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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we ask You to stand by the side with those who love You and Your Word. Give them strength so that the message You have placed in them will be fully proclaimed, and everyone will hear it. Deliver them from the mouths of lions. Rescue them from every evil attack. Bring them to safety. Let them establish Your kingdom. We give You glory forever and ever. (2 Tm. 4:17-18)
Reading Time: 4 minutes

The tide of evil visibly unleashed on the streets of America provides a profound snapshot of the fight which America as a nation faces. Rogue bands set fires, destroy cities, spew curses at police, and abuse anyone with whom they disagree.

As intercessors, we tend to focus our prayers on what we see as a gaping wound in our society. We pray to stop the civil unrest, often unaware that while the war in the streets rages, a horrific underground battle exists in the bureaucracy housed in office buildings that line the streets of Washington, DC.

The war within the Deep State isn’t fought by angry people who throw bricks and start fires. It is between men and women who wear suits and attend casual get-togethers on weekends where they talk politely about the latest news. Some are patriots who believe in democracy and work to make America better; others embrace a liberal agenda and want America to become a socialist nation. While the two groups may try to be cordial, the socialists will do everything within their power to stop attempts made to promote morality and righteousness proposed by the patriots. This conflict lies deep in the bureaucracy of our government.

Those who work and fight for our nation are crying out for our prayers.


God has seeded workers in the offices of our government to allow them to make a difference for the Kingdom of God. Daily they face opposition. Pray for them to have the favor of God with their co-workers, bosses, and administrators. Let them speak the truth with godly wisdom. Pray their presence, and their work, effectively defeats the agenda of the Deep State bureaucracy. Every godly decision is essential and will advance God’s plan. The outcome of this conflict will decide whether our children grow up under a socialist government, or will embrace moral values and a love for America.


Often the victories achieved are fiercely contested by political opponents. The big win President Trump and Secretary DeVos delivered on May 6, 2020, that strengthened equal rights provided under Title IX, has met with fierce opposition. The ruling dealt with equal rights in education and assured all students the right to pursue an education free of sex discrimination. Due process would be granted every person male as well as female. In protest of the Department of Education’s “strict” definition of gender as a man or a woman, eighteen Democratic Attorney Generals filed lawsuits against Secretary DeVos and the U. S. Department of Education to block the department’s final rule under Title IX.

The Title IX ruling is only one example of where politically partisan opposition has halted progress. Those with a liberal agenda fight any action they perceive as an advancement of conservative efforts. Many godly people work within the bureaucracy. They do a tremendous job, but they desperately need our prayers that the victories they win will be secured and not stolen by the enemy.


General Flynn’s recent quote, I was once told if we’re not careful, 2 percent of the passionate will control 98 percent of the indifferent 100 percent of the time is almost true. In the case of believers working in the Deep State, most are not indifferent. Many want to make a difference. These employees care, but speaking out may cause severe repercussions of persecution, sabotage, and workplace malfeasance. These are our brothers and sisters who work on our behalf. They are needed in the offices where they oversee the daily operations of our government. As intercessors, pray that God will raise up men and women like Daniel to work within the government: They will have no corruption in them because they are trustworthy, not corrupt, nor negligent. They will not bow before the idol of the King. They will stand firm and speak the truth in love.


 Just as Jesus spoke to the nonproducing fig tree and it dried up from the roots, we speak to the resources of those who work evil in our government and command their money, communication, and alliances to dry up from the roots.

It’s easy to criticize those who work in our government for what we perceive as inactivity, but think of what is achievable if we intercede for them to have the right battle strategies, to hear from God, to grow in their faith, and to have victories over the enemies of our nation. If both the workers and the intercessors do their part, think of what God can do.

Today let us join forces and fight in prayer! Will you pray for the believers working within federal agencies? Will you stand in the gap for them? Share in the comments section. Some of the believers in government are readers of this website–what would you like to share with them?


About the Author: Nancy Huff is an educator with a mission to equip believers to pray strategically for the Cultural Mountain of Education. She has authored Taking the Mountain of Education: A Strategic Prayer Guide to Transform America’s Schools. She leads prayer groups to pray at key educational locations across the US. Currently, Nancy serves as the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN) Lead Prayer Coordinator for the Mountain of Education. For additional information go to: https://takingthemountainofeducation.com/author/nancyahuff/

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Teresa lee
September 29, 2020

I stand in agreement with you.

July 21, 2020

Before your feet hit the ground give thanks To our Almighty God for a day of grace and mercy. Declare and decree Psalms 91 and put on the the full armor over yourselves and your loved ones, job, marriage, His purpose in life be fulfilled and that you fulfill what He wrote about in the books in heaven be fulfilled by His power and the Blood of Jesus

Alicia Vernon
July 21, 2020

Daily I pray that good people in government would stand up for what is right and true and righteous. I claim that the Holy Spirit fill the Department of Justice so TRUE justice will prevail! I pray daily that the Holy Spirit fill the halls of the “Military Industrial Complex” because I believe they are the ones controlling the media. I claim that God’s guardian Angels surround Trump, his family and the White House!

Gale Sherrill
July 21, 2020

AMEN!!! David had his “mighty men”. Our President Trump has his and they need to be covered in prayer as they are the same type of fearless men that helped David win battles. Lord, give your people in government divine strategies courage and favor like a shield! The righteous “mighty men” are bold as lions! God bless America! It will fulfill its destiny!

John Genoese
July 21, 2020

Praying Psalm 91, 2 Cor 10:3-5, Eph 6:10-19 Amen
Lord, grant Your children who You have appointed to work in government at all levels complete protection against every scheme of the wicked one, and show them forth as more than conquerors through You, Who love them with an everlasting love. Manifest Your character in them at every turn, that their enemies may be utterly confounded, and that many be drawn to You by their comeliness. Preserve and protect them, and glorify Yourself through them, that the world may know that You Alone Are Lord, and there is none besides You. Amen.

Linda Mercier
July 21, 2020

I, too, agree and understand the spiritual warfare that without a doubt goes on in the government. Growing in my own ability to see the evil in the faces and actions of others, the need for more prayer for God to intervein for those that stand holding the wall. May God call those of us who remain silent to speak up supporting those brave men and women who are courageously holding the wall.
We must stand with them or lose our country and freedom.

Stephanie Lindenberger
July 20, 2020

Yes I agree and as one who worked in the US Senate for a conservative pro-life Senator I understand the spiritual warfare and deceitful acts from those you thought were trustworthy.
So, I stand with my brothers and sisters in the halls of congress and in their state offices as they seek to “hold the line” and even “advance” the Lord’s agenda. These are the front lines in the trenches as much as any battle in which the US has ever been engaged. Holy Spirit strengthen these individuals, give them divine inspiration, wisdom and perseverance, we dispatch the warring angels to assist them to cut through the enemies schemes and reveal every one, and let them feel Your Presence and our prayers for them! They are not alone! In the Name of Jesus our Savior! Amen

July 19, 2020

The Lord has put his people in place for such a time as this. Do not fear what man can do, only fear the Lord. Father, I thank you for those in government who belong to you. I thank you for the good work they do. Strengthen them, give wisdom to them, and protect them and their families.

Barbara Moore
July 18, 2020

God has you where you need to be to accomplish His goals and mission for your life and His agenda. Please know we stand with you in prayer to do and be all God has deemed for you and our country. Please continue to fight the good fight.

Liz Trimble
July 17, 2020

Yes I pray and degree and release Angel armies to fight in your behalf to bind up evil powers and push back the evil forces behind those liberals and their agendas. That there efforts will be null and void and have no effect. I speak confusion into all of their plans and schemes that they will fall to the ground unfruitfull by the blood of Jesus.I pray your anointing, your protection, wisdom and discernment over every Christian working in our government. Give them the courage and ,favor and boldness to speak forth what you have put in there hearts and the grace they need to stand against any opposition from the enemy. I pray that as they speak forth your words that revelation knowledge of your truth fall on every liberal ear and that the conviction of the Holy Spirit arrest them, Lord we pray for there deliverance from every lie and spirit of deception and release your truth and bring them to full salvation in the name of Jesus the name above every name.

Linda M M
July 16, 2020

I pray about this matter every day. The “Deep State” is responsible for everything that is happening that is evil and sinister in our land today. The sad part is that they don’t know they are working for Satan himself and doing his will.
Father God, we humbly ask that You bring some of these sinister people “in black suits,” behind closed doors down from their perceived positions of power. I could call names but You know who they are, as do we, Your people. Please give us the courage to speak the truth in love to our misguided friends, family and neighbors who have been deceived into believing that this Socialist way is the way to go. Open blind eyes and unstop deaf ears to the Truth.
I pray, in Jesus’ mighty Name. Amen

Patricia Humphrey
July 15, 2020

Praying for all our brothers and sisters in the Lord who are employed by the government. May the peace of God which passes all understanding keep your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. The Lord is your strength, your shield and every present help in time of need. Praying for Godly wisdom and understanding for you to know the will of God and do. That you will be hidden under the shadow of His wings and escape all the plots of the wicked one. May He bless you in your coming and going your coming in and your going out from this time forth and forever more.

Have a blessed day, today and everyday, for He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Thanks for all you do.

Ana Melendez
July 14, 2020

Father we pray for our Brothers and Sisters that You have strategically placed in our government. We pray for their protection as they execute the mandates that you have given them. Father we pray for favor like shield to protect them. Father give them an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying, give them discernment and wisdom. Father protect their families as well. Lord we pray that You would allow them to hear what is spoken in secret. To hear what the enemies plans are against our President Donald J. Trump and our country. Father that You would expose every hidden schemes and plots against this administration. Father we are trusting You O Lord to secure this presidency for the next four years as You O Lord help those that are called by your name working in the Deep State. Father we put our trust in You. Help us Father to know how to, when to, pray for our Brothers and Sisters that are in harms way. We ask You all this In Jesus name.

July 14, 2020

Father, God of all creation, nothing is too difficult for you. Help us see this chaos as an opportunity to praise you and come to you more, knowing we can’t do any thing without your blessing. We pray Lord that you bless all believers in government to be bold and steadfast to do your will. We pray Lord that you would open the eyes of those i n the media to report truth,your truth and help our nation of believers to not be discouraged. Let us remember Paul taught us that you can use any thing for good for those that love our Lord, our God. Amen

July 14, 2020

Just be encouraged that there are many more people praying than click on the “I prayed” button. I know of several prayer groups in my city that are going on weekly/daily praying and contending for the faith once delivered and for the leaders of our great nation. We stand in agreement with the Word of God that if my people called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then he will hear from heaven and heal our land.

Cindy Ashlock
July 14, 2020

Great and mighty God, strengthen our brothers/sisters who You have placed in Government at this time. Give them direction, revelation, answers, protection. Let them speak out boldly. Close the mouths of the lions around them. Fill them with wisdom/ strategy/favor/energy. Enable them to do great exploits. In Jesus Name Amen

Judy Peterson
July 12, 2020

We’re fighting a lot of nastiness without much financial help. I for one feel like I’m getting broke trying to help the GOP candidates.

