I Prayed 300 have prayed
Dear Heavenly Father, we lift President Biden and Vice President Harris up to you. We ask that You would cause them to walk in Your ways and do only good for our country, and that You would prevent them from doing any evil, in Jesus’ name.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

God’s Word calls us to pray “first of all” for our leaders. However, it can be difficult sometimes to know how to do that if you don’t like any particular leader—or if they don’t agree with our views as Christians. (Read here for more on how to pray for leaders and people in general that you don’t like.)

Nevertheless, we must obey the Word of God to pray, as the apostle Paul instructed Timothy:

“Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior” (1 Timothy 2:1-3).

If you need some ideas for how to pray for President Biden and Vice President Harris right now, I wanted to offer a few ideas for how we can pray for the Lord to work this administration out for His highest and best will.

The list below contains 31 prayer points for the Biden/Harris administration. You can pray through these points all at once, or you could take one point per day and focus on just one point of prayer for an entire month. If you pray each month through this list, one point per day, that would be a significant amount of prayer for America and for her leaders!

Are you ready? Let’s pray together:

“Dear Heavenly Father, God of all creation and Maker of Heaven and earth, You who sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, we come before You in Jesus’ name. And Father God, we humbly ask You today:

  1. That President Biden and Vice President Harris would recognize their need for salvation through Christ Jesus if it is not too late for them to be saved; that they would bow the knee to Jesus and receive forgiveness for their sins; and that they would turn and walk the way of righteousness.
  2. That You would put the great Restrainer of evil, the Holy Spirit, into the White House and absolutely bind and prevent any evil from occurring there or being legislated from the American government at any level.
  3. That You would surround them with wise and godly counselors and deliver them from ungodly counselors.
  4. That You would fill them with Your Spirit of Elijah, that You would turn the hearts of the children to the fathers and the fathers to the children—that they would protect, honor, love, and cherish children, both unborn and preborn; and that they would love, cherish, honor, and protect the elderly at all stages of life as well.
  5. That they would see and admit the horror of abortion and would completely turn to fight it instead of to endorse it.
  6. That they would completely outlaw infanticide.
  7. That You would use them to expose and dethrone the worship of all false gods in the USA, and that nationwide revival of the worship of Jesus would occur.
  8. That they would love and cherish freedom, including religious freedom, freedom of speech, freedom to do business, freedom to travel, freedom of the press, the right to bear arms, etc—and that their laws would only protect freedom, not destroy it.
  9. That they would resolve the crisis at our Southern border and not make it worse. That immigrant children at the Southern border would be reunited with their parents, and that trafficked children at the border would be rescued and brought into a place of safety and love, with people who will care for them well.
  10. That all human trafficking would be exposed and brought to justice during this administration, and that both adults and children who are being trafficked would be rescued, saved, and healed.
  11. That You would use President Biden and Vice President Harris to protect and defend the First Nations (Native Americans), which are sovereign nations within our borders—and to right the many wrongs that are being done to them.
  12. That You would use this administration to heal racial division among Americans, not make it worse.
  13. That they would add jobs to America, not destroy jobs; that they would be restrained from making any decisions that would harm Americans, American jobs, and the American economy.
  14. That You would use them to help us steward this earth which You created—but that environmental regulations would be only in agreement with the will and Word of God.
  15. That You would visit them in the night seasons with dreams and visitations that bring wisdom, conviction, warning, the fear of the Lord, and repentance wherever necessary.
  16. That they would not allow terrorists to enter our country, and that they would not call people terrorists who are not.
  17. That they would cease persecuting, labeling, and trying to cancel those who disagree with them.
  18. That all their works, both good and evil, would be exposed and come to light.
  19. That You would fill them with a holy and good spirit of patriotism for the United States of America alone, and that they would put Your will for the United States first in their governmental priorities. We ask that You would prevent them from making any trade deals, treaties, accords, or other decisions that would harm the USA.
  20. That they would love and bless Israel, and that You would use them to protect Israel. Do not allow them to injure or dishonor Israel in any way, for Your Word says you will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. Let us love and serve Israel and bless her, Father, for we desire for this nation to be blessed, not cursed.
  21. That they would have influence only for You, and no influence if they seek to use their influence for evil.
  22. That You would fill them with wisdom from above, which is first pure, then peaceable, willing to yield, and full of mercy and good fruits.
  23. That You would cause them to love righteousness and hate lawlessness.
  24. That You would keep their tongues from evil and their lips from speaking lies.
  25. That they would seek peace and pursue it; that they would not be able to start any additional wars.
  26. That You would fill them with a spirit of honor toward Yourself, toward the American people, toward the American military, toward the Constitution, and toward righteous government.
  27. Give them a holy fear of the Lord. Fill them with Your Spirit of the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom.
  28. Cause them to govern righteously, whether they intend to or not.
  29. Let only words of life proceed out of their mouths. Let them speak words of life to the American people—words that truly unite instead of words of division.
  30. Let them see truth for what it is. Wake them up and give them discernment; cause them to call right “right” and wrong “wrong,” instead of calling down “up” and up “down.”
  31. Bring President Biden, Vice President Harris, the nation of the United States of America, the American government, and the American people into righteousness and justice in all things. Let us walk in the ways of God, speak the words of God, think the thoughts of God, and do the deeds of God—whether we originally intend to do so or not. Change our hearts in the process so that all of America may worship You.

