I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would reveal the truth in this situation. Protect Your followers, God, from governments that with to oppress and oppose them.
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The FBI raided the home of a pro-life Christian on account of an alleged assault claim from last year. Let’s pray for this family.

From CBN News. The FBI used a major show of force to arrest pro-life Christian Mark Houck, 48, with dozens of agents reportedly descending on his home with guns drawn as Houck’s wife and children looked on in horror.

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Early Friday morning the FBI arrived at the Houck’s residence in Bucks County, PA and began pounding on the door. Despite putting his hands up and willingly cooperating, multiple agents pointed guns in Mark’s face as his family – including his seven children – were forced to watch their dad “shackled” and taken away …

This massive display by the FBI – Houck claims 25-30 heavily armed agents were used to haul him in – raises serious questions as to why so much force was deemed necessary. The FBI raid stems from a minor altercation back in October 2021 with a volunteer at a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Philadelphia. …

The volunteer, 72-year-old Bruce Love (who is identified only as “B.L.” on the indictment), is familiar with Houck, as the two have crossed paths at the Philadelphia abortion clinic many times previously.

The indictment against Houck claims he “assaulted” Love only “because Love was a volunteer at the abortion clinic”. According to Houck’s family representative, that’s not what happened.

Houck was at the abortion clinic praying and ministering within his legal rights (on the sidewalk, not clinic property) when, according to Middleton, it was Love who approached Houck’s 12-year-old son and began unleashing a string of vile comments, cursing the young man. That’s when Houck intervened, and eventually pushed Love in order to protect his son, causing Love to fall to the ground. Then police were called but they eventually decided there was a “lack of evidence” of an assault taking place and declined to pursue the issue any further. …

Six days after the case was dismissed, Houck received a target letter from the DOJ notifying him he was the subject of a federal grand jury investigation. According to Middleton, Houck and his attorneys promptly replied to this notice but never heard back from the government – until Friday morning when the FBI began pounding on their door. …

Breitbart reported the FBI has denied sending a SWAT force as some outlets are claiming. Further, Breitbart explained that Houck is being charged under the FACE act: “The FACE Act makes it a federal crime to intimidate, injure, or interfere with anyone attempting to provide abortion access. U.S. Attorney Jacqueline C. Romero said:

Assault is always a serious offense, and under the FACE Act, if the victim is targeted because of their association with a reproductive healthcare clinic, it is a federal crime. Our Office and the Department of Justice are committed to prosecuting crimes which threaten the safety and rights of all individuals.

‘Put simply, violence is never the answer,’ said Jacqueline Maguire, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Philadelphia Division. ‘Violating the FACE Act by committing a physical assault is a serious crime for which the FBI will work to hold offenders accountable.’

Houck could face up to 11 years in prison and fines up to $350,000 if found guilty.”

What do you think of this raid? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from CBN News. Photo Credit: Maxim Hopman on Unsplash)

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Dewayne Deel
September 28, 2022

This situation makes me feel sad, because the devil is using God’s creation to mock God. And often believers who are standing for God are being hated and mistreated. I’m praying for Christians who are telling the truth from the Bible. Rights are to protect Life and Health. Church and State needs to be divided. Abortion is ending a life. No protection there. In cases of rape and incest, again the Devil is involved. Devil is mocking. It’s a spiritual attack. More spiritual than physical. It gives off bad energy by what’s going on in our Nation. Praying for God to intervene and bring wisdom to us as believers and one who hasn’t ask for forgiveness for thier sins. Repent, repent, repent! Amen

September 28, 2022

He was only defending his son against nastiness and verbal assault!!!

Curtis Guhl
September 27, 2022

Father let the local authorities intervene in the FBI investigation and charge the FBI agents with disturbing the peace, false imprisonment , and violation of constitutional rights and let Mr. Love be charged with making false statement to the FBI.