But prayer is another story altogether. We can, we must, pray for victory of the evil in our government, especially, but also the evil in our hearts!

    Linda M M
    July 16, 2020

    I have stopped giving money and am praying constantly instead. I don’t believe money is going to get the Republicans back in office in November. I believe it is going to take a great move of God on the hearts of millions, and that can only be accomplished by prayer and fasting.

    One of our greatest problems in America is thinking that money can solve all our problems. The only One who can solve our problems is GOD Himself and He cannot be bought. We all need to serve HIM and not the Almighty Dollar!!

Corinne W
July 12, 2020

I pray that God will harvest seeds of Truth that were sown in hearts in faith decades ago; That the seeds will grow up unhindered, to bear fruit for Jesus’ name, fruit that will last.

    Mary Whitmire
    July 14, 2020

    May the courage of the Lion of Judah rise up in every man and woman standing in the gap for our nation and that we do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God for it is not by our might or power but by the Spirit of the Lord.

Eunice Montfort
July 11, 2020

I agree with you that God’s people should be praying for our leaders. It seems that most of what we hear about are the godless leaders who are trying to destroy our country. We rarely hear about the leaders who are trying to stand for righteousness. I pray for our country regularly, and I also pray for the ungodly leaders. I pray for God to either bring them to salvation, or remove them from places of authority. This is spiritual warfare, and we must not back down from the enemy. God has given us the weapons of warfare to win these battles, and we must use them daily. And then, having done all, we STAND FIRM ON THE WORD OF GOD AND THE GOD OF THE WORD.

Ailsa St Louis
July 11, 2020

Precious saints, you have been called to the government for such a time as this! You will fulfill your purpose, and walk in the fullness of all God has for you.May the love of God covers you, and may you have His favor in every area of your lives. Heavenly Father, I ask that You impart Your wisdom and understanding into the hearts of Your servants.May Your heavenly host continue to watch and guard their families. Father, keep them courageous, healthy, and strong. I pray in Jesus name, amen.

July 11, 2020

Those who serve the Lord of Heavens Army need not fear or be discouraged. My prayer for all who work in government (federal, state or local, elected or appointed, career or temporary assignment) is this:

“Be strong and courageous! Don’t be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria or his mighty army, for there is a power far greater on our side! He may have a great army, but they are merely men. We have the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles for us!” Hezekiah’s words greatly encouraged the people.
2 Chronicles 32:7‭-‬8 NLT


    July 15, 2020

    Thank you for this prayer and the encouraging verse in regards to the battle we as believers are in. I was needing a word of hope to cling to this morning and this is the one.

Verna M Knox
July 11, 2020

There are positive things happening in our country. We need to pray about the negative and focus on the positive. God is moving in our midst and we must not miss it!

July 11, 2020

Thank you for reminding me that there are believers working in and amongst those with a liberal agenda. Praying for their protection and wisdom to stand in the midst of a trying work place. May God’s will be done and accomplished through the mighty warriors He has placed in our government. I ask God to give them continual strength to stand for truth, righteousness, and the good of our nation. Oh God come heal our land as we pray, seek your face, and repent of our unrighteousness. Lord there are many who love this land and desire to see our constitution upheld and the evil agenda of the deep state to shrivel to nothing. Continue to strengthen and protect those who are in the daily fight. May they not grow weary.

Dale T Nacinovich
July 11, 2020

Father we come to you in the name of Jesus. Release a Jeremiah 1:10 anointing that pulls up, roots up and throws down all evil and ungodly agenda focused education including our colleges and universities. America needs to simply say no to overseas money and bribes from other countries for alternative agendas if destroying our Nation. Release a building anointing Father of returning yo out roots of accurate history and show progress if where we truly have come from as a Nation. Cancel the 1619 project funded by globalists with the destruction of America in mind including a race war. We will not stand for this as American citizens and we say that blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord not any other deity or Ism.

Harriet Fuller
July 11, 2020

Never, in the totality of my life, have I experienced such evil and such strife between man. God has assured us in His Word that we can and will experience peace through faith and placing our supplications for our nation, for our people in God’s very capable hands. Our precious children are our future and our hope. I most humbly pray to our Most Awesome God through the name of His Son Jesus and the blood that He shed on the cross of Calvary to cover us, our nation, our gubernatorial leaders, our spiritual leaders, our teachers, our parents, our children with the Holy Sprit. May each of us have the zeal to stand up like Daniel to face the evil and take our stand to say no to corruption. To support, lift up each other in prayer. I pray for each of us and our children to have a respect for human life, to be taught by our example the quality of live that God wants us to have. I pray for each leader as he/she stands up against evil to receive protection surrounded by God and His Warrior Angels so that we and our nation prospers. I pray as we walk through these dark times that we do it with God’s grace, ever marching forward, never losing ground. In everything we do, may the glory be to God in the name of Jesus. We are nothing without Him.

Nan A Isaacson
July 10, 2020

Dear Heavenly Father,
For all those government workers and school teachers who name Jesus as their Savior, I pray for each of them to have boldness and favor and love for all those they deal with. And Lord, I pray for a hedge of protection for them as they gallantly serve our Country and our God. “No weapon formed against them can prosper” is my prayer for them. Bless them and protect them as Your Word states in Psalms 91. In Jesus’ name, Amen

July 10, 2020



July 10, 2020

I pray DAILY at 9:00 in the morning for all of you with 3 other intercessors. We pray for your protection and for you to not back down in the face of opposition. We pray for boldness, wisdom and discernment for you in fighting these battles! We’ve got your back in prayer!!!

Ruth Eastburn
July 10, 2020

I am so thankful for the Godly people who are within our government working for godly principles. You have my prayers for victory in God’s purpose for our beloved country. Citizens since our country’s inception have been blessed with founders who patterned our government on Judeo-Christian principles. God intended that government be patterned after His heavenly government, and godly people such as you have been anointed for such a time as this, and our jobs are to support you in prayer. God give you His wisdom to make decisions that serve His purpose. God bless you and to God be the glory. Amen.

Roberta Koch
July 10, 2020

We thank God for godly people working in our government
We pray for you daily
We pray you will be in God’s presence hearing from His Holy Spirit fulfilling His call on your life
Be encouraged stand strong with God’s armour on you protecting and giving you the strategy for attack using God’s Word
God bless you with His favor, grace and peace
We love and thank you

Lions Den Kingdom In Zion
July 10, 2020

Our Father Who Art In Heaven Please Have Mercy On Your People On Earth, In Times Like this Please We Ask for Your Gracious Love to Judge Us Oh LORD and not Our doings

Judy Kaufman
July 10, 2020

Abba Father asking You to be with all of our representatives. Strengthen them and encouragement them to stand up for Your truth. Grant them favor with those in authority over them. Give them Devine strategies and your wisdom and guidance. Thank You for each and every one of them. Keep your hedge of protection over them and their families. In Jesus name. Amen.

JoAnne Rodes
July 10, 2020

Thank you for standing & working hard to fight for the truth and the Judeo/Christian values, principles and freedom this country was founded on. Praying for u

Marilyn Franck
July 10, 2020

Gracious God, our Father, our ABBA in Whom we trust, we come to You through the Blood of Jesus, the only Way we can come to You. Heal our land, Lord. We have sinned and deserve the punishment You have allowed in our streets. But I pray for mercy, Lord Jesus. Stay the hand of evil. Empower the hand and voice of Your people, especially Your people You have placed in positions within our government for such a time as this. Give them favor and influence with and among those who seek justice and mercy, as well as the evildoers. Protect the righteous victories fought for. Raise up more believers and men and women with the spirit of Daniel in our government. Put believers of righteousness and justice in the power positions and protect them from the enemy. Cause Your enemies to stumble. Dry up their resources. Bind the enemy’s power within our government. May righteousness and justice flow like a river up and down the halls of our Congress and our judicial system. Thwart the evil plans presently at work in our government and in our streets. Heap burning coals on the heads of those who thrive on injustice and unrighteousness. May Your servants in our government see Your victories materialize and endure, and give You all the glory for it. You are The only True, Wise God, and we beseech You for mercy and favor for Your people to further the justice and righteousness our country so desperately needs. Thank You, Lord Jesus, ABBA Father, and Dear Holy Spirit, for hearing and answering our prayers. All glory, and power, and wealth, and goodness are Yours forever. Amen.

Chris Ronchetti
July 10, 2020

This Tuesday, my girls’ group will take the afternoon to do just this. We are compiling our prayer points as we speak. Although none of us hold governmental offices (yet), we are and have been interceding for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ (and those who are not believers as well!) particularly for our home states of Georgia and Florida. We cannot and will not give up in the Name of our Mighty God and Savior, Jesus Christ! Amen!

    July 10, 2020

    Amen! Thank you for much Chris for all you do and being such a faithful intercessor. God bless you!

Nancy Bernot
July 10, 2020

Our local ministry held a 50 hour prayer vigil for our country over the 4th of July weekend…praying for all leaders and those working behind the lines in government. Be assured you are in our prayers, all believers who are following the Spirit, and will be from now till election day. May God keep you strong, full of courage, and at peace. Amen!

July 10, 2020

Praying for all of you. Praying God protects you, gives you His discernment, guides your work and protects you. I’m very thankful for all of you.
Lord, unite us🙏🏼

Gale Sherrill
July 10, 2020

I pray for unity, not selfish agendas, but for the good, bad, & ugly that the forces we battle over in this world. Please turn the hearts of our people who are caught up in this chaos trying to hold on tight to do right. I pray for future generations to honor you & praise you. Thy will be done, we trust In you Oh God.

July 10, 2020

Many of us are praying for you! We are lifting you up in prayer. Be brave! Be bold! Our Lord God is on your side and He will give you wisdom, strength,and the grace you need to get through these battles! The blessings of our Lord God will be upon you for standing up for what’s right and speaking against that which is wrong!Thank you for all that you are doing!

    July 10, 2020

    That means so much to us, Nadine. Thank you for praying for IFA!

July 9, 2020

Thank you for standing against the high progressives tide of destruction. We will not forget you!

Rose M Hunter
July 9, 2020

For five years I’ve been part of a group of women in the Tucson area, from a dozen different churches, and for 19 years, for three hours every Monday morning, 20-30 women passionately worship and declare Scripture as intercession over all the lost, deceived, and unbelieving in our families,friends, neighborhoods, cities,counties, states,nation, and the world, including governmental leaders. We even cover our enemies in prayer for God’s Divine Revelation of Jesus and God’s HOLY Word and Truth to them all to bring them to reverential accountability before God, conviction,contrition, and genuine repentance.

    Suzanne Favalora
    July 10, 2020

    Scripture declares that “the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much”! Hallelujah! I don’t believe America would be experiencing the hand of God on our behalf right now if it were not for the fervent prayers of the righteous! Thank you for your sacrifice and I know you and those with whom you have prayed for these 19 years will recieve reward greater than you could imagine from the Lord on that day.
    God bless you and may your effectual prayers continue to avail much!