Father God, let Your Kingdom come and Your will would be done in America on earth as it is in Heaven.  We thank You for hearing and answering our prayers—for we pray in agreement with Your will. We love You and ask You daily to show us the answers to our prayers. Thank You, Father. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.”

Beloved, your prayers pave the way for God to move in the hearts of men and women everywhere. Let’s keep praying and believing, for our God hears and answers.

Jamie Rohrbaugh is an author and speaker who equips people to walk in the manifest presence and power of God. Jamie blogs for a global readership at FromHisPresence.com, where she writes about radical prayer, the prophetic word, the supernatural lifestyle, inner healing, and Kingdom wealth. She is a frequent contributor to Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. You can download her free ebook containing 555 names of God for prayer and worship here. (Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

Did this list help you pray today? If so, leave a comment below and consider printing this list off for future use as you continue to intercede for America!

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Susan Sabin
January 28, 2021

Amen definitely sharing to encourage others to speak words of life not murmur and complain about our leaders whether we like them or not.

January 28, 2021

Your website has an ERROR! Why does it have President TRUMP listed with VP Harris? Look at your link that I found on Twitter Strange: https://staging.ifapray.org/blog/31-prayer-points-for-president-trump-vice-presdent-harris/

Lisa Pia Eason
January 27, 2021

President Trump?
We wish. You have a typo here 😂
I want to know why you have changed
Your stance on Trump getting back in? Do you not believe the prophets anymore? I do! The prophets are right you have to give GOD time to do his work.

Ann Maran
January 27, 2021

Thank you for this prayer for our government & nation. It was very helpful 😉

Danny NC
January 27, 2021

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that this great deception will be exposed and the rightful administration put in place. I will pray for the souls of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Lord, May their theft and wrong doing be exposed and May they truly repent. In Jesus precious name I pray Amen.

Eva Jahnke
January 27, 2021

Spirit filled, very helpful. May Our God continue to bless Jamie as her gifts help many patriots to pray for our precious America. Pray…Pray…Pray

January 27, 2021

When imposters take what is not theirs to take, OUR prayers need to be for GOD’S TRUTH and LIGHT to reveal the corruption, deceipt and the thieves.

When Absalom led a coup to take king David’s throne, David asked God to block the takeover. God did not allow the takeover.
When Adonijah attempted to steal power from David and make himself king, no one prayed for wise counsel. No, Adonijah was found treasonous and was executed. God intervened so the rightful heir, Solomon was crowned.

I will continue to pray for God’s righteousness and justice and intervention. I continue to believe the many prophets who were given prophesy that God did NOT want any more corruption in the white house and that Pres Trump would be reelected.

I pray fervently for Father God, to stop the sacrifice to Baal from these wicked imposters in the WH. One of the first exec. Orders was to provide billions $$$ for more abortions…WORLDWIDE!!!
I rebuke this evil, witchcraft, satanic spirits,demons and the like. May their coverings and spells be broken and sent back to hell.

I stand on God’s Word and HIS timing, not on man’s schedule. Watch as God moved when no one is expecting it. This is still God’s nation.
All Glory be to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

    January 27, 2021

    So sorry not sure why this posted twice.

January 27, 2021

When imposters take what is not theirs to take, OUR prayers need to be for GOD’S TRUTH and LIGHT to reveal the corruption, deceipt and the thieves.

When Absalom led a coup to take king David’s throne, David asked God to block the takeover. God did not allow the takeover.
When Adonijah attempted to steal power from David and make himself king, no one prayed for wise counsel. No, Adonijah was found treasonous and was executed. God intervened so the rightful heir, Solomon was crowned.

