I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we ask You to bless and care for all those who work with David's Tent. Thank You for their commitment. Heal them; heal their family members, and we ask You to meet the needs of this wonderful ministry.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

We received an urgent request for prayer from David’s Tent D.C. What is David’s Tent? Located on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., David’s Tent is a 24/7 praise and worship ministry. Every moment of every day, someone is at David’s Tent, worshiping the Lord on the Mall. Teams come from all around to lead praise and worship. It is a powerful ministry that we believe has a real impact in our nation.

Here is the message from David’s Tent leader, Jason Hershey:

I want to beckon your prayers for David’s Tent.

Last week, I called an emergency prayer meeting at my home to pray for God’s aid. We prayed with urgency and desperation.

Our community has been under duress.

We had two staff quarantined with COVID. A third was ambulanced to the hospital with a racing irregular heart. A fourth is home now due to her father having severe COVID. A fifth was warning of possibly needing to go home for the same reasons.

It felt like our team was being taken away one by one.

On top of all the sickness in our full-time team, we also had 22 last minute cancellations of previously scheduled watches within one week – many of those COVID related.

One of those cancellations was a whole team for their state week. Our scheduler called me in a panic attack. Wisely, we recognized the attack and we prayed through to our Abba’s peace again.

Every time someone cancels, we scramble to fill those gaps.

Somehow, the vigil goes on…

Prayer points:

  • Blessing from the Lord over this 7th year of David’s Tent
  • For nothing to hinder worshippers and watchmen from fulfilling their ministry to the Lord.

Will you pray? Share in the comments below!

Are you able to serve? Visit the David’s Tent D.C. website at davidstentdc.org.

(From David’s Tent D.C.  Written by Jason Hershey, Director of David’s Tent. Photo Credit: Facebook).

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Susan CC
October 8, 2021

“In the Bible, 7 is the number of completeness and perfection in the physical and spiritual.


Father, sometimes waiting on You is the hardest place to be. In Hebrew, You are called Elohei MaUzzi…God, My Strong Fortress. In David’s song of deliverance, he sang to You, “God is my strong fortress and He makes my way clear.” I so humbly pray for Jason and all the other men and women doing Your work in DC. Just like David, they know praise comes before the battle but they are in the midst of it now. I ask You Father, in this 7th year, will You make that tent like a strong fortress and for each and everyone willing and able to be there in the physical, will You make their way clear? May YOU Father, the God of hope fill them with all joy and peace in believing, may they overflow in hope in the power of the Holy Spirit. I am praying in the PERFECT NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. Amen

Romans 15:13

Tanya Williams
October 8, 2021

Father in Heaven, King of Kings, Sovereign over all. Lord your Word says where two or more are gathered in your name you are in the midst. Abba, I pray on behalf of my brothers and sisters in faith. Send your angel army Eloim to stand watch over the ground where this ministry stands. Protect your people from the darts and arrows of Covid sent by enemy. Send hands and feet to this mission field to feed the hungry in spirit and serve those who seek your face. In the mighty name of Christ Jesus, Amen!

Scott Singletary
October 7, 2021

Praise JESUS for Davids Tent and DADDY help them right now.
They have refreshed me last year and this year. We worshipped JESUS. DADDY bring good from their distress.

Christie Knott
October 7, 2021

Satan is trying hard to stop your praise and worship, he works his hardest just before our breakthroughs and blessings. The battle belongs to the Lord!!!
Dear Lord, we give you these battles. I lift up the the sick, and ask healing for each and every one. I pray victory for all nations over Covid and all strands, in Jesus name.
I ask for your protection over the praise and worship teams. Please provide teams to step in and fill the schedule, so not one minute is left vacant. You deserve all praise, honor, and glory forever! We love you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen

    October 7, 2021

    Praying in agreement, in Jesus’ blessed name! Amen!

Joy Anna Rosendale
October 7, 2021

We are praying for you and your beloved team, Jason! Thank you so much for alerting us to this strategic request! We put a shield of love and protection around you in the Name of Jesus, and we pray for divine interventions of supernatural healings or full health for everyone involved. May you receive big doses of heavenly encouragement. What the devil means for evil, the Lord turns around to bring good! Walk in His heavenly peace and grace!

Andrea Struble
October 7, 2021

“Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says, “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:11-16‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Andrea Struble
October 7, 2021

““This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.”
‭‭John‬ ‭15:12‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Joyce Swingle
October 7, 2021

Lord, have mercy. We want to praise you for this ministry standing vigil in praise over our nation’s capital. Thank you for the many victories You have worked through this group of warriors. Lord, strengthen their arms in this hour. Forgive those who have cursed them, destroy the curses and those demon curse-carriers who execute the evil words. Replace all evil words with the Blessed Word and bring salvation in the form needed for each person involved. Heal all of Covid and other ailments. Deliver all from the temptation to cancel without warrant and provide for every vigil. Work Your encouragement and Your provision for these faithful ones for You will not allow Your beloved to be shamed. In Jesus’ Name. Amen and Amen.

Rich Swingle
October 7, 2021


I was in a writing session today with Janet Porter, architect of the Heartbeat Bill, now working on the sitcom What’s a Girl to Do? (www.RichDrama.com/WhatsAGirlToDo) She pointed out that everytime we’ve had a cancelation we’ve found someone better to take the place of the one who stepped away. The pattern is undeniable, and I pray that same blessing to be upon the David’s Tent team! Praying also for healing!

This is a vital ministry, and we’re blessed every time we enter the tent!

    Doris Ehlenfeldt
    October 7, 2021

    Thank you for your comments Rich. I believe when the enemy attacks and
    we persevere the victory is sweeter than the outcome we first anticipated. Joyce(your wife)and you are appreciated as you share insights and prayers.

      October 7, 2021

      And thank you, Rich, for all you and Janet Porter and everyone who worked on the amazing Heartbeat Bill do to rescue the unborn! God bless!

      And praying in agreement for reinforcements for David’s Tent, and healing for its volunteers, in Jesus’ name!

        Rich C Swingle
        October 8, 2021

        Praise the Lord!!! Praising Him for the great things He’s brought through our disappointments, and praying for Him to do it again!

    Andrea Struble
    October 8, 2021

    I have also experienced unexplainable interruptions when working on a legal issue or on a social platform.

      Rich Swingle
      October 8, 2021

      We call that snake tracks. Lord, crush the head of the enemy as we move forward in the projects you’ve given us!

October 7, 2021

Jehovah-Rapha you are the God who heals. You are El Roi the God who sees us.
I decree and declare Lord
Jehovah-Nissi that you have David’s Tent and all those you call to serve you there under your banner and will pour out your heavenly mercy, grace, healing and strength on this place of worship.
Great is your faithfulness to those you Love to a 1000 generations.
Thank you Abba and we praise you in Jesus’s mighty Name. Amen

Darlene Estlow
October 7, 2021

Father we thank you for this worship place. We pray against the work of Satan in attacking this place. Heal those sick with covid, protect those who have sick loved ones from covid. We pray for faithful laborers to arise. May there be provision for every need. We praise your name.


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