    In Jesus Name,

    Nan A Isaacson
    July 10, 2020

    That is awesome. MAY that prayer group cause many others to form. God Bless each and every one of you. To know that so many are praying, gives me hope that we can overcome this tyranny and tide of evil that has been leading this nation far too long.
    I pray also, that each and every Pastor exhorts their people to pray more, run for office more, and make sure they vote.
    I also pray that the votes will be honestly and correctly reported. I pray that whatever it takes, sending the National Guard to oversea the vote counting may be necessary and that our leaders have the wisdom to do that. In Jesus Name, the Name above every name and the name that will hold this nation accountable for the blessings it has accorded us since its founding. Amen

    July 14, 2020

    Thank you for such a loving sacrafice for our brothers and our nation!

Doris Ehlenfeldt
July 9, 2020

I have scrolled through and agree with the earlier the prayers.

Father, I pray for Your hand of protection, enlightenment, and courage for the people You have called to stand in the gap as intercessors for our godly government workers. Help us to not grow weary or become discouraged in prayer. The battle is raging but we must not give up. Lord,thank You for entrusting and empowering us through the Holy Spirit who You have given to us. In Jesus name,Amen.

July 9, 2020

Father -in Jeremiah we see you saying that you can cause a large army to be defeated and you can bring victory to a small one. You also show us that you know us by name and you can grant protection in the midst of war and destruction. You noticed when Ebed -Edom stood up for Jeremiah and rescued him from the pit. You also noticed Baruch the faithful scribe who stood with Jeremiah. You called to them by name and gave them specific messages of protection and encouragement . We ask that these faithful servants today be fully aware of your favor, strength and provision. We ask that you grant singleness of purpose, others with whom to stand and establish the works of their hands. In the Name of the One who is the Lord of Heaven and earth -our Savior Jesus Christ

Lucille Wilson
July 9, 2020

Thank you so much for helping all of the intercessors with these vital articles that not only help us pray into the problem but strengthen us knowing that when we are doing it, thousands of others in unity are filling the bowl in heaven and Our Precious Lord will rain down recompence.

Janis Ostiguy
July 9, 2020

praying non stop for our leaders to follow the word of our Lord and lead with integrity and love for all of us . jano

Pamela Tarlton
July 9, 2020

I want all government officials who are on the side of our Lord Jesus Christ to know I’m standing in the Gap praying and for those officials who are not I am praying but you will turn from your wicked ways and if you don’t I am praying the Lord deal with his enemies appropriately in Jesus name amen

Florence Wheeler
July 9, 2020

We definitely appreciate all the God-fearing people who work so hard, in difficult circumstances, in all levels of our government! Praying for wisdom, strength, and peace for you!

    July 10, 2020

    Thank you for your prayers for our nation and IFA! God bless you!

Anne Marie
July 9, 2020

Praying for our leaders that are followers of Christ and those who hold to the Judeo/Christian belief system, that they will be strong and courageous, look to God’s Truth for wisdom, He does have the answers. Remembering He upholds the righeous in His hands. Please do not grow weary in your well doing for in due season you will reap a lovely harvest if you do not give up. God has placed you in Ceasars court for such a time as this.

    July 10, 2020

    Thank you so much Anne for sharing such encouraging truth, for your support, and faithful prayers!

Cindy Sanchez
July 9, 2020

God bless you for all you do for our Nation. I will pray for you as you continue to do the work the LORD has positioned you for. And may He give you favor with those whom you work with and for.


Helen Preston
July 9, 2020

As a believing Christian federal worker, I am praying that God will give you wisdom and strength, and forbearance to stand up to the Deep State at every opportunity.Perhaps God has placed you in your position to help our country return to Him and abide in our constitution, not tear it down. Just abide in Him and He will
help you do the right thing.

July 9, 2020

Lord we lift up these dear brothers and sisters who are soldiers behind the lines–Daniels in Babylon. Let them be bold, strong, and protected. Keep them from jealousy, evil, sabotage and hatred. Let the works of their hands stand, and let the works of the evil ones perish. There are no lions; there is no fire heated 3 times hotter, that can harm them or their families. Comfort and strengthen their spouses and family members. Surround them with angels that terrify those who would hinder them. Let them feel the love of Your Holy Spirit surrounding them at all times. In Jesus Name we pray.

Mary Brown
July 9, 2020

Forgive me for not praying for God’s people in the deep state-I didn’t know they were there. I’ve been so earnestly praying against the evil, I neglected the good. I thank God for you and ask Him to keep you covered beneath His wings and covered in prayer. May you be so filled with God’s love that fear is driven out and you walk in great favor. May you receive divine strategies and intel and achieve great victory.

Carol McNally
July 9, 2020

Almighty God,
Please raise up Daniel’s who can walk in Your ways with holy integrity. Give the the mind of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.protect them with your armor. In Christ I pray. Amen

July 9, 2020

I agree. Remember Nehemiah! It took workers and burden bearers to continue the work.

Nehemiah 4:17 KJV
They which builded on the wall, and they that bare burdens, with those that laded, every one with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other hand held a weapon.

July 9, 2020

I pray that the brothers and sisters fighting inside the bureaucracy will be fighting like Nehemiah with one hand holding weapon and the other working. In our time the weapon is not sword nor spear but sword of the Spirit – the Word of God. So I pray that these brothers and sisters will be equipped with God’s Word daily and be prayer warriors themselves, praying for every issue, every decision, every circumstance so that their spirit will be keen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and so they’ll become useful vessels in God’s hand to accomplish His goals and purposes in the bureaucracy field. 🙏🙏🙏

Virginia Douglas
July 9, 2020

In Nevada a special legislative session was called. Cutting the education budget is holding children hostage. Demanding federal funds yet refusing Sec DaVos counsel to open schools is obstructive. State employees contrary to state law hold key positions in the legislature. Churches are trying to get programs open though this planned crisis.
Lord God, all the glory is yours as the corrupt plans are overturned and strong voices are raised in accordance with your plan to open the eyes of the blind to stand up to those who would undermine the future.

July 9, 2020

Holy Father God, as You and Jesus plan and pray together I ask that our prayers would be attached to Yours… honoring You with godly thoughts and behaviors. Then, that they would be filled with trust and faith that You will use honorable people to follow Your directions and carry out Your plans… Only You have that power, energy and wisdom to defeat the enemy. Thank You for helping us not be torn asunder by the enemy or wanting our own way ~ May our way be to seek and stand for Your Way!!! Thank You for forgiving us for all the ways we fall and bend… help us be upright and standing for You when this season and these battles are over. In Jesus’ MIGHTY NAME, I pray… Amen and 🙏🏻 AMEN!

    July 10, 2020

    I am praying for you our faithful servants! May you be faith-filled! As we lift you up I invite
    you to spend time with God every single day before entering the battlefield. This will provide supernatural power,
    strength and courage, you will be armed for whatever comes your way. I experienced this during a riveting crisis in my life.
    This book might be helpful for you- available on Amazon
    Tony Cooke
    Through the Storms: Help from Heaven When All Hell Breaks Loose

July 9, 2020

Thank you for helping me to become aware of God’s underground servants. I will pray for them as part of the “Firewall” I am praying around our nation.

July 9, 2020

I pray for believers who work in government federal or state. I place a blood circle around you and sprinkle the Blood of Jesus upon each leader and government worker. I bind the devil over every evil plan, plot and strategy of the adversary, the workers of darkness and render them powerless and ineffective against you.

Every word curse spoken against you is bound in Jesus name, and those word curses sent back upon the heads of the sender and destroy the works of Hell. The Good works God ordained for you to walk in prospers, succeed and protected.

I speak to the resources of those financing the evil works of darkness in our government. I command their monies dry up I speak confusion into the enemies camp breakdown their
communication and alliances dry up and fail.

I pray the spirit of Daniel rest upon you that you may have an exceptional, extraordinary and excellent spirit. God grant you wisdom, revelation, discernment and reveal dreams and
visions to you. Don’t be moved by what you hear or see. Remember – It’s more Angel Armies with you than against you. Satan is outnumbered and defeated. We WIN!!!

Tim Newbrander
July 9, 2020

Excellent prayer guide for praying for those within our government who are seeking to promote godly, God-honoring policies…I am joining in this prayer effort for them and praying for awakening and revival in our land. Thank you to those of you who are serving within our government.

Deborah Andrejco
July 9, 2020

LORD GOD, we cry out to you – 2 Chronicles 7:14 – we ask for Mercy, Forgiveness, We Turn from our wicked ways & Seek your Face for Direction – You promise to Heal our Land if we call on you!! Touch every HONEST God-fearing government worker and bless them with Wisdom, Knowledge, Insight, Discernment to do the work needed. I decree FAVOR over them – a UNIFICATION amongst the ones who are trying to do right in their positions!! Bless them, Lord! I decree a SHIFT in this nation – that the evil will come down; the evil will be confounded and confused within itself; & those who are carrying Truth to rise up with boldness!! Show yourself STRONG & MIGHTY Lord, for we cannot do this without You.

Frances Perez
July 9, 2020

A friend that I had not seen in almost 15 years contacted me about starting a prayer group. We opened it up to whoever would be interested in joining every day at 2:30pm to pray for one hour. We were surprised at how many others responded, and though many of us did not know each other in the start, we knew each other well in the Spirit by the time Pentecost came, which was when we had decided would be the end of our 21 days of fasting and daily prayer on Zoom. However, we felt the Holy Spirit move us to continue to pray. We have been praying daily for the President, all his administrative staff. We pray absolute utter confusion into the camp of those under the deception and sway of the evil one. We pray that every plot, scheme, plan and motive of the evil one is dismantled and falling apart at the seams, never to come together. We pray that the evil are uprooted from among the good and God will bring His threshing wheel down, separating the chaff from the grain, establishing righteous men and women in positions of authority in every state in the union and from the white house, down to the smallest public school system, and every college and university. I’m also in another prayer group that prays on Wednesday mornings from 10-12. And we have had several all night prayer times the last few months. Although – it looks like its getting darker, we believe that the devil is kicking and screaming in the death throes and we will not fasting and praying until we see victory in the US and in the world. God bless all those that are on the front lines in positions of authority. Stand strong! We are undergirding you all in prayer. Jesus is Lord!

July 9, 2020


Katie A Gates
July 9, 2020

Lord Jesus, thank you that you have seeded our government at local, state ad the federal level with Godly men and women, positioned by you, appointed by you for such a time as this. I pray for those that would even be used by God to accomplish your purposes oh Lord even if they don’t believe. You can do that Lord. I pray that Godly leaders would unify, would gather together in prayer, that they would prayer walk their buildings and offices, praying and pleading you will and intervention, praying that the wheat be separated from the chaff by any means necessary. Lord I pray for a house cleaning and detox of our government. I pray you break it down if you need to to build it up stronger. I Pray for those elected leaders and christian workers to be protected by the blood of Jesus and to reflect His glory with love and integrity, with persuasion, that they would react rationally and bring key points of enlightenment to discussion. In those moments I pray that you would give supernatural ears and peace to those who hear their message. You are a mighty and righteous God, a God of Justice. You will prevail. Embolden, strengthen, give wisdom and discernment to and uphold our leaders in your righteous right hand. Amen

Rita Mascaro
July 9, 2020

No matter how this looks in the physical realm, the undeniable fact is: in the spiritual realm, there are more with us than there are with them. One can chase 1000 and 2 (believers) can chase 10,000. I’m asking the Lord to unleash heaven’s resources for this battle. It’ll be quiet but deadly (like that famous fig tree).

