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I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, equip parents to combat this evil and sin. We need You Father. Intervene and save these children being trafficked.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

A Christian mother of four recently talked about her run-in with people at a local store whom she suspects were child sex traffickers. Her efforts to raise awareness of traffickers led her to write a book and create a website to empower parents by giving them the information they need.

Amanda Florczykowski of Longview, Texas, was recently a featured guest on Abby Johnson’s podcast Politely Rude to talk about the 2016 incident.

Florczykowski told Johnson how she and her two-year-old daughter and her then-infant son were shopping at the local Walmart when an unknown man approached the trio and commented on how cute her children were.  . . .

Thinking nothing about the stranger’s words, she and her children went to stand in the checkout line. While they were in line, she noticed the same man who had spoken to her was looking at her and her children. . . .

“Her first words are, ‘How old is your daughter? She’s so cute. How old is your daughter?’ And she wants to talk about my daughter,” Florczykowski recalled. “She asked me again, like 10 seconds later, ‘OK, she’s so cute. How old is your daughter?'”

Then the woman turned to speak in another language to the man standing behind her.

“He is like a stone statue, facing the opposite direction, never looks at my kiddos,” she said. “She is communicating with him in a different language over her shoulder about my kids. And she asked me a third time, ‘How old is your daughter?'” . . .

“It finally dawns on me that she’s interpreting what I’m saying. It still gives me goosebumps. I’m having an unwanted conversation with this man about my young daughter through this woman.”

Instinctively, Florczykowski picked up her daughter as the woman moved closer. The lady even put her hand on the grocery cart.  . . .

Then Florczykowski said the woman asked to hold her daughter. After she turned down the request, the woman quickly grabbed the child’s wrists and started to walk out of the store, telling the little girl, “Say bye to mommy.”

“She’s not even making eye contact with me at this point. She’s just looking at my daughter and she takes her little wrists,” Florczykowski recalled. “I lunged forward, grabbing my child. It’s like slow motion. At that same time, the couple is exiting the store. I finally have my daughter back. I’m like slumped over the register. My knees are shaking.” . . .

That’s when she observed a third man with tattoos staring at her.

“He looked like pure evil. He’s terrifying. And when I said the word ‘child sex trafficking,’ he caught my eye. He did not want me to say anything else.  . . .

After arriving at home, Florczykowski began doing her own online investigation into sex trafficking. She said she posted her experience to Facebook, and the post went viral.

That’s when she said to herself that no one else was going to be a victim, and she was going to do something about it.

In response, Florczykowski wrote a book titled Unraveled: Mothering Fiercely in a World Full of Fears, and also launched a website called Vigilant Families to give parents the information they need about human traffickers.

“Vigilant Families is the first-ever online anti-child trafficking training for parents & kids. Because, vigilant means invulnerable,” the website reads.  . .

Editor’s Note: Click HERE to visit her blog!

Share your prayers in the comments below for children being trafficked and for wisdom for parents as they try to combat this evil. . .

(Excerpt from CBN News. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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Barbara Hesch
April 8, 2021

Only one word comes to my mind. Horrifying! That they would be so bold to try to steal a child right from the mother. What evil is lurking among us! Were they caught? It wasn’t mentioned in the interview with Abby Johnson. How heartbreaking to know what the love of money can do to produce and feed such evil. Father, please lay a trap to catch these evil ones and put them behind bars so that they can never be allowed to hurt another innocent life again. Amen

Danny N.C.
April 7, 2021

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that this woman was able to save her child and start this movement to save more. Although there have been some positive steps in the fight against these evil people, there is still so much more that needs to be done, and it is telling how brazen these evil people have become of late. May You bless all who are engaged in this fight. In Jesus precious name I pray O Lord, Amen.

    April 8, 2021

    Amen! Thank you Father, for giving this mom discernment, courage and boldness! “He will supply all of your needs, according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” We must pray for the children, moms and dads in this country…..things have drastically changed!!

