I Prayed have prayed
Father, protect our freedoms and wake our nation up to communism and the evil surrounding it.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

ASG has a robust China focus, declaring it “the firm’s largest single country practice” on the company website. Among the firm’s ranks are several Chinese Communist Party apparatchiks, including Jin Ligang, a Chinese Communist Party member and “former senior Chinese government official.”

“The practice includes trade and policy experts, former high-level U.S. and Chinese government officials and diplomats, executives with significant work experience in China, and dedicated analysts in the field of U.S.-China relations.”

In addition to collaborating with the Chinese Communist Party, ASG has also helped to facilitate the outsourcing of U.S. jobs to China.


The Department of State Transition Review Team contains 30 individuals, three of which hail from Albright Stonebridge Group (ASG). What’s more, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, a Senior Vice President at the firm, is the team’s leader.

Thomas-Greenfield is also Biden’s pick for the U.S.’s Ambassador to the United Nation.

Thomas-Greenfield “leads the firm’s Africa practice” – a continent currently being colonized by the Chinese Communist Party. . . .

political and regulatory strategies.”

 . . .Corporation.”

. . .On the “Market Assessment and Entry Strategies,” tab of the ASG website, the group boasts of helping “a solar energy company’s consideration of various Chinese provinces as a location for a significant new facility.”

ASG also helps American companies comply with the Chinese Communist Party’s business diktats, and they detail how they assist companies enter the Chinese market with only one caveat: strictly adhering to the Chinese Communist Party’s rules.

Specifically, ASG touts how it helped a U.S. corporate “align” with Chinese “government goals”:

“We then arranged meetings for company executives with key stakeholders in the resort sector to deliver messages demonstrating our client’s commitment to China, and its alignment with government tourism goals.”

In one instance, the firm even bragged of “leveraging” a U.S. Cabinet Secretary visiting China to help advance a business deal:

“We first identified and engaged key Chinese officials and other stakeholders who might be willing to support approval for the acquisition. We then maintained close contact with officials and agencies involved in the government approval process to monitor progress and immediately address challenges as they arose. Our client also leveraged U.S. government advocacy in support of the investment, and the strategy culminated in a visit by a U.S. Cabinet Secretary.”

ASG’s China practice, therefore, necessitates extensive collaboration with Chinese Communist Party officials. . . .

ASG Senior Advisor Dai Yunlou’s “distinguished career” entailing “a variety of senior governmental positions within China” is also touted on ASG’s website.

His bio continues:

“From 2000 to 2010, Mr. Dai served as the Minister Counselor for Economic and Commercial Affairs at the Chinese Embassy to the United States. Previously, he served as Deputy Director General of the Department of American and Oceanian Affairs at the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and as the First Secretary of the Economic and Commercial Affairs Office at the Embassy. […] He spent over a decade working at various branches of the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), including the Department of European Affairs and Third Department of Regional Affairs. He also served as the Division Chief for U.S. Affairs while at MOFCOM. Mr. Dai began his public sector career at the Commercial Office of the Chinese Embassy in Jamaica.”

Another Senior Advisor, Jia Mingru, has “held a number of senior positions in the Chinese government” such as Assistant Minister of Culture and Director General at the State Council Legislative Affairs Office and leader of the Office of the Intellectual Property under the State Council.

Senior Advisor Mu Lan served as Chief Representative in China for the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, Senior Director Wang Peishu worked as Commercial Counsel at the Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles, and Vice President George Zhao has worked at Chinese Communist Party-run media outlet CCTV.

And a Director of ASG’s China practice, Harry Hu, is another Chinese Communist Party member who spent nearly a decade working at a “high-profile research institute and think tank affiliated with the Chinese Ministry of Commerce” and served as “Third Secretary at the Chinese Embassy in the Kingdom of Denmark.”

Analyst James Oswald describes himself as having worked “under the Communist Party of China Central Committee,” helping to translate “central government documents and Marxist and Party literature” including “key articles on China’s politics, economy, society, culture, and environment from the CPC’s journal Qiushi, as well as government reports and Xi Jinping’s speeches.”

(Excerpt from The National Pulse. Article by Natalie Winters. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

What do you think about Biden’s picks? Share in the comments!

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Vickie Duggins
December 2, 2020

Father God, please protect our freedoms and help our nation wake up to the reality of Communism that could overtake us and the evil that surrounds it. Draw us close to You and help us do our part in helping to save our nation. Help us to repent of our sins and turn back to You. In Jesus name, Amen.

