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I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, You are the great Shepherd of the sheep. Take us under Your wing and bear us up forever, we pray. Deliver us from false shepherds in every arena. Heal every believer in America from their wounds, and continue re-forming Your church into what You desire her to be. Thank You. In Jesusā€™ name we pray.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Does God ever break up churches? This is an important question for the Church to address.

In the first article in this series on The Great Migration, “A Growing Hunger for True Church,” we discussed how many people in the Body of Christ are leaving organized church in search of Acts chapter 2 ā€œauthentic church.ā€ Today, let us examine whether or not this movement could possibly be from God, even though it goes against what the religious community has built in our nation for hundreds of years!

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I challenged you in the first article to read Ezekiel 34. Did you do it?

If so, you might have been surprised to find that God was exceedingly angry at the shepherds of Israel when He spoke the words of that chapter. His anger raged hot against them because:

  • They were feeding themselves, instead of feeding the sheep;
  • They were benefiting personally from the ministry without making sure the sheep were taken care of;
  • They were not strengthening the weak;
  • They did not heal the sick;
  • They did not bind up the injured;
  • They did not bring back those who had strayed from the flock;
  • They were not seeking the ā€œsheepā€ who were lost; and
  • They were ruling ā€œwith force and harshnessā€ (see Ezekiel 34:4 ESV).

In Ezekiel 34:5-6, the Lord specifically states the sheep were scattered because they had no shepherdā€”and that none were searching for or seeking out those scattered sheep.

Then, in verse 7, we see the glaringly tough edict of the Lord.

Itā€™s an edict we might never imagine that the Lord God, the Founder of His church, would issue:

Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: As I live, declares the Lord God, surely because my sheep have become a prey, and my sheep have become food for all the wild beasts, since there was no shepherd, and because my shepherds have not searched for my sheep, but the shepherds have fed themselves, and have not fed my sheep, therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord:

Thus says the Lord God, Behold, I am against the shepherds, and I will require my sheep at their hand and put a stop to their feeding the sheep. No longer shall the shepherds feed themselves. I will rescue my sheep from their mouths, that they may not be food for them (Ezekiel 34:7-10 ESV, emphasis mine).

The Lord actually says in this passage that He will require His sheep at the errant shepherdsā€™ hands.


Thatā€™s heavy.

Friend, if you apply this Scripture to todayā€”and you can, for Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He still cares for His sheep today the same way He always hasā€”you come face-to-face with an extremely harsh reality:

If pastors donā€™t shepherd their sheep the way Jesus wants them shepherded, God will take the sheep away from the pastor.

So does God ever shut down churches? Yes.

Is God responsible for shutting down XYZ Church? I donā€™t know. But letā€™s consider:

  • Did the pastor feed the sheepā€”or feed themselves?
  • Is the pastor building a big ministry and focusing on personal promotion, while the sheep are starving for leadership, mentoring, and authentic community?
  • Did the pastor notice the missing sheep and seek them out, not notice at all, or notice and choose to take offense?
  • Did the pastor pay attention to individual needs in the flock, such as the needs for emotional healing and practical mentoring? Or, did the pastor ignore or criticize those sheep in crisis?
  • Does the pastor lead as a servant, growing in grace and godliness, or with force and harshness? (This most often is displayed in the church office rather than the pulpit.)
  • Does the church have a rotating door? Do people leave as fast as they come in? Has the pastor ever been humble enough to ask those people why they left, looking for feedback that would help keep the sheep from being scattered?

Friend, the sad fact is that if any pastor or leader of Godā€™s church allows the sheep to become a prey, putting themselves first instead of the needs of the sheep (the real needs of the sheep, not the pastorā€™s perception of the sheepā€™s needs), God will remove those sheep from their leadership.

So yes, God does remove people from churches.

God sees what men cannot:

  • He sees the secret abuse of the church staff behind closed doors.
  • He sees how volunteers are treated.
  • He listens to secret conversations.
  • He sees the tears wept by those abused in church.
  • He sees those who battle spirits of death and suicide because of loneliness, isolation, and pain from problems in a church.
  • He is with the lonely in cliquish, unfriendly, legalistic churches without true mentorship or discipleship.

