URGENT Prayer Needed NOW!
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URGENT Prayer Needed NOW!
Our religious liberties are on the line today.
This afternoon, the Senate will vote on several potential amendments to the poorly-named “Respect for Marriage Act.” We should pray over these amendments, as they all seek to protect our religious freedoms that the original bill seeks to strip away.
We will be praying over this vote during Headline Prayer Live today at 12:15 ET. Join us to pray for traditional marriage, religious liberty, and God’s will.
From the office of Senator Lankford. As you may have seen, the Senate voted to invoke cloture on the substitute amendment (#6487) to H.R. 8404 last night. The text of the substitute is attached and substantially similar to previous versions that have circulated. The substitute repeals the Defense of Marriage Act, requires anyone operating under color of state law to provide full faith and credit to any marriage recognized by the state in which it was performed, including same-sex marriages. It provides for enforcement by the Attorney General and a private right of action. The substitute amendment stacks the deck against individuals and entities, who disagree with the bill’s definition of marriage and hold to a traditional view of marriage (including those who hold such views based on their faith), and provides them with no substantial protections.
Pray for your fellow intercessor.
Following the vote, Senator Schumer also announced an agreement on amendments. Today, beginning at 3:45 p.m., the Senate is scheduled to proceed to four roll call votes in the following order:
- Lee amendment #6482 (60-vote threshold)
- Lankford amendment #6496 (simple majority)
- Rubio amendment #6493 (simple majority)
- Final Passage of Cal. #449, H.R.8404, Respect for Marriage Act, as amended (60-vote threshold)
All three amendments are attached and brief summaries are below. We welcome your help in garnering support for these amendments. If you plan to weigh in on the amendments and/or the bill, please let me know.
Lee Amendment
Lee #6482 would prohibit the federal government from discriminating against individuals, organizations, and closely-held for-profits based on their sincerely-held religious beliefs or moral convictions about marriage – whether they support marriage between one man and one woman or same-sex marriage. This amendment only restricts the federal government for purposes of licenses, tax exempt status, contracts, benefits, etc. In our pluralistic society, Senator Lee believes that it is essential to provide robust religious liberty protections for those who want to practice their faith in their daily lives.
Lankford Amendment
Lankford #6496 would address the gaps and harm toward religious liberty in the Baldwin substitute amendment. Specifically, it (1) narrows the bill from anyone acting under the color of state law to government entities (a state, territory, or possession of the United States or Indian Tribe) to ensure that non-governmental actors who contract with the state, such as faith-based child welfare agencies are not harmed by the bill. Without this change, the scope of the bill goes well beyond Obergefell and even beyond the scope of the Defense of Marriage Act, (2) strikes the private right of action to curb baseless lawsuits and harassment against religious organizations for living out their faith and beliefs about marriage. Notably, the bill provides these organizations with no proactive defense. (3) clarifies section 7(a) to ensure that the bill will not be used to penalize, harm or discriminate against individuals or entities because of their belief, practice or observance of marriage. This was the stated intent of many of the substitute amendment sponsors, but is unclear, at best, in the substitute, and (4) adds an additional protection to ensure that faith-based organizations that partner with the government will not be seen as government actors, and thereby subject to the bill’s mandates and forced to either compromise their beliefs or practices, be subjected to legal challenges, or end their government partnerships.
Rubio Amendment
Rubio #6493 would strike the private right of action from section 4 of the Baldwin substitute amendment. As many of you know, many religious groups are deeply concerned that the private right of action provision will allow activists to bury faith based service organizations in litigation.
Share your prayers for religious freedom below.
(Used with permission. From the office of Senator Lankford. Photo Credit: Canva)
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Father, I pray for righteousness to rule our nation. I pray that your version of marriage would be restored. But as we face these challenges, may we as your people not be afraid to suffer. I pray for those who will be caused to suffer because their beliefs are counter to what the new law says. May they see your provision and strength. May they not be afraid. May we all stand in courage in you and rejoice as we watch you work righteousness in us and in our nation.
Thank you and may the Wisdom Knowledge and Understanding of the Lord’s Will be made known to each of you who are fighting for Truth and Justice and Will of God be done in this nation. May you all bare much good fruit that is eternal and ever lasting. In Name of Jesus. Yeshua our King!
Father GOD, I come praying for this nation the USA. That darkness will be brought down and that light will shine forth. Father stop this evilness, May your plan of marriage prevail, it is in your hands Father. In Jesus Name Amen
Amazing for the governments to think they can define a nature they want. This kind of thinking conflicts with nature itself. Woe to a the nation who’s king acts like a foolish child trying to impose his will on everyone.
