I Prayed have prayed
Father, we do not know the full story here, but You do. Give the leader of China wisdom, God, whoever it is. Radically encounter them and bring peace to China and the Taiwan Strait.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Rumors are circulating throughout Asia about the Chinese government. Where is President Xi Jinping? Fact checkers deny reports of a coup. Let’s pray for China.

From City A.M. Social media across China and the rest of Asia continues to be in overdrive as persistent rumours that president Xi Jinping has been removed in a coup refuse to die down.

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Local and regional media speculate China’s long-standing leader was removed when he was away in Samarkand while attending the recent SCO summit, on 14 September.

Xi Jinping has reportedly not been seen in public since then although any rumours have been widely debunked in the last 24 hours.

Nevertheless, according to various reports in half a dozen Asian countries today, including India and Singapore, there are unconfirmed reports Xi Jinping has been placed under house arrest and is being replaced by the powerful army general Li Qiaoming.

Li Qiaoming, who is among the most senior officials of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA), has served as commander of the Northern Theater Command since September 2017.

When approached by City A.M. this afternoon local time in Beijing, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs refused to comment.

Despite the rumours circling for days, the Chinese government has remained silent and the country’s state broadcaster not aired any denial or response. However, rumours have been widely debunked.

No show in New York

Most noticeably, Xi did not appear in New York City last week to attend the annual General Assembly meeting while no reason was given for his absence.

US President Joe Biden spoke on Wednesday and most world leaders did make an appearance.

Instead, the Chinese government sent the country’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, who opted to shift the focus to Taiwan, telling world leaders that anyone who gets in the way of its determination to reunify with the self-governing island would be “crushed by the wheels of history”. …

How are you praying for China? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from City A.M. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Priscilla Meyenburg
September 28, 2022

Father God we lift up prayers for the Chinese country and their constant evil domination over the country. God it is not easy on the Chinese who want to serve God, we hear horrible stories how they are treated. Father God give them protection, wisdom, knowledge they can use to stay strong. God we do not know the truth of what is being said or from news press what is truth. I ask in Jesus name to stop any manufactured noise of threats of war. It seems all leaders are evil, we pray for Miracles only you can give them to breakthrough this Evilnesses that controls China and it’s people, so we can see the Light of Gods Glory over this country. 🧎‍♀️✝️ Thank u Jesus

Charles Finley
September 28, 2022

I am praying that the Christians in Tiwan will hold fast. I pray for the Lord’s protection on Tiwan.

Herb Johnston
September 27, 2022

Remember thatXi Lingping is not any less evil than the Chinese Liberation People’s Army

Sue Lenhart
September 27, 2022

I am prayerfully watching for developments in this situation with Xi Jinping. What comes to mind is an episode in which North Korea’s “president’, Kim Jong Un, also went through a period of time when he disappeared from the public eye. The same thing happened — the world’s media went crazy, constantly “reporting” on a situation that we were obviously not supposed to know anything about. Just remember that NOTHING is hid from the watchful, omniscient eye of the Lord. We will know what He wants us to know in due time.

Gail Wood
September 27, 2022

Dear Lord. We know of Your great love for all people and that you see the people of China and Taiwan.
The Chinese people are loving people who have been crushed for so long by their Government.
You have so many Christians there who have been suffering for so long and many are locked away in camps.
They have had their Church’s lowered and Crosses torn Down.
They are told what they can preach in Church and that is…..loyalty to the Chinese Government and not to the God that they believe in and love.
Father we pray for the leaders and Government of China . We pray that as You speak to their heart’s that they would yield to you Father. That their knee’s would bow down before you and that they would humbly praise You precious Lord.
We pray for our wonderful Christian brother’s and sister’s Father that you would sustain them Father until you have made China and the Government yours and set Your children into the Government positions.
We pray for Taiwan and the people and that you would protect them and give them strength. Please protect them from China and bring peace beneath the two .
In Jesus Holy name we pray ,

Robert Woleben
September 27, 2022

It is difficult for me to pray for China when they have persecuted so many Christians and are actively trying to take over our nation. However, while I pray for China, because they do need our prayers, I pray for the world that God in his infinite mercy & love will send us the support we need.

