I Prayed have prayed
Abba Father, I want to study to show myself approved unto You, a worker who needs not be ashamed. Please lead me to the right resources that You want me to learn from. Help me to absorb everything that is from You, no matter what I read, and to draw nearer to You daily as I study.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Do you want to grow in your prayer life? If so, although there’s nothing wrong with grabbing the latest hot volume on prayer that comes onto the market, might I also suggest that you consider adding some books by heroes of faith from past eras to your “To Read” list?

I can personally testify that my prayer life—and thus my walk with the Lord—was completely changed three different times, when I read the three books listed below.

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These books are not flashy or famous. Instead, they are quite the opposite: books written by men long dead; men who knew God in their generation, and whose lives, preaching, and writing taught others to know God as they did. These are books that have personally shaped my life and ministry. I read them each many years ago, and to this day they remain some of the most impactful books I have ever read.

If you would like to study and glean from men whose witness moved many to repentance and, in some cases, changed the history of the world, I would encourage you to read these books as soon as you can—and in detail!

Without further ado, may I recommend the following books about prayer that will change your life forever?

Book 1: Power Through Prayer by E.M. Bounds

This extremely brief volume is filled with example after example, story snippet after story snippet, about great men and women of prayer from centuries past. It is a short read, but a deep one; somehow, Bounds can pack more meat into a single sentence than most people can into a whole sermon.

To me, Bounds’ hallmark quote from this book is found in the first chapter:

“The Church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men.”

If you want to be one of those better men or women for whom God is searching, read this book and let the stories of past heroes of faith churn up your heart to be all that God wants you to be … on your knees.

This book is in the public domain, so you can find it online or order a copy from your favorite retailer.

Book 2: Rees Howells, Intercessor by Norman Grubb

God used this book to teach me how to intercede in prayer. Not only that, but I’ve been preaching various stories from this book ever since! I highly recommend it to everyone.

In particular, anyone who wants to know:

… Everyone who desires to learn these things ought to read this book, and read it soon.

In this book, biographer Norman Grubb recounts the tale of how a man named Rees Howells surrendered his life to Jesus, and subsequently to the work of God’s Holy Spirit within him. The book chronicles Howells’ journey of how he yielded his all to be the Potter’s vessel. From the Welsh Revival, to the African mission field, to founding a Bible college in Wales and praying the Allies through large portions of World War II …

… the stories of Howells’ life found in this book will grip you and bring you to the feet of Jesus, begging Him to use you in intercession. Rees Howells, Intercessor is simply a must-read for every aspiring prayer warrior who wants to move Heaven and shake the earth with your prayers!

Book 3: Power, Passion and Prayer by Charles G. Finney

Charles Finney (1792-1875), the famous preacher of the Second Great Awakening, was an attorney before he gave his life to Christ. Because of his professional training in matters of the law, he took his skill in logic and deduction and applied it to understanding and preaching the truths of the Gospel—as well as how to get your prayers answered.

As Finney teaches the principles of effective prayer throughout this book, he shows us how prayer is very much a legal process. As we present the Word of God back to Him, meeting His conditions and obeying what He has put before us, He moves in response to our prayers—100% of the time.

Although Power, Passion and Prayer might potentially be the slowest read of any of these three books, this book changed my life forever. Therefore, I believe it may also be the most rewarding of these three books. It is worth chugging through, and you can do it—one chapter at a time!

Friend, the Christian life is built one prayer at a time; one topic of study at a time; one push closer to God at a time.

If you feel the need for a fresh infusion of faith, fire, power, and equipping, grab these three books and read them as soon as you can. Delve deeply into their pages, for many treasures await you within!

Have you read any of these books? If so, what were your thoughts? Also, what are your favorite books on prayer—the books that have helped you the most? Leave a comment and share your favorites below!

Jamie Rohrbaugh is the founder and CEO of From His Presence. She is the author of over 40 books, including her two latest collections of prayer tools, Wind of Heaven and New Season. She seeks to equip you to carry God’s manifest glory everywhere you go. Her resources have been published by YouVersion Bible Plans, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Download her free prayer tool, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and WorshipherePhoto credit: Ben White on Unsplash.

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