December 1, 2020

Heavenly Father. in the name of Jesus, I thank You for the Holy Spirit.
Please forgive us for having allowed the evil one so much territory with the evil influence and infiltration of communism upon our nation.
Please shine the Light of Truth in Christ upon all the unfruitful works of darkness and the satanic roots of communism. In the name of Jesus, we uproot the lies behind communism and command these ungodly fruits to wither and die!
By the power in the blood of Jesus, we rebuke all plans of mandatory abortions, universal income, and the many evil plans of population control.
Father, as the enemy is coming in like a flood, we ask and thank You that Your Holy Spirit will lift up a standard against them.
In the name of Jesus!

November 29, 2020

I think people in the ISA has better wake up and take a hard look at facts about the Democrat Party and their actions, and set aside their blind hatred of the current President of the United States. It seems as though any one is better than the current Administration, as their thinking goes, but we will not be able to undo the damage if the Chinese Communist puppet masters of the Democrat Party get control again. The virus was unleashed on us, I believe, in tandem with the Chinese, angered by the policies and embarrassment of having to give up money, jobs, and power after President Trump stood his ground and would not be bullied or bribed, and it was a perfect opportunity for the radical Democrats and RINO crooked career politicians who wanted to undo all the great gains that the President has implemented. They have even stated that a recession or other woes are worth making him look bad or getting rid of him. The POTUS cares about the American people, the liberals do not.

Niel S. Atkinson
November 29, 2020

You know, some Christians just never seem to get it.

We were directed by Jesus TO KICK THE GATES of hell in. Instead, any time a problem arises, we want to cry out to FATHER to fix everything.

What’s wrong with us that we never want to do what he , JESUS, directs us to do? Some need to find out What The Word of God says.

Oh my, that is going to take way too much time and work. That’s why the world does not know who we are.

Does anyone get it ???

November 29, 2020

Father in Heaven. My heart is heavy. My knees are weak. My hope is failing. Evil men have taken over. Evil men who plot destruction. Liars who have sold their soul to the spirit of darkness. As I look with my eyes of flesh I see no hope. BUT with GOD all things are possible. Moses and the children of ISREAL standing at the Red Sea thought, this is the end. There is no hope. The enemy is at our back door and we are stuck between and rock and a hard place. The Children of Israel when face agains the philistines and their mighty warrior Goliath had no hope either, yet YOU YEHOVAH raised up a young boy full of the Spirit of YOU, to take down a Goliath with a stone. Was ISREAL perfect in their walk and in their obedience when you defended them. No, You defended them for YOUR NAME SAKE. Father when you were angry with ISREAL for breaking your covenant and creating a calf into their god you determined to wipe them out for their sin and raise up a new nation using Moses. Father, Moses begged you not to do that for one reason, and one reason only. FOR YOUR NAME SAKE. Father the nations of the world know that this has been called “One Nation under God”, The nations of the world know Father that this nation was founded on Godly principal and your Word. The Nations of the World Father know that America has alway been one place people can flee to for refuge from tyranny and oppression. Father the Nations of the World know that America can be trusted to help them in their times of need when natural disasters strike them. Father we know as a nation that we are not One Nation under God any more. Our Nation has turned its back on YOU. We took your word out of our schools that teach our children. We have permitted laws to be written that give us the freedom to kill our own babies out of self serving of our flesh in order to live promiscuous lives and thus fulfill the lust of our flesh. Our churches that teach the body of Messiah have become social clubs and teacher of the doctrines of men rather than the pure milk and meat of the word. Dens of thrives making merchandise from your Word that was freely given from YOU, now being sold for a price. Father family’s seek the pleasures of this world more than the righteous living of your Word to be a light to the world. Father our sins and acts of disobedience that we as your body have committed and are blind to are overwhelming. Satan has kill, steal and destroyed because of lack of knowledge of YOU and YOUR TRUTH OF YOUR WORD. We have followed the teaching of men over the truth of Your Word. We have made idols out of pastor and worship leaders and worship songs that satisfies the emotions of man rather than lifts up and magnifies YOU ALMIGHTY ELOHIM. True repentance Father is to turn from our wicked ways. Then and only then will you hear from Heaven. Many Father have awaken from their sleep and apathy and have turned but many have not and many will not. FATHER AS MOSES OF OLD PRAYED KNOWING THAT THE ISRAEL WAS STIF NECK, HARD HEARTED PEOPLE WHO WERE BENT ON DISOBEDIENCE, SO I PRAY FOR AMERICA. Father save us not because of who we are or based on our right living, because no man is righteous in your sight based on our works of righteousness. BUT FATHER SAVE US FOR YOUR NAME SAKE. THAT THOSE AROUND THE WORLD AND IN THIS NATION WILL KNOW THAT GOD ALMIGHTY LIVES AND CONTROLS THE AFFAIRS OF MEN AND NOT THE WICKED. FOR YOUR NAME SAKE FATHER DELIVER US FROM OUR ENEMIES AND DO NOT TURN OUR NATION OVER TO THE WILL OF THE ENEMY. HAVE MERCY ON US. Bring righteous judgement to your body so that we may be clean and be restored so that we may be a light to the world but please do not let America fall. For YOUR NAME SAKE because of the covenant our founding Fathers made with you and for the blood and sacrifices they made in order to create a nation where freedom prevailed I ask that FOR YOUR NAME SAKE you would not turn America over to the hands of the enemy. I pray that righteous judgement would come to your people who are called by your name and that you would open our eyes to our apathy and lukewarmness and that you would heal our land FOR YOUR NAME SAKE. Enable the David that you raised up in Trump to fight the Goliath and take him down and save us I pray for YOUR NAME SAKE. We ask this and pray.

