I Prayed have prayed
Lord, thank you for the power of prayer! We come to you Jesus, knowing that you can do all things! We pray that this is only the beginning, and that more doctors would be met by the Holy Spirit and radically changed!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

From LifeNews: When Dr. John T. Bruchalski began performing abortions as part of his OB-GYN training, he felt troubled.

The Virginia doctor thought he was helping women, but he slowly began to realize that he was doing the exact opposite.

After three powerful encounters with the Holy Spirit, Bruchalski said he stopped aborting unborn babies and returned to the Catholic faith of his childhood, according to The Christian Post.

Now, he runs the Tepeyac Family Center in Fairfax, Virginia, one of the only all pro-life OB/GYN health care practices in the nation.

Bruchalski recently shared his conversion experience as part of an effort to expand pro-life medical practices. He encouraged pro-life advocates to begin providing more holistic health care to pregnant and parenting mothers.

“Abortion is considered good medicine today. The health care system has adopted abortion as a good item,” Bruchalski told the news outlet. “… the missing piece has been doctors standing up and saying ‘We want to help women with real comprehensive and building of health care.’”

Here’s more from the report:

Bruchalski used to perform abortion procedures before having three powerful encounters with the Holy Spirit and stopped doing them. He also ceased prescribing contraceptives and told his hospital colleagues he would not do artificial reproduction. By the end of his residency, “many of his fellow residents had followed his lead and ceased performing abortions,” his website testimonial notes.

“If you can show women that they can get through the difficult time, whether she’s with insurance or without insurance and then that doctor’s practice or that health care facility practitioner then they partner with all these incredibly wonderful pregnancy centers and social services and even those on the other side [of the abortion debate], we will show you how to do a perinatal hospice so they don’t have to end the life of a child,” Bruchalski said. “We can actually make children welcomed, women healthier, families stronger by just providing excellent health care.” . . .

Last week, Bruchalski joined a group of health care professionals in Washington, D.C. to launch the Pro-Women’s Healthcare Centers initiative.

It encourages pregnancy resource centers to become certified to offer high-quality medical services and help accessing government assistance. The group envisions pregnancy centers offering basic preventative health services, STD testing, cervical cancer screenings, breast exams, mammograms or mammogram referrals, prenatal care, childbirth assistance and post-partum care. Centers that meet the consortium’s official guidelines will be certified under the program.

“If we can use charity, competence, and excellence with standards, then the 50 to 80 percent of women who intrinsically do not want abortion on demand, they can trust these people across the country rather than ending up in a tight spot or a difficult medical situation and then not knowing what your doctor would do,” Bruchalski said.

A few other pro-life groups have been promoting a similar idea. Stanton Healthcare has been expanding across the country as a life-affirming alternative to Planned Parenthood. Founder Brandi Swindell said their facilities offer free ultrasounds, pregnancy confirmation, uterine and ovarian diagnostics, STI testing and treatment, prenatal care and postnatal follow-ups and, possibly in the future, mammograms. . . .

What an encouraging story! Write how this story uplifted you in the comments below!

(Excerpt from LifeNews.com. Article written by Micaiah Bilger. Photo Credit: IStock)

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February 7, 2022

I work at a pregnancy resource center and am very excited that we will have even more of an opportunity to help women!! Saving lives is so very important and we love our babies but we love our mommy’s also!

February 4, 2022

I am part of a 7am morning pray circle. We have been praying abortion come down in the name of Jesus. Roe /Wade come down in Jesus name. I’ve been praying for mother’s that feel they gave to give up their babies. For those that might even want. I’ve been praying that the equipment will not work and that baby would not move from the womb and the baby will not be harmed. I pray for that more doctor and medical staff in this profession will have a God encounter. This testimony blesses me so much. Keep doing it God’s way.

February 3, 2022

Thank you Jesus for revealing yourself to Dr. Bruchalski and taking the scales off his eyes. America has been waiting for someone to show the way to change the culture of death that has gripped our country since the 1960’s,
I was a victim in 1969, of being pushed into having an abortion because I was young, weak, with no support and no where to turn for help.
Finally God is bringing new hope for this nation and for millions of women who have been lied to, pushed into having an abortion, and no where to turn.
We have been crying out , “ God stop the blood bath!!”
Now we can pray to God to multiply Dr. Bruchalski’s Tepeyak Family Center blueprint into the nation.
I am going to send a financial memorial gift to the Tepeyac Family Center on behalf of the daughter I had aborted and her sister ( my second child who died still born at birth —-a frequent result of having had a previous abortion).
And I am committing my prayers to supporting the furthering of Dr. Bruchalski and his brave stand to establish his clinic and to teach this country and its doctors that “this is the way, walk ye in it.”

Daisy Ingram
February 3, 2022

Father God, Thank You for hearing the prayers and cry of Your Saints about abortion. I pray that more doctors who do abortions will truly have personal encounter with You and the Holy Spirit to convict them into their sins and lead them to Your righteousness. I speak and declare that the work of the enemy to deceive young ones will not prevail, in Jesus’s name. Thank You, Oh Lord, for Your great and mighty ways. To You be all the glory alone.

