8 Prayers for Truth in the Presidential Debates
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8 Prayers for Truth in the Presidential Debates
Intercessor, we first brought you this piece in June, back when Biden was still in the race and the nation was eagerly awaiting the first presidential debate. A lot has changed since then, but IFA Contributing Writer Jamie Rohrbaugh’s prayer points are still just as valuable. As the nation prepares for the first debate between Trump and Harris tonight, we encourage you to pray through these prayer points once again.
Are you ready for truth to be revealed in America?
As we enter the debate season, American voters will have quite a few opportunities for things to come to light that we need to know in order to make informed decisions at the polls. But in this season of exposure and decision-making, there are those who want to deceive the American public.
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Nevertheless, it is always God’s will for truth to be revealed.
Jesus Himself is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and it is His will for all people to walk in all aspects of Who He is at all times. Therefore, in order to contend for truth to be revealed, would you join with me and pray the 8 prayers below for truth in the Presidential debates (and all debates)?
Let’s pray as follows:
Prayer 1: Pray that the hidden things would be revealed.
Luke 8:17 tells us that God will reveal absolutely everything eventually. Let’s pray for all needed information to be revealed NOW! For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light (Luke 8:17 NKJV).
Prayer 2: Ask the Lord to destroy the unholy unity of any liars that band together to conceal things from the American public.
When people band together in unity, anything can be done — whether they are grouping together for good or for evil. But, God can obliterate even the unholy unity that happens when people band together to do evil.
Remember what the Lord did in Genesis 11:5-8:
But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. And the Lord said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.”
So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city (Genesis 11:5-8 NKJV).
If He destroyed the plans of men who desired to exalt themselves back then, He can and will certainly destroy the unity and plans of people who desire to conceal evil now. Lord, stop any plans that bring forth lies, and destroy the unity in the camp of any liars!
Prayer 3: Pray that the Lord would surround the truthful with favor as with a shield.
Since Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, it is God’s will for truth to be manifested in all situations. So, let’s pray that the Lord would bless and protect the truthful. Pray Psalm 5:12:
For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; with favor You will surround him as with a shield (Psalm 5:12 NKJV).
Prayer 4: Pray that the Lord would set any liars against one another in confusion, such that both their supporters and their strategies would self-destruct and flee.
We need truth in America, and in these political debates. We have to stand firm in that! But God can use even our prayers to do mighty things.
Look what God did in Judges 7:19-22 for Gideon and his tiny army of 300 men:
So Gideon and the hundred men who were with him came to the outpost of the camp at the beginning of the middle watch, just as they had posted the watch; and they blew the trumpets and broke the pitchers that were in their hands.
Then the three companies blew the trumpets and broke the pitchers—they held the torches in their left hands and the trumpets in their right hands for blowing—and they cried, “The sword of the Lord and of Gideon!” And every man stood in his place all around the camp; and the whole army ran and cried out and fled.
When the three hundred blew the trumpets, the Lord set every man’s sword against his companion throughout the whole camp; and the army fled to Beth Acacia, toward Zererah, as far as the border of Abel Meholah, by Tabbath (Judges 7:19-22 NKJV).
If God can make the Midianites turn against each other and flee before 300 men who did nothing but break pitchers, blow trumpets, and shout, He can certainly turn the houses of lying and confusion in America against one another, so that they also flee. Never doubt the power of your prayers!
We may not have “The sword of the Lord and of Gideon,” but we do have the blood of Jesus, the Word of God (which is alive and powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword), and the prayers of the saints. And through our God, we shall do valiantly!
Prayer 5: Ask God to increase the truthful in strength, and to confound all those who side with lies.
Look what God did for the apostle Paul—then called Saul—in Acts 9:22:
But Saul increased all the more in strength, and confounded the Jews who dwelt in Damascus, proving that this Jesus is the Christ (Acts 9:22 NKJV).
Saul, having been converted, set out to preach the truth about Jesus being the Messiah. He shocked and offended many, for his conversion from persecutor of the church to preacher of the Gospel was certainly unexpected. But, the Lord blessed his choice for righteousness. God increased him in strength, and caused him to confound all those around him.
If God will do that for Saul-turned-Paul, He will do that for people today who have America’s best interests at heart. He will bless the righteous choices of truth-tellers. Ask Him to increase the strength of all those who tell the truth, and to let their strength and honesty confound their opposition!
Prayer 6: Pray that all candidates would speak as the oracles of God.
It is God’s will for all people to only speak His words. After all, that’s what Jesus did—He only said what the Father said, and He only did what the Father did!
