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Sen. Kelly Loeffler and her Democrat challenger Raphael Warnock faced off in a tense nationally televised debate Sunday night just under one month before the Georgia U.S. Senate runoff election on Jan. 5.

The debate, hosted by the Atlanta Press Club (APC) is likely the only time that the two candidates will be on the same stage before the election. It is potentially the last time voters will be able to compare the two candidates outside of a scripted campaign rally, social media posts or campaign ads.

Loeffler, R-Ga., and Warnock were at each others’ throats the entire night but the moderator, FOX 5 Atlanta anchor Russ Spencer, managed to keep things orderly and on schedule, moving between three rounds of questions and closing statements.

There is another U.S. Senate runoff race in Georgia between Sen. David Perdue, R-Ga., and his Democrat challenger Jon Ossoff. Perdue refused to debate Ossoff after participating in two forums before the Nov. 3 general election.  . . .

The results of those two elections will determine which party controls the U.S. Senate for the next two years. Democrats must sweep the Georgia races while Republicans only need to win one to secure a majority.

Here are the most important moments from the Sunday night debate between Loeffler and Warnock.

1. Loeffler tiptoes on Trump election claims, beef between president and governor

Republicans in Georgia have been caught up in the whirlwind of unsubstantiated election fraud claims by the president and his allies, refusing to cross the president but also trying to ensure Trump voters will show up on Jan. 5 to vote for the GOP Senate candidates. The issue took up by far the most time in the Sunday debate.

Attorneys Lin Wood and Sidney Powell earlier this month ratcheted up Republican fears that Trump’s rhetoric could dampen turnout in Georgia by explicitly urging Georgians to sit out of the Senate runoffs. Loeffler on Sunday walked the fine line in her answers about alleged fraud while also encouraging Republicans to turn out to vote.  . . .

Recounts in Georgia have turned up some ballots that were not counted in initially and most experts agree that there is at least some fraud in most elections. But that fraud is extraordinarily rare, happening in such small numbers that it would almost never overturn a statewide result.

President-elect Biden won several key states by margins of tens of thousands of votes, many more than could reasonably be fraudulently cast. Further, legal challenges by the Trump campaign and its allies have almost all failed and do not realistically threaten to overturn the result in any state.

The moderators and the candidates returned to the issue of alleged voter fraud multiple times throughout the hour-long debate. Spencer asked Warnock to compare former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams’ refusal to concede her election to Trump’s refusal to concede the presidential election. . . .

Then even later in the debate, Loeffler was asked essentially to take sides between Trump and Gov. Brian Kemp. Trump has enthusiastically endorsed the senator and Kemp, who appointed her, has been on the receiving end of Trump’s Twitter wrath because he has not ceded to Trump’s demand to help overturn the Georgia electoral result.

“The president has the right to pursue every legal recourse to make sure that this was a free and fair election in Georgia,” Loeffler said in response to a question about whether Trump’s attacks on Kemp are wrong.

“The buck stops with the secretary of state. He has to run an election that Georgians trust,” Loeffler said of Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, whose resignation she’s called for. “I appreciate the president’s support of me and I appreciate the governor’s support of me.”

Loeffler, when asked directly to take a side between Trump and Kemp, refused to, saying, “my loyalties are with Georgia.”

2. Warnock sidesteps question on police, Loeffler hits him on bevy of past comments

Warnock has made many controversial comments during his time as a pastor which Loeffler has featured in attack ads and social media posts painting Warnock as a radical. When asked why Georgians shouldn’t take those comments at face value — specifically some comments critical of police — Warnock did not directly address the issue.

“My opponent is going to work really hard spending millions of dollars of her own money trying to push a narrative about me because she’s clearly decided that she does not have a case to be made for why she should stay in that seat,” Warnock said. “I have worked my whole life to pull people together.”

Warnock continued: “I’ve worked alongside law enforcement officers to do that work. Several years ago I actually brought together the law enforcement officers here in this city. The chief of police. The Black Lives Matter activists. The sitting attorney general. Families, parents, all in my church… We need somebody who knows how to bring people together rather than using these issues as a political point to be made.” . . .

3. Loeffler and Warnock agree — Americans should take the coronavirus vaccine

Atlanta Journal-Constitution political reporter Greg Bluestein asked both candidates whether they would have confidence in a coronavirus vaccine and whether they would encourage people to take it.

After Vice President-elect Harris and other Democrat Senate candidates cast doubt on the safety of a vaccine approved under Trump earlier this year, both Loeffler and Warnock agreed Sunday that a vaccine approved by health professionals will be safe and that they would encourage people to take it.

“When our health professionals tell us that we have a vaccine that works and is effective and safe, I will take it. I will encourage the folks who listen to me, people who are in my church and in the community to take it,” Warnock said. “But also I will try to work hard as a senator to make sure that communities that are so often marginalized don’t find themselves at the back of the line again.” . . .

Bluestein reminded the senator of the question — whether she would take the vaccine and how she would encourage Americans to take it too — and Loeffler responded with a full-throated endorsement of taking a vaccine. . . .