If you keep reading the rest of Ezekiel 34, you will see that Godā€™s judgment is quite harsh upon the pastorsā€”the shepherds. He judges the pastors harshly because His heart is tender toward the sheep.

And Godā€™s heart is just as tender toward you and your family today as it was toward the Israelite ā€œsheepā€ those thousands of years ago.

God does remove sheep from bad shepherds. Itā€™s not even about a total lack of shepherds; the shepherds on the receiving end of the Lordā€™s wrath in Ezekiel 34 were present in place, doing something with the sheep.

But it was what they were doing, what they were not doing, and the way they were doing it, that sealed their doom.

So does God shut down churches? Yes.

Does God tell people to leave churches? Yes, under certain circumstances.

Does God take people out of the ministryā€”even people who ā€œlookā€ so good on the outside that they have celebrity reputations?

Yes, sometimes. The Lord looks at the heart, not at celebrity status, when qualifying a shepherd to keep a flock on His behalf.

Is God the Author of a churchā€™s revolving door?

Possibly. If a shepherd is unworthy, then YES: the Lord will deliver hapless sheep out of that shepherdā€™s hand as soon as the sheep will listen to the Spiritā€™s promptings.

Is it possible for people to leave a church for merely fleshly reasons, and it not be the Spirit of God?

Yes, and weā€™ll talk about that in a future article.

However, for now, although it goes against our American religious traditions, I pray that you will see based on the Word of God that our great Shepherd of the sheep DOES require His sheep from the hands of unworthy shepherds.

When He removes them, He does it so He can heal the sheep. He personally takes them under His wing and heals the damage created by undeserving shepherds. Isnā€™t that just like our God? His kindness, goodness, and mercy endure forever!

So could the mass movement of people OUT of organized churches and INTO micro-churches and home churches actually be a move of God? YES. Yes, yes, and a thousand times yes.

In the next article in this series, weā€™ll explore when leaving a church might be a reaction of flesh, instead of a movement by the Spirit of God. Between now and then, I urge you to read Acts chapter 2. In that chapter, note the differences between the Acts 2 church that Jesus built compared to your experience in what we call ā€œorganized churchā€ today.

Have you seen the Lord removing sheep from undeserving shepherds? Are the words of Ezekiel 34 resonating with you today? If so, leave a comment below!


Jamie Rohrbaugh is the founder and CEO ofĀ From His Presence. She is the author of Victory In the Camp of the Lord Volume 1: Healing from Fear. Her resources have been published byĀ YouVersion Bible Plans,Ā Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. You can find free mentoring on her podcast,Ā Take Your Territory with Jamie Rohrbaugh,Ā which is available through your favorite podcast streaming app. Download her free prayer tool,Ā Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and Worship, here. Photo Credit: Canva.

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Patti Dugosh
July 22, 2023

We need to hear the word and have help understanding what it says or means; not just another entertaining sermon on 1 or 2 verses. We need teachers not preachers. Sincerely!

July 22, 2023

My comment didn’t go through. The Lord removed me from a church where I was dying spiritually and in pain. He put me in a place where I was fed what I needed. That church is no more

July 22, 2023

The Lord removed me from a church where I was dying. In very serious spiritual need and pain. I went where I got fed. That church I left is no more.

July 22, 2023

A number of people I know have complaints about the church, like the pastor doesn’t disciple, the church can do better, the church doesn’t do its job. To me it translates as THEY don’t … Not How can I improve. How can I pray. How can I speak up to the appropriate person.

July 22, 2023

“Pastor” is NOT an office – it is a gift. Our modern church paradigm resembles a corporation complete with a hierarchy of “authority”. This is NOT the church. God raises up people within His church to use their gifts for the sake of the body – nobody is “elected”, they are appointed/called by God. God help us to see the lie of the enemy and reject it in favour of Your truth.

    Mary Beth
    July 22, 2023

    I agree, Dan. It is part of what I was referring to as “a needed paradigm shift” in my previous comment. We need an understanding of how the Church was meant to function, and that doesn’t mean a structure. Jesus Himself said we were not to “do it like the Gentiles’ – my own version of Luke 22:25-26. It seems we digress when we want to place blame on either the shepherds or the sheep when both are equally sinners in need of a Savior. I don’t even believe that the clergy/laity distinction is Biblical – and that distinction is at the heart of much ‘disfunction’ in the Body of Christ. A huge paradigm shift is necessary if we are to experience authentic “one-anothering” as in Acts.

