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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we ask that our governmental leaders would be God-fearing and recognize that they are accountable to Him for each decision and act.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As parents across the country struggle with schools that are not fully reopened, Senator Rand Paul is reintroducing his SCHOOL Act. . .

Why shouldn’t they be able to send their children to the school that they think will be best for their child?

From Ran Paul’s Senate website: . . .

Today, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) reintroduced the Support Children Having Open Opportunities for Learning (SCHOOL) Act to provide parents and students with much-needed flexibility and options regarding K-12 education.

U.S. Representative Chip Roy (R-TX-21) introduced companion legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives.

“I’ve led the effort to reopen our schools from the very beginning, and as we continue our push, it’s imperative that we empower parents to make the decision that’s best for their child’s education — without being restricted by the political games our governors and teachers’ unions have been playing with our children’s lives and well-being,” said Dr. Paul. “I have a bill to do exactly that – my SCHOOL Act would give parents and students a choice in education, and the tools to succeed no matter where they are learning.”

“Nearly one year after Americans were told we should take “two weeks to slow the spread,” too many children are still barred from attending school in person, while billions of dollars have been allocated to the very local authorities keeping schools closed. No more funding should be allocated to these local tyrants at the expense of our children’s futures. Parents should be in control of their child’s education, period, not politicians or union bosses. I’m proud to reintroduce The SCHOOL Act with Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) which allows federal funds for K-12 education to follow the eligible child, regardless of whether the child is in public school, private school, or homeschool,” said Rep. Roy. . . .

A similar bill has been proposed in West Virginia: HB2013
The vote was 57 to 42 in the WV House. The bill to fund students instead of systems will now move to the West Virginia Senate.
Families would be able to take their children’s education dollars to the education provider of their choosing: • Private school • Tutoring • Testing / Instructional materials • Special needs therapies • Any other approved education expenses
Over 90% of students in the state would be eligible for the program in the first year.

What do you think of these proposed laws? Share in the comments below!

(Excerpt from The Gateway Pundit. Article by Mike LaChance. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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March 15, 2021

Children are a gift from God! and parent’s are responsible for their child’s wellfare not government
who is trying to take total control. God Bless your heart for our children & doing something about it!
Who knows how much irreparable damage has been done? My prayer group will be praying your bill passes!

March 14, 2021

This would be AMAZING!
I can hear the
shrieks of horror in Chicago
at the mere thought.
Lord, please show us how to apply Your holy pressure to our legislators and give us favor to work and see this come to pass. In the name of Jesus!

March 14, 2021

Hallelujah! I am a teacher and have seen first hand the damage common core and poor teaching has done to our students, pre-school through 12th grade! FATHER GOD please let this bill pass in both states and all of America to help our children in JESUS MIGHTY Name! Amen!

Joan Diane Bartruff
March 14, 2021

Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Name, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, use Rand Paul to bless our children.
Lord, sustain and strengthen parents, children, and households as they deal with the problems, weaknesses, injustices in the education system. I rebuke in Jesus’ Name the influences of the powers of darkness throughout all systems of education. I pray this bill will pass for the benefit of all students across America.
May Your will done in the life of each child and family. Amen

    March 14, 2021

    Thank You Diane for your prayer. I agree and will copy it to remind me to pray your different prayer points.

March 14, 2021

I think this is a good proposed law. The main priority should be to the families and their children. They should be able to choose the school environment that they think is best for their children. The children and parents should be given the resources that they need to thrive and be educated. Education is more than just the school building. Yes the building is important but the children who are in the building are important too and they have educational needs just like the school buildings needs to be upkept. The focus should be on the life/ the children, then the school building etc. What good is the building is there are no students to put in it. Give the students and the parents what they need to succeed. It takes a village to raise a child. No man is an island unto himself. We thank God. I think this a step in the right direction. There is much work to be done in field of education. Talk to the children and find out how they are really doing. They will let you know if they are learning anything. They will let you know if they feel safe in their schools or environments. They are our future. We must take care of them and give parents the support they need to get the job done. The teachers need to be able to teach. Too much responsible is put on them to fix societies ailments.

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March 14, 2021

I just pray to the Lord that this bill passes and is signed into law. It’s high time that things changed for the better with school choice.

Becky Howell
March 14, 2021

Parents should decide what’s best for there children

March 14, 2021

Love it!

Harriet Boltin
March 14, 2021

Love this plan! Imagine…..parents actually enabled financially to freely choose what they think is best for their own children!

Heavenly Father, thank you for the wisdom of Godly people in our government. Make their work prosper and stand strong in the face of the enemy’s opposition. May these bills make it through the process and become law! Protect their progress through the system in the face of opposition. Bless those who shepherd them through the process and bring victory.
In the name and heart of Jesus!

    Susan CC
    March 14, 2021

    Continue Father to use and bless with victory the efforts of our wise leaders, Yes and Amen Harriet.

March 14, 2021

Father in heaven, thank You! We pray this bill will pass and become law to benefit our children. Help us to be good stewards of the resources You give us. In Jesus’ name. Amen

    Susan CC
    March 14, 2021

    Help us to be good stewards of Your resources, Yes and Amen Amor!

Dawn Winteres
March 14, 2021

Jesus make it so. Take back what was stolen, self autonomy and reliance on you.

Shirley Gue
March 14, 2021

I think it is wonderful that God has raised up another Joshua to fight for and defend our Judeo Christian Values who is following suit with our duly elected President Donald J Trump. He is marching in his footsteps like Joshua followed in Moses’. I believe God is using him to be a thorn and goad in the enemy’s side and to fend off the enemy and obstruct him until our duly elected President Donald J Trump is repromotes to office to finish the job called him to do, to clean the swamp of corruption in Washington DC. I pray a hedge of protection around him, his loved ones and his job and that God will compass him with favor ,as with as a shield as he continues to fight the powers that are set on stealing, killing, and destroying everyone and everything God loves. My prayer for him is that he will continue to be strong and very courageous , be careful to obey all of God’s law that His servant Moses gave us to do; that he will not turn from it to the right or left, that he might be successful wherever God sends him, with whatever God calls him to do to protect our babes, children, youth, and The American people , and our nation from ruin and destruction. I pray God will continue use him mightily to continue fending off the enemy and will raise up a mighty army of soldiers around him of like precious faith to support him in this spiritual fight for righteousness to prevail in our nation until God re-promotes our duly elected President Donald J Trump back into the office of president, as was prophesied of him .

March 14, 2021

, Father, we pray Your will, That You would bring support that is b
Needed and that children would benefit from this legislation.


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