Look at what 1 Peter 4:11 says about speaking as the oracles of God:
If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen (1 Peter 4:11 NKJV).
We learned from the story of Balaam (Numbers 22-24) in the Bible that God can change the tongues even of people who set out to speak lies and curses, causing them to speak out truth and blessings instead. Let’s pray that all candidates (and even the moderators) at every debate would speak as the oracles of God, so that the full will of God can come forth at each event.
Prayer 7: Ask God to give every candidate the tongue of the learned, and that He would awaken their ears to hear His voice.
We see that God did this for Jesus in Isaiah 50:
The Lord God has given Me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear to hear as the learned (Isaiah 50:4 NKJV).
Since it’s God’s will for every person to be made like Jesus, we know it is also God’s will for every person to hear His voice and speak His words—even those who don’t know Jesus yet. So, let’s pray that every person would hear the voice of God instructing them and teaching them in the way they should go (Psalm 32:8), and that they would obey Him and speak only words of righteousness.
Prayer 8: Pray that there would be no twisting of words; that nothing would be misconstrued or misreported.
I believe that the leviathan spirit is one of the top 5 evil spirits operating in our nation today. The foul leviathan spirit twists words, misconstrues and misrepresents facts, and brings people under the influence of gaslighting and manipulation. It is an evil thing when truth gets twisted!
To counteract this, pray that the Holy Spirit—Who is the Spirit of Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life—would be manifest. Pray also that every crooked thing would be made straight during these debates.
Remember Isaiah 40:4-5:
Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill brought low; the crooked places shall be made straight and the rough places smooth; the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken (Isaiah 40:4-5 NKJV).
Intercessor, your prayers are not going unnoticed.
Remember that God is storing up your prayers in bowls in Heaven! Your prayers are like a sweet incense in His nostrils. (See Revelation 5:8.) And as we pray together for TRUTH to come forth in this year’s debates, I believe we will see the Lord moving and shaking things up, revealing things we did not know. Let’s pray in faith for that shaking up to happen as truth is revealed, so we can vote with all the facts in hand!
Did these 8 prayers for truth in the Presidential debates help you today? What other Scriptural prayer points can you think of that we ought to be praying? Leave a comment below!
Jamie Rohrbaugh is the founder and CEO of From His Presence. She is the author of over 40 books, including her two latest collections of prayer tools, Wind of Heaven and New Season. She seeks to equip you to carry God’s manifest glory everywhere you go. Her resources have been published by YouVersion Bible Plans, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Download her free prayer tool, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and Worship, here. Photo credit: Lorie Shaull from St Paul, United States – Kamala Harris, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=80272344 and Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=66881640.
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I want to thank my Sister in the Lord for sending me this awesome message sometimes when we Pray we need to know precisely what to Pray instead of speractic Prayer’s…send me more, …God Bless.
This is awesome Ispoke and prayed the entire passages as if I was talking straight to God, reminding him that these verses where his words and not mine. Amen 🙏
Thank you for the prayers, and your bravery and Godlyness!! We WILL overcome the enemy!!!
Father, Your kingdom come, Your will be done in America, Israel and all nations whose God is the Lord✔️✔️✔️
Exodus 17: when Aaron and Hur upheld Moses’ arms let our prayers uphold Donald Trump. Dear GOD support DJT
🙏🏻for our country and for for God’s intervention .
Father, please take the blinders off of people that have been blinded by their hate for one man and they will see the truth and no longer compromise Your truth! May they humble themselves when they see the truth and repent. And let us all walk in humility as we proclaim Your truth! In Jesus name
Thank you, thank you, thank you for these appropriate and powerful prayers that we can pray and that, I believe, touch the heart of the Lord
It was good that these prayers did not outright favor either candidate but prayed for both to be truthful and both to be oracles and both to be learned
I loved this list of prayers – prayed them out loud and shared multiple times through text
1 Kings 18: 36 & 37
“At the time of sacrifice, the prophet Elijah stepped forward and prayed: “Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your command. Answer me, Lord, answer me, so these people will know that you, Lord, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again to You.”
In Jesus name, Amen.
1 Kings 18 & 37
“At the time of sacrifice, the prophet Elijah stepped forward and prayed: “Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God I israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your command. Answer me, Lord, answer me, so these people will know that you, Lord, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again.”.
In Jesus name, Amen.
I prayed all these words outloud in the mighty name of Jesus
dear god
let all hidden agenda’sbe revealed, so tyhe voters can voteintelligently andin accordancewith your word. let your precence be manifest duringbthe entire debate, so any and all lies are sponaneously and unconsciously replaced by truth.