I will continue to pray for God’s righteousness and justice and intervention. I continue to believe the many prophets who were given prophesy that God did NOT want any more corruption in the white house and that Pres Trump would be reelected.

I pray fervently for Father God, to stop the sacrifice to Baal from these wicked imposters in the WH. One of the first exec. Orders was to provide billions $$$ for more abortions…WORLDWIDE!!!
I rebuke this evil, witchcraft, satanic spirits,demons and the like. May their coverings and spells be broken and sent back to hell.

I stand on God’s Word and HIS timing, not on man’s schedule. Watch as God moved when no one is expecting it. This is still God’s nation.
All Glory be to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Sharon W
January 27, 2021

Awesome prayer. Right on target. Amen

January 27, 2021

Is your title a prophecy?? Even if it is a blooper. I love it!!!

Trump is the rightful President of the US
I continue to pray that the Imposter in the White House will come under the fear of the Lord and repent.

January 27, 2021

Wonder if anyone has even ever shared the plan of salvation with them??

Grace Harris
January 27, 2021

In the main title of this article, it says President Trump instead of President Biden. Oops!
Thank you!

    Danny N.C.
    January 27, 2021

    I found that a rather pleasant “mistake.” I continue to pray for President Trump.

Marilyn Rourke
January 27, 2021

I don’t know…. Is this how David prayed for Absalom when he illegitimately took the throne of Israel? He didn’t ask God to give him wise and godly counselors, he ask God to turn his adviser’s council into foolishness.
Just because something happened it does not mean it was God’s will, it only means He allowed it to happen. Just like He allowed the people of Ai to defeat the Israelites in Joshua 7, it wasn’t God’s will for Israel to be defeated, it happened because there was hidden sin, and as soon as that sin was dealt with His will (Israel’s victory) was accomplished. Maybe, like Joshua, we need to lay down before The Lord until He reveals to us why did He allow this fraud to happen, even though according to Scripture it’s not His will: “Dishonest scales are an abomination to The Lord but an accurate weight is His delight”. Proverbs 11:1

    Lisa Pia Eason
    January 27, 2021

    Kinda sounds weird to pray for a bandit in the White House huh?
    I agree 👍

Sherry Mallory
January 27, 2021

The Word says love is powerful and conquers all. We may not like what these people represent or their evil actions, but seeing them with the loving eyes as the Father does will help us to saturate them with prayer and battle for their very souls. Our prayers may be the very weapon that breaks the bondage and curses that are on them. 2 Peter 3:9 says that it is His desire that none should perish. Lord, we lift Joe Biden , Kamala Harris along with every government leader in the White House, Congress, and Supreme Court to You. In the mighty name of Jesus, we ask that You block the forces of evil that have infiltrated their souls. Deliver them from the bondage of greed, power, witchcraft and the Jezebel spirit. Undo their evil actions that have brought harm and oppression on us. Strip them of pride and cause them to have an encounter with You. Holy Spirit flow through the halls and offices of every governmental building and every home. Demolish every form of evil and satanic force that has set itself up to control. Cause the weight of Your presence to bring them to repentance. Open the eyes and ears of every government leader to Your redemption, love, hope, and truth. Convict their hearts and bring them out of darkness and into Your light. You are merciful and mighty to save! Let revival and reformation start in Washington DC and every state capital city in America.

Karen Secrest
January 27, 2021

Jamie shows me how my prayers have been negative and to correctly pray what we desire to happen not what is or was.
I appreciate this Godly Wisdom in learning a better, more effective prayer to lift up.
Thank You.

January 27, 2021

Father, thank You for Your Mercy is new every morning🙏 Let there be Damascus Road Experiences throughout the Biden/Harris administration. Let the astounding TRUTH OPEN EYES TO SEE YOU IN ALL YOUR AWESOME GLORY…Father, for all of those who will refuse to see and be saved…may they be utterly blinded and unable to carry out that which they were on their way to do. May all of their evil plans for the church fall into the ditches of the Damascus Road. I ask it to Be So In THE NAME of our SALVATION and ALL TO YOUR GLORY FATHER GOD…ALL TO YOUR GLORY SO BE IT

    January 27, 2021

    I don’t mean physically blinded…I mean let them not be able to carry out their plans. I am on God’s side and my will is as His …He is not willing that any should perish…but some seem to perish just the same. I pray for God’s people to be comforted and for all injustice to cease against us all around the world. Amen

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