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One of the challenges of intercession is maintaining the larger vision and purpose of our prayers. As we continue to pray for this nation in the midst of increased lawlessness, anarchy, and rebellion, it is easy to become discouraged and wonder if our prayers are working. However, God is working behind the scenes to do much more than simply address the troubling issues of the day. In His redemptive purposes, He uses the trials and setbacks, and even the enemyā€™s attacks, to sanctify us, make us holy, and become more like Himself (Eph 5:27). Ultimately, He is not after our circumstances as much as He is after us. Until WE are changed, the culture around us wonā€™t change. The kind of transformation He desires always starts with His people.

ā€œAnd we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lordā€™s glory, are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit (2 Cor 3:18).

Here are some considerations in our ongoing intercession as we seek to become a transformed people.

1-Focus our prayers on declaring His purposes rather than on fixing the problems.

Itā€™s easy to get fixated on the issues at hand and forget His ultimate purpose in transformation. Until we can displace the godlessness with true righteousness through Christ, cycles of sin will continue. This requires a change of values and beliefs as we align our hearts and our prayers with His eternal Word. Pray beyond the problem and declare His promise! Pray Godā€™s heart and will over the situations at hand, and donā€™t get distracted by the seeming discrepancies.

2-Focus our prayers on Godā€™s increasing kingdom instead of the worldā€™s crumbling systems.

Apart from Christ, this world will continue to fall apart. We shouldnā€™t be surprised at the failure of manā€™s attempts to secure peace and freedom. God will continue to shake everything that can be shaken in order for the reality of His kingdom to be clearly demonstrated through His people (Heb 12:27-28). Instead of praying ā€œagainstā€ things, pray FOR the purposes of God to prevail! Spend time in worship and praise so that the King of glory may come in (see Psalm 24:9).

3- Address the sin issues (dying carcasses on the land) instead of fighting the devil (shooting the buzzards).

The only reason our spiritual adversary has any foothold, both personally and corporately, is because of sin and unbelief. These attract the enemy just as rotting flesh on the ground attracts buzzards. Rebuking the enemy (shooting the buzzards) wonā€™t do any good if we donā€™t deal with the sin (removing the flesh). Living a holy and righteous life is one of the best means to attracting heaven and repelling hell (2 Cor 2:15; Eph 5:2). Pray for obedient hearts that quickly respond to His Word. Pray that we would not only ā€œturn from our wicked waysā€ but demonstrate holy lives that attract heaven.

4-Shift from a warfare mentality to a Presence reality.

Spiritual warfare may be necessary for a season but it was never intended to be a lifestyle. We were created to LIVE FROM and IN Godā€™s presence (Acts 17:28; Isa 63:9; Psalm 27:4-6). We need to remember the supernatural power of Godā€™s tangible presence (Isa 63:9). Throughout biblical history, the greatest victories came because of Godā€™s presence, not because of manā€™s skills at warfare (the battle of Jericho in Josh 6; Jehoshaphatā€™s army in 2 Chron 20; the cloud of His presence at the Red Sea).

There is no glory in battle. Our glory should be in The One who has already defeated the devil. Spend time in celebrating the victory of our King and avoid fighting an enemy who has already lost.

5- Know that our spiritual authority in prayer comes more from who we are than from what we pray.

It is not the specific words of our prayers that change things, but the condition of our hearts and the obedience of our walk. A transformed life is one that loves to do what we ought to do because we live, speak, and pray from a relationship that has radically changed us from the inside out. ā€œIf you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for youā€ (John 15:7).

In our desire to see things change in our nation, let us remember that WE are the ones who must change first. The same power that raised Christ from the dead lives inside us and has power to bring new life to every nation and every tribe. As we are transformed, everything around us will begin to reflect the power of His kingdom. Let our prayers reflect this goal.

Click here for our free prayer guide: 30 MINUTES OF INTERCESSION FOR THE NATION


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Michael Smith
October 19, 2020

Not so certain that i agree with you about praying the opposite of attacking the enemy.
The Kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violence take it by force.
intercessors are those who stand in the gap on behalf of, and we have to be aggressive against the enemy we have to lift up counter attack, and superimpose God’s will and purpose over the work of the power of darkness.
Understand that the word of God cannot enforce itself we as people of God must do that, we must enforce and legislate, because it is at prayer meetings that divine legislations are made.

Anna Nailenge
October 8, 2020

Great prayer points!!

William Ampaw
February 10, 2019

I wish these truths are known to all intercessors especially those of us in Africa and particularily Ghana who spends all night on the devil instead spending their quality in the presence of our king Jesus who knows how to do it better. Ĺife time spent in prayer emergencies leads to spiritual uncertainty and casualities. This article is a real eye-openner and it’s timely and the contents are timeless.

As a pastor, I find the type of spiritual warfare we engage as ill-informed and frustrating and teaching the souls to engage in living and focusing on the presence and glory of the Lord by introducing key topics like : The fear of Lord, Christian living Holy Spirit; becomes burdensome to many bcos of the cultural dimensions. if you don’t bind and loose, you are boring and not attractive. Also Most people wants instant miracles and not something that build their spiritual and moral character for the Lord.

My desire is to raise Intercessors for Ghana who will be dedicated to clean and Holy Spirit directed issues. So support me in prayer to cause the Lord Holy Spirit to put the same desire into people’s heart.


November 1, 2018

Jesus walked away from people in need and went away to be alone. Think I need to do more of that also.

October 31, 2018

A great analogy and one I can relate to Roger. I have always tried to see the big picture but it seems like there are fires everywhere that need immediate addressing. My encouragement is that God does not say ā€œoopsā€, He is not taken by surprise. And Proverbs 3. All our steps are ordered by Him. My prayers for any given need are Divinely directed … no need to be anxious or worry if we are hitting the target … His target. HaHaHa to the devil. He is truthfully of no account. Has NO say in the matter. Praise be to our God!!!

Sharlene White
October 30, 2018

This could not have been said any better. Wanda has her “finger” on the pulse of the issue! Amen and Amen!

Sharlene White
October 30, 2018

My soul said AMEN AND AMEN to everything in this article. Everything said was right on point! Thank you

Roger Hollar
October 30, 2018

What an encouraging and inspiring piece. I have prayed for years for America. Yet at times it seems as though nothing is happening. I find that I just can’t stay in battle mode all the time. So I get discouraged. I’m sure many do.

What I saw here is that I cannot run in emergency mode all the time. It is impossible to run my motor wide open, red and blue lights pulsating and sirens blaring up and down the passing lanes of the city streets of prayer. At some point I have to stop and get perspective. This piece really helped me to do that. Thanks very much

Diane Watkins
October 30, 2018

Right on point. Great.

Julianne Curtis
October 30, 2018

Excellent article. Thank you!

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