“Give me this mountain!” – Caleb at age 85 (Joshua 14:12)
Recently in the Nashville area, five senior leaders gathered together to celebrate prophetic leader James Goll’s 122nd birthday (just kidding, James!). Our evening was extremely exhilarating as we reminisced and revealed things God was saying to us in these turbulent times prior to the upcoming Presidential election in 90 days.
“Friends first, leaders second” is a mantra I personally have tried to live out with fellow servant leaders. When Paul addressed the elders in Ephesus he told them to “take heed to yourselves and to the entire flock, over which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood” (Acts 20:28). Notice the order of leaders keeping strong relationships among themselves to then effectively pastor God’s people.
From our evening together I asked internationally known Bible teacher, Johnny Enlow, if I could feature him on the “Here’s the Deal” podcast to share some of the excellent insights God gave him for the Church today. His breakthrough book on the “Seven Mountain Prophesy” had a major impact on Christians worldwide. Here are seven prophetic exhortations to encourage and equip us amidst all that’s swirling around us in our generation.
7 Inspirational Insights
1. Before Great Awakening comes the rude awakening.
The clear message of our Lord Jesus Christ, the disciples and the apostle Paul was first and foremost the call to repentance. God is love but Scripture reveals He is Holy and calls us to this same lifestyle that Christian leader Mike Bickle calls “Happy Holiness.” Living our lives God’s way isn’t legalism but results in “righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Rom.14:17).
2. The mandate of our Master is a call to be salt in society.
The greatest sermon ever given by the greatest Teacher who ever lived emphasized true followers of Jesus were to be active, not passive participants, in preserving culture so it would not be trampled underfoot by men. Being salt is more than just adding a little “spice” to life but rather protecting ourselves, families and society from rot. This requires salt being out of the salt shaker!
3. Christians must avoid two unbiblical errors regarding civic engagement.
Augustine said that we were the people of God who lived in two realms: the city of God and the city of man. Instead of living in this beautiful “divine tension” some Christians steer clear of societal involvement waiting for the rapture while others seek to establish theocratic rule by fleshly zeal. The solution to man’s sin problem is gospel transformation – regeneration not primarily education or legislation.
4. The prophetic sense is 2020 will be a defining year for the people of God.
Numerous prophetic leaders believe 2 Chronicles 20:20 has unique application for us in this turbulent time: “Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be supported. Believe His prophets and you will succeed.”
Through passionately praying (which reveals our dependency upon God) alongside courageously communicating truth we are brought to the “Valley of Blessing” even as God’s people were in this historical event described in the passage above. God intervened in a turbulent time and we must trust Him to do likewise no matter how bleak things look in the natural.
5. Satan operates in our midst via seven mountainous spheres that must be reclaimed.
Revelation 17:9 reveals in mystic imagery how Satan who comes to “steal, kill and destroy” (Jn.10:10) uses a diabolical strategy on “seven mountains” to influence the masses in culture today. Johnny along with Bill Bright, Lauren Cunningham, Lance Wallnau and others (all independent of each other) brought forth this revelation decades ago so we can be effective in our spiritual warfare and societal impact. God is allowing unbelievable pressures to assault the Church, threatening our religious freedoms so pastors and people will once-and-for-all be jolted into a “woke” moment to these 7 spheres of societal influence:
• Government
• Education
• Media
• Economy
• Arts and entertainment
• Family
• Religion
6. Approximately 3% are called to “vocational ministry,” so everyone must R.I.S.E. to the occasion (Reformers Influencing Society Everyday).
Just as there are no nonfunctioning members in the human body, each person has a part to play in the Body of Christ. The Ephesians 4:11 fivefold ministry (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers) is set in the church to help people discover, develop and deploy their gifts in ministry.
Johnny has four daughters and one of them, “Justice Hope,” engages in a modest manner in beauty pageants winning “Miss Tennessee” and is on the path to competing for “Miss USA” as an ambassador for Christ!
Recently our state newspaper, the Tennessean, published an article I wrote entitled, “Heartbeat Bill Cultivates a Culture of Life.” After a doctor wrote a pro-abortion article, I simply prayed and penned a counter article respectfully revealing his falsehoods and educating scores statewide on the sanctity of human life.
Both Justice Hope and I are reformers influencing society every day. Johnny Enlow challenged everyone to reject passivity and respond boldly in this urgent hour.
7. President Trump must be reelected and will be reelected based on our response.
Johnny believes with me that leftists have hijacked the Democrat party
and can bring about the demise of America. Voting is not optional but essential as a sacred duty for the future of our nation and our families. “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people mourn” (Prv.29:2). Our president stands for the heritage of America, has kept his promises and in spite of flaws deserves the wholehearted support of patriotic, God-fearing citizens today.
Here’s the deal: Scripture tells us, “For after David had served by the counsel of God in his own generation, he fell asleep…” (Acts 13:36). Johnny Enlow has championed a call for believers to boldly declare like 85-year-old Caleb did amidst amazing obstacles in his day, “Give me this mountain!” (Josh. 14:12). So too should we heed the counsel of God in our generation to thwart the works of the enemy and advance the kingdom of God for His glory!
Larry Tomczak is a cultural commentator of 46 yrs, Intercessors for America board member, best-selling author and a public policy advisor with Liberty Counsel. His innovative video/book, BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (see www.bullseyechallenge.com). Hear his weekly podcast here.
(Photo from Unsplash.)
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Holy Father,
Thank You for this reminding article. Thank You for who You are.
Thank You for Jesus Christ. Thank You for Holy Spirit.
In Jesus name we ask You to bind the demonic principalities who is in charge of this matter. We pray that You dry up from their root all their resources from money, communications and affiliates.
In Jesus’ name we pray that you ignite and mobilize the Body of Christ to take back these 7 area of life:
• Government
• Education
• Media
• Economy
• Arts and entertainment
• Family
• Religion
Raise up more Daniel, Esther, Moses who dare to be different and be influencer for their generation. To set a Jesus life-style.
We thank you Father. Amen.
Trump is not on the same side as Jesus Christ!You are not on the same side as Jesus Christ!!You are the the liars and decietful ones the bible warns of.
Trump is far from perfect but he has championed the unborn and religious rights. Let’s pray for him and his efforts so that we will no longer on the unborn
Trump is God’s choice to lead our country at this time! He has done MUCH for our country!
O Father, we pray for Anne. She is precious in your sight, you have brought her to this website. Help her, Father to see your truth, unveil her mind from the deception of the enemy. Show her that you are the God of Life, and not death. To the praise of your glory! in the Holy name of Jesus your son, we pray. Amen.
Yes, let us not lay aside our calling as seniors! We do not retire from our calling based on our age, but based on when it is complete! Remember Moses, Abraham and Sarah, as well as Caleb and Joshua! We were born for such a time as this! Not by might, not by power, but by MY SPIRIT says the Lord!
Lord, I praise you for your faithful servants who are seniors, your Calebs. Thank you Lord for their abundant wisdom that comes from you and years of service. May they continue to praise your name and provide Godly leadership to your church. Amen