    November 29, 2020

    Betty, Thank you for your post today at 8:10 AM. Agree. May God’s goodness lead us to the fear of the Lord and repentance as in Nineveh at the preaching of Jonah. Nothing is impossible for the Lord.
    Matthew 19:26 ESV
    26. But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

    Becky Baskind
    November 29, 2020

    Betty what a great prayer. I stand whole heartily in agreement with your wonderful prayer.
    I add only that I Hope in The Lord all the day long to step in in a mighty way, raising up His army to war & to see His words spoken in Luke 12:2-3 be a reality for such a time as this:
    Luke 12:2-3, “that the secrets will be uncovered, the truth will come forth, and God’s thought about every behavior and action will be vindicated. What’s done in the dark will come to light, and thank God he has created it to operate so!“ Not because we are deserving but because He is a good, good father full of undeserving Grace & Mercy toward those of us who fear Him. For the sake of His goodness!

    Tammy Zampella
    November 30, 2020


Niel S. Atkinson
November 29, 2020

Once you have engaged with Almighty God, you are not “Absolutely Powerless” !

Sometime, when you have nothing else to do, try to read the word of Almighty God.

This ain’t my first rodeo & have been walking with God for over 52 years. Been engaged with every form of spiritual war fare one could possibly imagine. No where can I read that God describes us (mature believers) as POWERLESS !

Again, try reading what God Almighty actually says !

Niel S. Atkinson

Mary Brown
November 28, 2020

If he acts like a communist and talks like a communist and works with communists he must be a communist. He is part of the communist coup to overthrow the USA.

November 28, 2020

Oh Lord, our God, have you given us over to our own, arrogant ways? We, your humble children, cry out for mercy and deliverance from the evil that permeates our nation and government at this time. We have turned from you and to the master of money and power. Humble our leaders, awaken our apathetic lukewarm churches who even deny the authority of your WORD. Oh God, have mercy. For the sake of Your son’s NAME, reveal wickedness and return this nation to a servant who is willing to listen to your prophets. We cry out for the miracle of the Red Sea where you transported your children to safety and wiped out the enemy on their tails. Our enemy, this godless prince of evil has made so much headway into the nation founded upon Faith. Redeem us I pray O GOD. For your names sake. Stop this decline into the pits of hell.

November 28, 2020

Biden needs to be charge with fraud, theft, extortion, collaborating with our enemy and sent to prison for life.

    November 29, 2020

    Biden needs to be charged with TREASON and everyone around him.

