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Father, we pray against the ungodly ideology of critical race theory. Prevent this sinister worldview from continuing to infect our schools, God.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

We need to be teaching our future doctors and surgeons how to help people, not how to discriminate against others.

From Washington Examiner. Fifty-eight of the nation’s top 100 medical schools require some form of critical race theory -based program, according to new information from a database that monitors the prevalence of such programs in higher education.

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The latest update to the database said that 58 of U.S. News and World Report’s top 100 medical schools require mandatory education in anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion, or some other form of critical race theory-linked program, either through mandatory training or in the curriculum.

The database, criticalrace.org , is a project of the nonprofit organization Legal Insurrection, which monitors critical race theory programs in higher education. Shortly after its launch earlier this year, the project found that 23 of the top 25 medical schools had incorporated critical race theory into their programs in some form. …

Critical race theory is an academic theory that says U.S. institutions and culture are systemically racist and oppressive to racial minorities, especially black people. Proponents of the theory advocate anti-racism and diversity, equity, and inclusion as means to combat the effects of systemic racism. Critics say the theory and its proposed solutions create and exacerbate racial division.

With just over 150 accredited medical schools nationwide, the 58 schools with mandatory critical race theory programs represent about a third of all U.S. medical schools and span public and private institutions in dozens of states. …

The pervasiveness of critical race theory in medical schools has broad implications for students who wish to pursue a career in medicine but do not wish to be subjected to racialized content, William Jacobson, a Cornell University professor and the president and founder of Legal Insurrection, told Fox News in an interview. …

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(Excerpt from Washington Examiner. Photo Credit: Markus Spiske on Unsplash)

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Darlene Estlow
November 30, 2022

Father, in the midst of evil, may we as your people stand firm for righteousness. As CRT teaching grows, I ask that you would confound the leaders and protect our children from growing up to hate people of other color than themselves! May we be faithful to serve and work and pray against evil, but not falling into hatred for our enemies. May we be faithful to you, walking in forgiveness, while we fight the battle against Satan’s plans and schemes.

Mateo Schutte
November 30, 2022

How deeply demonic, but not at all surprising.


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