I Prayed have prayed
Father, we desperately need You to intervene to save this nation. We ask You to put righteous leaders into high places. We ask that Your leaders will do what is best for the American people, and that Your righteous rule of law will be established.
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This article demonstrates a deeply disturbing reality about the Biden administration’s ongoing response to the pandemic: they are utilizing it to perpetrate lawlessness upon our nation, and increasingly so as time goes on.

From Daily Mail: A North Carolina landlord says he is out $24,000 in unpaid rent from his tenants, including one who splurged on three boats and requested a $4,500 heat pump during the pandemic…

The suspension of evictions was first imposed by the Trump administration at the start of the coronavirus pandemic and was set to end July 31, but then it was extended another 60 days Tuesday…

But property owners have criticized the moratorium, saying it penalizes those who must pay mortgages whether or not their tenants pay them.

Shoup, who owns 35 properties throughout Catawba County under Family Home Rentals LLC, added that the moratorium also is a burden on landlords who are still required to maintain properties despite losses…

Shoup recently gave Spectrum News 1 a tour of some of his properties in Catawba County, pointing out what certain tenants owed. In the video, he gestures to one house and says, ‘This guy didn’t pay no rent at all, $12,000 behind he was.’

He points to another home and says, ‘They had packages every single day coming from Amazon, Rental Center, buying furniture and all of this. She had a whole U-haul of stuff…’…

For Vanie Mangal, a Queens landlord, the situation goes beyond losing $36,600 in rental income. Her first-floor tenants have not paid rent in 15 months, she recently told the New York Times, and bang on the ceiling below her bed at all hours as well as yell, curse and spit at her.

A tenant in the basement apartment, who also stopped paying rent, allegedly keyed Mangal’s car and dumped her mail by the garbage. That tenant eventually moved out after Mangal got an order of protection and then a warrant for the tenant’s arrest…

The Federalist offers a scathing analysis of the Biden administration’s eviction moratorium:

An astonishing thing happened this week in Washington that didn’t get much critical coverage…Biden flouted the Constitution and broke his oath of office by issuing a ban on evictions that he and his advisers know to be illegal.

By “ban on evictions” I mean the president issued a blatantly unconstitutional decree that renters all across America don’t have to pay rent…

But the way all this has gone down illustrates a deeply disturbing reality about the Democrats running the pandemic response in Washington: They’re lawless, and…they’re becoming bolder about it…

The utter contempt for the rule of law shown in all of this is simply staggering, as is the contempt shown for actual landlords, nearly half of whom nationwide are small-time landlords…Many of these people have gone a year without receiving any rent, yet they’re still liable for taxes, upkeep, and mortgage payments…

Do you know anyone who has been adversely affected by the eviction moratorium? Please share your prayer, below.

(Photo Credit: Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz).

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Karen Secrest
August 9, 2021

I had to evict a couple with children from my home. It was messy, expensive and 20 years later I find it still has a bad feeling about it.
I have to admire Rand Paul, Jeff Hawley, deSantis and all the others who are saying fight back against the lawlessness and evil being perpetrated against others.
There may be mitigating circumstances for a few but there are also those who dashed out and bought property, furnishings and everything that they were “entitled too”.
Now we see media announcing banks are prepared to help with your foreclosure and Yellen wanting to raise the debt ceiling when she could simply raise the interest rate.
I see the effects of the small landlord as opposed to corporations. However, we are All going to “tighten our belt” (gird up our loins) before Biden is simply halted in his tracks wit Harris right on his heels because God says, “if they won’t listen, then he will send the Wind of the Spirit and the Angelic host to cut off their supply.”
Be aware, beware the days at hand..


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