I Prayed have prayed
Lord, I know that only when Jesus returns will true justice be restored and true freedom be established. Protect each of Your children and may all who trust in Christ find their rest in Him, knowing that He is able and willing to support in time of need and to help in time of trouble.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has issued a ruling stating Americans do not have an inherent right to carry firearms, whether it be concealed or open carry.

ā€œThe US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit just ruled that THERE IS NO RIGHT TO CARRY ā€“ either openly or concealed in public. This ruling impacts RTC laws in AK, HI, CA, AZ, OR, WA, & MT. This was not an NRA case but we are exploring all options to rectify this,ā€ the tweet noted. . . .

TheĀ court ruling, handed down on Wednesday, could have wide ramifications for lawful gun owners around the country.

ā€œAfter careful review of the history of early English and American regulation of carrying arms openly in the public square, the en banc court concluded that Hawaiā€˜iā€™s restrictions on the open carrying of firearms reflect longstanding prohibitions, and therefore, the conduct they regulate is outside the historical scope of the Second Amendment,ā€ the court decided. ā€œThe en banc court held that the Second Amendment does not guarantee an unfettered, general right to openly carry arms in public for individual self-defense.ā€

ā€œAccordingly, Hawaiā€˜iā€™s firearms-carry scheme is lawful,ā€ the court continued. ā€œThe en banc court rejected Youngā€™s argument that [the state law] is invalid as a prior restraint because it vests chiefs of police with unbridled discretion to determine whether a permit is issued. Joining its sister circuits, the en banc court held that the prior restraint doctrine does not apply to Second Amendment challenges to firearm-licensing laws.ā€

Four judges dissented from the courtā€™s majority ruling, however. . . .

ā€œIn his view, the majorityā€™s decision undermines not only the Constitutionā€™s text, but also half a millennium of Anglo-American legal history, the Supreme Courtā€™s decisions inĀ District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), andĀ McDonald v. City of Chicago, 561 U.S. 742 (2010), and the foundational principles of American popular sovereignty itself.ā€

Meanwhile, just two years ago, the frequently overturned 9th Circuit actually ruled that open carry was a constitutional right for the same defendant. . .

The court ruling at the time addressed the Hawaii gun law and upheld the constitutional right to open carry. . . .

As the Biden administration seeks to push through sweeping gun control measures, the ruling could be a signal that courts are open to rubber-stamping the restrictions on the Second Amendment. . . .

What do you think about this ruling? Discuss in the comments below!

(Excerpt from Becker News. Article by Kyle Becker. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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Lori Zink
March 30, 2021

Biden is an idiot and all this attack on the Constitution needs to disappear!

March 29, 2021

This administration is on “high speed” to destroy this country! Of course the 9th circuit would rule exactly as they always do! We must wake up, we have been asleep. As believers, we have sat back and thought everything would “be okay.” It is NOT! It is not going to be, unless believers get busy! We have to “hit the floor running” now. You believers who have the heart and the courage to get involved politically, on every level, HAVE to do it NOW! We need righteousness back in government! We are losing our Nation!! That is not God’s will! Now is the time, more than EVER BEFORE to stand up. Our SILENCE is stealing our nation from us!! They are coming for more than our guns!!

Tina M Mosier
March 29, 2021

Dear God, our creator, He who made us to live in a safe world. Dear Lord, we are loosing our rights in this Nation, I pray that you intervene the minds of those who are blind to the laws that create safety, in our US, I beseech you to open minds, eyes and conscious to these individuals who are making decision/laws that put others in danger. Dear Lord, breath Your breath of “right” upon our Nation, send your holly spirit to intervene where there is wrong, and open doors to refresh this Land. I pray for the evils of this world to return back to the abyss where they belong. I pray in God’s Holly name…Amen

March 29, 2021

Our Heavenly Father, we belong to you, not those that lead a country. It is by your mighty hand we stand or fall. We are the warriors that fight on our knees, praying for those who fight digitally, and with weapons. We here know we are in a war, a third world war, since it was 7 countries that conspired to steal our election. We call on you to go forward into the darkness of war with your light and relieve us of all worry by the Peace that passes understanding. I believe you are not finished with America, and therefore you will right this grievious wrong. I ask specifically that you would protect our right to bear arms, and defend all who would defend this right for us. I pray the blood of Jesus over these requests and ask it by the name of Jesus. to Your glory Lord, Amen.

