SCOTUS Favors Trump in Colorado Ballot Case?
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SCOTUS Favors Trump in Colorado Ballot Case?
Even the liberal justices seem to agree that Colorado’s Supreme Court went too far in removing Trump from the ballot. How will the court rule on this critical issue?
From Breitbart. Former President Donald Trump appears to be headed for a massive victory at the Supreme Court on the Colorado case over his eligibility to be the on the 2024 ballot, after the beating the lawyers against him received Thursday from the justices.
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The liberal Colorado Supreme Court sided with Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold by a 4-3 vote, holding that Trump engaged in insurrection and that Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment thus disqualified him from running for president in 2024. …
It appears clear that Trump is about to win big, likely either 8-1 or even a unanimous 9-0 decision. …
One point several justices appeared to agree with is that the president is not an officer of the United States. That term instead refers to federal officers appointed by a president, not the president himself. …
Justice Clarence Thomas questioned the lawyer representing the Colorado voters seeking to disqualify Trump what historical examples they could point to about state officials or state courts declaring national candidates ineligible on the ballot. That lawyer, Jason Murray, had none.
“I’d like to sort of look at Justice Thomas’s question sort of from the 30,000-foot level. I mean, the whole point of the Fourteenth Amendment was to restrict state power, right?,” Chief Justice John Roberts said as a follow-up, listing various protections in the Fourteenth Amendment. “States shall not abridge [citizens’] immunity, they won’t deprive people of property without due process, they won’t deny equal protection. And on the other hand, it augmented federal power under Section 5. Congress has the power to enforce [the Amendment through legislation].”
Murray later argued the point that states have the power to disqualify presidential candidates and that the Supreme Court need not be concerned about setting a dangerous precedent because this provision has gone virtually unused for 155 years.
Justice Brett Kavanaugh would have none of it. Referencing a court decision from the year after the Fourteenth Amendment’s ratification in 1868, Kavanaugh pushed back:
On your point it that it’s been dormant for 155 years, I think the other side would say the reason for that is Chief Justice Chase’s opinion in 1869 in Griffin’s Case to start, which says that Congress has the authority here, not the states. … I think the reason it’s been dormant is because there’s been a settled understanding that Chief Justice Chase … was essentially right, and the branches of the government have acted under that settled understanding for 155 years. … And Congress does have [18 U.S.C. § 2383], of course, the Insurrection Act, a criminal statute. But Congress could change it, but they have not, in the 155 years, in relevant respects for what you want here today, at least. …
For her part, Justice Elena Kagan expressed concern about adopting a view of the Constitution that might allow a single state to determine the outcome of a presidential election. As she explained her concern:
But maybe put most boldly, I think that the question that you have to confront is why a single state should decide who gets to be president of the United States. …
Justice Neil Gorsuch drilled down on other problems with the arguments made by Colorado and Democrats, specifically the argument that Section 3 is “self-executing” on such a level that it immediately takes effect when triggering events occur. If that were true, Gorsuch said, then Trump was no longer the commander-in-chief for his last two weeks in office after January 6, 2021, and none of his actions had legal authority. …
Some were surprised when Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson expressed concern over the point that the office of president is not named among the various positions like senator or representative that are listed as positions from which a person is disqualified if they engaged in insurrection. …
As Jackson put it:
But then why didn’t they put the word “president” in the very enumerated list in Section 3? The thing that really is troubling to me is I totally understand your argument, but they were listing people that were barred and president is not there. …
For her part, Justice Amy Coney Barrett expressed concern about the lack of due process in the proceedings that declared Trump invalid. Of all nine justices, only Justice Sonia Sotomayor did not offer a hint of which way she was leaning.
If this victory is as lopsided as Thursday’s argument would suggest, it presents an interesting question for Chief Justice Roberts. The senior justice in the majority assigns who writes the court’s opinion, and the chief is the most senior member of the court. …
[If] he assigns it to a liberal justice in the majority … it would completely shut the door on attempts to characterize this decision as any sort of partisan or ideological decision, satisfying all but the most wide-eyed activists on the Far Left. …
The case is Trump v. Anderson, No. 23-719 in the Supreme Court of the United States.
The Supreme Court’s ruling here could greatly impact the presidential race in 2024, as well as future presidential elections. Share this article to encourage people to pray for our justices.
(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – This file has been extracted from another file, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)
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My constant prayer is that ALL state and Federal Supreme Courts will not permit Political differences to alter their decisions, but allow GOD’S will, -HE who created US and this country,- to lead our country in the direction it needs to go. HIS is the Victory in the end, and pity those who are against Him. Thankful that President Trump honors Him AND Israel!!!
