I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask that You strengthen and protect all the individuals serving in the National Guard. Let no evil prevail against them, but protect the freedoms we experience in our nation.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

A recent Revolver News investigative piece coined the term “Counter-American Intelligence” to describe the systematic counter-intelligence operation that is meant to weed out conservatives from the National Guard and eventually the US military.

They have already fired a number of the National Guard. Two were fired for what is called inappropriate posts on social media.  Ten more were lot go for other reasons.

The FBI uses the powerful “Babel Street” social media panopticon software. The software inspects 25 social media sites and can translate 200 languages. But, what happens if you purge all of the conservatives from the service? Name one famous Democratic general. . . .

Along with bragging about the high-profile clients they have like the FBI, the military’s Special Operations Command, and the Australian Attorney General’s Office, they include a list of the exact capabilities, explaining the depth and efficacy of Babel Street’s software.

Babel X has access to over 25 social media sites, including Facebook, Instagram, and to Twitter’s firehose… Babel X can also surveil millions of URL’s including the deep web.

The software can instantly translate over 200 languages, and can set up geo-fences around areas of special interest, and has highly customizable filtering options including for hashtags, emojis, handles, names, and keywords. Users can also filter for numerical sequences like credit card or social security numbers.

Babel Street’s filtering options are extremely precise, and allow for the user to screen for dates, times, data type, language, and—interestingly enough—sentiment. Their website includes a short paragraph on this sentiment aspect which claims that they “possess the most sophisticated sentiment analysis tool on the market.

Derived from collaboration with top university linguistic programs, Babel Street boasts the ability to evaluate sentiment in 19 languages—far exceeding the capacity of any other competitor. . . .

What do you think about this counter-intelligence being deployed for the National Guard? Share your prayers for the National Guard.

(Excerpt from DJHJ Media. Article by Steven Ahle. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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Letitia Hale
April 17, 2021

If they get rid of all the conservatives, they will have to make the draft legal–because most of the volunteers, and most patriots are conservatives.

E Hatcher
April 9, 2021

If we have people in any branch of service who hold dangerous, racist or like 1/6 a desire to over throw government they must be weeded out. They are not just looking for conservatives.

Jane Fain
April 9, 2021

Thank you IFA: Thank you.

Jane Fain
April 9, 2021

IFA, I believe I made a mistake and removed the comment by Phil by clicking the comment button in his box instead of clicking the comment button in my box. I did not mean to remove Phil’s comment.

Jane Fain
April 9, 2021

Phil, are you saying that the Babel Street program really doesn’t exist or that what the article states that it is being used for is not really happening? I’m asking out of sincere interest.

April 8, 2021

This is ridiculous and verifiable false. There are countless conservative people in the FBI. Do your own research instead of letting these fake Christian fearmongers do it for you! They clearly have their own agenda.

Experience: 35 years in counter-intelligence in the Air Force.

    April 9, 2021

    I was just wondering, where is the proof that this is false? I would say, look at what has happened to our country since January! Can anyone believe what this administration has destroyed since then? Our military and National Guard are under attack, no doubt. No one is saying there aren’t Christians in the FBI, but things are changing quickly! Conservatives and believers are being silenced and shut down. We have never faced an administration like this one before!! It’s time to wake up and stand up and PRAY without ceasing!

      April 9, 2021

      Look at what this ungodly administration has done already! Of course they are coming against conservative Christians! That definitely includes our National Guard and our military! It concerns me how naive and deceived that some believers are! Why wouldn’t this administration do this? Their whole agenda is about CONTROL!
      Most of the media, and big tech, are not telling people the truth! Seek out those who are speaking truth! (They are out there) Do your homework, don’t be deceived!
      It is true, America has NEVER had an administration like this!! This is CONTROL on steroids!

April 8, 2021

I doubt if any believer is involved in this action. So, Lord you said that you are willing that any should perish. So we pray that you would wake these people up even out of a deep sleep and show them that they are on their way to hell. And also, Lord, that the Holy Spirit and/or angels keep this up until they get right with you.

