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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, open our eyes and minds to truth and guide us with Your justice.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Project Veritas released never-before-heard audio today between Hillary Clinton’s State Department and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. The conversation took place in 2011.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange: “We have intelligence that the State Department Database Archive of 250,000 diplomatic cables…is being spread around and…within the next few days it will become public.”
  • Assange: There is time “in case there are any individuals who haven’t been warned that they should be warned.”
  • Assange to State Department: Rogue former employee Daniel Domscheit-Berg intends to release classified State Department cables without redactions or other precautions.

You can watch the video here:

(Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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Leona Choy
December 18, 2020

Please let me know where I can send an email to your editorial department with some attached articles from my website blog leonachoy.com which might be of interest to Intercessors. Thank you.

December 17, 2020

Dear Lord expose EVERY foul and evil and unconstitutional plan and politician, Entertainer, public servant, nation, and private citizen who have plotted against our nation and been in collusion with the NWO, Socialists, Communists and other traitors. Father like the infected boil it is pierce it’s covering and let all the infection leak out completely so that it can begun to be healed!! Father protect the whistleblowers and the evidence, bring it forward in an indisputable undeniable way So that ALL guilty can be tried and convicted and hopefully reformed by your spirit. Let deep remorse and fear fill their hearts, bring some who will with confessions even. We thank you for uncovering the things that have been hidden in darkness against our nation for too long!! We receive it and Thank you!!!

Jim B
December 17, 2020


Marian Julia Drops
December 17, 2020

Lord Jesus Christ, Light of the World, You are reaching into the deepest depths of evil and darkness in our world, exposing lies, deception, idolatry, immorality. May this exposure lead to swift justice. Yet, in your mercy, touch hearts with genuine fear of God so that they will be led to repent of their evil ways and seek Your forgiveness. Yet, if evildoers continue to resist Your grace and cast off Your restraints, have Your way with them and let the whole world know that YOU ARE GOD AND THERE IS NO OTHER! All-consuming Fire, consume the chaff and refine the gold. Usher us into the reformation that has already been ordained in heaven. May Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth AS IT IS in heaven. Amen.

December 17, 2020

Lord Jesus we give You Glory! There is no god like our ONE TRUE GOD of heaven & earth Jesus Christ! Holy Spirit thank You for exposing that which is hidden! Your Word never returns back void! We continue praying for Assange. We pray he will be pardoned
We pray for his protection! God release to the public what needs to be released. We thank you for the Word given to Kent Christmas(u can watch it on GiveHim15 Dutch Sheets)..we continue praying for its fullfillment in Jesus Name!

December 17, 2020

Lord, indeed open our eyes and minds to the truth and guide us with Your Holy Spirit to pray accordingly for justice. Nothing is hidden from Your eyes. No one get aways with sin. Unless we repent and receive Your pardon, we are guilty. In Your mercy You provide warnings. We pray for the Fear of God to come upon us all. Especially upon those who have been instruments for evil. Open the flood lights, let the truth shine forth everywhere. Release the Kraken. Break the strongholds of spiritual bondage and deception. They have been warned! It’s time for judgment. Prompt them through the Fear of God to confess theirs and the sins of others. Let the evidence against them be overwhelming so that no one can hide. Unmask at all levels, across all international cabals, our government, and all organizations both public and private, exposing all crimes. Leave no stone unturned. When we all can see and understand the web of deception and hear their confessions of repentance then let us all perceive that if it wasn’t for the mercy and grace of God, we would all haven fallen prey to the greed, lust, and power. Help us all to repent and let You healing balm penetrate the hardest of hearts. We pray for the divine protection of all those like Julian Assange, witnesses of truth, courageous warriors to be Your instruments of truth, vengeance, and justice without any repercussions to themselves or their families. We pray for intercessors to continue to pray without ceasing, lifting up Your Words of Prophecy, Your Promises, and Your Gospel of repentance and reconciliation. Bring forth speedily the pardon of Assange, and let him be comforted for all the torment he has suffered. Let President Trump also experience Your deep peace and comfort in Your justice as he sees Your vengeance upon his enemies, enemies of our nation, enemies of the world, Your enemies. Arise Lord God Almighty, Light of the World, shine forth the Hannukah lights of justice and blessings. We pray and receive these petitions in Jesus’ name.

    December 17, 2020


    “Let Your healing balm penetrate the hardest of hearts.”

    “We pray for the divine protection of all those like Julian Assange, witnesses of truth…without any repercussions to themselves and their families.”

    Carolyn Sherrod
    December 17, 2020


December 17, 2020

Lord God,

It’s often discouraging to read how individuals of influence within our government seem to be above the law or any righteous justice. But we know better. There is a greater law and a Perfect Judge who sees all things and is at work to make all things right. We pray for those who are drunk with power, greed and selfish desires that they would be lead to the Thorne of grace, bringing repentance and redemption for their souls. For those harmed or broken by the sins of others, we pray restoration and healing. Lord, take our brokenness, our pain and our sin and turn it into praise and glory for Your Name! Lord Jesus, Maranatha! Come quickly and find us, Your bride ready! In Your Name we pray. Amen


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