Chihkang Chou
September 27, 2022

When you pray for China, remember to pray for Taiwan as well. These two countries’ relationship may be the key toward the next world war. Also know that China had been constantly persecuting Christians, politically try to rewrite the gospel in favor of the communist party. Although Taiwan also do not have many Christians, yet it still is the main base for evangelist Christians to resupply and get their Bibles for mission trip in Asia. Please continue to pray for wisdom and repentance of leaders for both nations and the stand up in unity for believers.

Su Roller
September 27, 2022

Praying for President Xi to be convicted by the Holy Spirit of sin, righteousness, and judgment, that he may enter the kingdom of God!

Sharon Spieckerman
September 27, 2022

Lord ,
Send forth your mighty holy angels set for the Holy Spirit send forth Saint Michael the Archangel to defend us in this battle protect the people of Taiwan . Give your wisdom and changes of heart to the Chinese government leaders whoever they are. Calm this storm and listen to the prayers and long sufferings Lord of your people and come Lord Jesus come . 🙏 divine mercy over their lands and countries . Amen Amen

September 27, 2022

Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered.. Psalm 68.1
Lord we pray for the protection of your people in China during this time of uncertainty. May Truth triumph in the hearts of all Chinese, as they hear your voice calling them to yourself. Many martyrs have paid the price under the crushing yoke of communism, for their people to be free. O Lord, hear their prayers and ours.

    John Geise
    September 27, 2022

    YUGE AMEN! Let His enemies be scattered.
    Lord of Host, the army Angels go forth in Spirit warfare. Scatter the enemy, stir up chaos in China. The division within the Chinese government will cause them to fall. They will not invade Taiwan.
    Not By our Might, Not by our power but by your Spirit Lord of Host.

    Herb Johnston
    September 27, 2022

    About 15 years ago, when I was a part of church on the way- in Van nuys, we were given a book-, about Chinese Christian named brother Yung- that chronicled his suffering under the Communist party there, and horrible torture he went through- which is unmentionable. During that time, I cannot exactly remember how I acquired the information, because there were so many people there.. but what I remember was- that it was stated.. somehow, that at that time, that the underground Church in China was the fastest growing underground Church in the world.. and certainly one of the most, if not thee most..ardently devoted to allowing themselves to not only be persecuted- but to pursue service in the path of the Lord- in spite of whatever torments they suffered.
    Dear Heavenly Father, I lift up to you the Chinese people generally, in china, and the underground Church there.. Lord we know that you have Ministered greatly-,beyond what we can even know, through the Underground church, in China-.. Lord continue,we pray, to allow that groundswell of Holy Spirit power to rise up-,and bring healing and restoration to China- and that these political maneuverings be brought under your control- through our prayers- and their prayers, in the underground Church-that the Chinese people who have suffered greatly as a result, – that their suffering would stop.. and that your Holy Spirit would minister to the hearts-all of the people, in different parts of the Chinese government, that are obviously Under the Influence of satanic control.
    Lord thank you for your mercy-and that you will show that Mercy to China, Lord..in stopping this evil.
    Lord, let there be a great outpouring of revival, Lord-,amongst the people there.. in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen

Kathy Orozco
September 27, 2022

Father You alone are God of the universe & created all things in it. You are mighty & awesome. You are the great I AM! You are the Lord of lords & Kings of kings! You are a Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, a Light in the darkness! You are always faithful even when we aren’t. Lord I pray for the people of China & Taiwan that they may be loosed from the bondage, that You break their chains, deliver them that they make walk in the freedom of You Jesus! Lord I pray that You shine the light into the darkness that the people know You. Lord give them a “Damascus road” experience! Father I give You all the glory, honor and praise! Glorify Yourself Father! I pray these things in Your Son’s name, Jesus! Amen! 🙏🏼❤️

Tina Price
September 27, 2022

Father, bring stability to China. Bless all leaders there and draw them into your loving hand. Reveal yourself to each one through dreams and visions. Bring peace in our world. In Jesus’ name. Amen

September 27, 2022

Freedom and protection for the Chinese people in Jesus name Amen!

tracey edwards-goer
September 27, 2022

I prayed for the move of God to unite the people in righteousness.