November 28, 2020

Lord please save our nation!,,

November 28, 2020

It absolutley comes as no surprise to anyone who has been living on planet earth, that Joe Biden would pick communist China’s consultants as his State Department picks. There is very strong evidence as well as an eye witness account, that Joe Biden and his son Hunter, was involved in taking money from both China and Ukraine. Hunter Biden basically sold access to then, Vice President Joe Biden (his father), to both China and Ukraine. Joe Biden has been bought and paid for by both of these countries. He is in their back pockets. He is in so deep and so indebted to these countries, that in the unlikely event that he does become an illegitimate president, he will have no choice but to be ruled by them. Joe Biden, because he leads from a position of utter weakness, is already being ruled by Antifa, Black Lives Matter, AOC and the Squad, Nancey Polesi, Chuck Schumer, and Bernie Sanders. He doesn’t have the the strength or the moral integrity to resist any of them. Joe Biden has never, ever did anything for the American people. He had 47 years in public service and he did nothing but line his pockets at the expense of all Americans. He was and is a total failure. He will continue to be a failure. Biden will destroy America through communist dictatorship. He never stood up to China and he never will. As Christians, please remember to continue to pray that the corrupt, evil voter fraud that was done in a veil of secrecy will be brought to light. Pray that the truth is revealed. Pray for Donald Trump, his legal team, Sidney Powell, Supreme Court and all witnesses that have come forward. God will lead our nation and he is our chief leader. Pray for our nation that Donald Trump will remain as our president of the United States of America. God bless you.

    November 28, 2020

    So true. Pray, pray,pray for everything to be exposed by the Light Of the World – Jesus our Saviour. 🙏🏻🕊. 🇺🇸🇦🇺

Niel S. Atkinson
November 28, 2020

Guess I should have said that Mr. Joe Biden, 47 years in government, APPEARS to be a man that would sell his soul, The United States of America & anything else he can get his hands on, to the highest bidder.

Can we dare look at his record ? Again, my apology for offending some that regard me as harsh!

Calling it like I see it. Certainly, Almighty God has the last word and is the ultimate Judge!

    Jacques P
    November 28, 2020

    Not harsh, just the brass facts🤷🏽sadly folk are blinded by fake news, so they have fake views.

    Marty Robinson
    December 4, 2020

    The reason that America is in this position is because
    we have apologized “if we have been too harsh”. I see
    an epidemic of “enablement” in every sector of our country.
    When some of these communists were working for over a decade
    to destroy America, I was running the race set before me in
    order to win the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
    Do you think the world would even consider a prize for that?!!!
    There is nothing a God-fearing Christian should ever apologize for
    to the world or the ways of the world. There is no room for any
    compromise. Those who look back when their hands are on the plow,
    lose out with God. Why should we expect the Holy, Righteous Creator
    of the Universe Who pardoned our sin to have to apologize to the ungodly?

Niel S. Atkinson
November 28, 2020

Appreciate the note from IFA regarding my comment.

I am now 77 and have been walking with God for 52 years. I am simply fed up with “so called” leaders that claim to be one thing but are just the opposite. Sorry I offend some people and probably offended IFA.

Joe Biden will sell his soul to the highest bidder any day of the week.

It is time to deal firmly with dis-honest leaders.

    November 29, 2020

    Niel thank you for standing for truth. God calls us to speak TRUTH.
    Truth is not offensive.

    I pray that God will shine more LIGHT on the darkest of places to expose this fraud election and all those involved.
    I pray that HIS LIGHT will expose the deception of the media and tech companies who are involved in this.
    I pray that God’s justice will prevail.

    Thank you to the army of God and especially all the intercessors here who are fighting this battle on our knees, fighting all demonic spirits who are trying to destroy our One Nation Under GOD.

    Brothers and sisters, the evil, fraud and corruption is being revealed every day. Keep praying and believing that our Jerico moment is coming and the walls of corruption will come crashing down exposing the TRUTH so that all will believe.
    A time to blow the shofar and shout Hallelujah is coming. Praise God.

      Debra Dee
      December 1, 2020

      Thank you, Maureen, for your encouraging words that foster hope. I felt knocked down for a few days, but I am encouraged to continue the battle to pray and believe God IS working mightily behind the scenes. He hasn’t left us.

Carol Halma-Davidson
November 28, 2020

Lord, let your will be done as it is in Heaven! You are the only One who can heal this Nation. Amen.

Caroline Eagan
November 28, 2020

Numb 14:20,21, “And the Lord said, I have pardoned according to the word: But as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the Glory of the Lord”. v24,” But my servant Caleb, because he had another Spirit with him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land whereunto he went; and seed shall possess it”
I’m standing and believing until the Lord shows me otherwise. We must believe in His Word, this is Faith. His Word and His Word Only. Let us stand on His Word until Jesus comes irregardless, of where the world is telling us where, what, and how to believe in.