I ask in jesus’ name
Our Father, our Creator, i approach the throne of heaven, humbly praying in the name of your son Christ Jesus;
My Lord, this land was founded by people who were fully committed to follow you and worship you, following your commandments, raising their children in the name of God .
I approach your throne and pray that your spirit walk among us and reach the hearts of your people to be filled with your guidance on this Election Day. May the holly spirit enthrone our heats and mind to know right from wrong. I pray, my Lord, that you bring forth millions of prayer warriors to reach Heaven with our prayed.
I pray in your son, name Christ Jesus , Amen
supernatual strength and wisdom for Trump. ” A quiet answer turns away wrath”. Prayer for the wisdom of Solomon which commands respect.
May GOD bless President Trump 🙏 thank you for the prayers 🙏
I agree with all eight prayer points and declared and decreed them out loud, In Jesus’ name.
I pray the Lord will expose Bar Jesus in the debates. I pray the Lord continues exposing all Bar Jesus in town halls, city councilmen and women, school boards, universities, and every governmental position elected and appointed, including legislators, Judges, and attorneys. We need God-fearing men and women in governmental and local positions. I pray the Lord to clean up the US election system, remove the Department of Education, and give the power back to the States and the Parents. I pray the Lord to remove all ungodly leaders and expose and remove all Marxist agendas. No more Bar Jesus leaders!
Reference on who Bar Jesus was:
In God, we trust,
Martha Huckabay
[email protected]
A Two-time Louisiana Congressional Delegate for DJT.
For You, O Lord, will bless Donald Trump, the righteous; and Your favor will surround Donald Trump as a shield!! Thank You Jesus for showing up at this debate and anointing Mr. Trump’s mind, mouth, attitude, demeanor, and answers to all questions. Shine, Jesus, shine tonight thru Mr. Trump. Holy Spirit, may Ms. Harris speak the truth of her agenda, not just speak what she thinks others want to hear just to get elected! We the people want to keep our freedoms! Not only for us but for those yet to be born!! Thank You for hearing our prayer and pleading for this free country! In the name of Jesus Christ! Amen and amen❣️❣️❣️
POWERFUL!!!! Will praying during debate
Yes, these were quite helpful, I prayed them and will continue to this evening as I watch the debate.
I am praying today and everyday!
This was a great help! Thank you.
I heartily agree with each of the 8 prayer points above, Lord. Thank you for the mighty weapon of Your Word – Your Truth! Be glorified, Lord, through Your mighty intervention in the debate – may it be obvious to all who truly desire Truth.
Just a comment, Jamie. I was so encouraged by your excellent handling of prayer point 2. I often hear prayers for unity, but it is not clarified that the unity we desire is “unity of the Spirit” – ie. the unity that results when we individually align with the plans, purposes, and nature of YHVH. We should also then pray for confusion in the camp of the enemy so that they will not be able to cooperate to do evil, as at the tower of Babel. We want unity of the Spirit & disunity in the enemy’s camp – it is a both/and so we really need to pray for both and clarify which for whom!
Please reword prayer #4. My fear is that many will just read this and “accidentally” pray for people to commit suicide! (Prayer is currently worded that supporters of liars would “self-destruct” – aka commit suicide (or murder one another)). I’m sure that was NOT what you meant! I think what you meant was that the demonic forces behind these “liars” and their “supporters” would “self-destruct” and “flee.”
I’m praying that God would put a hand over the mouth of every liar and shut the door to their lips if it is not Your Truth!
I am praying for this debate between Trump and Harris tonight. I pray God your will will take place tonight and for peace and protection over Donald J.Trump. The truth will be revealed what Harris for the plans she has for America. Her lies will be exposed. I ask God the narrator will be bias. I also asked God for your hand be upon this debate. People will hear the lies and for truth
Lord pray for the candidates to be annointed with truth and the lies to be exposed. The moderator would be fair and not bias. That it would be clear what each candidates stands for. Open the hearts of the people to hear truth and recognize lies.
I will be praying for President Trump to speak with God’s direction and fervor for America 🇺🇸
I have prayed, decreed and declared the Word of God over Donald J Trump. I have engaged in spiritual warfare against the workers of inequity and the spirits in operation in the Harris campaign and in their lives. I have agreed in God’s word for confusion of language on a lying tongue to be in operation tonight over Harris. I declare Donald J Trump the victor in Jesus name. He stands for righteousness and truth!! Amen
If we are praying for President Trump, then we must Speak his name into these scriptures…..just as you
see in psalms (David’s Name)….It must be specific. Afterall , President Trump has been called by the Lord
for such a time as this, just as Cyrus was called.
