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I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, please block these bills in New York that are an affront to our constitutional rights as American citizens. Raise up Your people to speak out and pray.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

New York kicks off its 2022 legislative session on Jan. 5 with a number of proposed radical bills related to the pandemic. Governor Kathy Hochul will kick off the session with her first State of the State address, pushing her agenda. It will be the first time a speech has been presented on the floor in three years. Her address will allegedly focus on her proposed budget to include Medicaid expansion and health workforce initiatives.



Assembly Bill A8378 requires immunization against COVID-19 for attendance in school. It was sponsored in October by Democratic Assemblymen Phil Steck and Richard Gottfried—the longest-serving legislator in N.Y. history. The bill adds the COVID-19 vaccine to the scheduled childhood vaccinations. It requires immunization for children between 2 months and 18 years of age…

A8398 is a bill sponsored by Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz that “limits exemptions from immunization requirements by local governments and private entities to medical exemptions; repeals religious exemptions for certain post-secondary students.” Dinowitz also sponsored legislation in May, making it a felony to forge or be in possession of a fake vaccine passport. A8398 makes all non-medical exemptions “null and void…”

Assemblyman Patrick Burke proposed a controversial bill in November that has created a stir on social media. He proposed a “bill that allows insurance providers to deny healthcare for those who refuse to be vaccinated.” New York State Republican, Rep. Marc Molinaro, pushed back. He announced his 2022 run for Congress in September.

Arguably, data from our own Department of Defense is now showing that the vaccinated, not the unvaccinated, are now driving the variants and illness. There is growing evidence that the COVID-19 jabs are doing “more harm than good…”

New York has launched some of the most draconian mandates in the U.S. with its Key2NYC program, its vaccine passport, known as the Excelsior Pass, and Governor Hochul’s reinstatement of strict mask mandates. Non-compliance in New York City prevents individuals from attending shows, entering venues, grocery shopping, and entering restaurants, among many other activities. On Sunday, a man was arrested in a Panera Bread restaurant for not complying with the vaccine mandate. “I cannot eat,” he said, “And my sisters and brothers cannot work.”

What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

(Excerpt from Uncover Dc. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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February 1, 2022

Pray that the NYC gestapo be stopped!

January 18, 2022

This is just one more step of sever government overreach based on NO scientific evidence. Pray for NY These biills must not pass.

Virginia Burk
January 12, 2022

Please Jesus help us.

Glenda Lewis
January 7, 2022

I believe that each person should be responsible for making the decision whether they should be vaccinated or not. There may be health reasons that cause some not to want to get vaccinated. I understand the great crisis we are under, but I believe it is the right of each individual to decide for themselves if the vaccine is the best for them. Many have had adverse side effects, for them taking a booster may not seem reasonable. I believe it should be a personal decision not a mandate.

January 6, 2022

I say let them do this. This may be the only way NYers come to the realization that voting Left is voting stupidly.

NYC is my former home city. Born and raised, live there the first 37 years of my life (57 now). I love the area. But, if this is the kind of foolishness NYers are going to vote in, let them sleep in the bed they make.

Debbie Martin
January 6, 2022

Unless we the people of the United States of America have become a communist Nation, the we the people have the God-given right and authority to choose❣️🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

Vashti Monica Ford
January 5, 2022

These bills are, if passed, dictatorship. We must stand against them. Our God is a God of free will and our nation is also when righteous people rule.

Rose Distefano
January 5, 2022

I am still wondering why lawyers are not lining up to defend our freedoms from being forced to accept a drug that has never been approved. Even should a vaccination become approved, where are our rights to decide about our own health. None of the statistics from the beginning of this virus to the present, lead to a conclusion that this is serious and deadly virus. MY PRAYER FOR THE THE COMING YEAR IS FOR ALL OF GOD’S PEOPLE TO TRUST HIM; HE GAVE US A BRAIN; LET US TRUST HIM TO GUIDE US IN THE TRUTH.

Karen Mire
January 5, 2022

We pray that God remove the evil rulers that govern New York City and replace them with godly leaders . We curse and forbid these efforts against the citizens civil liberties and forbid all forms of covid restrictions against their civil liberties afforded in our Constitution. The Cold 19 Federal Emergency Authorization expire on January 15th and we forbid it from renewing and ask that the truth of the vaccines bringing harm and not providing protection is revealed in Jesus’s name.

January 5, 2022

Praying that Assembly N. Nick Perry is telling the truth with this tweet that he will “take the appropriate legislative action to strike the bill [A416], remove it from the calendar ”

January 4, 2022

Praying that more people’s eyes will be opened to truth. Sounds a lot like the mark of the beast, or at least a pre to the mark of the beast. God IS still in control. Nothing surprises Him. Praying for you NY.

