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The entire National Mall in Washington, DC will be closed on Inauguration Day to avoid any planned violent protests, with security personnel only permitting members of the press to witness the swearing-in ceremony of Joe Biden.

“The extraordinary closure is the latest in a series of security measures to harden the city against the type of violence that rocked the Capitol on Jan. 6. Local and federal officials had already established a downtown security zone and called up more than 20,000 National Guard troops to protect the presidential swearing in on Jan. 20,” reports the Washington Post. . . .

“That means no one will be able to get into the Mall,” one of the officials said. “I would think about it as if you are going to watch, you are not going to be able to see anything. You would maybe be able to see the top of the Capitol.” . . .

(Excerpt from Sean Hannity. Article by Hannity Staff. )

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