Amen and prayer all alot will awaken the truth . 🙏😇
I believe we should include “PEACEFUL TRANSITION” when new incumbent takes over.
A joy to pray for the debates!!! Guide in your will and way Lord Jesus!!! Your Indian in Jesus!!!
Pray that those who have been deceived and manipulated by lies of satan through media and all other sources will hear and receive truth. Pray that the blinders will be removed from their eyes and the devil’s wax will be removed from their ears in Jesus’s name.
Awesome prayers just awesome
Lord God, in Jesus’ Name, I also pray that Obama will not be speaking in Kamala Harris’ ear …that You will shut that down through the Blood of Jesus!! And if it is allowed that You would shut it down with no reception so that she can’t hear him…and will be obvious to everyone what is going on and that it will be stopped by Your Spirit and Power. In Jesus’ Name, protect President Trump and his family, his friends and all his supports from his/ our enemies that are trying to Annihilate him/ us. Greater is Jesus and Holy Spirit in us than he that is in the world ( from I John 4:4). LORD, hear our voices! Let Your ear be Attentive to the voice of our supplications (from Ps. 130: 2-3). Holy Spirit, we ask You to come fall over this debate and save Kamala from her sins nothing is to hard for You, our LORD Most High. In Jesus’ Name, let President Trump have Your favor over him, our King of Glory. May he ask You, LORD, for the words to say…and may You give them to him fluently…nothing is impossible with You our Great Sovereign God…Who is Holy and Faithful! In Jesus’ Name I pray believing Who is ALL TRUTH!! Amen.
I pray that the eyes of viewers will see and that their ears will be open.
And pray that the eyes and ears of is listening ne opened to hear and know the truth declared. To also be prepared to and act on these truths
Thank you for the awesome prayers here today! My spirit is lifted and so ready to hear truth in the debate.
God bless all involved and those that have put truth to paper. May God bless us mightily!
In total agreement!! Amen!! Thank you!
Thank you so much for your list of prayers! It helped me to know how to pray for the debate.
Magnificent and encouraging. I’m forwarding this to others.
Thank you so needed in these times! The Lord will prevail and defeat the evil In Jesus Name Amen
I pray that every lie will be garbled so it will not be heard. I pray this in Jesus name dear Father.
I am so sad I missed the call last night to pray with President Trump and others for the debate tonight! These 8 prayers are so helpful, and I will be praying them today!! I know our God is faithful and is exposing the truth every day! He is going to shake things up in the close days ahead! His will is going to prevail for our nation and the nations around the world! Ps. 27:2 says, “though the wicked advance against me to devour me, it is my enemies and foes who will stumble and fall!” God IS our light and our salvation, we need not fear!!! It is going to be the best of times in the worst of times for God’s people in the days ahead! Stay encouraged and thank you for all your prayers!!!
Father God
May Donald Trump desire your leading and guidance tonight. Give him a soft heart that fully depends on you and Holy Spirit. May your presence be known and felt as he debate Kamala Harris. The battle is Your Father. In Jesus’ Powerful Name I pray
Praying through all the smoke and mirrors that truth will win the night. Headline going into tomorrow: GOD PREVAILS!
Lord, we pray against the evil influences behind the scenes to destroy America. They are against God’s covenant with America. They will not succeed and, Lord, You will destroy them. We pray for those lost and confused following such an influence. May their eyes and hearts begin to see the truth to their evil and bow to You, Father God. May the fear of the Lord rise up in this nation! Praying this evil influence and nonsense fall flat and become powerless, in Jesus mighty name! I pray prodigal sons return with a strong fire for You, Lord, leading others along with them. We thank you, Father God. You are precious and we thank you for hearing and answering the prayers of Your righteous. AMEN
I woke up this morning and “truth” was the word given to me to pray for the debate tonight. It concerns me that many do not hear the truth from God but I am praying that God will use Trump tonight like Paul and many will hear what is true. In Jesus name we pray truth be revealed in this debate tonight and to God be the glory. Amen
Lord, we pray against the evil influences behind the scenes to destroy America. They are against God’s covenant with America. They will not succeed and, Lord, You will destroy them. We pray for those lost and confused following such an influence. May their eyes and hearts begin to see the truth to their evil and bow to You, Father God. May the fear of the Lord rise up in this nation! May the souls of the people see Your love for them, Lord! Praying this evil influence and nonsense fall flat and become powerless, in Jesus mighty name! I pray prodigal sons return with a strong fire for You, Lord, leading others along with them. We thank you, Father God. You are precious and we thank you for hearing and answering the prayers of Your righteous. AMEN
Thank you well worth the praying
Thank You Jamie and IFA. I’m so grateful that Dutch Sheets has also posted these Prayer Points on Give Him 15! Reading and praying them this morning, I sensed Holy Spirit doing a Heart Work in His praying people along with those we are praying for!