Marie b luchaco
February 3, 2022

Abortion is a label it’s murder.
We as a country need to get back to teaching abstinence is the best choice and learning communication skills to develop proper relationships with intention toward marriage, then after covenant the physical side of intimacy.

Victoria Z
February 3, 2022

Beautifuk testimony and example by this OB GYN doctor, thank you Father for sending the Holy spirit to convict and provide wisdom to provide other alternatives.for women, and bless this doctor for choosing righteousness above extra income or fear of men.

Debbie French
February 3, 2022

I have volunteered at a pregnancy center for over 14 years. We offer free lab grad pregnancy tests, free ultra sounds by a trained nurse under dr. Supervision, free STI testing, free information on all the options and if they want we offer free training on parenting skills, life skills and we offer referrals to local hospitals for birthing care and to other services in the community to help them get the assistance they need. Plus we give them assurance and support on their journey to parenthood.

Christine Stott
February 3, 2022

5,000 views and 800 prayers, what are the other 4,000 people doing, are they just reading these articles to gather information? For good purposes, or for evil? Examine yourselves, and take the time to bring these heavy issues before The Throne of The God of The Universe.

Ana M. Villarreal
February 3, 2022

It’s so good to know that doctors are waking up to the throes of abortion and taking a stand pro-life! Thank you, Lord, for changing hearts.

Sue Tracy
February 3, 2022

Thank You Lord for moving in the lives of Drs’s and causing them to not perform an abortion. Lord we give you the glory for this was your will for us.

Nancy Saliba
February 3, 2022

To Dr. John T Bruchalski–
I want to say THANK YOU for what you have done. God helped you change.

Marta Gallegos
February 3, 2022

Thank You Father for protecting the unborn in Jesus Holy Name Amen Prayers help But Divine Intervention is absolute Above All JESUS IS LORD 🙏 Amen

Barbara Hodges
February 3, 2022

I pray more drs, will come under the conviction of the Holy Spirit and stop committing murder.

Jessica Renshaw
February 3, 2022

Praise God!

Years ago, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, one of the prominent abortionists who helped get Roe legalized, became pro-life. In his book Aborting America he describes how he and other illegal abortionists lied, making up statistics that “tens of thousands of women were dying every year from illegal abortions” to get abortion legalized in the United States. He admitted “We knew the numbers were false but in the expediency of the moment we felt they were justified.” (According to CDC, the year before Roe was legalized the number of deaths from abortion was actually only 39!)

Dr. Nathanson persuaded one of his proteges to let him use ultrasound imaging to film one of his suction abortions at 12 weeks (with the permission of the woman, who would not be talked out of aborting.) He added his own narration, called the resulting documentary “The Silent Scream,” and insisted his protege watch it.

At the end of the video, the doctor watching his own abortion sat stunned, then breathed, “OH–MY–GOD!” Without another word he walked out of the clinic–and never performed another abortion.

Both these real men are among the semi-fictionalized characters in the pro-life novel, COMPELLING INTERESTS, a book about abortion from the hearts of people on both sides of the issue.

Toni Kushner
February 3, 2022

Praying for the conviction of ones conscience will bring them into truth and understanding of how God views abortion. Father, we can only ask for MERCY and TRUTH to lead us into righteous choices. Heal our Nation Lord from this horrible sin.

Ronald Young
February 3, 2022

This is so wonderful Thank You Jesus

Elinor Bracken
February 3, 2022

God is on the move. Thank you to Doctors who hear the Holy Spirits prompting. We need these in La Angles.

Donna Mulder
February 3, 2022

Very encouraging to hear!

Carla S Shier
February 3, 2022

I’m praising our Lord for Dr. Bruchalski!!

February 3, 2022

So, by the title of this article, one would assume you were going to elaborate on this doctor’s Holy Spirit encounters. Nope. Instead the entire article focused on the result of those encounters. Wonderful that he saw the light! Disappointing that the writer didn’t delve into the experiences.

    February 3, 2022

    I agree, l, too, was disappointed in that it didn’t go into detail.. but thankful he chose right. Murder of our children is so wrong. As a mother of children, l never will understand how anyone can pretend they aren’t killing a real live person, even if it isn’t born yet.. it if were puppies, kittens etc. Sad to say most people that favor abortions would value them more than our own nation’s children!