September 27, 2022

The FBI is now the ad hock military arm of the Left. Rest assured, your faith puts you squarely in their crosshairs. Pray the filth in their leadership are removed before things get really out of hand.

Penny Deuvall
September 27, 2022

Interesting that the comment was made,
” violence is never the answer”, but the pro abortionists used these tactics this year on the pro life clinics. I wonder if any of them were arrested? None the less, I am praying for the evil killing of humans to end. My heart goes out to those innocent victims of rape- especially those who do become pregnant. However an abortion will not remove that horrible experience and those victims need much love and counseling. It has been my experience that too many times rape victims do not get justice and counseling and abortion just “sweeps it under the rug” for everyone but the victim and they do not receive help. In fact it often allows the rapist to continue to rape the victim. My other observation is that women have been raped and given birth to babies almost since the beginning of time. Many women raise those children, even in these modern times when abortion is legal. I pray for people to wake up and see the truth- that abortion is indeed murder of the most innocent. Abortion is NOT and has NEVER been a right. In fact it is the opposite of the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness stated in the Declaration of Independence. Women do have numerous means to prevent pregnancy. There are many forms of preventive birth control as well as the morning after pill, and abstinence, but once a human life is created no one has a right to murder it.

September 27, 2022

(PP + DOJ). Only can trust in God’s justice. O GOD, help us!

Frankie Hutchens
September 27, 2022

This is just another show of force as exhibited by the Biden administration and FBI. This behavior also evidences how weak the FBI really is. Actually, this is a police matter and when they peacefully go to arrest someone, there are only 2 maybe 3 cops. Is the FBI so fearful that they need to use such exorbitant force, behave in a monster-like manner and traumatize little children. They committed a crime just showing up in front of the 7 innocent children. Additionally, the man that started this whole menagerie verbally assaulted an innocent child. Where is law protecting the children? He knows he is wrong to begin with. Who knows why the Pastor felt the need to push the man. Lots of questions. And we don’t know if the man laid a hand on the 12 year old and dad jumped in.
I pray the truth will be revealed and the innocent protected.

September 27, 2022

Father, please free Mark Houck – dismissing all charges against him and remove those (people and laws) in government who oppose you and your people in Jesus Name.

Judy Nash
September 27, 2022

Lord, Please shine your light in the deception places, reveal the truth of a father protecting his child from the vileness of evil chants. Lord, I thank you, as our Heavenly Father that you shield us, Your family, from evil when we call upon Your Name.. Lord, we do not overlook Your protective angels who have been sent to shield this young man and his father. I decree that No Weapon, slander, and untruths reign in this situation. I bless the whole family with heart peace and wisdom, …hold the children in this family, Father, and help them to know Your love and justice. ..in the mighty Name of Jesus.!!!

Judi Walton
September 27, 2022

Heavenly Father please open the eyes of the blind to see that they are believing and speaking lies. They are not protecting the rights of the unborn, they are wrongfully persecuting’s Mr. Houck. There is no honesty in their statement if they are letting abortion clinics continue to operate “Our Office and the Department of Justice are committed to prosecuting crimes which threaten the safety and rights of all individuals.” Lord, we praise you for the victories that are being won on the many sinful issues facing our world, please strengthen Mr Houck for the battle ahead that he will not grow weary of doing good, show favor to him in all areas concerning this investigation and any court hearings. IN JESUS NAME AMEN.

Ebbie Houston
September 27, 2022

This is awful. Mr. Houck did nothing wrong. He was defending his 12 year old child, as any parent would do. Mr. Love was the one who walked over to and invaded Mr. Houck’s “space” on a public sidewalk and began intensively verbally assaulting Houck’s young boy. Other news outlets say that Mr. Love got right in the 12 year old’s face, directing his cursing and vile language directly at the son, not at Mr. Houck, himself. That is intended provication, because ANY good father would get between Mr. Love and his own son. The 72 year old Mr. Love sounds as if he was out of control of himself and had temporarily lost his reasoning abilities, for no normal person would approach a mere child and unleash such a verbal assault on him. This was definitely intended provocation on Mr. Love’s part. I am praying that Mr. Houck is vindicated and that Mr. Love also gets the mental health help that his unseemly behavior indicated he may need as well as the release from any demons that may be in control him.