Paul zurbruegg
January 4, 2022

I am against all Gov mandates controls for the jab . Gov should get out of our lives
Proof is no on side that vaccination has caused heart attacks in youth and senior citizen. I pray none of these bills pass

Tom Budny
January 4, 2022

New York state is turning totally communist. People of New York wake up & fight by praying, and contacting the local politicians.

Flavia Diaz
January 4, 2022

The Lord has spoken through his prophets that both Gov. Hochul and the new NYC Mayor will be removed…

Janice Wright-Krug
January 4, 2022

They are taking control way to far and praying none of these bills pass. Absolutely absurd. So much more is coming out about the vaccines and adverse reactions etc but they have, I think an evil agenda, that they wanted to move forward and they wont stop. So glad I live in a conservative state.

Nicholas Yusseff Oscar Brenton
January 4, 2022

These people make the most dreaded, feared WITCH DOCTORS of Africa look like “choir members”!!!

January 4, 2022

Daddy God in KING Jesus Name we humbly and boldly ask You Sovereign God to DEAL with ALL who OPPSOSE You and righteousness NOW for they are bent to harm but You give life! Give us NEW RIGHTEOUS EVERYTHING Lord so that we CAN and WILL LIVE YOUR WAY for Your glory!! Pour out Your Spirit and the Holy fear and fire of God on all the inhabitants of the earth! Thank You, we believe it, receive it, and call it done in Jesus MIGHTY Name! AMEN! Hallelujah to the Lamb of God and Lion of Judah Jesus, forever and ever He shall reign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

January 4, 2022

Assembly Bill A8378 : Requirements for everyone to be “vaccinated” have nothing to do with health but everything to do with getting every human into the worldwide database which will eventually be the mark of the beast system. See Billy Crone’s comments at ‘Hope for our Times’ New Years livestream. Despite America circling the drain, God is in control-our bridegroom is coming for us soon! Maranatha!

Darlene Estlow
January 4, 2022

Father, I lift up New York, We declare these bills null and void and freedom to reign in New York. Raise up your people to pray and be bold.

Nancy Berkey
January 4, 2022

Let God arise and His enemies be scattered! Christ isrisen! He will return! Amen.

January 4, 2022

Disgusting…very dangerous to play God..they will be a day of reckoning!!!if it was true about concern for pu lice safety they would not allow immigrants in our country unvaccinated or with diseases

January 4, 2022

new york is being run by NAZIS.

    Nancy Berkey
    January 4, 2022

    Lord God I pray inthe Name of Jesus Christ these mandates in New York and anywhere else they could be tried will fail, not be passed and thrown into the mire depths of the sea to never return again. I pray that God will takethe scales from the eyes ofthese POLITICIANS so they willbe convicted by the Holy spirit that these mandates are wrong. I also pray for God to raiseup righteous leaders everywhere in this country to fight for freedom fromunjust bills such as these. 8n the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord .

Carolyn Watson
January 4, 2022

Father I pray for wisdom in each American citizen. People who are innocently and blindly following what they believe measures for their protection. Father don’t let them be deceived any longer. Open their eyes to your light and understanding. I pray for protection over our children. Father thank you for your everlasting mercies and forgivenesses and for your mighty arm that comes to fight for us.

Laurie Viter
January 4, 2022

Lord, We as your people stand against these demonic bills being presented in NY in the Mighty Name of Jesus. They are straight from the pit of hell. You have given us authority over them and we stand together to bind them in Jesus Mighty Name. We command they in Jesus Name to go. We take our rightful place in the army of God, clothed in your armor and stand against them and we believe they are bound and cast out. We plead the blood of Jesus over our nation and release the warring angels around our nation. Amen!

J. Sparks
January 4, 2022

The time will come . . . nay the time has come for a revolution in this country to overthrow those that would declare themselves to be King. The political system in America is so broken it cannot be fixed because all those that have been in Washington DC for decades ARE the swamp and thus the problem. Make no mistake, Demoncrat or Republican and some Independents, have been steering this country towards socialism for decades. Telling the mass what they want to hear to get reelected time after time after time.
Career politicians are precisely what our founders did not want to happen, but it has and its time to change it. All those making politics their career MUST be voted out and the new runners for office MUST be subject to term limits or the problem will remain and whether City, County; State; or Federal nothing will change until folk like the Governor of New York are removed from office and folk start deep diving into those seeking office BEFORE voting for them because they like how they sound on the campaign trail.
Many, many Americans don’t bother to vote in the lesser (city, county) elections because they think they matter no.
Look at the power school boards across this nation have accumulated because parents have been too busy or lackluster to attend PTA meetings. So now the Teachers Union think they have NO RIGHT to be involved in what their little kiddies are being taught.
Lackluster parents . . . non-interested voters . . . and those that elect one because they like someone’s words on the campaign trail have created this mess.
Long have I said (since the 70’s) it is time for another revolution in this country. Not one fought with guns.
One fought at the ballot box.
Because Demoncrats changing the rules to get their sweeping Voter Integrity bill passed will end any election outcomes except the ones THEY want if it passes and will bring what the New York Governor is doing to America on the Federal level.
Won’t change until the patriots of this country rise up against them.