March 29, 2021

I am nearly 70, and I’ve grown up with firearms in my family. I was taught gun safety, and the proper use and respect of any firearm.
Have you noticed the LEGAL sale of firearms have skyrocketed since the elections?.
The Biden left-wing liberals want to CONFISCATE everyones firearms, and leave everyone defenseless. Their actions VIOLATE the 2nd amendment of the Constitution.
We as Christians must PRAY and fight to defend our constitutional right. Amen?

Lisa Pia Eason
March 29, 2021

Is everybody ready to fight like heck for this country now or what???
We can’t let it go down like this.

Bob in WY
March 29, 2021

Most of the Ten Commandments say “Thou shall not…” The Second Amendment says “…shall not be infringed.” Is there a difference in the meaning of those phrases?…NO! Shall not mean SHALL NOT! This administration and courts believe they have the authority to override the Bible and our Constitution. May God and we the people protect us from such states of mind!

Rose Marie Distefano
March 29, 2021

…We hold these truths to be self-evident,that all men are created equal,THAT THEY ARE ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights,governments are instituted among men,dderiving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it…..OUR FOREFATHERS FOUGHT AND DIED FOR THE RIGHTS WHICH WE HAVE RELIQUISHED TO THE SOCIALIST DEMOCRATIC PARTY. WAKE UP AMERICA. YOUR FREEDOMS ARE GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Danny N.C.
March 29, 2021

Dear Heavenly Father, the wicked and foolish have overrun this nation and are acting quickly to undermine all our God given rights and to pervert all aspects of society. Lord I pray that we do not simply roll over for these evil people. There seems to be no limit to the evil they do, and we must push back. Lord I pray you will bless us, granting us the courage and wisdom to reverse these wicked trends. In Jesus precious name I pray O Lord, Amen.

March 29, 2021

Humans have a right to defend themselves against those who would do them harm. If it requires deadly force to do so, and big government outlaws firearms, I can only see that it is easier to get forgiveness than permission if one is alive to do so. The group in the White House at the present time is not representing the American citizens. Pray for our country, our freedoms, our people. We have been awakened and must stand together as we take back our country that was stolen in November 2020.

Carole Ann Neve
March 29, 2021

From the excerpt of this article:
Meanwhile, just two years ago, the frequently overturned 9th Circuit actually ruled that open carry was a constitutional right for the same defendant. . .

The court ruling at the time addressed the Hawaii gun law and upheld the constitutional right to open carry. . . .

As the Biden administration seeks to push through sweeping gun control measures, the ruling could be a signal that courts are open to rubber-stamping the restrictions on the Second Amendment. . . .”

I feel these court judges are messing with the We The People. The constitution should stand. I understand there are tough gun laws already in place. If citizens are trying to pull a fast one, the judges should decide. Intercessors can pray that righteousness will prevail in these decisions.

Glenn R. Freeman
March 29, 2021

Study Hitler’s ascent and conquest in Nazi Germany

Carole Rithaler
March 29, 2021

May Godā€™s will be done … in America … as it is in heaven.
Our rights come from You, oh Lord, therefore, no man can take them away.
Please help us, Lord, to hold on to the things that You have given to us. May Your love, power and authority help us to stand against the evil ones desire to steal the things which You have given to us … the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Charles Barker
March 29, 2021

I am 64 years old An I just got my first gun permit last year. The only guns that I have owned were BB guns and pellet guns when I was a kid and a 12 gauge shotgun that my grandfather left me in his will when he passed.

I strongly support the Second Amendment and will do everything that I can to help keep it in place.

It’s pretty obvious that the Biden Administration is going to try and bulldoze the American citizens rights through Executive Orders.

I stay in contact with my State Senators and Representative on a regular basis.

I hope to purchase my first handgun and start training soon.

Dawndi Ehrlich
March 29, 2021

We the people need to take a stand against the propaganda of disarming American citizens. They want to disarm us to make it easier to control us. I am completely sickened by the Republican and Democrat parties. They have proven over and over their interest is not Godly and definitely not for its own citizens. So many have committed treason. The election was stolen. Where are the Churches? Where is the party fighting for our 2nd amendment rights? What in the world is Biden doing besides being a complete embarrassment to our Country? We all know Trump won. He tried to wake up the sleepers. Well, I am awake. It is going to take a miracle to wake the ones that still believe the MSM. They are zombies.
They will not stand and fight for anything that matters. They fight to divide us. That is why we need to stand firm and unite. Fight for our 2nd amendment, freedom and start a new government.
Their goal is to remove all of our rights. To have full control. Become a communist nation.
May God be with us and give us wisdom and strength to stand firm.


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