Excellent prayer points, I especially sensed in my spirit that the prayer against the spirit of Leviathan is so where we are. Jesus is truth!
We are stronger force for God through our prayer together declaring in unity in one accord.
Thank you very much
God bless you abundantly,
Lord, we pray your will be done in these debates and that your words will come forth! Let the truth set us all free. I pray the Holy Spirit have your way tonight. Amen
Excellent and scripture based.
We are praying in Yeshuas Name.
Spot on. Ty for the prayer points.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for these prayers for this debate. I did not know how to pray for these debates with this kind of depth and am joining those who pray this way in unity of the Holy Spirit.
I have prayed and stand in agreement with all who have and are praying according to scripture
Show yourself strong Lord!
Jamie and intercessors, I sense that AI will somehow be connected to Ms Harris in answering debate questions, demeanor, smooth words, articulation and demonic influence in deceptive presence. Hope that I am wrong about this, but if true, I would appreciate suggestions on how to pray against this evil endeavor, knowing that God is much bigger than any combined worldly intelligence. Thank you!
Thank you for realizing the importance of tomorrow’s debate between Trump and Harris AND for organizing these prayers tonight for President Trump and his family. I declare in the name of Jesus that Trump will through the Grace of God win the debate. He will be blessed with perfect knowledge and words to defend our country against all the lies told by the evil people running our country. May God continue to bles the IFA Prayer Organization.
Thank you for these timely suggestions and references. Jesus knows what’s coming, but doing our part sure helps.
I pray for a hedge of protectiong around Donald J Trump
Pray for clarity, focus on issues, wisdom and understanding .. No traps or snares, division between media involvement to favor one side, good important questions to be asked, no unfairness with the mic being allowed on or cut off, fair reporting after the debate by the various news agencies.
That Trump will have a dome of protection covering him from any attacks spiritually physically mentally emotionally as well as his family and those who are with him and that those are with him are there for the right reasons and not for personal gain but to help to turn America back to what is right honorable and morally good.Amen
Praise be to the name of God forever and ever; wisdom and power are His. He changes times and seasons, He deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things He knows what lies in darkness and light dwells with Him. We pray your will be done, Father God as You will give strength, wisdom and knowledge as truth is spoken.
Great prayer to pray!
Beautifully and Perfectly outlined! Let us Stand Together for the Truth! Keep Praying and God Bless America! AMEN AND AMEN!
Thank you for these prayer points. God will have his way in this election. May God continue to bless America! May all Christians do their duty and vote in this very important election .
Amen! Lord only You can save America, we cannot save ourselves !
Bring free and fair elections in November, and protect Your David ( Trump) !
Thank you for helping pin point the areas to focus on when praying for this election. Clarity is needed and definitely an item.
I appreciate these prayers you’ve shared with us and I pray every Christian in America and the world will be praying them and more. May TRUTH prevail and God be glorified. I pray for clarity, strength and protection for Trump. And I pray any false things used by the Demonic Left to help Kamela will not work. May Almighty God’s power and truth prevail and may He be glorified.
I Pray that God will protect both candidates from harm and reveal the truth about both candidates’ support for Israel.
Thank you so much for thieve prayer points! ABBA Father, I pray in agreement with my brothers and sisters, and that the candidates would also seek righteousness and humility and by so doing honor You. (Zephaniah 2:3). I pray that President Trump would remember what You have done for him and that if it be Your will, He becomes our next president. Nothing is impossible for You, Father, and we ask in Jesus’ Name.
I pray that Pres. Trump remembers the good Lords Commandments and wins by
a great Christian speech. He is a help from above for our present Republic. I also pray God gives Trump the Christian Words to speak.
Abba Father, please reveal the Spirit of Jesus in the Presidential debates this year. Let truth come forth! Let every hidden thing be revealed, we must humble ourselves so we may be heard.lord please helpDonald Trump succeed and win the White House, and let the enemies of you and freedom which you’ve graciously given to us fail dramatically so that there is noplace to hide
we ask, in Jesus’ name.
2 Chron 7:14-16 “Then if My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their minds and restore their land “
2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land”.