Karen Hoerner
February 3, 2022

Dear Father and Mighty God,
With joy we call you Father as it is your established heart toward your children from Genesis to Revelation. Thank you for being such a good, good Father. You created the standards for Fatherhood, Motherhood, Marriage, Children, and a sound home and have given us Holy Scripture to guide us. And You pronounced this good.
Lord, we beseech thee for a return of all individuals, Churches and our Communities to Biblical family life. Lord, please pour out your Holy Spirit on mankind and emblazon in all hearts the sanctity of marriage and the conceiving and caring for children. Please tear down the lies of “sexual freedom” and bring sound Biblical teaching to all, and to our children and youth. Let Your glory and blessings be evident in Christian homes that will whet the hearts of all to obey Your wonderful Laws for prospering a family and a people.
Thank You for Dr. Bruchalski. It underscores your use of individuals to accomplish your will. Thank you for moving mightily in his life and calling. Yes, we pray in agreement for this template of loving care to be available to every woman and young person in the United States and around the world. Thank You that he stands with the resources of Heaven and earth at his disposal. Thank You for giving Dr. Bruchalski a great vision in administering Your Will. Please launch him to greater depths in You and bless him and those who join him with long life and effective strategies. Father, Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as in Heaven. We pray in the mighty and sovereign Name of Jesus. Amen

Barbara Janicki
February 3, 2022

One person of courage and faith does make a difference, and this story is another example of just that – even saying because of his example other residents also had the courage to stop performing abortions. It always starts with one, somebody has to stand up or speak out. Praise God and thank Him for Dr. B and others like him. (see post – “the power of one” at http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com)

Kateri Leblanc
February 3, 2022

I clicked on his website for the Tepeyac Center. This man needs our fervent prayers. He is on short term disability. His right arm, spine are effected. Perhaps he will be a mouthpiece to educate and bring truth to the practice of abortion. May he be healed and used for God’s truth the be further revealed.

    February 4, 2022

    HThank you Jesus for revealing yourself to Dr. Bruchalski and taking the scales off his eyes. America has been waiting for someone to show the way to change the culture of death that has gripped our country since the 1960’s,
    I was a victim in 1969, of being pushed into having an abortion because I was young, weak, with no support and no where to turn for help.
    Finally God is bringing new hope for this nation and for millions of women who have been lied to, pushed into having an abortion, and no where to turn.
    We have been crying out , “ God stop the blood bath!!”
    Now we can pray to God to multiply Dr. Bruchalski’s Tepeyak Family Center blueprint into the nation.
    I am going to send a financial memorial gift to the Tepeyac Family Center on behalf of the daughter I had aborted and her sister ( my second child who died still born at birth —-a frequent result of having had a previous abortion).
    And I am committing my prayers to supporting the furthering of Dr. Bruchalski and his brave stand to establish his clinic and to teach this country and its doctors that “this is the way, walk ye in it.”

Brittaney Hudgins
February 3, 2022

Hallelujah 🙌 praise the mighty name of God! Thank you Jesus! Keep praying saints ⚔️

Nancy Woodcock
February 3, 2022

So gladvto hear some encouraging news! Praise God, keep ot up!

February 3, 2022

Yay God! I see what you are doing here. I pray that these pro-life medical centers pop up everywhere that planned parenthoods exist and eventually take their place. That they would be places where women can find hope and counseling as they chose life for their babies:) That women will hear the truth and not be lied to any longer. Bless this doctor Lord and all the many more that will follow his example.❤️

Joy Chesnut
February 3, 2022

Praise the Lord for sending the Holy Spirit to this inspired OB/GYN. Thank you, Heavenly Father for waking up other health care workers to the sin of abortion and leading them all to meet the true needs for women. In His precious name we pray!

John Butler
February 3, 2022

May the Supreme Court rule to end abortions altogether!

    Roxanne Rice
    February 3, 2022

    Yes! Not just send it back to the states, but demolish it completely.

Miriam Ayala
February 3, 2022

Praise the living God for this courageous Doctor , who took a stand of his conviction!!!! May more follow the leading of the Holy Spirit!! Amén 🙏🏽😇🕊🙌

Makaila Li
February 3, 2022

All I can say is Praise the Lord Jesus Christ.

February 3, 2022

This is wonderful. I worked in a pregnancy center where administering assistance and counseling helped pregnant women and often young girls . We were thrilled when at last we were able to have a RN for sonograms. The women appreciated all we tried to do for them. No discrimination of any kind was used there. They did wonderful work for God and humanity saving babies lives and the souls and minds and bodies Of women. God bless these doctors and volunteers

peggy delaney
February 3, 2022

How encouraging to see my prayers answered! I will continue to pray for God to touch the hearts & open the eyes of every dr. preparing to perform abortions to fear God & realize what they are doing! Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in your mother’s womb, I knew you… I praise You Lord for Your power & mercies & that You hear our prayers!

raleigh robertson
February 3, 2022

God will and does bless these pro life organizations, churches need to stay involved and make time to their congregations to share news on what prolife people are doing

Darlene Wolske
February 3, 2022

So grateful for God’s revelation to this doctor. My prayers is that pastors of all churches would preach that abortion is NOT acceptable to God. It starts with the church becoming an example of sexually pure men and women who hold onto and understand WHY God holds purity so high and the benefits from this standard. I witnessed a Christian counselor shaming a 16year old child if her “sexual sin” and praised the mother for taking her to an abortion clinic. I was a prayer supporter in this session. Horrified by what I heard. Let God deal with the believers hearts to line up and I believe we will see much good.


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