Amy Harrod
July 9, 2020

Here’s an Idea for billboard or Metro ad.

“Your voice matters. No, not yours! Just mine and all who agree with me.”

Perhaps churches would help fund it so all can see the foolishness of political correctness, and eventually its danger.

LORD God, I ask You to intervene on behalf of this nation and all who are working behind enemy lines wether it be in the military, the streets, or offices and schools. Protect them and give them supernatural wisdom. In Jesus name, so be it.

For God and country.

Lauralee Hirte
July 9, 2020

I pray daily with a prayer conference call that prays 24/7. Very powerful!

Gary S. Lurch
July 9, 2020

Sir I agree with everything you said. I pray everyday that prayer is the answer to the problem. But you must understand I have a right to protect myself and my family. Make no mistake I will do just that. When I see all kinds of guns in the street. It is time for people defend themselves!
Black lives matter are taking black lives! They must be stopped! But not the idiots in the street. Cut off the money they receive from the rich. They are the enemy!

July 9, 2020

I am praying that God’s power, strength, wisdom, courage and boldness will fill you my brothers & sisters in Christ. I am also praying for supernatural discernment and protection to be in and on you at all times. Praying in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior who is able to do more than we can even ask, think or imagine. Amen, so be it!

Jean DeRusha
July 9, 2020

I pray for our government workers, lowest to highest, to not be fearful and to stand strong and willing for the truth of God’s Word to overcome all evil intentions to destroy our nation, our constitution, and our Christian leaders. In Jesus name let our people arise! Amen

July 9, 2020

This sin is evidence that now more than ever we need our savior…..where sin abounds,Your grace super abounds. Thank you Father that you have heard our prayers.

Irma Sawyer
July 9, 2020

I pray with each of you and for you. I’ve been there done that and so I know, however, I also know that it’s a lot worst. I pray that you would stand firm against the demonization. That you ‘know’ that you do not fight against flesh and blood but against principalities. However, you are covered with the precious Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. You have the Word of God in your mouth. You have the shield of faith, your weapons are strong and mighty, you have the Word of God in your mouth. Come against the that which comes against you. ‘Know’ that the word of God is powerful and alive. It is IN you. Stand strong. Be anchored in the hope of God.

Thea Carlson Reust
July 9, 2020

I fully agree with these prayers, I have and will continue to pray for these workers in our government. This article shines a spotlight on this issue and reminds us of their need for prayer! I also pray that these believers will find each other! And join together in prayers of agreement! They will encourage and uplift one another to be Daniels in our government. I thank GOD for them. May the Lord bless and keep them and protect them in all their ways. They are LIGHTS for God’s truth and love in that place!

July 9, 2020

2 Chronicles 14:11 “Then Asa called to the LORD his God, and said, ‘Lord, there is no one besides Thee to help in the battle between the powerful and those who have no strength; so help us, O LORD our God, for we trust in Thee, and in Thy name have come against this multitude. O LORD, Thou art our God; let not man prevail against Thee.” I’m praying for the Deep State to implode. I’m asking God to raise up whistle blowers who will cause truth about the Deep State to be known. I’m praying that God will raise up more and more prayer partners and network us in agreement upon His will for our Nation. Lord, let not man prevail against Thee!

Carolyn Tormala
July 9, 2020

Dare to be a Daniel! Dare to stand alone! (But you are not alone as you stand for truth and righteousness, because God will be with you!) Thank you for taking a stand for what is moral, right, true, and in line with our foundation and our founding fathers!

Carrie Wingfield
July 9, 2020

I will be praying for our patriots working in government as you suggest.
May they work and speak with God-given authority and power to change things for the betterment and healing and deliverance from all evil for our nation. May God hide them from evil and protect them from those who would try to hurt them in any way.
God, give them insight into what is needed and wisdom for how to deal with it.
I give You thanks for placing the righteous,Your children, in government to help turn our country around for the better.
It is in Jesus name I pray. Glory.

Jan McDonald
July 9, 2020

Thank you and I pray Divine guidance and Gods Favor over all of you. I pray for righteousness and Truth in America. Keep fighting the good fight of Faith. We win. Our GOD Reigns. 🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸.

Mary Boncher
July 9, 2020

The patriots who are working to save our Republic are in our daily Rosary. Please know that we totally support you and hold you up in prayer.
It is very scary for us who love our country to see what the extreme leftists are doing to create chaos. You are very brave and we thank God for your presence in government. At times we don’t know who or what to believe. We’ve been praying for President Trump and then we’ve heard that he has caved in to the Deep State which is very frightening. We shall continue to pray that those who truly love our country will work to protect and defend it and our Constitution. We’ve not given up on President Trump. We just don’t know who to trust, but continue to pray.

Steve Hall
July 9, 2020

I pray Eph. 6 for all believers in government: That they will stand firm with the belt of truth buckled around their waists, the breastplate of righteousness in place, their feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit.

July 9, 2020

My prayer group was praying every day, for an hour, from March until the end of May, Pentecost Sunday. It was a big commitment. We prayed for all elected and appointed official, the Secretaries in Trump’s cabinet, their staff and families, state and local governements, all leaders in our nation. We are continuing to pray, twice a week. We will pray more specifically for all Federal, state and local government workers, as you requested. God bless you. Greater is he that is in us, than he that is in the world.
No weapon formed against us shall prosper.

Father, we pray for the protection of the shed blood of Jesus Christ over all of your children, who work in the Federal, State and local government. Please strengthen them by your great power and might. We pray for your anointing and favor to rest upon them Father, and that you would bless the work of their hands. Please make them wise and shrewd, discerning, and lead their every thought, action, reaction and interpretation of things. Please expose any hidden traps, snares, or pits set for them. We pray whoever sets a trap or snare, or digs a pit for your children, that those that have set them, or dug them, will they themselves fall into them. Father, we pray, as Hamon built a gallows for Mordecai, and devised a wicked scheme, and was himself caught in that scheme and he and his sons were killed on the very gallows he built for Mordecai’s destruction. May those who scheme the destruction of your people, be caught in their schemes, and they themselves be destroyed by what they built and devised. Father, please go before your children and open doors that no man can shut, and shut doors that no man can open. Please make a way for them where their is no way. Please strengthen them, body, soul and spirt. We declare them more than conquerors in Christ Jesus our Lord!

July 9, 2020

I am praying for all of you who are working hard to establish what is good for our Nation. May God watch over you and help you in everything you do in Jesus Mighty Name.

July 9, 2020

I am praying today that Satan’s power will be broken where attacks are made against God’s principles. Indeed may all monies dry up where they are used to support evil.

Melinda Morales
July 9, 2020

God will make a way for America where there is no way. I pray for those that are in the frontlines of this battle. The gates of hell will not prevail. God is moving in a powerful way on behave of this Country. The battle is the Lords.

Rebecca Neiger
July 9, 2020

Heavenly Father, We pray for those at all levels of The United States Government. For those who have placed their faith and trust in Jesus, we pray that You would give them peace in their hearts and remind them to abide in the Vine (John 15) by drawing their strength from You and not their own resources. For those who do not know You, I pray that You would help them weigh the cost of both living and dying without You. You have said “… what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16:26) I pray that You would open both their eyes and their hearts to both see and to feel the importance of eternity – that they too, would come to know “… the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!” I pray that both would sense and feel the love of God, which while we were His enemies, sent His most precious and beloved Son to show how much He cares for us. (Romans 5:8; 1 Peter 5:7) Please Lord, rescue more of them into Your Heavenly Kingdom, for they are precious to You. We pray in the Eternal name of One who already showed His precious love for us and showed us what it means to love others. Amen.

Scott Reverend Patricia
July 9, 2020

I pray for you to have wisdom and fortitude. You have an assignment from the Lord to fight for what is right in a sea of unbelievers who oppose your every move. However, God goes before you to make the crooked places straight. You will have His wisdom to know when to speak, what to say and to whom to speak so that you will achieve victory through Him. God bless you for choosing your path that God wished fo you to take and He will always go before you and you will hear His voice saying, walk ye in it, and you will have victory.

Sandra Lee
July 9, 2020

I am a Holy-Ghost filled believer praying for you all fellow believers in government. I encourage you to stand firm, speak the truth in love and pray, pray, pray without ceasing. In Jesus mighty name..AMEN..

Dewey W Whitworth
July 9, 2020

Prayer yes, and GET OUT AND VOTE for the America First candidates. Quit electing the liberal socialists ! That is the name the Lord gave me in prayer when the previous prez was re elected, as I was praying over the re election I used the word democrats and the Lord said to me: Liberal Socialists. Perhaps you may disagree, well now surely more American voters can see the difference. Its in your face !

Star Kromer
July 9, 2020

Although Psalm 22 is often quoted as referring to Jesus, it was written by King David and was a prayer for himself as well. Therefore, I think it can be prayed over the Christ Followers who work in the Deep State as well. In particular, I pray verses 19-23a which say, “But You, O LORD, be not far off; O You my help, hasten to my assistance. Deliver my soul from the sword, my only Life from the power of the dog. Save me from the lion’s mouth; from the horns of the wild oxen You answer me. I will tell of Your name to my brethren; in the midst of the assembly I will praise You. You who fear the LORD, praise Him.” Lord, I thank you for Your protection, help, assistance, and deliverance for those who serve our country and You in the Deep State.

    July 9, 2020

    I agree with the prayer of this Psalm. I was recently reading about spiritual warfare, and that the animals mentioned are symbolic of the demonic forces that we are fighting, the powers, principalities, and evil forces of darkness. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against powers, principalities and evil forces of darkness.” I write this because someone may not understand we are not calling people on the other side, dogs, or wild oxen, we are calling the evil forces of darkness, deceiving them, the dogs and wild oxen.

    Yes, Lord, deliver their souls from the dogs, the lion’s mouth and the wild oxen. Amen

Christine Martha
July 9, 2020

From Amos 3:8-11 “The lion has roared; who will not fear? The Lord LORD has spoken; who can but prophesy? Proclaim to the strongholds in Ashdod (the Deep State) and to the strongholds in the land of Egypt, and say, ‘Assemble yourselves on the mountains of Samaria, and see the great tumult within her, and the oppressed in her midst.’ They do not know how to do right, declares the LORD, those who store up violence and robbery in their strongholds. Therefore thus says the Lord LORD, ‘An adversary shall surround the land and bring down your defenses from you, and your strongholds shall be plundered.’ ” We decree that the Body of Christ partnering with the hosts of angels are that adversary surrounding the Deep State and bringing down their defenses thru the Blood of the Lamb! Their strongholds will be plundered and the resources will be transferred into the laps of the righteous! God is dismantling the Deep State!

