Daniel in the lion’s den is not just a Sunday school story that proves God will look out for those who serve Him. This story outlines a strategy and pattern of spiritual attack against those God has placed in government and how we can pray against it.
We often blame king Darius for throwing Daniel into the lion’s den, which is valid, but it was actually Daniel’s ambitious colleagues who set him up:
“Then the commissioners and satraps began trying to find a ground of accusation against Daniel in regard to government affairs; but they could find no ground of accusation or evidence of corruption, inasmuch as he was faithful, and no negligence or corruption was to be found in him. Then these men said, ‘We will not find any ground of accusation against this Daniel unless we find it against him with regard to the law of his God.’” (Daniel 6:4-5)
Daniel’s coworkers in his industry plotted against him because he was more talented and successful than them. They made a plan to use his faith against him and to cause him to lose favor with his boss, the king. Through their conniving, the king is manipulated and forced to throw Daniel to the lions, presumably opening up career opportunities for Daniel’s enemies.
Thankfully, God saved Daniel from this plan so dramatically that Darius praised the one true God and threw Daniel’s accusers to the fate they had planned for him.
In praying for the column this week, I felt God pointing out this prophetic pattern and how it applies to our modern kingdom servants placed by God in Washington. I believe the Father is calling his intercessors this week to pray for those sent to D.C. who are in the lion’s den or who are about to be thrown in because of an evil plot.
Insider Intercessory Intelligence
That same conspiring spirit of competition that rallied against Daniel exists in Washington, D.C. today. During my time as a Communications Director on Capitol Hill, I saw it firsthand. Career-focused young people often watch their back above all else. Particularly in front of members of Congress, they will deflect, shift the blame, or outright lie to keep from “looking bad” in front of the member of Congress or whichever government official they serve. If staffers feel one person is excelling in a way that threatens their position, as Daniel was in his time, that same kind of malicious trap-setting is sadly not be uncommon.
As Solomon says, there is nothing new under the sun.
I spoke with a Christian new to Capitol Hill who told me she has been surprised at the selfish ambition that fills the halls of the Capitol. She and another Christian Capitol Hill staffer agreed on an estimate that about 85% of people working for Congress are in it for themselves and their own career while only about 15% actually have the best interests of the nation as their primary concern.
As you can see, this makes the selfless Kingdom-minded staffers all the more important, and all the more of a target for the Enemy. They need our support in prayer and God’s wisdom and protection.
God has Daniels throughout all levels of government, and the enemy has his people working against them. Let’s rally around our mostly young believers who are in the crosshairs of the enemy as they try to advance the kingdom in the highest levels of government.
With this in mind, let us pray:
- Father, we ask that you preserve your servants who have been thrown into the lion’s den in their workplaces, subject to accusation, attack and devouring. We ask that you close the mouth of the lions!
- Lord, we ask that you protect those who are on the verge of being set up for accusation or lies by ambitious colleagues or the spirit of competition. Give your servants eyes to see what is coming, wisdom on how to handle it and grace to walk in your love despite the attacks.
- Father, we release the peace of God to your servants in D.C., that they would walk in confidence and boldness toward you, that no matter their difficulty that they would remain faithful and not grow bitter. We bless them in Jesus’ name!
Verses to pray as you intercede on this issue:
“For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict.” (Luke 21:15)
“Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me.” (Matthew 5:11)
“The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the Lord, who counsels me even at night my heart instructs me. I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” (Psalm 16:6-8)
Are you willing to stand in prayer for your brothers and sisters in the lion’s den? Let us know in the comments.
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Now is the time..
Now is OUR OPPORTUNITY to be… as Jesus’ Diciples were in
that day..we are called NOW…to be the same..
Let us NOT shirk our time of resposibility
in action & prayer..
Lord give us new strength & new resolve & new strategies to keep going forward in obedience to You to do all you ask of us ..AMEN🙏
I have been prompted recently to pray for men and women who are witnesses to crimes and cheating by some of our leaders to come forward as whistle blowers and witnesses. They certainly fear they will be eaten alive by the lions if they expose wickedness. My prayer is that God would stir their hearts to do what is right and just and at the same time neutralize their fears. God may even touch high ranking Democrats. If so, may Christian believers quickly come to rescue them from lion attacks.
Father You know each of your children who work in the government and what each one needs at this time. I ask you to provide Godly friends and co workers who can support each other. May Godly more senior workers take the time to encourage and pray with the young workers. May Holy Spirit bring revival within the government! Oh, Lord we thank You for being such a Mighty Overcoming God! In Jesus Name we pray.
Lord, grant Your servants boldness to continue in their path, speaking what You say and going where You send them. I agree with prayer points, and ask that as You shut the mouths of these lions, may even their teeth fall out.
Raise up Daniel’s in every sphere of influence!
Help us to seek first Your kingdom, draw near to You, resist the devil, stand in the evil day, and continue to stand!
Faith without works is dead.
In this world you will have trouble but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.
Father God we agree with you that we will have opposition as we walk in Spirit & in Truth. Guard their minds and souls in Christ Jesus as they work in the presence of their enemies. We compel you Holy Spirit to walk with them and tell them what to do, what to say, and where to go. May your Holy and Righteous, and Reverent name be glorified. Almighty God, nothing happens unless you give permission. May we all stand and stand firm together and in prayer with our brothers & sisters working where you called them as they are in the crosshairs of the spiritual enemy and the physical enemy being directed by the evil one.
I pray for those who stand accused and/or arrested to remember that like Paul, their arrest and confinement may lead to reaching greater numbers of the lost. May they stand strong in faith and never doubt God’s purpose for their lives and his presence as they walk through troubled times and persecution. I pray for their discernment and courage to trust and rely on God completely; not themselves or the world. In Jesus’s precious name I pray, amen.