April 7, 2021

Father, we cover all our children in the blood of Jesus and put a hedge of protection around them. We pray for boldness for parents and children to be vigilant and aware. We also send confusion to the camp of all child and sex traffickers; let them turn against each other and let their company be completely destroyed. May the wrath of Almighty destroy all spirits and demons behind all this atrocity. Lord, Almighty, be with our children in their going and coming now and forever, Amen.

Shirley Gue
April 7, 2021

Father God, in Jesus’name, we lift up all our babes, unborn and born, their fathers, mothers, siblings, role models, caregivers, teachers, angels, protected, defenders, watchmen, intercessors, anyone that has contact with them children, and our youth of every age, race, creed, belief, and nation. We thank You for them. We plead the blood of Jesus over their minds, wills, and emotions and surround them all with the blood of Jesus and armies of fiery , warring angels these children’s enemies will see if and when they try to harm or abuse them in any way and that will put so much fear of God in their hearts, they will flee from them , depart from the evil of human, drug trafficking, slavery, etc . That fear of God will bring these lost souls to their senses and out the snares of the devil and You will save , heal, and deliver them out of the kingdom of darkness and into your Kingdom of light, perfect love that casts out all fear, joy, peace, and righteousness in Christ not only for them but for their whole households as well. We pray Your constant hedge of protection even thorny hedges around all of the prodigals and the backslidden, all of the lost ( I am especially thinking of the neglected, abandoned, forsaken, orphaned, single youth sent acrossed that border with no guardians or caregivers, alone, and without help that will do anything the devil demands of them to survive what started out as The American Dream and rapidly turned into The Abominable, Horrifying, Diabolic American Nightmare for them, as well as all of us still living in The USA we are only believing to see Jesus save, keep, protect and Make Great Again with everyone’s repentance for their sin, forsaking our wicked, abominable, idolatrous ways and our prayers and fastings, and intercession with Jesus and eachother , at such a time as this for the endtime healing of our land, harvest of souls, revival, and then The Rapture before The Great Tribulation! We pray every child and every person involved in their lives in any way will come to be saved and will find eternal life in Jesus. We pray You will convict everyone in their lives as well as them of sin, righteousness, and judgment in their lives, soften their hardened, broken, wounded, aching, fearful hearts, cause them to hunger and crave righteousness and the truth that will free them forever from sin and darkness, the curse of the law, poverty, sickness, fear, guilt, shame, condemnation, death, Hell, and the grave forever . In Jesus’name and for His glory, honor, and fame , we pray these things for our children everywhere especially for our babes, children, and youth there at the borders who are suffering so much in this season. Amen.

Susan CC
April 7, 2021

I pray for all children: the unborn, unwanted, trafficked, loved. Our adversary is prowling and devouring, he is alive and well, but he has been judged. Jesus spoke to His disciples about this when telling them about the coming Counselor.

“When He comes, He will convict the world about sin, righteousness, and judgment: About sin, because they do not believe in Me; about righteousness, because I am going to the Father and you will no longer see Me; and about judgment, because THE RULER OF THIS WORLD HAS BEEN JUDGED.” John 16:8-11

Verdict: Guilty

Dear Father God, I pray we would see Your goodness and mercy surrounding these little ones. Whatever their circumstance I humbly pray evil has no satisfaction today. I ask that You deal personally with each and every individual causing harm. I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son and our Savior. I pray in all the authority that I have through my salvation. Please father, save the children. Put a bulls eye on traffickers and abusers and send out your army to exact justice for the innocent. I pray that action would abound at our border, supernatural and God driven. I pray that action would abound at the state level, with laws to protect the unborn. I pray this and so much more, for Your Glory and the good of these little citizens. All power and authority is Yours Father. Amen

Cindy B
April 7, 2021

Lord, thank You for exposing this tactic and the wisdom and protection You gave in this situation! Thank You for Amanda and the attention this is getting and for using what the enemy intended for evil for good! Please help parents to understand this threat is real and to be on guard! Intervene for children that don’t have vigilant parents! Lord, remove the money that fuels sex trafficking, in Jesus name! The impossible is possible with You!


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