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Father, we pray for the crisis at our border. We pray that You would protect out country and encourage those who seek to come here legally.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

As the CDC Title 42 emergency order is rapidly approaching its end, the Department of Homeland Security has created a “mass-migration” plan.

From Breitbart. The Department of Homeland Security is disseminating a mass migration plan devoid of removal mechanisms to replace the soon-to-end CDC Title 42 emergency order. The plan predicts that DHS traditional processing capabilities will be overwhelmed and require an increase in the use of “broadscale release mechanisms….

The draft plan, recently circulated to senior DHS staff, is dated February 17, 2022. A source within the agency, not authorized to speak to the media, says the plan offers no concrete options other than to exhaust more resources to absorb what will likely be a historic wave of migrants at the southern border….

The plan offers assumptions once Title 42 is ended and includes the acknowledgement that few legal pathways to removal are left…

The document offers ominous predictions about the impacts of the pending surge to the U.S.-Mexico Border. The DHS document claims most released migrants do not appear for subsequent removal proceedings. It continues:

  • Current pathways to removal will be limited. Component use of broadscale release mechanisms (i.e., Own Recognizance (OR) with issuance of a Notice to Appear (NTA), or parole and Alternatives to Detention (ATD)) with administrative tools are necessary to ensure humane and efficient treatment of migrants.
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) will continue to leverage the FEMA Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) to provide life sustaining food, shelter, and supporting services. In addition, NGOs shall provide travel assistance from CBP custody….
  • ICE Alternatives to Detention (ATD) will be implemented on a greater scale….

The plan does not specify a cost associated with the pending surge in migration.

The DHS’ new decision comes on the heels of Biden’s gradual eroding of Trump’s immigration policies. The border crisis has been getting worse in recent years, and we must be in constant prayer for our leaders, our citizens, and those who wish to enter our country legally.

From The Federalist. The southern border is about to explode, and federal authorities are making preparations — not to arrest, detain, and deport record numbers of illegal border-crossers, but to process them quickly and release them into the United States….

Last Friday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced it will rescind Title 42 effective May 23. Title 42 is the public health order invoked by President Trump during the Covid-19 lockdowns…

By making it relatively easy for border officials to expel illegal border-crossers without processing them for deportation, Title 42 helped avert a full-blown humanitarian catastrophe at the border. For the past two years, Border Patrol agents and U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers were empowered simply to send certain classes of illegal immigrants (mostly single adults and some family units) back over the border to Mexico.

Ending Title 42 means a return to the pre-Covid process, which allows almost anyone who crosses the border, even those who cross illegally, to file a claim for asylum. Because Biden effectively shut down a Trump-era program called the Migrant Protection Protocols (also called Remain in Mexico) that forced migrants to wait in Mexico while their asylum cases were adjudicated, most migrants who claim asylum will be released into the United States pending the outcome of their cases, which on average take about three years.

In other words, ending Title 42 under these circumstances means every migrant who gets over the border and claims asylum will get to remain in the United States, legally and with work authorization, for years. As a matter of policy, it is effectively indistinguishable from open borders….

That’s why the administration is trying to portray what amounts to a de facto open borders policy as border enforcement and security. CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus this week issued a statement designed to do just that, but if you read between the lines you’ll see that CBP’s plan for the end of Title 42 amounts to an abdication of border security and acquiescence to open borders. Says Magnus:

Throughout our agency’s history we have capably managed immigration at the border utilizing the authorities under Title 8 of the US Code (traditional immigration management authorities). These authorities allow non-citizens appropriate access to make asylum claims and include a range of enforcement options to hold individuals accountable for entering the U.S. illegally.  This means most individuals who cross the border without legal authorization will be promptly placed in removal proceedings.

As a result of the CDC’s termination of its Title 42 public health order, we will likely face an increase in encounters above the current high levels.  There are a significant number of individuals who were unable to access the asylum system for the past two years, and who may decide that now is the time to come….

If illegal crossings surge in the coming months, as everyone expects them to, it’s because of what Magnus says at the end of that first quoted paragraph above: “most individuals who cross the border without legal authorization will be promptly placed in removal proceedings.”

Most Americans might think a term like “removal proceedings” means timely deportation of an illegal immigrant, but it doesn’t….

The University of Syracuse keeps an ongoing tally of federal immigration data through a research center called the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, or TRAC. According to TRAC, out of 11,664 completed immigration court proceedings so far this year, the average time to completion is 1,105 days, or more than three years. (That’s more than double the amount of time on average it took to adjudicate cases during the Trump presidency.)

In practice, that means a migrant who crosses the border illegally, gets arrested by Border Patrol, claims asylum, and is then released into the United States with a court date will have about three years to live and work in the United States before an immigration judge ever issues an order for removal….

Already, the number of arrests at the border has forced mass releases of adult migrants. Bill Melugin of Fox News has been documenting these so-called “parole releases” in south Texas for weeks now, reporting that hundreds of migrants are being released in border towns like Brownsville every day.

They are being released, in most cases, with a notice to report to a local ICE office whenever they get to where they’re going. In some cases, they are being given phones to communicate with ICE. This means they don’t even have court dates, and have not even filed asylum claims….

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(Excerpts from Breitbart and The Federalist. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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