Marsha Bashor
September 27, 2022

Dear Lord God it seems to me that the wrongdoing was against the son, by the unleashing of vile comments and intimidation, since Mr Love knew Mr Houck and that it was his son. I pray that Mr Houck has a good Christian attorney to fight on his behalf, and for your Mercy to be shown to him. Let this evil intent against him fall apart. I pray for strength for the Houck family during this time. Please surround them with your love and kindness and support and bring Mr Houck out of this unscathed and free to live with and for his family.
Please reign in the FBI who are intentionally coming against pro life Christians . Come to the rescue of your people and your children!

Brian lynch
September 27, 2022

This is but one more example of the government overreach that has become so pervasive. This is so typical of living in the End Times- wrong is right, and right is wrong. Lord Jesus, please give us perserverance to deal with this persecution. Keep us focused on Your plan, not that of our evil government. In Jesus’ name.

September 27, 2022

As a long time, retired LE Officer, I find this outlandish and a complete over reach of our justice system. What in the owrld is the FBI doing in a small matter like this??? I’m sure they want to make a statement to protect the left’s ability to kill the unborn. What a sham, a disgrace, and a horrible joke. This is not the American I risked my life for each day when I put on a uniform. Lord God, please protect this family! Stand in the gap for this man and exonerate him!

In the article above, Jacqueline Maguire contradicts her own statement that violence is never the answer. Violence is what kills an unborn baby each time they perform an abortion. May God have mercy on our souls!

September 27, 2022

Lord God, I lift up pro-life Christian Mark Houck and his family to you. Have mercy on them. Cover them with your wings. Bring them peace in the midst of this horrific situation. Lord, I ask that you heal their hearts from any post traumatic stress they might be experiencing. Lord, I pray that you put your hedge of protection around Mark. Lord, show us your power in this situation and free Mark from this unrighteous act committed against him. Move mountains! I ask this in Jesus name. Amen and Amen!

September 27, 2022

This is ridiculous.

September 27, 2022

Very sad when you now have an FBI & DOJ go after a man like this who was doing the right thing in protecting his son. Why are they not raiding Hunter Biden, and the rest of his families home? A question that will never be answered.

September 27, 2022

It’s bogus. The Tyrants in office attempting to Squash Every one who Oppose’s Them! It’s a display of Control and Abuse of Power. Evil.

September 27, 2022

Lord, intervene in this unfounded case against Mr. Houck. Give he and his family strategies to stand against this demonic attack. Draw them close to You, and encourage them and strengthen them.

September 27, 2022

Wow !!! Yet another screaming example of our government being led by demonic forces. Our only hope is boldly standing in this widening gap in the hedge of protection around our nation. We Must pray and we Must vote! If any Christian does not get off their backside and onto their knees and then go vote in November they have become a tool of Satan himself !!!
Abba Father we stand shoulder to shoulder for mr Houck and his family and pray you would send the necessary angelic hosts to assist in this spiritual battle. Your name Father is at stake in America this day and we will not surrender or accept these tactics to erase YOU. Thanks ,our Creator for providing us with the blood of our savior Jesus .. amen

Stephen Swanson
September 27, 2022

It’s a lie. The phony assault charge was thrown out s year ago.
This is Haman. AKA Garland doing Haman things.
He is an existential threat to Christianity. A type of the antichrist to come.

raleigh b Robertson
September 27, 2022

wake up sheeple, the DOJ and FBI are criminal organizations now just like the FDA and CDC and the NIH, read up people the truth will not be found on the lying fake news media sites, pray for Mr. Houck as God sees the good work he is doing


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