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Father, we ask for peace in our streets, revival in our churches, and reformation in our government. We need a revival of peace, truth and justice, Lord.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Violent crime has surged in recent years as our nation continues to embrace lawlessness, morally and politically.

From Fox News. Violent crimes are on the rise in six of America’s major cities and set to outpace the already historic levels of 2021 violent crime.

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Baltimore, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Atlanta, and New York City are all on pace to break their 2021 levels of violent crime halfway through this year, with the nation’s largest city leading the group, according to crime data reviewed by Fox News. New York City has seen a 25.8% jump in violent crime at this point in 2022 compared to the same time in 2021, despite seeing a small decrease in the amount of homicides recorded in the city.

Violent crime, which is typically defined as homicide, rape, assault, and robbery, had already been on the rise since 2020….

Experts have continued to debate factors that contributed to the crime surge in recent years, pinning the blame on pandemic restrictions, a lack of policing during times of increased crime, and widespread protests led by the Black Lives Matter movement that have called for the defunding of police departments.

“Violent-crime increase—call it Ferguson Effect 2.0 or the Minneapolis Effect— has come on with a speed and magnitude that make Ferguson 1.0 seem tranquil,” the Manhattan Institute’s Heather Mac Donald said during 2020’s crime wave. “George Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapolis police in late May was justly condemned — but the event has now spurred an outpouring of contempt against the pillars of law and order that has no precedent in American history….”

How are you praying for our nation as it struggles with violent crime? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Canva)

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Susan CC
June 23, 2022

The Man of Lawlessness https://biblehub.com/bsb/2_thessalonians/2.htm
Psalm 86:5 For You, O Lord, are kind and forgiving, rich in loving devotion to all who call on You.
Psalm 103:17 But from everlasting to everlasting the loving devotion of the LORD extends to those who fear Him, and His righteousness to their children’s children—
1 Chronicles 16:34 Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His loving devotion endures forever
Psalm 100:5 For the LORD is good, and His loving devotion endures forever; His faithfulness continues to all generations.

Dear Heavenly Father, the man of lawlessness is hard at work in America. He is directing those who are perishing, those who refuse the love of the truth and who delight in wickedness. I believe the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of His mouth and annihilate him by the majesty of His arrival. But until then Father, I thank You for my brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray as we share our faith in The Truth, You will strengthen us and keep us standing firm in the encouragement that comes from You, our Lord. I praise You Father, in the Powerful Name of Jesus Christ. You are good. Your mercy endures forever! Amen

MaryAnn Patriot
June 23, 2022

Father God, we ask you to open the eyes of your people constantly through their day, reminding them to pray for revival! We pray that You might become the guiding force in our nation. You are the only antidote to crime, immorality, human trafficking, abortion and all the corruption we have at every level of government and corporate America. Please hear our prayers and change this land!!!! Open the eyes of unbelievers and bring them to Your Son, Jesus Christ. Fill them with Your Holy Spirit! Use us to be Your hands and feet to the people around us, drawing them to You.


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