Jerry Jones
April 8, 2021

Looking at the list of current directors, it is a list of criminal who’s who: Wray, McCabe, Comey, Mueller. All dirty, all with criminal activity as directors. Each doing criminal and thinking it is all hidden. Our LORD makes them look like keystone cops. They are untouchable to We the People with media, internet and politicians but I know the ONE that knows their dirty secrets better than they do. Prayer, answered prayer from us and not lose heart. Jeremiah was there when the answer was no, lets pray for a yes

Yvonne Pendleton
April 8, 2021

Where is the intelligence?Protect our National Guard to do the right thing. Bring down the stronghold that supports this evil. In the authority of Jesus!

Margy Rutger
April 8, 2021

I thought our service men protected everyone not just liberals. What is happening to our country 😢. There is evil surrounding us and I pray the lord will protect the people who still love this country and respect the constitution and what it stands for. All the people !!! God bless America 🇺🇸

April 8, 2021

Dear God,

The evil in this country is spreading like wildfire. Please thwart the enemy’s plan to weaken our National Guard and military. Please protect those who protect us. We need You now, Father. Save us from this un-American takeover and restore the nation we built around our love for You. In Jesus’s name, please save us

April 8, 2021

Father God, bless the men and women of the National Guard who sign up to protect and defend this country. May they be protected from BIG BROTHER and the control of Big Tech. It seems like everyday another nail is put in the coffin of our Bill of Rights. I ask, Father, for your protection over the future of our nation. In Jesus’ name.

Santos Garcia, Jr.
April 8, 2021

The Deep State appears to be in control of our Intelligence community. Most of the patriots who work for the 3-letter agencies are not in positions of significant authority, and are also being ‘weeded out’. Let us continue in prayer since we KNOW the victory is ours in Christ! We do have the responsibility of rejecting false doctrine that has infiltrated the church. May this allegory [in 3 Parts] speak to our hearts in profound ways:

April 8, 2021

Dear God, it seems that evil and corruption are EVERYWHERE! May this plan to “weed out” conservatives fail, and may Your Word and Your Truth prevail!


Danny N.C.
April 8, 2021

Dear Heavenly Father, the forces of evil at work in our nation attack us on so many fronts and in so many subtle ways. Under the guise of wokeness and political correctness they try to remove any who might speak out or stand against them, whether in the highest governmental or military offices, to the lowliest of public servants, soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, police officers, etc…. Lord, please let us see this awful tide reversed and these thieving, immoral, corrupt agents of evil brought to justice. It is telling that a government agency is now (and probably long has been) spying on other agencies like the Guard. Lord, may you inspire leaders to arise and stand against these evil and blatantly obvious plots. Lord, the eyes of the whole world may now be on America, and it has been a long time since the good guys have never needed a win worse than now. Lord, I know our ways are not Your ways, and You may have a purpose in letting the evil go unabated still longer, but Lord, like millions of others who can see the injustice in our land and beyond, I pray once again for justice. In Jesus precious name I pray O’ Lord, Amen.

Barbara Kuhls
April 8, 2021

Father God, we give you praise for revealing this evil software. You alone took down the Tower of Babel. You also have the power and authority to take down this evil software. May the snares they set to remove conservatives trap themselves in their swampy pits of deception and greed for power and control. Give the army of God strength, wisdom, and courage to outsmart this evil plan.
In the mighty name of Jesus,

    April 8, 2021

    Anything in the wrong hands or leadership can be easily abused. Hiding under the ever present and broadly applied lie that it’s being used to weed out those deemed dangerous, any one can see how easily that lie can be abused. All we have to look at is how they have tried to consistently frame (lie about) the narrative surrounding Jan. 6th. {Don’t misunderstand – there were some things that were wrong but nothing like “those in charge of narratives” want us to believe}.
    When the decision makers are godless or think and act they are morally superior to God, they do whatever they want. Sadly, we have quite a few of those people in key positions within our government and they are puppets to left thinking influence and their anti-freedom anti-American demands.
    *Lord, you see every person’s heart and their thoughts. We commit this nation into your hands. Only You can change the heart of mankind and we ask that repentance and revival would sweep through our nation…and every level of our government. For those that refuse to listen to You or willingly reject You, we ask that you would remove them from positions of leadership, decision making and power. Replace them with people who honor our laws, respect You Lord & your word and will uphold the Constitution. In your name we pray amen.