    July 9, 2020

    Excellent pray! Thank you. I agree with all my heart! Amen

July 9, 2020

I’m so thankful that God has placed men and women in places of our government that are truly godly and want what’s best for all Americans! I pray that you continue to work and are able to make a difference in our nation but knowing you are on the front lines I’m sure your attacks are hard to bear. Just know that we are praying for you all as you are doing your all for the glory of God! You are appreciated and should have extra jewels in your crown for having the fortitude to carry on. Thank you all from the depths of my heart!

Robin Galloway
July 9, 2020

Father, We thank you that you are our God and that you have not forgotten your people! We pray that Godly wisdom would prevail in our Courts, protect our individual liberties established under the founders of our Country. We ask that you would guard the Godly people and leaders working within our government, grant them favor and influence with men. Expose those whose agenda would be to bring our Nation to ruin. Guard our voting system from negative influences brought on by other Countries, and those from within our own Country who would take illegal actions. Expose their plans before they happen. Please awaken your people’s heart within our Nation, its not a job for somebody else to do, each of us must step up and be counted. Freedom is never free and it is going to cost us something to keep it. Send out your clarion call through your Spirit to each of us, let us arise from our apathetic slumber. Hear our prayers Lord, bring confusion to our enemy, dry up their resources, and protect this Nation.

P Baney
July 9, 2020

Thank you Nancy for guidance on how to pray and who to pray for. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Jackie Michaelis
July 9, 2020

We are praying for you as you do God’s work for us. Don’t be discouraged, stand firm, the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church.

Ernie Zenone Sr.
July 9, 2020


    July 9, 2020

    Dear Ernie, when demons are removed out of unsaved people, they return sevenfold and they are worse off for it. I know you mean well…we all would like for that to happen but Jesus tells us not to do that. May the Lord heal your eyes in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Faye Bowden
July 9, 2020

To those who work within the deep state governmental offices, take heart! You are remembered in prayer as you valiantly, silently battle in place. I have knowledge of several dear ones who worked within the swamp for many years. Their daily battle was noted and enhanced by the power of the Holy Spirit as they labored with honesty and integrity despite the combat zone they faced. Know that you are providing a valuable service to the kingdom as you stay in place. Unless you stay in place, the battle outside suffers. May the Lord continue to strengthen and bless your very valuable work. We must pray and work into this country the plans and purposes of God.

Robin Skone-Palmer
July 9, 2020

Yes, l will pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ who work in government. They may feel alone, but remember that God told Elisha there were 7,000 in Israel who had not bowed to Baal. There are believers all around. Take heart, you are not alone.

Carolyn Koontz
July 9, 2020

To my brothers and sisters in the Lord,may God’s favor rest upon you, may he give you heavenly wisdom, knowledge & insight as you serve this great nation. May he protect you, guide you & fight for you. May you be encouraged, strong and courageous.
Remember the Lord & his armies are fighting for you.
In Jesus Mighty Name I pray.

July 9, 2020

Please don’t forget we are praying for you. Stay strong and vigilant. Our country is in crisis and the battle between good and evil is at hand. We are with you.

Beth O'Brien
July 9, 2020

Dear Jesus followers working in our government,
I am praying for your Godly wisdom, protection, strength, health,& peace as you listen to God and obey Him. May you know we are lifting you up and asking God to use YOU. “And who knows but that you have come to your Royal position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14
God is with you always!
With joy,
Beth O’Brien, DE

Anne Forbes
July 9, 2020

Thank you for this article. I am so thankful for the information I receive from this website, and the motivation to pray! We can only see a very small part of the battle. Thank goodness, God sees it all, and knows exactly what is needed for truth and justice to prevail!

Ken Budz
July 9, 2020

Lord please help America turn towards You and repent. We need You Father and Your grace and mercies. I pray that people will turn from evil. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Vashti Monica Ford
July 9, 2020

Heavenly Father, we join in prayer against the spiritual war by evil forces to change our culture. It is happening in our education institutions all across our country. We implore the God of heaven to dismantle this evil plot. Encourage those on the battle front to stay the course and win the war as we back them up in prayer.

TJ McNerlin
July 9, 2020

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for our brothers and sisters in Christ that are working on our behalf in government positions. Thank you that the government rests on your shoulders, therefore they are under your protection and guidance as they work to better our nation. Give them favor, let those that oppose them see angels all around and chariots of fire behind and around them at all times. When enemy forces try to come against them, let their actions go against themselves and backfire. Let your light shine so brightly in their lives that others have to scratch their heads and wonder what they have that makes them at peace in the midst of the storm. Let others see them and want to know more about you. Please bless them, make your face shine upon them, be gracious to them and grant them peace as they go into the lions den daily. Thank you Lord in Jesus Name!

Wayne Pruski
July 9, 2020

Dear God, we pray for all of Yours that work in Gov’t, the DOJ, FBI and in all types of LE. God, send angels to guard them and their loved ones. God win these battles being fought for Your Kingdom on Earth. Forgive us our sins. God, remove the wicked from all types of power and influence. God, we want justice. Stand up God – Stand up and fight with us and for US. In Jesus Name.

Patty Morris
July 9, 2020

Lord, we pray a hodge of protection around your godly government workers. Anoint them with your oil of favor and success. Help them endure hardship as a good soldier. Encourage them and give them hope. For the future is bright in Jesus. May they succeed at the highest levels. Glory to God.

Theron Friberg
July 9, 2020

Lord, you are sovereign! You have placed your servants strategically in places of influence. Give each person insight into how & when to stand up for righteousness. Guide their words, guard their hearts, strengthen their resolve. May they have wisdom to come before those in authority over them with great insight & have proper timing. Help them remember your promises & take a stand that will bring glory back to you.

July 9, 2020

I was one of those until I retired. It is almost impossible to succeed in making positive changes, because you will be labeled as not being a “team player”. You will be accused of everything in the book. Even mocked. All you can do is pray for change and make daily decisions about whether to follow the direction of your supervisors or not. In my case, I tried to make a difference as a volunteer in my off-time. Political correctness is the norm. I am praying for the strength of The Lord to manifest when these people speak, so that conviction falls upon the upper management. May God lift these people up to places of influence! May God give them direction as to how to function and how to pray.

Doris Boyd
July 9, 2020

I am praying for our leaders! I believe America will be saved! Prayer and standing n the gap and voting for righteous leadership

Z. Nelly Hernandez
July 9, 2020

My prayers have been and will continue to be for the total victory of our great Nation and complete defeat of the Deep State and all of our enemies!
My team of prayer warriors on FB Prayer Changes Things group, pray regularly for individuals by name, starting with our President down to local leaders.
If God is for them, who can be against them!
May the Lord give each of these called “for such a time as this” leaders, strength for the journey, peace in severe turmoil, hope that they will have the victory because they are fighting on the winning side (God’s people are never defeated when we are humbled before Him),
boldness and courage to stay engaged until the finish line is reached and for all that they do to be done in the love of Christ!
I am praying for NO SPIRITUAL POW during this spiritual war.
And for our Lord, Jesus Christ, to receive all the glory. Amen 🙏

Brian Lynch
July 9, 2020

Lord, we bind the efforts and agenda of the ungodly people in our government at the federal, stat, and local levels. Please raise up Daniels who will fight the good fight of faith,and please wither up the attempts of these ungodly, dangerous people to take over our nation.

July 9, 2020

The battle belongs to the Lord. seek Him for your decisions. Do not step out on your own, you are in a spiritual battle

Sandra Lewis
July 9, 2020

“Today as long ago Jesus is the Lord of wind & waves: they must obey Him. He is the One who can help us by comforting our fearful hearts & immersing them in peace when we call upon His Name again & again. He is always greater than anything oppressing us.” B. Schlink

July 9, 2020

Gracious Heavenly Father, You are sovereign over everything. You are in control. I pray that You will guide and protect the leaders in our government who put their faith and trust in You. Protect them, guide them, and give them wisdom in the decisions they must make. Likewise, God, I pray that those promoting socialism and immorality will not prosper, that their plans and agendas will not go forward. I pray for a change in their hearts, God. I pray that they will also seek Your face. Thank you.


Susan Lhota
July 9, 2020

I pray fervently, every day, for our President & Vice President; Atty. General Barr; Secretary of State Pompeo; Secretary Ben Carson; Secretary DeVoss and every Christian man and woman working in our Government! I pray every evil person in government to be incapacitated & incarcerated! And that every bit of money they have to be removed; put through God’s Holy Purging Fire; then used for His Kingdom purposes & to restore all the loss these evil people have caused to those they’ve damaged or destroyed. The battle is being waged in the heavenlies between the forces of hell and the Kingdom of God! We, as His Children, must speak our prayers aloud to Him! Pray 24/7/365 without ceasing for our Nation! We must stand and be counted!

Sally Lawson
July 9, 2020

I pray for our Christian leaders Lord, help them in the battles they face help them to be victorious. We fight against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. But Lord you have told us to pray always in all prayer and supplication for the saints. So I pray now for our leaders to stand firm for us as Americans to stand firm. Thanking you Lord. For your protection and watchcare over the saints.

July 9, 2020

For All army of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying for all of you that God will deliver you OUT from the mouth of Satan. Be strong and
Stand up against Satan and the dark world.
Fear God, than dark people of this world.

July 9, 2020

Lord, put a hedge of protection around the godly men and women you’ve planted in government. Give them clear vision, strong faith, selfless hearts, wisdom and grace to bring about your will and purpose. Amen

Rosemarie Holben
July 9, 2020

I am praying for all those in our government who are men and women of God and that God will give them the strength to be a Daniel no matter what comes before them. That God will bless them and Allow their conservative values to show those that don’t believe the light and peace that God gives.

Danielle Hidalgo
July 9, 2020

My precious brothers and sisters I stand with you! As we join together in our intercession we enforce the victory given to us by Jesus Himself! This battle is won! You’re doing all to stand – Keep going! Don’t ever give up your time with the Lord before your duties in office. When you are at the end of your strength He is strong in you! I see you as the July monsoon clouds building and billowing in strength throughout the afternoon until the waters of heaven fall upon the earth causing it to spring forth and grow. (At least that’s the way it is in New Mexico!) Those clouds, and that monsoonal flow come when it’s the hottest! Thank you for all that you do. As it is in your Kingdom, so let it be on earth Lord!

    Gail Self
    July 9, 2020

    Lord , raise up an army within the halls of our government. Excise and uproot all that conspire against YOU and YOUR righteous ones . Make strong the weak in faith and let THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH roar from this mountain of government. May it be reestablished in YOUR righteousness.

Susan T Priest
July 9, 2020

This is a time when it is necessary to count the cost and realize “What can mere man do unto me?” You have to be willing to lay your job on the line for righteousness sake and let God protect you, keeping you in that work or taking you out. Just as Jesus told us, he laid his life down; no one took it from him. Those who work for the government cannot serve two masters. Your job cannot be more important than the Biblical principles we stand for as Christians. Win, lose, or draw, you cannot lose by standing up for Jesus. It’s a no-lose proposition. Your soul will blossom under persecution and he will be close to you as never before. It’s worth it. If you do not risk your job, those who come after you will face losing their freedom or their lives. The future is in our hands. “I know not what others may do, but give me liberty or give me death.” I have done. I’ve been arrested. I’ve saved lives by taking risks. Worth it! God bless you.

