name.

February 11, 2024

Parent’s need to realize and u derstand, that school is not school as we desire it..and hasn’t been for a long time. Most all schools should be closed for good, including most colleges. These institutions are the Jaws from hell called Marxism. All children need yo be home schooled to save their souls, as well their very lives. Parents need to unite so their children may live the life the Lord intended for them. Lining the pockets of attorneys is a hole from hell.


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