I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for these investigations, audits, and lawsuits. We pray that the truth would be revealed in these situations, God.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Investigations, audits, and lawsuits regarding the 2020 election are moving forward across the nation. We must pray for truth to prevail.

From Just the News. State and local Republican parties are calling for new investigations into the 2020 election as a lawsuit regarding election fraud in Pennsylvania moves forward.

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Michigan GOP lawmakers and the Republican Party in Spokane County, Wash., are requesting investigations into concerns regarding the 2020 election, and a case in Delaware County, Pa., has been assigned a judge.

GOP lawmakers in the Michigan House of Representatives are urging the state’s attorney general, a Democrat, to investigate the Democratic secretary of state for possible election fraud and allegations highlighted in Dinesh D’Souza’s “2000 Mules” ballot trafficking documentary….

The letter asks the attorney general to investigate Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson for using “4.5 million dollars of CARES funds to recklessly mail absentee ballot applications to all registered voters not on the permanent absentee voter list”; ordering “Michigan clerks in October 2020 to presume the accuracy of absentee ballot signatures … in contrast to state law”; and not responding to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests “by voters and groups like the Michigan Grassroots Alliance related to the voter rolls, Canton Township’s voters, and City of Detroit ballots….”

The letter additionally requested an investigation into the possible influence of the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) in the election administration of municipalities in Michigan, since “7.6 million dollars was distributed among 19 municipalities … in the form of 474 grants, the most given to a state in the nation.”

Meanwhile in Spokane County, Wash., the local GOP is requesting an audit of the 2020 election, according to The Spokesman-Review.

On Monday, Spokane County GOP State Committeeman Matt Hawkins presented a petition to county commissioners asking for a “comprehensive election system audit” to “restore confidence in our elections….”

The petition lists several concerns regarding the 2020 election, and Hawkins said that he believes there is enough to warrant an audit….

In Delaware County, Pa., a lawsuit against former Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar and 2020 election voting machine warehouse supervisor James Savage is alleging that election fraud and evidence destruction occurred in the 2020 election, according to The Epoch Times….

According to the lawsuit, “Defendants intentionally and fraudulently conspired to and did destroy, delete, secrete, and hide November 3, 2020, election data, materials, and equipment to prevent discovery of election fraud and election law violations in Delaware County, which the Defendants also conspired to commit and did commit while carrying out the November 3, 2020 election….”

How are you praying for these investigations, audits, and lawsuits? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Just the News. Photo Credit: Tiffany Tertipes on Unsplash)

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Paula Teel
April 22, 2024

Continued prayer that all corruption will be brought to the light, to which God makes judgement, may his (God’s will be done in the protection of the ppl of Israel and those who fight and protect Ireal and all nations who abide and live by God’s words, which God has promised to reward and punish those who do not!

Also may all the praise and glory be the Lords as many who are prosecuted on false allegations are freed!

Amen! Amen! Amen!

Sharon A.
July 2, 2022

Thank God for praying people from coast to coast in your Nation. As the Scripture out of the Book of Esther states in chapter 4: 14, and I am paraphrasing. Who knows whether you are come to this kingdom / Nation for such a time as this?
These days are very volatile in many countries including my Nation of Canada.
May God hear our Nations cries for His hand of justice and mercy in fair and just elections.
May His presence overshadow our lands in Jesus Name. Amen

Frances R Blazer
June 28, 2022

Is It legal that when you go to vote that give you voting paperwork whether you’re a republican or democrate . I thought this was a private affair and not to be separated at the polling places…please help!

    Ken Laurion
    June 28, 2022

    Frances Blazer: Are you asking about today’s Primary Elections? if so, in the Primaries you must declare which party you are voting for as you can only vote one party. Primaries determine who is selected to represent their party in the general election. It would be a conflict to vote for both parties in a primary as voters would be tempted to vote their party’s strongest candidate, and then vote for the underdogs of the other party. i.e. “I want MY candidate to square off in the general election against THAT candidate who would be easier to beat. “

Reta Aronson
June 28, 2022

The issue of the 2020 Election has not been resolved in the eyes of the American people and it is imperative that a thorough and complete audit be conducted through an investigative team with known credentials that leave nothing to question with bias , an agenda or any perceived ideology or intent to commit fraud and restore the faith to the American People that elections are true to the will of the people.

Roxanne Rice
June 28, 2022

This is the best news I’ve heard today!

A few weeks ago, all our Michigan legislators were given a copy of the movie 2000 Mules. It sounds like they actually watched it, and it has spurred them to action! Thank you, Jesus! I previously wrote to my representative and senator about Mike Lindell’s cyber findings and other information, so hopefully they will have plenty of ammunition!

Getting our Democratic attorney general to investigate our Democratic secretary of state may be quite a battle, so I hope our GOP legislators will keep the pressure on. We need to keep up our prayer support, and bring down ALL this corruption.

In the name of Jesus, the Faithful and True Witness. He sees everything and always speaks the truth. Amen!

Barbara Janicki
June 28, 2022

Praying for the perseverance and protection of those already fighting this good fight and for many more truthseekers and truthtellers to rise up and join them. Praying for the truth about the 2020 election to be found, to be revealed publicly for all to see and most importantly for eyes to open, for the truth to be received! I feel lately when truth is revealed not many recognize it or are willing to receive it – maybe because they have been brainwashed for so long now, with media narratives that run 24/7, and leave no room for any other voices or questions. “Don’t question the narrative” should be a red flag that we are becoming China as far as free speech is concerned. Prayers for truthtellers and truth to prevail so that we all can be set free from the propaganda that enslaves us. As always, our ultimate freedom comes from the truth of God’s Word, which sets us truly free! “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Nancy Berkey
June 28, 2022

Dear Lord, please allow truthful, legal elections. Please allow for no more cheating and machines. In the Holt Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.☦️🙏

Cheryl Bielma
June 28, 2022

God help our nation. Dear Lord, you see. You know…Bring down these sinister creatures who defy you. I plead the cause of your children. We trust you. We pray

Brian Lynch
June 28, 2022

I am praying for the truth to be revealed,and that it will be made clearly understandable (not a bunch of legalese) what actually happened in the fraudulent 2020 election. We the people need to know exactly what happened where and when. All the complicit parties need to be prosecuted, even the Globalist Elite who funded this fiasco- George Soros, etc. If our nation is to survive, we need to return to holding honest, fair elections. I also ask the Lord to guide us in making the necessary adjustments that are needed so that the 2020 fiasco NEVER happens again in America.

Allena Jordan
June 28, 2022

Father, Abba, my daddy. My heart has been and still is broken over knowing that there are people in our country who would sabotage our elections for their own personal gain. Lord, we have prayed for almost 2 years that the truth of what happened during the election would come forth. It is coming forth in Your timing. The enemy of freedom does not like the exposure. Father, shine a big spotlight on all the illegalities and fraudulent behaviors in every locality. Thank You for helping. Thank You for working to save this Republic. Through all of this, save souls, Father. This is Your heart at work. Draw many to Yourself. Amen.


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