Ellie Diegelmann
November 28, 2020

Heavenly Father,

Through our weariness, selfishness and pride, we have SO lazily and apathetically taken SO MUCH for granted. How horrifyingly sorry we are! Please save us from this impending doom of socialism and imminent communism. We are absolutely powerless without you. Let your loving will be done here on Earth as it is in Heaven. Teach us your ways and your will for our lives, individually and collectively, in your sovereign plan, to glorify you now and forever. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

    November 28, 2020

    Ellie, that is so true. The Pastors in America have not stood for righteouness enough to take any action nor to tell their congretions that they must be involved in the politica events of the day. Christians must write a letter, email or phone call a month to their representatives in Congress and on the State governments and tell them what they believe is the right thing to do.

    Pastors were silent when they passed Roe vs. Wade, and took God out of schools. We have sown the Wind and are reaping the whirlwind. Pastors should be leading massive prayer vigils until this election is brought to its rightful end. SHame Shame on them.
    “Faith without works (action) is dead.” Well, we have far too many dead Christians. My postage bill was about $100.00 before the election in 2016 urging Congresspersons to support Mr. Trump. Since then it is about $10-$20 a month. Pastors, write your letters, lead protest and do something.
    We will be held accountable to God for our lack of upholding righteousness in education, government and every facet of society. Media, movies and many video games are just plain evil. Stop the silence, Pastors and tell your people to NOT support these. God has removed his blessings from our land because of the immorality that is both funded and embraced. Abortion is murder–Thou shalt not murder. marriage is between a man and woman ONLY, and Congress has NO right to change marriage laws. NO right except that the Pastors allowed it. If you don’t obey God, you will not be blessed. Now, everyone of you, get busy and get involved, city, county, state and federal. We, the People are to oversee those who make the laws. Amen

      December 2, 2020

      I so agree with you Nan. Pastors DO need to take more of a stand. Some are not even awake to what is going on! I have been praying and advocating for a long time about this and even tried to wake my pastor and Church about it.

November 28, 2020

Gracious Father, you have shown us what awaits us, if You do not thwart the plans of the enemy. The battle is fierce, the enemy is strong, but the battle is YOURS. Forgive us if we are terrified at this news. Fill our hearts with courage. We come before you, LORD God Almighty, to remove this reproach from our nation. The enemy comes against us with their man-made schemes, but we come against them in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel. This day, the LORD will deliver them into our hands, cut off the head, and strike them down. (from 1 Samuel 17: 26-47) We praise you for what you are now doing and will continue to do. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Linda Demjen
November 28, 2020

It is heartbreaking to see the wrong choices that Biden is making that will undo everything that has been accomplished in the past 4 years to keep our freedoms.

Richard Clarke
November 28, 2020

We are told in the Bible to Love our enemies (any subtracting or negative factor in our universe). And since Love is the power above which there is no other, Love will reveal that which is hidden and nullify the effect of any subtracting energy. And it is only Love that will correct and heal the consciousness of man. So I have listed every name in the article and have applied God’s Love to the spirit and soul of the identities that are listed.

    Debra Dee
    December 1, 2020

    That’s awesome, Richard. I will too.

      Richard Clarke
      December 1, 2020

      If anyone is interested I will send the book (as an email attachment) that I have written with Jesus/Yeshua, “Come, Abide, and Rest in Me” Send your email address to [email protected]

Sandra M. Bieselt
November 28, 2020

Facebook will not let me post any of the articles. This scares me but I know God is in control and I am on my knees more now than ever before.

    Ellie Diegelmann
    November 28, 2020

    Sandra M. Bieselt,

    It may be a setting on your computer (or not). Alternately, you may be able to copy and paste the link by simply clicking once on the link in the browser bar, click on page actions (…) and then clicking on copy. Then, once in Facebook, put your finger on the screen where you want it to appear until an option box opens and touch paste. It will paste the link there, and after you post that as a message, it will show either a meme’ of IFA or the article itself. This doesn’t mean that Facebook won’t shut you down for a while. They might. An newer conservative alternative to Facebook is Parler. You may want to register on there. Although that may be all like-minded conservatives, (like “preaching to the choir”), you will be able to inform and educate them of truth. Keep safe, God bless and Godspeed.

