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Lord, we thank you for your protection over our nation. We pray that you would open president Biden's eyes and provide him with your will.
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As US military goes “woke,” China believed to be hiding missiles in shipping containers for “Trojan Horse” attacks, (Written by a retired Police Chief and current staff writer for Law Enforcement Today.)

Experts believe that China may be secretly developing “Trojan Horse-style missiles” secreted within shipping containers that could be released on enemy ports.

The analysts believe that Beijing’s significant fleet of freighters and fishing boats could be turned into warships utilizing secretive container missiles, the US Sun reports…

All of this comes about as tensions between the two superpowers has escalated, with Chinese President Xi Jinping recognizing the weakness of Joe Biden and his lack of focus on China while he concerns himself with pushing the radical agenda of far leftists in Congress and pushes vaccine mandates on American businesses.

China has been flexing its muscles, in particular since Biden took office, conscious of the weakness of a man who often times cannot speak coherently for more than a few seconds at a time.

(Excerpt from Law Enforcement Today)

Similarly, The National Pulse looked into Chinas other forms of weapons.

The Chinese Communist Party has developed an artificial intelligence prosecutor that can identify and suggest charges for alleged crimes including “dissent” and “provoking trouble.”

Built by the Shanghai Pudong People’s Procuratorate, the tool can file charges after hearing a verbal description of the case. It runs on a standard desktop computer and presses charges based on 1,000 “traits” from the human-generated case description text.

The prosecutor was programmed with information from 17,000 real-life cases ranging from 2015 to 2020 and can identify and, as a result, can press charges for the eight most common crimes in Shanghai…

Other crimes reportedly recognized by the machine are obstructing official duties, credit card fraud, gambling crimes, dangerous driving, theft, fraud, and intentional injury…

“The accuracy of 97% may be high from a technological point of view, but there will always be a chance of a mistake,” cautioned a prosecutor from Guangdong Province. “Who will take responsibility when it happens? The prosecutor, the machine or the designer of the algorithm,” they (Chinese Prosecutors) added…

The Chinese Communist Party has increasingly relied on artificial intelligence to implement its “social credit score” system, using the COVID-19 pandemic as a pretext to implement vaccine passports. The National Pulse revealed that pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc. partnered with AliPay – the regime’s premier platform for its social credit scoring system – one year ahead of the onset of the pandemic.

(Excerpt from The National Pulse)

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