Ann Bardell
July 9, 2020

Praying Psalm 9 over those serving in our nations bureaucracy. Vs7,8 “But the Lord of eternity, our mighty God, lives and reigns forever!He sits enthroned as King ready to render His verdicts and judge with all righteousness. He will issue His decrees of judgement, deciding what is right for the entire world, dispensing justice for all.”

Keep your eyes upon the Lord, the Just One. And be strong and courageous. The battle is not ours, it is the Lord’s and He will prevail.

Denise Marie Caruso
July 9, 2020

Be encouraged God is with you always ! Worship Him in spirit and in truth. He sees your devotion, your passion for the things of Him, your perseverance, etc. He goes before you , He stands by your side , and He stands behind you. You all are our dear warriors fighting the good fight and we thank you and love you all. Rise up and always remember who you are in Christ. Rise up my brothers and sisters and thank you thank you thank you for all you do 💜💜💜
Shalom Our great big loving God is with all of you

July 9, 2020

Lord Jesus I thank you that you established governments as a way to have order established out of lawlessness. You formed a nation out of righteousness men and women who believed your word was the foundation to build this nation upon. You Lord established the 🇺🇸. Our Constitution says “We the People” are in charge of our nation and its future. Lord we thank you for the godly men and women who are part of the workforce of our government. You say we are blessed because they make a difference. I pray for strength and courage of each of them to stand for righteousness. Emboldened each of them to help establish truth and justice once again in the ranks. Lord you have strategies in placing them in places of power. Use them mightily in advancing your kingdom within the government offices where they serve. We declare and decree “No weapon formed against them shall prosper!” Use each of them for your glory. In the matchless, mighty name is Jesus I pray. Thank you for answering our prayers! Amen

Jan Marinier
July 9, 2020

We stand together in unity with the most powerful God. Our fight is not against flesh and blood but against the principalities of this dark world . Remember that greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. God bless our leaders in government who are standing firm, fighting the good fight for righteous sake for us now and for generations to come if the Lord terries. I pray for you not to grow weary of doing good. Thank you brothers and sisters for standing up for what is right and I pray for revival in this nation. Onward Christian soldiers🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻In Jesus precious name I pray for you.

Martina Bailey
July 9, 2020

Father Jehovah God, I pray for every believer working in this environment. May you shelter them under the shadow of your wings. Give them victory for you are the God of victory. Give them strength to stand and stay true to you. May your presence be known to them in the deepest times of challenge. Thank you for every believer. May their light so shine that others may see Your light in them and desire to get to know You. The government rests on your shoulders; we thank you JESUS for everything. In Jesus name, I pray.

July 9, 2020

Lord God Almighty, please come now and show Yourself strong as our mighty deliverer. We wait on You alone Lord to set this nation free of ALL who would set themselves against you, our God Most High.
This unrest is against You and Your authority but it plays out in our world… please show Yourself to be the “jealous God” of your people, rise up and take Your rightful place in our nation. Our eyes are on You, our Strong Tower, we hope in Your deliverance alone, come Lord Jesus we need You and worship You alone, our Lion of Judah!

July 9, 2020

Lord, we lift up to You our brethren who serve in this Government, in all seats of authority and honor, and ask for Your hedge of protection be around them and their families. Grant them the wisdom and knowledge with understanding that they need to accomplish their duties as You direct them to victory over the enemies and to establish what is good and righteous in Your sight in the earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus’ name we ask.

    July 9, 2020

    Barbara, thank you for including the families of those who work for the government. We are the ones who understand the pressure and stress they face as believers and to stand strong in their witness among those they work with. Pray for the families to be encouraging and stand in the gap for those working in the government. May our prayers continue for those who are believers in government to be strengthen each day to carry out their duties with godly wisdom, discernment and grace. This is my prayer. Amen

Lois Taritas
July 9, 2020

Father God!
PSALM 19:1
The heavens declare the GORY OF GOD, the skies proclaim the work of his hands!
Father I pray psalm 91 protection over these workers that stand for your truth and justice!
Psalm 91 protection over them and their families. Protect their minds from all the evil ones spewing their ugly words, raise up Daniels and Esters in the government!
In Jesus name

July 9, 2020

You believes who are in our federal agencies make a difference. Thank you. I pray for your victory, strength, persistence, that God favors you with gold nuggets reminding you He is with you. You are fighting for a worthy cause. Enjoy the peace he has given and continue to stand faithful.

July 9, 2020

Father God, thank You for each of our leaders in government. Thank You for giving them Your voice, Your words, Your empowerment. I pray that You would continue to strengthen them, encourage them, bless them, and watch over them and their families. I ask for Your protection, peace, and provision for each of them and their families. I ask for rest for them; a time of refreshing. I ask for fun and happy times for them. I ask that You continually draw them closer to You and closer to their family. I thank You that You hear and answer our prayers; and that You do above and beyond all that we can ever ask, think, or imagine, according to Your Holy Spirit’s power that works within us. In Jesus Name, amen and amen.

July 9, 2020

Heavenly Father we need a Holy Spirit encounter and cleansing in the body of Christ, in all elements of our government and leadership along with the deep state. God we thank you for the changes that are coming and your divine will is being done as we pray for your perfect will for our great nation. We decree that those with selfish and so called hidden agendas be exposed and dealt with accordingly in Jesus name. Amen!

July 9, 2020

Holy, Everlasting, All Powerful, Mighty God, we praise You for who You are and all You have done! We confess that we have strayed from Your path and indulged to satisfy the flesh. We have removed You from our schools and government and have embraced and even celebrated the killing of the unborn. We have taken Your established union of marriage between a man and a woman and we have distorted it with perversion and evil. O Lord, please turn our hearts toward You. Lead us the repentance and bring revival to our nation. Please help us to turn from our wicked ways and cry out for mercy. Lord, please strengthen and encourage those in government that are followers of Christ. Please Lord, grant them favor with all those that work for and with them. Let Your Truth be made clear through their actions and words. Lord, protect them from those who seek selfish and evil motives. Those who have given themselves to the evil one. Separate the wheat from the chaff and restore Our nation. Lord, May Your will be done in the perfect, powerful name of Jesus Christ. Amen

July 9, 2020

Father my King Yeshua, I pray that you be with thoes who will bring your truth and righteousness into their place of government where they work and not let them think they are being defeated by those who have a vileness of heart, thinking themselves worthy but are not. Let the Holy Spirit have its way in the the person of God and showing themselves worthy in bringing forth the rightful ways and acts to help in their city, in their county, in their state and in their nation of America. May they be reminded of the words of Abraham when he asked the Lord for the sake of 50, 40, 45, 30, 20, 10, so I pray for you and ask on your behalf that as there be the righteous and the unrighteous working together that our Lord’s will be worked out to bring His ways shown forth and that whosoever will, will come and enact on the ways of moral righteousness and vote on the ways and instructions that work for the ways of a better nation under God and prevails. If even for the sake of 10. With 10 being a multitude coming into a rightful relationship with the Lord’s way and finding a better life. May you know as you work you are working on the Lord’s behalf and He sees your heart and may He bring favor to you while you work for His ways. In Yeshua (Jesus), amen.

July 9, 2020

Lord I pray that you clothe these men and woman representing Godly principles with the FULL ARMOR OF GOD. I pray for protection, direction, wisdom and peace for them and their families.

May no weapon that is formed against prosper and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment though shall condemn. Isaiah 54:17 In YOUR NAME WE PRAY–AMEN.

July 9, 2020

To the Godly government workers in this wonderful country, I pray that you will not fear but walk in the faith and confidence of God. God is the strength of us all. I pray a hedge of protection around you, a hedge of fire that nothing can penetrate. Be strong and courageous for the Lord our God goes before you. Believe and receive the grace and love of God for you and our country. We will hold you up in prayer for your success in this deep place that you are helping in. I bind the enemy in Jesus name, that he can not come against the will of God and the protection of God over you and your jobs. I pray for favor with all that are above you, that they will see the great work you do and want to do. God Bless you all.

Marlene Vogel
July 9, 2020

I thank you for taking the leadership of praying so strategic for our nation and for our education. God bless you and you can count on us here in the update of New York we r always praying in unity with you as well. Thanks for sharing.
God bless.

Elizabeth Crouse
July 9, 2020

I worked in government. There are Christians who do a good job and share Christ by their life. It is not easy because you can’t do anything to offend anybody. Praying. My heart is heavy because of all the evil in Congress and against our President and all who support him. I know what they are sowing, they will reap.

    Betty Budd
    July 9, 2020

    Elizabeth I bless your spirit to rise up in the strength and might through the power of the Holy Spirit. That He will hover over you and brood over you and push back the darkness that you see in the government. May He give you divine strategies straight from His throne. May He equip your spirit with night vision so you can see through any darkness that the enemy is trying to release. May He continually fill you with His heavenly light so that the darkness will flee before you. May He fill you with all hope as you continue to wait and expect Him to move in these situations. I agree with the law of sowing and reaping that you mentioned. Father I ask that you would also add the law of increase in multiplication to the sowing and reaping of the enemy. Father we ask that You would release what they have sown back to them and that their deeds would be uncovered and exposed and brought to light. We do not ask this in anger, we ask this in mercy and grace, so that they might turn from their evil and repent before sudden destruction comes upon them and they are lost for eternity.

John Butler
July 9, 2020

We need urgent pray for truth and God’s power to prevail!

Annie P.
July 9, 2020

Lord, we ask that you cover those working in our government with your mercy. We ask you put a hedge of protection around them and expel all evil from them covering them spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally. Give them the strength to make the right decision in the midst of anger, danger, chaos and intimidation. Let every evil plan against them turn back on the evildoer and leave them untouched. We ask for restoration of your principles in America and to purge those from office who are working against you Father. Bless our land, our government, our workers, our military, our families, our churches and all those in positions of authority that they may see and follow the light of Christ. In Jesus’ Holy name we pray.

joy oviedo
July 9, 2020

Father empower people to think about what can be done and to think clearly about it.
I agree dry up the roots of trees that want to spread evil or create evil. may they have
no resources to do those things they want to do. Be with People that do have positions
where they can do something for your glory,to create cohesiveness in a very bipolor environment.
Bring sense back into our schools and bring peace into every home in America that YOU(God),
will provide everything they need in their home. Cause every parent to feel empowered to
find people who they can work with to create a new educational system in their communities
while the one they have is stifled by politics.

July 9, 2020

Thank you for this prayer strategy. I stand in the gap lifting up those believers in government who seek to do what is right. I pray they will not grow weary in doing well, You will give them favor with those in authority, You grant them a holy boldness and strength. Lord thank you that You go before them making their path straight and in Jesus name You will give them the victory. To You is all praise and thanksgiving for what You are doing and what You will do.