I am praying these prayers while the debate is going on as well. Father bring to light all that is evil for what it is cover and shine the truth only. I bind any evil spirits that are operating or trying to operate in this debate and that there will be no misinterpretations or misrepresentations made by anyone. Let Your Truth be made known. In Jesus’s name AMEN
I am praying these powerful prayers right now while the debate is going on. The people of this country need to see & hear the truth before voting. Please Lord, bind up Satan, & let Your truths shine through for all to see! In Jesus name
May Our Lord Jesus Christ be our guide in this election.
I pray that truth will be revealed during the debate and that people will have eyes to see truth, ears to hear truth and hearts to receive truth. ❤️
Praying for the ears and hearts of listeners across America to be open to the truth and would recognize it as right and just. May every demonic stronghold in homes and minds of citizens be captured by the Holy Spirit so that chains of disbelief and corrupt thinking would be brought down. Open the eyes of Christians to judge between truth and lies and commit to voting for platforms that stand for the truth of God’s ways. Break family curses over those listening, and open their eyes to Constitutional rights that are being skillfully stolen due to lies and twisted thinking. Change the direction of America from tolerating lies and propaganda, open sin and corruption, godlessness and make them hunger for righteousness and freedom that would cause them to vote for the platform that lifts God’s laws in our Constitution.
Father, may Your favor rest upon he whom You choose to lead our nation. I know You have heard my prayers about national repentance. If I have been one man praying, so be it. In Jesus’ name!
I pray that those who watch the debates will have discernment to sort out truths from lies. Lord, give our people wisdom and sound judgment. Expose every deception.
Excellent! Amen amen !
Lord, we pray for the body of Christ that You would give them/us a hearing ear, a seeing eye and a heart to perceive and comprehend the will of God concerning the debates and that the body of Christ would come into unity and hear God’s voice
Thank you IFA for your timely prayer guides and information. I am always uplifted by your work for the kingdom! I am praying all of your suggested prayer points for the debate tonight, but especially that God’s Holy Spirit is present and active at the debates- let truth be spoken! I pray for your ministry also and come against the attacks from the evil one against the ministry in the mighty name of Jesus!
Lord God Almighty, show Yourself strong in these presidential debates and overcome and expose all liars who partake in the unfruitful works of darkness.
Let all who stand for your truth emerge victorious. I pray all Americans will vote according to your holy will on November 5, in Jesus name. Amen.
That the truth will not only be revealed–and revealed without distortion or deception–but believed!
Thank you so much for this. It is so nice to know we stand United in prayer for Gods glory to be upon this debate.
Thank you for the prayer points. I prayed the scriptures and the points as the Holy Spirit directed. Prayer included repentance and salvation for those who don’t know Jesus Christ or have backslidden from a relationship with Jesus. Lord, Your truth come forth. Lord, Your annointed and chosen candidate will hear Your voice and will be obedient to speak what You speak to them. I plead the blood of Jesus over tonight’s debate. Let Your glory shine so that all men will see it and be drawn to You, Father God. In Jesus Name, Amen.
I prayed!
Considering that one of the candidates has been found guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying the truth, I think it is a good idea to pray for truthfulness.
It was in a kangaroo court. Nothing about it was truthful or legal. It will be overturned in an appeal.
May the Sovereign God intervine by His Grace tonight in the Presidential debate🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼🇺🇸
Truth revealed, lies exposed. Eyes to see and ears to hear truth and minds that discern.
Dear Father: I pray that Mr. Trump will abide by Matthew 10:19 and 20. (But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak; for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you. ) I pray Father that you will help him control himself, stay on task without grandstanding and that both of these candidates will HAVE TO SPEAK NOTHING BUT TRUTHS. I ask also Father that you help those listening to hear and receive what you deem necessary out of all of it. I know you are God, that you have a plan and a purpose in all of this and I pray your divine WILL over this event and our lives. In the Mighty Name of Jesus we pray. Thanking you God for all your help and blessings. Amen
Amen!, Amen!, and Amen!
Jesus is Lord of Lords!
We need to pray for the gift of discernment for the voting citizens so they are not deceived.
Absolutely powerful prayer points! Thank you Holy Spirit for revealing to us how to pray effectively and with power.
Would it be possible for IFA to make these 8 prayer points a printable format without the pictures, and everything else?
Thank you!
Sheila, I believe that the articles are copy pastable.. and then you may select the copy link feature, when it appears.. and then transfer that to any other format that you have available to you
I am praying for lies to come forth and that President Trump will allow the Hoky Spirit to guide him tonight.
Dear LORD, tonight I pray that You would reveal any attempts at tactics and schemes. Instead, let this time be a time where You are acknowledged and revered. The tongue reveals what the heart believes, therefore, let words of truth be heard and received. Deny all evil from being entertained and align us LORD with Your word and will as we pray. Even now LORD, thank You for hearing and answering our prayers. Restore our families, heal this land and let the Glory of You be present over this nation. In Jesus’ mighty name, whom we love and belong to. Amen.