Father God, I pray that forever in this nation, Pro 16:11 A just weight and balance are the LORD’S: all the weights of the bag are his work. is always true in the Supreme court of this land. That the weights placed upon the scales of justice are fine, accurate, and righteous in Jesus name. Amen
And may ALL the people obey Jesus before they are elected
May Jesus rule in the US. ALL God’s ways are just, righteous, and true. Jesus is AWAYS correct. We are usually wrong. May Jesus rule in the US. ..May ALL the people and their ways of lying, deceiving, false testimonies, faking, hiding everything that is illegal, be vomited in front of the White House, so everyone can see it in plain sight. Jesus has patience, is loving, kind, forgiving. But He also has organization for authority, rule, truth. And is and will Reign forever. AMEN
Lord God Almighty, you had founding fathers establish the acknowledgement of the Supreme Court. Lawlessness is everywhere and keeping presidents off the ballots is a perfect example of breaking laws. Let there be justice!!
Amen touching and agreeing in 🙏🏾
If this passes, it will give the right every where in America. May the Supreme throw this out of court. Pray for President Trump’s heart to release it all in God’s hands. May he be strong in the Lord. Not by might not by power. But by the spirit of the Living God!
We are standing
. The decree goes forth: we Will remain one nation under God with liberty and justice for All.”
We are standing g in CO
However, another state is trying to prevent 10 from being re elected. A 2 fold cord is not easily broken
They don’t seem to even address the main problem which is: Trump did NOT engage in insurrection! Just because a leftist press, politician, state court, or Secretary of State or anybody else said he did, does not make it a fact! To quote Trump “I know you will peacefully and patriotically let your voices be heard” is NOT engaging in insurrection, and no lying leftist makes it so…
We can only pray that the SCOTUS will make the right decision and side with president Trump AND the Constitution of the United States!
AMEN, I agree with you in prayer and I have maintained this all along. It’s SO obvious to those who STAY in touch with God and seek His will, that the President was not guilty of the accusations thundering from the left who are being driven by Satanic forces, to turn God’s Creation into a “One.World “ one , heading for eternal failure!
It sure sounds like the SCOTUS is siding with Trump in this situation. This IS a good development. Praise God! May this be but a start of favorable decisions for President Trump. Thank You Jesus.
I pray that the Supreme Court Justices side with our Constitution according to our founding fathers intent. Lord Jesus we ask Your Holy Spirit guide their minds, hearts & decision ensuring Your truth according to Your Word. Give these justices the wisdom of Solomon discerning truth from deception & lies. We give You, Lord Jesus, all the glory and praise for You are our God. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, our Savior & King. Amen
What a great and inspiring prayer. I totally agree.
Father I pray that we the people, including those on the supreme court, will remember who it is that is really in charge. Only you, Almighty God. I pray your will over this and every other judgment that is facing America. We were founded to be one nation under God and I recognize, appreciate, need and affirm your power. Nothing is too hard for you, and I trust you with all my heart that your will WILL be done.
Why are they not proving President Trump wasn’t involved in the insurrection (the liberal democratic planned this set up to frame him). I am glad they are fighting for his right to be on the ballot.
I am very grateful for the opportunity to see the Justices of our High Court act as a non-Partisan group and rule with fairness in this case regarding a Presidential election and the Citizens of Colorado’s right to vote. Go forth , Supreme Court. Judge without Partiality to the Party but with fairness and impartiality.
God sees knows who is telling truth. Our united states government and the department of justice are out of control. Very dishonest. Most Americans they know that president Trump is innocent.
Praying for wise counsel and wisdom from our Supreme Court. Because this will impact future elections and generations. In the wonderful conselours name. Jesus. Amen
Greetings from the U.K. The tortuous legal gymnastics of the SCOTUS judges are fascinating but they seem to be ignoring the one massive fact of the case: that Trump did NOT incite an insurrection.
I have read his speech in full, verbatim. It is littered with references to the democratic and constitutional processes of the United States and encouragements to his supporters to defend them. Hardly insurrectional.
There is one reference to fighting which, in many, many contexts, including January 6th is a rhetorical phrase for standing up for belief not physical violence.
The fact that some Trump supporters got carried away is their responsibility. Not his. The truth is Trump is innocent of this misdemeanour as he has been proved innocent in many other slanderous cases.
I listen to the oral arguments in most of the justices asked the right questions they were concerned about the state election having federal consequences. I think it’s time for Congress to make some amendments to the constitution so that individual states follow a procedure that doesn’t disenfranchise presidential candidates For our national election process