July 9, 2020

Chosen ones,
The fury and rage of the enemy whether displayed openly or in hidden attempts to undermine you is a distraction of the
enemy. God has strategy and a battle plan for every situation you face. Even in a heated moment, quickly ask Him “What is Your strategy for this?” King David was always successful when he asked the Lord what the battle plan was; it was when he didn’t that he would lose the battle. I know this is not easy by any stretch of the imagination because of the principalities that have operated through people who have been imbedded in many levels of our government for decades. But our God is greater. May the power, awe and fear of God permeate the atmosphere whenever you walk in a room because greater is He who is in you than he who you is in the world. Thank you for your service! May God bless you and your family. In Jesus Mighty and Holy Name. Amen.

July 9, 2020

Thank you for your Kingdom work in service to the American people. I fear that soon we will no longer be the Land of the Free. I am praying that you will work unto the Lord, seek His wisdom, guidance and strength as you fight against the evil forces attacking our freedom.

July 9, 2020

Dear Lord Jesus,
We pray that you give eyes to see and hears to hear from You! Protect and keep your workers In our government safe just like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego In the fire. Lord we believe you are the same today, yesterday and forever. Holy Spirit rest your presence on our leaders and government workers. Protect and keep them in your Holy Name. Lord dry up the opposition funding. Lord show us ways that we are unknowingly contributing to the funding that we may cease. Thank you Heavenly Father. Amen

July 9, 2020

Father., your word says., the wealth of the wicked will be stored up for the righteous. Dry up the resources of the wicked and let those resources be used to advance your Kingdom. In Jesus name

Mary Smith
July 9, 2020

Thank You Lord for men and women who work in government and love You. Thank you that a remnant exists and pray and seek Your face. Please bless them in their thoughts, and encourage them in their actions to lead pure and holy lives before an ungodly people. Give them joy and peace as they leave work that they have stood for righteousness. In Jesus’ name.

Leon Ferguson
July 9, 2020

Awesome strategically guided prayers “thank you!I have been blessed by speaking these prayers

Lorie Horkman
July 9, 2020

Last night our intercessory prayer group prayed for all the representatives in Washington and in the United States that are standing for the truth, to be strengthened with God’s faith and wisdom. And we will continue to pray. Our prayers please God and he is listening.

Deb Ritchey
July 9, 2020

I pray: Father God, in the name of Jesus would you rebuke any ideas that goes against you will in the Deep State of America. Give believers wisdom and unity to strengthen the cords of Godly decisions. In Jesus name, Amen.

July 9, 2020

Thank God this timely information, that help us pray effective for those in the different departments of the Government.

July 9, 2020

Thank you for this article. I will pray!

Sharon Smith
July 9, 2020

Lord, I thank you for each and every man & woman you have called and favored to be serving on the front lines in every level of the government. Together we are the Ekklesia You have called to rightly govern. We proclaim each of them goes daily into battle fully clothed in the whole armor of God to boldly take their stand in Your mighty strength! We thank you for every strategy you give them. We declare victory in the name of Jesus! We declare your peace to abide in them. We declare every counter move they encounter from the enemy to be turned back upon the perpetrators own heads. We declare truth to be made known abroad in multiple new ways so your people will know how to respond in prayer immediately. We declare You are our Commander and Chief and we will go wherever You lead. We declare we are the Aarons and Hurs holding up the arms of our weary Mosses in the midst of these battles. We declare we will continue to hold them up until the enemy is defeated and the victory that is already ours has been walked out to Your glory! We thank You for that victory right now! In the name of Jesus we give You thanks for allowing us to share in this fight and celebrate with ALL of heaven giving You ALL honor and praise!
Lord, thy Kingdom come! Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven!
We rejoice in the Lord always!

    Zuly Barker
    July 9, 2020

    Amen 🙏- thank you Nancy, for standing in gaps of the government and brings us strategies to keep lifting our government and the people of God working within. Father God we asking you to filled Our President, Vice President and gabinete and your people in the White House, Representative and Senators with the Holy fire of your Spirit to fight with Wisdom and discernment to brings the truth in the middle of the darkness. Grant Them and us To see the victory in Christ In our laws. Open the eyes of your people to continually stand our ground in Faith praying and to see your Glory manifested in Jesus name. Amen

Sandra Mears
July 9, 2020

Ephesians 1:16-23do not cease to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers:17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of glory may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. 18 the eyes of your understanding being enlighten, that you may know what the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,19 and what is the exceeding greatness of His power towards us who believe according to the working of His mighty power, 20 which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at the right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above “all” principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this age but also in that which is to come.22 And He put “all” things under His feet and gave Him to be head over “all” things in the church, 23 which is His body the fullness of Him who fills all in all. I declare over you the church working in government today in Jesus name amen.

Kim Kirby
July 9, 2020

Remember our first allegiance is to God not man! Maintain your Christian principles above all other things. There are many Christians praying for America to uphold the Christian principles in which this country was founded on.
Colossians 3:23
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.”
Romans 12:12
Rejoice in hope, be patient under trial and persevere in prayer.
May God bless you, strengthen you, guide you, and sustain you.
Always maintain your faithfulness to Him!🙏

Mary Verhoeven
July 9, 2020

I pray to Almighty God for you and your families. For your protection, and that you can be a light in the darkness. May your heart be strong in the knowledge that you make a difference that no one else can and may the Lord bless you and bring peace to your heart. I thank you for the work you do.

Jill Loraine Bullock
July 9, 2020

Praying that no sin would hinder your relationship with your Heavenly Father and that he would protect you, guide you, empower you and use you mightily.

Mary Phillips
July 9, 2020

Thank you IFA and Nancy Huff for this article. It has gripped my heart. I will absolutely include the righteous men and women serving in our government in my daily prayers for our nation. And to the righteous government workers who read IFA mails – thank you! Lord, watch over Your servants who labor in our government. Guard them and guide them in all that they do. Let Your favor rest upon them and Your strength sustain them. Show them the path of life and let them feel Your presence and encouragement as they serve You in difficult places.

July 9, 2020

It is never easy to stand against rage. God gives discernment so that we do not have to live our lives in bondage and regret. What may seem easy now, is not and we. Must do what we fear so that we like what we see when we look in the mirror. Do what is right always!

July 9, 2020

Recently I started speaking the same declaration re the finances of the providers, that their resources would suddenly dry up! I clicked my fingers and said, ‘just like that!’
A little later I asked Holy Spirit what I should read and He gave me Revelation 18. I was surprised to read that it’s about that very thing. Read it and be encouraged!

Dalen Fuller
July 9, 2020

Yes and amen pray Lord for strength and boldness for our good leaders in our nations capitol and especially pray for the funds that the evil workers of iniquity are reaping will dry up and come to naught. Money is the root of all evil so we pray rid dry up the fund flowing to the evil workers – I go a step further and pray that people in power cannot be bought that elections cannot be bought. In Jesus Name.

Ted Bjorem
July 9, 2020

yes and thanks for the guidance

Robin Graham
July 9, 2020

Father, I pray that all must accept the sovereignty of God as our King and Master. This calls for “return, service and righteousness.” May all fall on their knees and allow You to do within themselves to be able to lead and defend this nation and values as human beings. All this begins at home within one’s self; and then around one’s self, in the community and the environment at large. May the eyes of understanding be enlightened to know the hope of one’s calling at this time and hour. May the spirit of the LORD rest upon all of us, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD. In Jesus’s mighty name – the one true and living GOD!

Cami Galloway
July 9, 2020

Thank You for the Daniel’s You have prepared and equiped for this moment. Thank You for filling them with Your Holy Spirit to overflowing. Thank You for giving them the mind of Christ to have discernment in how to deal with those that are opposed to Your plans and purposes for this nation and its future. Thank You Father for strengthening those that are battle weary and worn. Thank You for giving them 2020 vision and divine strategies that will take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it for good. Like the crucifixion looked liked evil triumphed, but was really the greatest victory for righteousness of all time, may this evil we see raging now in our country be shown for what it is and be turned on it’s head to bring true revival, repentance and righteousness in this nation. Father, thank You for opening the eyes of those that are believing deception so they can see the truth. May those that are under pressure from evil forces refuse to bend and be strengthened like Samson to push back against the evil with wisdom. May we as a nation be free from leadership that is perverted, distorted, twisted and bent on destruction. Thank You for the godly people You have raised up to bring deliverance. Ignite a fire and fervor for your prayer warriors to contend in the spiritual realm for the future of freedom. Thank You for the strong name of Jesus that gives us boldness to pray because of His precious blood and powerful resurrection. We put our trust in You now as Hezekiah did when faced with insermoutable odds. Thank You for rescuing Judah, then and America today.

July 9, 2020

Oh warriors, fight the good fight of faith, do all to stand and know that the Lord your God is with you. We of the faith pray for your protection, your hope to rise, and the excellent spirit within you would bring you favor to pray with your windows open to heaven. And like Daniel, the angel of the armies of God will fight for you and we will all stand and see the salvation of our God. He is with us, who can be against us?

Bj Fletcher
July 9, 2020

I pray that the true Believers will stop praying in silence! We need to , city by city, form prayer walks for the cities to walk together. Albany Ga is doing that Saturday.. July 11 and 18th. We need to learn to speak louder than the haters!!

    Barbara Hesch
    July 9, 2020

    Bj, that’s wonderful news. How encouraging! Hope this is the beginning of just what the doctor (Jesus) ordered to cure our ills. Let’s be seen and heard instead of staying home and staying safe. I’m in.

July 9, 2020


Ethel Himes
July 9, 2020

Thanks Nancy for putting into words what my heart has been sensing for the true believers in our government. You have given me a focused prayer strategy as I pray for their effectiveness amidst such darkness and opposition. I pray their light shine bright as they are undergirded by God’s Grace to successfully fulfill the assignment God has sent them to fulfill.

Khristen Basham
July 9, 2020

Father let hope arise in the hearts and minds of your servants in our government. Strengthen their very frames. Work patient endurance in them as they move through each and every day in faithful duty to you and our nation. Impart wisdom from on high as decisions are made in a daily basis. Let their lives bear witness of your goodness and mercy to everyone they encounter. Let them be the CHANGE AGENTS. Father you are good. You work miracles. We cry MERCY along with our brothers and sisters in government. Let them know Father that although we may be considered the “Silent majority” in political terms, we stand before your throne and boldly petition on behalf of our Republic. We act in accordance with your will. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. We declare one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. We believe that was your original idea and we should keep it!

Jayne Hayden
July 9, 2020

Heavenly Father, how grateful I am for all who have, in faith, answered your call to serve in Government. Help me not to take their sacrifices and service for granted. I ask you to place a hedge of protection so strong round about each believer in Christ, the enemy will be powerless, and will want what they have. I ask that every evil attack be turned back on the sender and their schemes be found out. In Yashua’s name. I pray that you apply (round up-weed killer) Holy Ghost fire to the seeds and roots of every Jezebel Spirit, evil assignment, spell, and curse, to be broken, dried up, dead,fruitless!
You are the Power and Glory for ever and ever, AMEN. Thank you for the Daniels You are calling, equiping and raising up to, fill the upcoming Government vacancys as the ungodly will loose their jobs.
In the Mighty, Everlasting, Beautiful, name Emmanuel, our Savior, Yashua. AMEN

Jerry E Sauls
July 9, 2020

I want to encourage all of believers that are working within our government by letting you know that we are lifting you in our intercessory prayers and want to thank you for the good work that you are doing. The Apostle Paul writes the following words to the believers in Rome and I repeat is as a message from God to you, “So I pray that God, who gives you hope, will keep you happy and full of peace as you believe in Him. May you overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.”(Romans 15:13 NLT.) And I add, may the power of the Cross be a living presence within all of us, making our words and works like a mighty river gushing out touching and ministering to those around us. Thank you and may God richly bless you and your families in the powerful name of Jesus, Amen!

