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Lord, we ask You to remove every barrier to free and fair elections in this nation. Raise up Godly leaders and place them in office.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Federalist’s Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway released her new book Tuesday called “Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections,” which analyzes…issues with the 2020 election, the Democrats’ history of refusing to accept Republican-won elections, and how Republicans are repeatedly outmaneuvered…in election litigation.

…Hemingway notes how, until 2020, Democrats had been concerned about absentee ballots and voting machines since 2000, when George W. Bush won the presidency…

But in the case of the 2020 election…those who questioned them were labeled conspiracy theorists by Democrats…

Hemingway argues the new voting and election methods implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic make the whole process less private and secure…

These changes are partly due to how the Democratic Party exploits the legal system to its advantage with elections, she explains, starting with Marc Elias,,,at the party’s law firm Perkins Coie…

Elias, who was general counsel for both John Kerry’s and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns, hired Fusion GPS in 2016, which created the Steele dossier at the center of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.

He also has a long history of using courts to benefit Democrats in elections…

Elias was also at the center of the 2020 election, when in January…he urged counting ballots without matching signatures, expanding no-excuse absentee voting dramatically, having the government pay for postage, counting ballots that arrive after Election Day, and implementing and expanding ballot harvesting.

The 2020 presidential election was also the first since 1980 when the Republican National Committee was allowed to participate in Election Day operations.

For nearly 40 years, “the Republican National Committee had been prohibited by law from helping out with poll watcher efforts or nearly any litigation related to how voting is conducted,” Hemingway writes…

While the Democratic Party was able to build up its own coordination efforts for decades, the RNC was prohibited from doing so, as GOP candidates and state parties were left to do those things on their own.

The RNC was also prohibited from any Election Day-related litigation and recounts…

Share your comments, and add a prayer for the playing field to be leveled.

(Excerpt from Just the News. Article by Natalia Mittelstadt. Photo Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images).

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October 17, 2021

If there’s one “constant” regarding the Dems party, it is that they will cheat, steal, run fraud schemes, disinformation, etc. – their historical patterns for dishonesty is incredible and consistent. In retrospect, in the last 25+ years, there is no crime they have not committed or been willing to commit. That may sound harsh and accusatory but it’s the truth. Sadly, the Republican party has been known repeatedly as the “soft touch” party – robust with more “nice people” in it. (That’s not necessarily a negative but it carries a certain price tag with it.) That translated to those who sided with the Dems or had vested interests / back room deals with them to a mindset that “we will take the war to them (opposing side) and win doing whatever we have to do”. Lest someone misunderstands what I’m saying, I am NOT saying Republicans (or any party) should do the same. There is already too much corruption in DC, states & cities – we need less, not more. But Republicans need to step up their game tenfold, if not more. They need to dig in, fill their trenches and hilltops with weapons of every sort and fight in ways that are both incredibly fierce and as honorable as possible. They don’t need to cheat, steal, etc. but to fight in ways that they no longer care about individual survival.
As much as I don’t want to pit one party as being morally superior to another, it’s painfully obvious that there are grand canyons of difference between the 2 parties when standing for certain things that God is for or against.
*Lord God, we ask for evil leaders to be removed and replaced with Godly people and those who are righteous, law abiding and love the Constitution. Our nation needs such leadership. We again ask for You to bring forth Davids, Elijahs, Esthers, Deborahs, Nehemiahs, Joshuas – righteous leaders willing to go into the trenches. We need them in our nation and our world as never before. More than anything, we need a sweeping flood of Your Holy Spirit to move across our land repeatedly. We need You Lord. Have mercy on America and restore our nation again for Your purposes. Amen.


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