November 28, 2020

As we become more informed by articles such as this, the pieces of the puzzle which we formerly viewed abstractly…start to fit together. And with that, the Biden relationship / connection comes into greater focus. The “sellout” of American interests along with protections is so much clearer. Especially in the Biden / Clinton / Obama democratic political machine.
We see that it’s been there all along… never in the forefront of the news for what it really is but always being sold as something positive. Strategic placement of individuals for the sole reason to absorb technology, steal corporate strategies and business secrets, shape government policy to insulate the CCP while undermining America – it’s all there.
Think of it in these terms. It is a rare event that you can walk down the aisle 10+ feet of any given store in America and the item has not been made in China or by slave and/or vastly underpaid labor that is overseas or across the border. ALL through arrangements made possible via (1) our government (2) our corporations (3) carefully placed individuals working privately to ensure the CCP have advantage {those individuals receive kickbacks into carefully placed & hidden overseas accounts}.
It mind-boggling how much “legal corruption” goes on but at the center of it (driving force) are self-serving corrupted politicians and leaders who use our laws to protect themselves.
“Lord God – you see everything. Nothing is hidden from you. You are a just God and we appeal to You for divine help that only you can give. This rabbit trail is so complicated and extensive that You alone can see what needs to happen to unravel it. Help us Lord God. Forgive us for not paying attention to the things You wanted us to be involved in. Direct us and any leaders that value righteousness, integrity and honor to uncover everything on this rabbit trail that involves so much scheming and plotting. Give us wisdom and all the tools we need to remove those who are plotting against this nation that you have given us Lord. We ask that in your holy name amen.

Liz McDowell
November 28, 2020

In the Name of Jesus, I bind the devil away from America! In the Name of Jesus, I ask that you save souls in our government, in Antifa, in BLM, save souls Lord Jesus. Show yourself to the unsaved! Awaken the sleeping church. Unify us as one Body In Christ! Have mercy on the United States of America!

We repent for the slaughter of millions of unborn babies in this country! We repent that we have put other gods before you, our one true God!

There is a remnant Lord Jesus. There are citizens of this once great country praying night and day. Praise God for believers in other countries that are praying also!

The battle is yours Lord. Help us to be steadfast. Help us to stay the course and run the race.

In the precious Holy Name of Jesus I pray, Amen

    November 29, 2020

    Liz McDowell, Thank you for your note yesterday at 10:05 AM. Agree.
    2 Chronicles 14:11 KJV
    11. And Asa cried unto the Lord his God, and said, Lord, it is nothing with thee to help, whether with many, or with them that have no power: help us, O Lord our God; for we rest on thee, and in thy name we go against this multitude. O Lord, thou art our God; let no man prevail against thee.

November 28, 2020

Just watch and see what God will do. Be a watchman on the wall! There are hundreds of thousands of Believer’s praying all over the world for America. Don’t give up so easily! Deliverance is coming!

    Darlene Estlow
    November 28, 2020

    Amen!Jehoshaphat put the singing praisers in front of the army in 2 Chronicles 20. We must do the same.

      Ellie Diegelmann
      November 28, 2020

      Darlene Estlow,

      THANK you for including the scripture reference! Especially poignant (to ME) are verses 15, 29, 30 and 35-37. Thanks again! Constant. Fervent. Prayer.

      November 29, 2020

      Amen and Amen! Thank you for posting this Darlene. In January 2019 God used 2 Chronicles 20:15 “the Lord says: Do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” to encourage and comfort me; to reassure me to not be afraid of not waking from an upcoming surgery because He was fighting for me. Then later in mid-autumn 2019, He led me to study the whole chapter and I was once again reassured and reminded that Praise is one of the weapons of warfare He has blessed us with. In December 2019 I saw, what I guess was a vision, of thick heavy clouds of darkness rolling quickly from what seemed to be the western edge of America. I was standing in prayer against it with my hands lifted. I sensed it was a spiritual battle and the enemy was trying to overthrow America. I felt that God wanted us to stand in prayer and Praise Him to push back the darkness. I like to play Chris Tomlin’s song “Forever” at the beginning of my day. Praise God, He is awesome! I praise the splendor of His holiness and thank Him for His steadfast, Faithful, love that endures forever!

      November 30, 2020

      Yes and Amen! I agree with this!

November 28, 2020

How close are we to seeing the antichrist revealed? I look for the rapture any day!