B Funderburk
September 27, 2022

I prayed for China.

Brian lynch
September 27, 2022

Lord, you know what is happening in this, and all, situations in this world. I pray for China, for stability in their government and leadership. I also pray for Your will to be done in all their decisions, including taking over of Taiwan. In Jesus’ name.

September 27, 2022

Heavenly Father you know all that is happening, help us to be one with your will and give glory to your name and power. Stop this tyranny of it is according to your plans.

Margie Seim DeHoust
September 27, 2022

Thank you for Luanne’s prayer. I copied and pasted it and prayed it out loud and will continue to do so. To God be the glory!

Marsha Bashor
September 27, 2022

I agree with all prayers here, especially Luann’s prayer. Thank you. And thank you Lord for moving.

September 27, 2022

Father, I pray for the safety of Your missionaries in China. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen

Allena Jordan
September 27, 2022

Lord, set the Chinese people free from tyrannical rule. Amen.

September 27, 2022

“Lift not up your horn on high: speak not with a stiff neck. For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.”
Psalms 75:5-7, KJV

“Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:”
Daniel 2:20-21, KJV

Abba, we trust you. You pull down leaders and raise them up. We plead the precious blood of Jesus Christ over the Chinese government and the precious people of China. You know all the details of Xi Jinping. If he is under house arrest, I am assuming he stands in the way of the evil regime. We commit him to you. Protect those rulers who you are using for your glory, Remove the wicked rulers. Lord of hosts, send forth your warring angels to these territories to fight against the evil agendas and to make toast of the enemy. May there way be slippery and dark. May they be as smoke in the wind and wax in the fire. Send confusion into the enemy camp and may they fight one another These are perilous times. Hover over your children in China and Taiwan. You overcame that great dragon when you died on the cross and rose up from the grave! You took back the keys of the kingdom having disarmed the powers and authorities, You made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross! Pull out Leviathan by putting a hook in his nostrils. May he not thrash around and harm the innocent. Move in China! Protect your people! Protect Taiwan! Hover over us and our brothers and sisters in these countries and throughout the world. Shake and remove spiritual wickedness in high places, remove rulers of the darkness of this world, remove principalities and all manner of evil ones. Kingdom of God come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Replace what is evil with your goodness and your glory. We draw near to you. May we all find shelter under your wing as go through this season. Keep us close. We are your servants and hand maidens and we look to you.
‭‭Thank you for all you are doing in our day. Use all these events for your glory and to ultimately usher in revival and a great harvest of souls. Continue to work In America, China and throughout all countries of the world! You are an awesome God! We wait with eager anticipation to see all the work of your hands! You are the only one, true God, and we worship you and we praise you! In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

    Tom McGovern
    September 27, 2022

    Your prayer is powerful and will be read out loud in our state capitol this morning. Hope you can join us by phone.



    September 27, 2022


    Elizabeth Lowe
    September 27, 2022

    Praying with faith that God will do all He said He will do. May God be lifted up over China. May the evil ones perish and the righteous stand firm and live.

    I agree with Luann’s prayer. In Jesus holy and most powerful name let it be so.

    Anna Dault
    September 28, 2022

    Hallelujah & Amen, Thank you Luann for your prayer that covered China, & the needs of America!

September 27, 2022

It is my understanding that XI is a Chinese elder who is against the Chinese communist government. He is on the side of our wonderful President Trump to eradicate the evil globalist agenda.

    September 27, 2022

    No, Xi is the President of China, head of the CCP and the military In China

    Herb Johnston
    September 27, 2022

    Really!!??-,..when or how did I miss that announcement??

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