July 22, 2023

I have been/am one of those sheep. The LORD has removed me a few times throughout my pilgrimage. I could sense God’s hand in every move I made; although, I couldn’t fully comprehend the meaning. Upon reading this article, I have a deeper understanding of my life course; and it gives me a tremendous affirmation of what I have long believed to be true. I also have a deeper gratitude for the love God has for me, His child.

Doug Domokos
July 22, 2023

Although I agree there are many problems in the church today, they don’t just rest with the Pastors/Shepherds. The People/Sheep are also part of the problem. We were encouraged to read Ezekiel 34 but the “Shepherds” Ezekiel is addressing are NOT Pastors – they didn’t exist back in his day & the church didn’t exist either. The Shepherds referred to were the Kings of Israel, not modern day Pastors. Yes, applications can no doubt be made but let’s be honest & honor the Scriptures as to who the Shepherds really are in Ezekiel 34. As a Pastor myself for 40+ years, I have had encounters with many sheep who refuse to be fed or led. As John Burton writes in “Covens in the Church” page 17: “Something strange happened in 1988. The governmental structure of authority in the Body of Christ was violated. Those under authority took it upon themselves to judge their authority.” I wonder what would happen if Pastors & intercessors alike would join together to really intercede for churches rather than declare their independence from anything “church”.

Joel Addison
July 22, 2023

Why would the Bible talk about people saying that Christ is or over there and that they would have a form of godliness but deny the power and if the days were not shortened even the elect would be deceived and judgement would begin in the house of God?

July 22, 2023


Donia Schultz
July 22, 2023

Have been there more than once. Was covered by The LORD and lead out. Now, He has me pray His agenda where I’m at because of works of perfection and deception that tries to get me to leave. Thank God, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit for Their coving and leading in all conditions especially the blizzards.

July 22, 2023

Wonderful article, thank you Jamie! I am surprised some shepherds out there don’t seem to take this seriously. As a counselor, I see both the church hurt from pastors/elders who lack leadership, are harsh, have sin, don’t really love the sheep. But, I also see that many Christians have a hard time seeing their own self-centeredness, pridefulness, the criticalness, judgmentalness. Learning to submit to godly leadership is an important part of sanctification. If we can’t do that, how can we claim to be submitting to Christ? Many resist serving or only will serve doing the thing they like as opposed to what is needed. We must not come into our churches self-centered, but rather seeking to serve. Yes, we need great shepherds who truly love us and feed us, and who let Holy Spirit have His way. But too many in all churches come, not even on time, take the feeding, contribute nothing, not even fellowship, tithes, and leave the building. Let’s do a better job of giving our full hearts to our God, our church families and our pastors who are great shepherds. Let’s remember no one is perfect and let’s not take offense if it’s not always the way we want it. It takes all of us to make great church bodies, church familes, not just the shepherds. Let’s remember to keep our shepherds and church family in prayer!

Mary Beth
July 22, 2023

Father, You promised in Ezekiel 34:23 “I will raise up one shepherd to be in charge of them, and He will let them feed – My servant David. He will pasture them and be their Shepherd.” ONE!!! This One Shepherd, Yeshua Your Son, is the One Shepherd promised here and the One we can fully trust. He is the Head of Your Body. You did not create a monster with many heads, but perhaps we have. Perhaps there needs to be a paradigm shift in our understanding of how Your Church is to function, and relate to You and to one another. Open our eyes and ears to Your instruction.

Mary Beth
July 22, 2023

Thank you for focusing on an often ignored “elephant in the room” of the institutional church – which may or may not include members of The Church, Yeshua’s blood-bought bride and body. I would liken the misplaced loyalty to denominations/pastors/local congregations that I have seen in many believers to the misplaced loyalty of women who remain in abusive and dangerous marriages. They may believe that it is honoring a commitment, whereas it may just be enabling an abuser. Taking offense at small matters is petty and foolish, and should not result in rash behavior and the breaking of commitments. But remaining in abusive fellowship is dangerous not only to that person, but to his/her family. Let’s not enable abusers.