1Cor 2:1-5 …my speech…were not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of The Spirit and power…
Luke 21:15 I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to contradict nor withstand.
Pray that the drugging of the President be brought out and the elder abuse brought to light.
I agree that President Biden was/is being used/abused and Kamala Harris, as well as everyone else around him, knew this for many years and they were waiting for the “right moment” to force him out of the race. Only God knows who is truly running our government and I pray these elections will turn our nation back to Him once again. The prayers for the debate in June are even more relevant for tonight’s debate between President Trump & V.P. Harris and reading through the prayers from June shows that they indeed were answered and will be answered again!
In the mighty name of Jesus,
we bind the leviathan lying spirit away from our presidential debates and we loose the Holy Spirit of Truth to direct every thought and word that is spoken.
We declare that the mountain of shadow government in the USA called “deep state”
is removed and cast into the sea.
Thank You!
God is Not please with the USA and for what Joe Biden has done the bills he has passed and allowed same sex Marriage’s and abortions. People we are living in the Days of Noah and Sodom and Gamorah and We are the Mystery of Babylon. you except this message or not God is Not At all happy of what’s going on in America. God see everything he is Not pleased. We have turned our backs on God, and he’s angry with us read. Joel 2:11-12 Rev chapter 17, ,18,19 and Isaiah 1:2 and chapter 2. God is waiting for his children to turn back to him turn back to our first love, read John 3:16-17 this is what the Father did this how much he love us , but this is what we do? Look at our children and the ways we are living stop and look and ask God, do I please you Lord? Examine yourself. God will show you. God is Love, but he also has his Wrath too. Time is ticking for All of us. Party’s over folks. Do you think it’s the devil or this person they call Mother Nature 🤔 is doing these catastrophes? Look at all of this weather changing tornadoes 🌪️ floods and hurricanes and the list goes on. No it God he’s purging our nation Getting our attention. “ The Covid” well that was just the tip of the iceberg, what’s getting ready to happen next we haven’t seen nothing yet. God is Not Pleased trust me on this. Jesus is Returning he told me three. Are you ready is your house in order?? May God be with us All.
Great article as usual, Jamie. I pray for truth and honesty to be prevalent at tonight’s debate. I pray for fairness to each candidate in the questions that they are asked by the moderators. Lord, please cause everyone involved in this debate to be a model of integrity and truth. May all dishonest, deceptive deeds be exposed for the lie that they are. Thank you, Jesus.
June 27 2024 Random Devotional: Psalm 141. Oh most Holy Lord! Your timing is always on time. I pray Psalm 141 on behalf of President Trump. I pray he is calling on You for help and that You hear him and accept his praise and uplifted hands to You. I pray during this debate You take control of what he says and guard his lips. I pray he does not drift toward evil or take part in wickedness. Don’t let him share in the delicacies of those who do wrong. Let the godly strike him as it is a kindness if they correct him as a soothing medicine. Don’t let him refuse it. I pray he and his intercessors are praying constantly against the wicked and their deeds. I pray when those wicked leaders are thrown down from a cliff, the wicked will listen to his words and find them true. Like rocks brought up by a plow, the bones of the wicked will lie scattered without burial. I pray he is looking to You, O Sovereign Lord for help. You are his refuge; don’t let them kill him. Keep President Trump from the traps they have set for him, from the snares of those who do wrong. I pray the wicked fall into their own nets, and that President Trump will escape. In Yeshua Messiah I pray and in trust of the Holy Spirits power and for the continuous glory of the Father…YHWH! Amen and amen. (Bible version Alabaster)
Your prayer from June was answered and I pray it will be answered again in tonight’s debate against V. P. Harris! Amen!
I pray the voice of the Lord would not be hindered in any way throughout these debates. I ask that Jesus would bind the strong man from stealing, killing and destroying our country. I ask every door be shut to the Spirit of Leviathan in Jesus’ Name and Truth come forth from mouths who fear the Lord our God. In Jesus’ Name Amen
Being CNN is moderating this so called debate it is obvious that they will target former President Trump and try to prop up President Biden. Praying Father God that what the enemy means for evil You will turn for good. Praying that Trump will speak Your truths in Your Holy Spirit of Love. May he be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove. May he place his trust in You LORD and seek Your face in prayer. In Your Glorious, Victorious Name. Amen.