Ruth Myers Home
July 9, 2020

Yes Father God, I pray for those special people, men and women who You have placed in these positions of government at this time. Give them integrity, courage, wisdom, fearlessness, protection and the conviction to serve You right where they are at. We praise You Father God. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

Sally Baker
July 9, 2020

When Sennacharib was at the gates of Jerusalem Jehosaphat cried out to the Lord. The battle is the Lord’s. Elisha prayed for his servant who saw an overwhelming army coming, but he prayed and the servant’s eyes were opened to see myriads of angels on Israel’s side. Fear not, there is a physical army of believers praying for you as well as an invisible army of the Lord’s host in the battle for you. Gird up the loins of your mind for the LORD’s hand is not shortened nor is He weary – He sees your efforts and hears your prayers.

Gerald Hewitt
July 9, 2020

I pray for those in government that are followers of Christ to be the salt and light God intended for them to be. As the days get darker may their light shine brighter! Amen!

Charlotte Spangler
July 9, 2020

Thank you all for doing your part of standing in the gap. I will do my part in praying that God will give you wisdom, courage and resources to accomplish His will and His purpose for America. Thank you for being a willing vessel! God bless and keep you and make his face to shine on you.

Joann Drnach
July 9, 2020

Thank you for the prayer for their finances to dry up.

Sharon Culp
July 9, 2020

Lord You are Righteous, Holy, Long-suffering, full of grace, mercy and Love. May our Nation and all those in Leadership roles come to a personal relationship with You and be saved. Give them knowledge and understanding that one day they will give an account to You our Almighty God.(Hebrews 9:27) Lord I lift up our judges, police chiefs, educators, school board members, military officers, elected officials, and others who serve our Country in Leadership. Lord I pray they will be God-fearing and accountable to You for each decision and act. (Proverbs 9:10). Lord I pray for Your wisdom, knowledge and understanding to be known to those who belong to You Lord. (James 1:5) Lord may they know the Gospel and be loving Christian witnesses.(Romans 10:14) Lord strengthen those who are saved and encourage them in their faith. (1 Tim. 2:4, Eph. 1:17-23) For the unsaved may they be drawn to an encounter with Jesus Christ. Lord I pray they will read Your Word and study it, spend time in prayer and fellowship with like minded believers.(Psalm 119:11) Lord I pray over their families and loved ones Your protection, Your provision, Your guidance as husband or wife. For those single that they will honor You in their relationships and lifestyles. Lord I pray they are members of local Congregations and attend regularly. Lord I pray that their hearts desire is to restore the sanctity of life, families and morality in our Nation. (Eph. 5:22-6:4)Lord may they lead with honesty, integrity and loyalty to You.(Psalm 26, Proverbs 11:3). Lord where they are weak be their strength, where they are tired and worn down be their Strength. When Satan tries to destroy them place Your Armor over them Eph. 6:10-27), when attacked I cover them in Psalm 91 (physically, emotionally and Spiritually. No weapons formed against them shall prosper. Lord may Your steadfast love never ceases and Your mercies never come to an end over them; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-24. Lord be their portion and may their hope be in You. In Jesus precious and Holy name. Amen (part of this taken from 30 Ways to pray for people in Authority)

Tom Norton
July 9, 2020

Thank you for this strategic way to pray! We have been praying that those who should not be in places of leadership would lose their influence and be replaced with men and women of integreity.

    July 9, 2020

    Lord please awaken their spirits and press on them not to fear, that you Mighty God are with them!!! Rise them up Lord!!!

July 9, 2020

LORD, we do Lift those who YOU have placed in our Government at Places where they can make a difference for YOUR kingdom for Strength and Wisdom and Favor 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Jeanne Creel
July 9, 2020

We all need to pray for our president, our government officials, all of our governors , mayors , and police officers. We are in for very difficult times ahead, and only praying to our God will help us to win this evil battle! Amen

Barbara Hesch
July 9, 2020

Dear fellow believer and patriot. Thank you for your courage and willingness to be in a place where you are allowing the Lord to use you. Don’t be discouraged by what you see, because we walk by faith and not by sight. If God is on your side, what do you have to fear? Man? Read God’s word and feed on it to give you strength for the battle you are in. The enemy exist to fight God, but he looses every time. It might seem like he is winning, but that is part of the deception. Stay strong and brave. You have our support, prayers, and blessings. May all go well with you.

Marsha dailey
July 9, 2020

Stand and see the glory of God..

Bonnie Busby
July 9, 2020

Thanks for being Daniels & Esters in a time such as this! May His strageties & dream interpretations be your strong suits. Job 33:15 sealing His instructions even as men sleep

July 9, 2020

Remember Matthew 10:16. Now, remember, it is I who sends you out, even though you feel vulnerable as lambs going into a pack of wolves. So be as shrewd as snakes yet as harmless as doves.
My prayer is for you and for our country. God will give you strategies, peace, and protection.

    Bonnie Busby
    July 9, 2020

    May every trap of the unjust be the means of their own downfall

      July 9, 2020

      LORD Hear the Cries of Your People and Give them Favor and Power and Wisdom🙏🙏

Lisa Jessie
July 9, 2020

Father we pray that these your servants of righteousness and justice and conservative moral values be covered by your glory. Strengthen them daily to stand at the gates and turn back the battle at the gates. Let your ecclesia prevail. Like Gideon’s mighty men, give them a strategy to overcome. Let them know you are for them and with them. Be strong and mighty in them to give them the victory. Set a guard over them Lord Jesus and over all that pertains to them. May they be oaks of righteousness, a planting for the display of your splendor. Let their shield of faith be well oiled and every fiery dart deflected. Make them mighty men and women of valor kept in perfect peace because their minds are fixed upon you. Every weapon formed against them fails, in the mighty name of Jesus. Lord, send them supernatural help from your sanctuary we pray! Let the prayers expressed here and in private remain perpetually active on their behalf! We send them our deep love and gratitude for this incredibly important work they are doing. Thank you Abba!

July 9, 2020

2 Timothy 1:2-5 “Grace and peace be multiplied to you all. His divine power has been given to you all you need for life and Godliness in the knowledge of You. It is through Your precious promises we can stand in. We have been called out of corruption into Your wonderful light”. Have Your way in our government and release Your Word through believers in government and raise up the Spirit Of Intercession over those that know You and will know You as Lord and Savior in Your precious name, amen

Eileen Roberts
July 9, 2020

I have been praying for many years for our Government just a few miles away from here in Fredericksburg VA. May God bless you and keep you and cause His light to shine upon you and give you His peace. Thank you for your service to this great Nation God has given us. I pray for a Daniel to rise up and ears will be opened to hear. May those hating God become like Neberkenezer and ask for wisdom from this Daniel and seek your face. I pray protection from the continued evil in the halls of the buildings and Oh God, we cry out. Thank you God for being on the Throne, in control and calling your people to repent and seek your face. We wait with the hope within us, knowing you will bring your will to be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Amen

Brenda Johnson
July 9, 2020

Praying God will protect you and strengthen you and give you wisdom. You are here for such a time as this. Thank you for your efforts to preserve this land I love. Praying for you and your families. We must remember that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. God is with us! Praise His holy name.

wanda Dulanto
July 9, 2020

I decree favor over you, behind you, all around you. I decree fellow believers come along side and encourage. I decree a turning of the “head”, (deep state), to see correctly, to hear correctly. I decree a popping sound in their ears, that their ears may open and they hear in truth. they see in truth. they know the truth.
In Jesus name.

Where 2 or more agree as touching anything it shall be done for them by my Father in Heaven…

July 9, 2020

Father God,
I lift up those believers in our government who are aligned with Your plans and purposes. I ask first of all for Your Presence to be strongly felt by them and by those who work with them. Fill each of these believers with Your Holy Spirit and help them walk in His power. Give them words of knowledge, and wisdom when to speak and to whom they should speak. I ask that You put an anointing on each of them to accomplish Your will wherever You have placed them. Grant them favor wherever they go. Let them be amazed how you open the doors they should go through and shut the doors where they should not go. Fill them with Your peace and Your courage. Grant them an unwavering faith in Jesus.
I ask that You send angels to protect them and their families from all schemes, plots, strategies, attacks, and tricks of the enemy.
We pray for the downfall of all Haman’s within our government.
You, O God, are mighty, the one true and living God. We praise You and worship You. LORD Jesus, You are the King of kings and LORD of lords. Let Your perfect will be accomplished in the government of the United States. Amen.

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July 9, 2020

Stand firm! I pray for your eyes to see the army up in the ridge! There are more with you than against you!

Ellen Wieczorek
July 9, 2020

Much much much much daily prayer for all the Righteous men in our government. Boldness as Lions! And Angel Protection over each one….and their entire families!
In Jesus Name
Amen…..so be it!!!

Alberta Snyder
July 9, 2020

I pray for our educational system to first begin to move in line with what the Holy spirit wants to do in our schools. I pray your hand of protection upon our schools. That Godly parents would rise up and form prayer groups to address the issues of their school. I pray for moms in touch to start making their voices heard once again. Rise mothers i call you from the north south east and west come cover our schools again in daily fervent prayer the prayer of the righteous man availith much. I pray for a release of angels to guard our hallways of our schools and properties.Jesus

    July 9, 2020

    I agree with your prayers for the schools. Moms in Touch is now called Moms in Prayer and they are praying to raise mothers up to pray for our children and all of the schools. Praying continually for the Lord to move hearts and minds of those making decisions for schools and colleges and to turn them back to the Lord and seek out His wisdom. Continuing to pray for our children to be saved and awakening to turn their hearts completely to the Lord.

Pamela Johnson
July 9, 2020

Dear Government worker,
We see your efforts and lift your arms. We pray for you and your loved ones! We cry out to the creator of this nation. We ask for fit in your bones and your face like flint. We pray you will be given a skilfull tongue, a winsome as that breaks the enemies efforts! We pray for fear in the hearts of those who harass you. We pray God encounters for them to repent and for you to be strengthened in firy love!
Be encouraged to continue! We walk with you.

Vina M Elias
July 9, 2020

Father God I pray for those You have placed in places of influence that Your Spirit cover them and that wisdom is given in what when and how to speak Father God let Your Mighty anointing rest upon them bind the works of the evil one and dry up the funds that supply the evil work in The Mighty Name Of Your Son Jesus I pray Amen

Martha Chalvet
July 9, 2020

In prayer for all the Daniels across the government departments. Believing God with a thankful heart for bold efficient wisdom and action. Praying 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 over these vital patriots. May their tribe increase and may the workers for destruction dry up OR better yet be changed to godliness!

    July 9, 2020

    We do pray for you and for us, “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith. Act like me men, be strong.”


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