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Lord, we pray that our leaders in Senate will be granted with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell warned on Thursday that any attempt by Democrats to blow up the legislative filibuster would result in “Armageddon for our institutions.”

Mr. McConnell, Kentucky Republican, said that Senate Democrats’ recent talk about nixing or altering the filibuster was nothing more than a distraction from the fact that President Biden’s mammoth social welfare bill had stalled.

“As cracks keep forming in the Democrats’ reckless taxing-and-spending spree,” said Mr. McConnell, “some of our colleagues seem to channel their frustration into even more radical attempts to attack our government institutions.”

The GOP leader warned it would set a terrible precedent for one party to destroy or alter institutional guardrails, like the filibuster or the size of the Supreme Court, just because their policy agenda had hit a wall.

“Entire generations of statesmen would have seen … these unhinged proposals as Armageddon for our institutions,” said Mr. McConnell.


Senate Democrats, frustrated with a lack of progress on Mr. Biden’s $1.75 trillion Build Back Better Act, have been talking about blowing up the filibuster rules again to force through a partisan overhaul of the country’s election laws.

“I think there’s a universal view in our caucus that we need to get something done,” said Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer, New York Democrat. “There’s a strong belief in the Senate that we can restore the Senate and at the same time deal with voting rights, and that’s what we’re aiming to do.”

Mr. Schumer and other Democratic leaders say the recent success in creating a one-time fast track process for raising the debt limit by a simple majority has created an opportunity. They say that measure, which passed only because of the support of 10 Republican senators, has opened the door for a broader effort to suspend the filibuster one time to pass the elections bill.

“We in this chamber made a change in the Senate’s rules in order to push forward something that all of us think is important,” said Sen. Raphael Warnock, Georgia Democrat. “We set the stage to raise the nation’s debt ceiling, and yet as we cast that vote … this same chamber is allowing the ceiling of our democracy to crash in around us.”

Mr. Warnock and a cadre of Democratic senators are working to craft a plan to change the Senate’s long-standing filibuster rules, which require at least 60 votes to end debate on the legislation, to pass the election legislation.

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(Excerpt from The Washington Times. Photo Credit: Getty Images)



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