Pray for the eyes and ears of those watching and listening to the debates, to be open and to be able to hear the truth.
Yes! Agree!
I pray all the people watching the debate tonight see the TRUTH exposed like it was exposed at Mt. Carmel, the spectacle when Elijah called for the prophets of baal and the prophets of ashereh who eat at Jezebel’s table to be gathered. The false prophets were very loud and dramatic but it got them nowhere and may the lies get nowhere tonight, may the people PLAINLY see the FALSE vs. the TRUTH (good vs. evil) exposed. May any plans of the FALSE to bait and snare the TRUTH come upon their own heads, be exposed and destroyed. In the authority of Yeshua’s NAME I ask and pray, amen.
(I Kings 18:16-40)
I really appreciate your information tied to the scriptures of God’s holy word so that I can pray effectively over our nation and the debates and upcoming elections.
truth: sincerity in action, character, and utterance; verity
verity: the quality or state of being truthful or honest
El Emet-The God Of Truth (Psalm 31:6) The Powerful One is the source of ultimate reality. Everything connected with Him is true and real. Likewise, the lives of His children are to be characterized by honesty and truth. “The Names and Titles of God,” Rabbi Loren… shema.com
Jesus told him, “I am the way, the Truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:6
He is the Spirit of Truth. The world is unable to receive Him because it doesn’t see Him or know Him. But you do know Him, because He remains with you and will be in you. John 14:17
I praise You Father, Son and Holy Spirit, You are El Emet, God of Truth. We desire Your Truth to power every moment of this debate. And as I typed that I smiled because in reality, truth cannot be debated, it is the ultimate source honesty. Yes, I pray Truth will roar through this time. Yes, I pray every hidden thing will be revealed. You are the Powerful One, the Truthful One …You are the reality in this time and all times. I pray with all Your people for Truth to be spoken but if lies come…may even the most hardened heart hear and be disgusted. I ask this and so much more in the Name of Jesus Christ, The Way, The Truth, and The Life. Amen
Isaiah 11:2-5
The one who is victorious and keeps My works to the end: I will give him authority over the nations—Revelation 2:26 HCSB
It is fashionable to talk I only of lie that come from the left. What about lies from the right especially by Christians who go as far as covering up for Trump who himself is a pathological liar?
I continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will remove the scales from voters eyes so they may see God’s TRUTH…not a politicians or the medias truth. Also more Believers need to care enough to vote and in person!
Yes and Amen.
Very, very good points. Where two or three are gathered together in prayer, God will be in the midst.
Amrn and Amen
Perhaps the confused, mumbling stumbling president Biden is part of the process, no one knows what he is even saying most of the time.
Its really sad to watch, but perhaps this is what needs to be seen?
Certainly, its more than Alzheimers or Dementia, if God is in it!
Dear Father,
We thank you for already knowing What will happen next, and How You are going to direct the next 24 hours You know when to direct the the actors in their evil schemes, because You are The One in charge!
Thank you for keeping us safe the last 4 years, for watching over President Trump and his family, and slowing down these court processes, so that he can do what he must to finish this part of his journey. Help us to Trust & Obey & Pray& Wait upon You!
In Jesus Christ’s Name we pray
Thanks so much MS Rohrbaugh for these important prayer points. They bring to light a frightening fact in our America today . We have become a nation that is ruled and guided by behind the scenes money people whose agenda is not WE THE PEOPLE!!
Father we lift these prayers before you this day. We are armored up and standing shoulder to shoulder as we combat our enemy’s plans to continue our country’s downward spiral. Father , we have allowed YOUR country to be debased to the point where YOU are mocked. Satan has organized his followers to tear into pieces that which YOU created for us that you love. You have made available to us the greatest weapon of all time which is the BLOOD of the LAMB !!! And we use that very thing as we declare and decree that “America Shall Be Saved “ !!!! Hallelujah
I prayed
Heavenly Father we thank you for your will not man will or agenda being done during this presidential debate. We close every door that is not your door and gate way that is not your doing. In Jesus name.
Holy Spirit of Truth I decree and declare you have free course to liberate us of our wrong way of thinking etc. That does not align with God’s WILL concerning this event. In Jesus name.
There is more here than leadership will admit on both sides so help us see the bigger picture Holy Spirit with God’s wisdom and follow God’s leading and not our own way and those hidden agendas men have here with this presidential debate in Jesus name. Thank you God for exposing all hidden agendas and plans that are not your in Jesus name. AMEN! So be it!
Praise God for these excellent prayer points! We come against the spirit of strife between the candidates in this debate, and they would stick to the issues at hand and not tare apart each other. In Jesus Name!