Keith Jones
July 22, 2023

Very well said and very much Gods truth. As heart breaking as it is. We see it almost every day now. We donā€™t want to accept it because we love the people and the shepherds and we certainly donā€™t desire their demise.
As we pray as has been lead through IFA it becomes easier to recognize the faulty shepherds and the people. It forces me to seek Him even more and to pray even deeper. In these days

Bimal rai
July 22, 2023

O God today I need u šŸ˜­ please help me

Mari W
July 22, 2023

Ah, yes, I remember reading Ezekiel 34 all those years ago LORD and I remember the terrible pain and heartache caused by a certain shepherd. Today, I read Your Word again and bless You, LORD JESUS, for your promise in Ezekiel 34:16 ” . . . that I will seek what was lost and bring back what was driven away, bind up the broken and strengthen what was sick; but I will destroy the fat and the strong and feed them in judgment.” A promise to claim precious LORD, and a hope renewed for the return of my family members to faith in YOU.

July 22, 2023

I found a church I loved, the pastor was a well-know radio personality. I became a part of the congregation, joined a women’s group under the leadership of somewhat of a “celebrity” women’s group leader. I had never felt more at home and excited about church. Then it all fell apart and I was perplexed. I can see now that I was drawn in for the wrong reasons.

Thank you for this article. I have been desiring an authentic relationship and experience with God and not a “churchy” one. This weekend, God introduced me to lady who runs a prayer house in town. She walked by while I was drinking coffee on the patio of a coffee shop and reading Return of the Gods by Jonathan Can. She stopped to talk to me. I am grateful and I pray that this leads to an authentic experience of God with fellowship and worship in spirit and truth. I pray that this movement continues and grows organically and authentically, in Jesus mighty and holy name, Amen.

Spirit of Truth
July 22, 2023

Jesus wept.
Even on the island of Patmos in the year of Our LORD.
Has her light been extinguished?
God forbid.

Gretchen Squires
July 22, 2023

Ezekiel 34 is evident of the role model what the Pastor should be to the sheep. Pastors are human beings coming from a mother and father who may be far from what God’s plan is. There are strongholds, generational curses, that can overtake a Pastor especially in the days of what we are living in. As an intercessor in my own church, most everyone is coming in with their own set of problems, issues and the Pastor’s job is to pray, counsel and help the congregation in their struggles in this life. Every church needs intercessors, prayer ministers to come alongside the hurting, wounded people because we are living in a world where Godly leadership is missing in many of our churches. There are more vacant seats in the sanctuary than filled ones. Intercessors fill a huge role going before a most Holy God to bridge the gap that is out there. We need unity in the body of Christ to be a safety net for all families and children to be ministered to.
Luke 21:25-31
New International Version
25 ā€œThere will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. 26 People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. 27 At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.ā€
29 He told them this parable: ā€œLook at the fig tree and all the trees. 30 When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near. 31 Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near.

    Grace + glory
    July 24, 2023

    Yes! My husband and I are counted among those sheep you mentioned. Thank you for being sensitive to the Heavenly Dove as this article has ministered to us as it confirms what is taking place in our lives and believe that it came from our Father Godā€™s heart!
    We did not realize that this is the reality for so many of Godā€™s people! I cried as I read it to my husband.
    We were prompted by the Holy Spirit to depart from a church after 10+ years that became cultish, controlling, manipulative, and had a critical spirit. The Holy Spiritā€™s movement suppressed and there was a revolving door.
    As part of the leadership, we didnā€™t realize we were being used and abused for so long till the LORD said enough!
    We are being healed and find ourselves fellowshipping, ministering, and praying with believers either at our home or theirs.
    There has been a the lack of unction to look for another church and instead are being led to home Bible studies.
    Our hearts have been encouraged by this article, as we found ourselves in a place we have never been before.
    May we be the ones who follows the Lamb wherever He goes. LORD bless you!!!

July 22, 2023

I was very glad to see you authored this article. Was wondering where you were! I just returned to a church the Lord took me out of. I never realized he might of called me to leave because of my pastor. I pray he has changed.

    Janet Drawhorn
    July 22, 2023

    Same here. Was gone for 2 years then returned to my home church. Now, after several months, not sure I made right decision. I have to stop criticism and judgment and complaining and comparing. I have been seeking the Lord about this already so this article VERY right on. Thank you.


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