    April 8, 2021

    May the Babel Street software be defeated, in Jesus name! No software is more powerful than the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! What the enemy means for evil, turn it for good. Protect our National Guard, Heavenly Father! We give you all the praise and glory!

mary schulte
April 8, 2021

The attack against conservatives in our national guard is very distressing and makes me wonder if somehow the conservative members were the ones given dinners seasoned with glass and sleeping quarters in a parking garage…May the Lord intervene and bring us through these perilous times by sending Revival throughout our land.

April 8, 2021

Yes even the FBI has become corrupt also. Just another example of how things have become out of control in Wash. D.C. (have been for quite a while).

April 8, 2021

Just one more example of how out of control things have become in Washington D.C. Babel X is just one more piece of software that is so ungodly, and grossly inappropriate. It is one more part in the proliferation of evil and control that are symptoms of the days that we are living in. Lord, I thank You that you promise to protect Your faithful children. How we need Your protection. Please give us wisdom as to how to live our lives in these perilous days. Show us, by Your Spirit, how to be overcomers , by Your great mercy and grace. In Jesus’ wonderful, powerful name we pray.

April 8, 2021

Father we pray for the national guard and your children who believe in You in the national guard. We cover them with the blood of Jesus. We ask for a bold uncompromising spirit for them. Holy Spirit move through the national guard and let every agenda of satan against the children of God be destroyed. Just like the tower of Babel, send confusion to this monitoring program being used against the children of God in Jesus name, Amen .

William Brackett
April 8, 2021

The name says it all….Babel! Look up and be ready…. the fire and brimstone will fall!

This is a move of the far leftist Socialist, Marxist, Communist regime that call themselves the Democratic Party. They are a demonic force and will stop at nothing to force their agenda on the nation. The use of the military on the general population is coming and the weeding out of anyone who will go against their agenda or Socialist, Marxist, Communist idiotology.

April 8, 2021

O Father, we praise You that Your Word is sure and established that when “the enemy comes in like a flood” You will “raise up a standard against him”! I have long prayed that there would be a revival in our National Guard, and Hallelujah! it must be happening !! Reverse what the enemy is doing, O Lord. Pour out Your Spirit on the National Guard. Give them wisdom and boldness to stand against domestic enemies of our country. And I decree NULL AND VOID the vow Obama made on his father’s grave to make this nation a third-world country. Arise, O God, let Your enemies be scattered!

April 8, 2021

This may be a blessing in disguise as the military will be the first to take the mark of the beast I think. They are already using microchips and doing all kinds of ungodly experiments on our military.

Lewis T Turner
April 8, 2021

Father, This country was founded on freedom of speech and respect for differing opinions. That gave us the opportunity to have freedom of religion. Now today we are learning that the FBI and other agencies are using what we say against us. When they do, there seems to be no recourse, or if there is, and extremely costly recourse.

We ask that You raise up men who will stand for righteousness and against these practices being used by the FBI to censor people who have conservative views.

In Jesus’ Holy Name we come to You.

James E Clemenson
April 8, 2021

If they weed out all the Conservatives in the military, that won’t leave many people in the military. A very large percentage are conservative. That’s why they joined in the first place.

April 8, 2021

Well they say Obama had eight long years to weaponize our three letter agencies and here is proof he did just that! How could anyone (except our enemies?) want to route out American-honoring freedom-loving members from our military? Father we ask that you employ warring angels to remove the wicked, anti-American forces that are not only in our military but also in the fbi/cia/dod….Forgive us for sleeping while these programs were being installed! We ask for your protection as a nation under Your authority, not the authority of evil-minded men! Confuse the plots and plans now active in the fbi and let confusion reign instead in their efforts to remove the righteous and faithful!! We decree every level of our military will be filled with God-fearing American-loving constitution-honoring individuals in Jesus holy name!!

Barb Broullire
April 8, 2021

This is ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE!!! We have a granddaughter in the ROTC NATIONAL GUARD, and a grandson and his wife in the Marines!!!

Toni Settle
April 8, 2021

If I didn’t read this on THIS site, I wouldn’t believe it. As the matter of fact, when I first read it, my response was: “Are you serious”. My word, we have a fifth column in the FBI.

April 8, 2021

We know what happened to Babel! Father, find Your’s faithful and steadfast suiting up in the armor and serving as You have assigned. Let us not grow weary in doing good. You are unstoppable and Your plan will prevail. Thank You for Your Word. Jesus is The Word. In His name I pray, Amen


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