ABBA FATHER I/WE know that you know what is happening with our government, so all I/We ask in your name JESUS is to answer ALL of our prayers for our beautiful country! The country YOU gave us and “yes FATHER” forgive us for not opening our eyes & ears sooner. It’s not to late for you to strike down the evil hand of satan! FATHER, show yourself strong so that evil will shrink back to hell where it belongs NEVER TO RETURN AGAIN!” I declare and decree this in the name above all names JESUS. One more prayer ABBA FATHER, bring back ALL of the children in the world that have been abducted for sex slavery, and punish all those responsible that do not repent. AMEN & AMEN SO BE IT
Father God, I just ask you right now in the name of Jesus for another Roe v Wade miracle. I ask you to strike down HR8404 just because it is an attack on your covenant marriage and how you ordained marriages to be before the foundation of the earth. Woe to those who call evil good and good evil !! We believe the marriage between one man and woman to be true and from your heart as is declared in your holy scriptures spoken and followed for thousands of years and from generation to generation. At the same time as I pray that your design for marriage be established as the rule and blue print over this sovereign nation and that a revival of God ordained marriages between one and woman spring forth in this season, I ask that there be provisions made for those who choose to follow their own will and be given the freedom of choice of what they define marriage to be without discrimation because we believe in freedom for all people. Let them choose this day who they will serve. Let your design for marriage be the rule and not the exception and let it be law and a decree that governments will honor and respect. Let those who oppose your design for marriage be the exception and be permitted their own will without discrimination, so they can work out their own salvation with fear and trembling in Jesus name we pray. This is my cry and petition to you. Nevertheless your will be done. Father if you choose to tarry and allow this bill to pass then let these provisions and amendments be honored so that your people will be free to walk in their belief of your word, without discrimination, persecution or punishment. We ask you these things in Jesus name AMEN. He who the son sets FREE is truly FREE indeed !!
As Billy Graham said decades ago:” If God soon doesn’t soon punish America, He owes Sodom and Gamorrah an apology.” MARANATHA!
Missed most of this morning’s call because I switched to calling all 12 senators, leaving messages urging them to support the 3 amendments to the erroneously and deceptively named Respect for Marriage Act. Hope I did right. I haven’t even read the amendments myself but I knew it was urgent!
We look to you Father for this bill to have these amendments–all three. but we pray before that, that the bill would die.
Lord Jesus, we join together to praise You today. We thank You for the salvation that You alone provide for those who believe that You are the one true Son of God The Father, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Lord, You have the ability to do all things, help us Lord, as the forces of evil in this world attempt to twist Your words into something that You never intended. Lord, You can touch the hearts of men, You can open eyes to truth, and bring light to darkness. The demons flee at the mention of Your Name! Protect us now Lord we pray, let this vote today in the senate of the United States be a beginning of righteousness that will overtake our government, and open the eyes of the whole world! We pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus. Amen.
Lord, I j;ust pray against so mu;ch legality to burden us from your word. Free us from
entanglements that are time stealers from Your Word and our actions. Free us from
the litigation that is being forced on us, against religion, Restore our covenant with You
Lord, so that we can simplify our lives., freeing us with time to live out Your Word through
salt and light. I refer to Romans 3:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to
them who are the called according to His purpose.
Praying 2 Chronicles 7:14 and for God to protect our religious liberties. Binding and losing in Jesus’ Name!
Lord touch the hearts of those people that are doing the voting on these issues to not do things contrary to your will but protect the sanctity of marriage and the family so as not to destroy the basis of the family structure in our beloved country!!
In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen
Lord God as important as is the remembering of Israel’s establishment on this day in 1948; let it not distract from the importance of the defeat of this HR8404 bill!
Lord God Almighty I pray for your grace to be at work in our leader to be as sure as a physical seed will give the same kind of plant it came from; so will the evil seed of this HR 8404 law be MORE sure then a physical seed to produce honestly undenyable obvious evil results! Like evil of addicts will surely bring on them evil results; no matter how good their addiction feels at first! So give our leaders there is no reasonable good that will come as a result of this bill! Also give them assurance that us who know you as the most high God will NOT let them (Ever get past) the horror of this bill!!
Father because of you, this country was built on biblical principles. Even though it’s not perfect in practicality, the foundation on which it’s built is. Please protect our religious freedom. Thank you Father, in Jesus name Amen
Father because of you, this country was built on biblical principles. Even though it’s not perfect in practicality, the foundation on which it’s built is. Please intervene regarding this bill and shoot it down. Please move on the hearts of those voting and let them see from your perspective. Give them an epiphany. Thank you Father, in Jesus name Amen.