January 4, 2022

Look, if you are still living in New York after the last 2 years, hoping things will get better, you need a Psychiatrist.

Donna Butera
January 4, 2022

Comment on the bill that diseased individuals could be a danger to public health.
The danger to public health are these smash and grab incidents. Can you image how traumatic that would be for someone that witnesses that incident. That’s a danger to public health. And they are just letting them go time after time.
We all need to follow the conscience that God gave us. They have to know deep in their hearts that this is wrong.

    Gerry B
    January 7, 2022

    I need help with this. Is it a moral sin in God’s eyes if kill someone who is trying to hurt or kill a loved one, friend or innocent person?

Tom Chereck Jr
January 4, 2022

The whole world lives in the likes of World War II Germany oppression.

Satan is trying to exterminate the Jewish nation so that he won’t be thrown into the Abyss for a thousand years, world wide covid is just a rude, Israel extermination is the goal.

As World leaders unwittingly support such madness we each must take steps of faith to resist.

As we found a year ago, Capitol demonstrations will simply be used to incarcerate citizens without Constitutional due process. Don’t fall into the trap they have laid.

The one thing they made evident is to get people to stop worshipping God.

I have been having lots of dreams, one revealed we won’t see peace until the New Jerusalem comes down out of Heaven, if only it were only 4 more years. Another unction is that the scripture that says we won’t be able to buy or sell doesn’t say we won’t be able to worship or receive manna from Heaven as our provision.

We have Divine Providence to rely on if we are willing to use faith as small as a mustard seed.

Linda Stater
January 4, 2022

I believe all God’s people should stand up together, worldwide, come together and cry out to God I’m cool down his glory 🙏

January 4, 2022

Our nation needs to return to God and pray he will take our leaders in his hands and guide them
in his way. Praying our freedoms are not striped from us and our rights are protected.

January 4, 2022

Bill A416 has been stricken. It was stricken before Christmas. Ptl

Debbie Jantzen
January 4, 2022

If you live in New York, we are having a Medical Freedom Rally on January 6 at 11 am. It is at 180 State Street, the Capitol Building. This will be a PEACEFUL protest.

Daniel Felice
January 4, 2022

This is the first of a socialist state that will recognize almost full control over the citizens of New York. Should this pass, it will not be long for other ‘democratic’ run states begin to push these laws in their own state.
Yes, prayer is needed as the enemy has fully infiltrated the minds of these governmental officials for total control of all NY’s population.

Pray for us
January 4, 2022

“Some people are evil. Some people are stupid. But what’s really dangerous is the combination of both.”

January 4, 2022

Praying our merciful Father in Heaven will hear our heart cry! Raise up strong men of God who will stand as a defence to the helpless! Preserve us from such laws and bless that man in Panera bread,who was kept from working and eating, fill his needs and his families needs in Your own wonderful way!

January 4, 2022

Most people it seems, are unaware of the shenanigans of Hochul and her disciples. She is no better than Cuomo, and arguably worse. A416 is a significant threat because it will pave the way for a citizen of the United States to be apprehended and detained without due process at the will and pleasure of a rogue state government. And, while we’re at it, who do you think will be the first targets? Non-compliant pastors and evangelists – period. Pray against these things as you never have before. Hochul has dared to raise her hand against the Almighty, and this cannot be allowed stand.

Kathy VanNostrand
January 4, 2022

Praising God that IFA is there to make us aware of all the enemies plans with these horrible bills. Praise God for Matthew 18:19 that promises that if two of us agree as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for us by our Father which is in heaven, Praying and believing that our God hears us and will answer. Thank You, Jesus that we have the Victory. Also praying specifically for Governor Hochul, and every leader representing these bills. Psalm 68:1 Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered: let them also that hate Him flee before Him.

Angela Osipuk
January 4, 2022

Lord move on the peoples behaves. Move hearts. Change minds!!
Lord your WILL be done!
Rise up and RESTORE 🇺🇸!

January 4, 2022

Lord God please move. Open their eyes hearts and spirits of their representatives and the governor to what is going on and to stop it. Remove all vaccine mandates including with the military. May health insurance companies not be allowed to refuse health care or raise the prices to those who have not been vaccinated. Lord please heal our land. In Christ Jesus name I pray amen.

Susan Clark
January 4, 2022

Thank you for taking a stand and for keeping us informed. I’m praying for God to stop this insanity and block these bills. Also praying that the evil people that are in position to harm us as a nation be removed quickly and replaced with righteous leaders that will honor God and the Bible!


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