4. Abortion dustup

Abortion, perennially one of the top hot-button issues in American politics, made an appearance Sunday night. Loeffler attacked Warnock as “someone who uses the Bible to justify abortion,” while speaking about the Democrats’ history as a preacher.

Warnock responded by saying that he believes abortion should be a woman’s choice.

“I have a profound reverence for life and an abiding respect for choice. The question is whose decision is it?” Warnock said. “And I happen to think that a patient’s room is too small a place for a woman, her doctor and the U.S. government. I think that’s too many people in the room”

5. More on court-packing

Packing the Supreme Court, which was a major issue the final few weeks of the presidential campaign when Biden refused to say whether he would support it, reared its head again Sunday when Bluestein asked Warnock his position on the issue.

Warnock did not say whether or not he would pack the Supreme Court, explaining that as he talks to Georgians they are more concerned about coronavirus relief and that court-packing is more an issue those inside the Washington beltway are concerned about.

“I’m really not focused on it,” Warnock said. “And I think that too often the politics in Washington has been about the politicians.”

Loeffler, meanwhile, declared flatly that her opponent “would pack the Supreme Court.”

“That’s outrageous,” the senator said. “Justice Ginsburg herself said nine justices is the right number. He would pack the court with radical justices that legislate from the bench to fundamentally override the Constitution and our laws in this country.”

Warnock responded: “I believe in the Constitution. This is the greatest system on the planet. And our country is the only country where my story is even possible. I believe in our norms. I believe in the separation of powers. And I believe in the nonviolent, unchaotic separation of power.”

(Excerpt from Fox News. Article by Tyler Olson. Photo Credit: .)

GA Senator Loeffler Paints Dem challenger Warnock as ‘Radical Liberal’ in Debate

Seeking to keep her seat and the GOP Senate majority, Sen. Kelly Loeffler on Sunday night repeatedly cast her Democratic opponent as “a radical liberal” out of touch with Georgia while challenger Raphael Warnock attacked the senator for lacking vision in a spirited debate.

“I cannot stand by and let Georgians not know who my opponent is, how radical his views are, and how he would fundamentally change our country. He’s out of step with Georgia values,” Loeffler argued during a debate hosted by Georgia public television a month before the state’s critical two Senate race runoffs that will determine which party controls the U.S. Senate.

Loeffler accused Warnock, a minister at the same Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta where Martin Luther King Jr. once presided, as “someone who has attacked police, attacked the military, and would raise taxes on hard-working Georgians by $2,000.” She also repeatedly cited a 2011 comment Warnock made that “you can’t serve God and the military.”  . . .

“She’s the unelected senator of Georgia,” he argued. “She has been appointed and Georgians have been disappointed.”

Pressed by Loeffler, Warnock said he opposed defunding police but declined to say whether he supported or opposed stacking the Supreme Court with more justices. ““I’m really not focused on it,” he said.

(Excerpt from Just the News. Article by John Solomon. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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December 9, 2020

Warnock is a pastor? Come on, you’re kidding me right! No really, he’s not a pastor is he? Surely you jest! What pastor that is called by the One and True Living God, the God of the Holy Bible, would call a man into His Ministry that supports abortion. This man is preaching a false gospel and was not called by God. He is an agent of Satan, having a form of Godliness, but denying God’s real power. God hates hands that shed innocent blood. Proverbs 6:16-19. How more innocent than a living, breathing baby that is murdered. Father, I pray that you convict the heart of this man who calls himself a pastor and is trying to lead others down the path of destruction. May he truly accept you as his savior in Jesus name Amen.

December 9, 2020

Warnock is a liberal”trojan horse dream”. The master of political neutral answers, he is nothing more than Jekyll and Hyde.
His approval of a woman’s “right to choose” needs to be followed by a factual statement that he only means “women who have already been born and presently walk the earth”. Those women that are unborn but nonetheless still 100% female “don’t count. Wow – it should be very interesting to watch ‘Wolf in sheep’s clothing Warnock’ make that “justification” standing before Almighty God.
This man is so left and liberal I have no idea how any Christian with 1/2 a conscience could vote for him.
God – lead, prompt, give truth with vision to the voters of GA. Through guidance of your Holy Spirit, help the voters of GA vote for the side of innocent life and protecting all unborn life in the womb. Guide the people of GA AWAY from voting for Warnock or Ossof and lead them to vote for Loeffler and Perdue. Stop all attempted fraud in GA – expose it in it’s every form…let it NOT be hidden. In your holy name we pray amen.

Curtis Guhl
December 9, 2020

Warnock is a religious bigot, by simply using the bible to further his opinions. Leoffler tried not to get into and argument with those who were asking questions of which she would have no power as a senator to change. In other words you are to be judged on your opinions of others, who wouldn’t fail that test. Let righteousness abound in Georgia.

December 9, 2020

Lord God…let the Truth of these 2 candidates come forth that the people of Georgia are able to make a sound decision with their vote in January. I pray true biblical values will prevail in the peoples minds as they vote and not the lies of the enemy. Protect their votes. Keep each voter safe from any coercion or illegal persuasion. Lord God may your righteous right hand hold and protect this election process from being corrupted. I pray in Jesus name.


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