Debby Brooks
November 28, 2020

This is so scary! Why can’t people see that our country is headed toward a complete takeover of Communist China? Money is the motivator, and now, with Biden as our possible president, it’s a sure bet. We must pray that he has a change of heart, although I feel he is failing mentally.

    Ellie Diegelmann
    November 28, 2020

    Debby Brooks,

    I think you mean BY China. The Holy Spirit is the only one that can change Biden’s heart (and all of his MANY cronies). Constant. Fervent. Prayer. Also, Debby, I’ve found an ENORMOUS amount of both comfort and encouragement in all of the prayers shown here. Where I’ve struggled with words to pray, you and others have expressed so eloquently what I, too, feel. Hope that helps! Keep safe, God bless and Godspeed. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Chronicles+7%3A14&version=NIV

      Debby Brooks
      November 28, 2020

      Thanks for the kind and inspiring words! Yes…by China!

    November 28, 2020

    Not for at least 10 years…world events will give us the signs. Meanwhile, pray, fast and work..Write letters to your Representative monthly. Tell them how to vote on each measure, based on the Bible teachings. Work, and do, and pray.

Mary Jones
November 28, 2020

“Can two walk together with out agreeing on the direction?” Amos3:3

    Mary Jones
    November 28, 2020

    LORD, we are not in agreement with China or any leadership that fails to acknowledge You. We stand firmly against all powers that seek to become aligned or partner with China or any other godless nation or ideology. We say that they have no authority here! We exalt the name of Jesus, and we partner with all who acknowledge HIs name and Lordship.

Floyd J Hardee, Jr
November 28, 2020

China created a biological weapon and used it on the world. Biden is a surrogate for China. He and his family along with Obama have made money off their association with China. Trump is their enemy, as he is an enemy to China and all evil regimes. If our Supreme Court fails to uphold Trump’s claim of fraud we will become a Socialist State. China will become the most powerful nation in the world, thanks to Bat Ears and “The Gaffer”.

November 28, 2020

Heavenly Father, in the powerful name of Jesus I come to you and ask for Your protection over America in this an hour of incredible need. Oh, Lord, forgive us for turning our backs on You, shunning Your ways, and basically spitting in Your face. Forgive us for saying we don’t need You and are smart enough to take care of things. We are NOT!

Lord save us! We need You! I ask that you send Heavenly angels to thwart the demons who seem to be gaining ground in many areas. Bind them and cast them far away! I claim America for Jesus and Satan you cannot have her! Release your grip and take your demons with you in the name of Jesus!!

Lord, let every the truth come out regarding all deeds of darkness. Let those responsible be held to account for their evil desires. Lord set us, Your children, free! Give us Your guidance and wisdom, prepare us for this battle that we would not grow weary.

Please hear my cry! My heart aches to have Your saving grace, mercy, love, and protection fall upon this land. Even today, Lord, let it be!

In the powerful name of Jesus I pray. Amen!!

Jennifer Zaccagni
November 28, 2020

Unwise at best and frightening at worst! Especially when we consider his family financial ties through son, Hunter Biden, and their personal profiteering! Father, continue to expose these relationships as You see them and protect our country from being infiltrated by communist party officials! In the strong name of Jesus I pray…amen

November 28, 2020

Joe Biden and his team are not of God they are of their father the devil,and they will do their fathers desire. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. They will go to any length to take this nation down to socialism. Jesus said in John 8:47 whoever is of God hears the words of God.The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God. Their God is big government they want to control we the people. But the body of Christ must stand up against this evil agenda and fight the good fight of faith and not be moved by the evil reports. If God be for us who can be against us. Our God is mighty in power and mighty to deliver. The sleeping giant has awaken we will take back what belongs to this nation in the NAME OF JESUS!

Niel S. Atkinson
November 28, 2020

So glad you guys are not so fearful as to post the realities of this Nation. Pray for Biden all you want but he can kiss my butt!

He is crooked to the bone and is very skilled, after 47 years in using people. My apology if I offended some of your very tender believers !

    November 28, 2020

    He and China Kiss mine too. Im not playing nice with evil. Whirr those stones of prayer knock it down then cut its head off like David did. We are the resistance not the collaborators

      Ellie Diegelmann
      November 28, 2020

      Lynette, please see my reply to Niel S. Atkinson, addressing both of your posts. God bless!

    Ellie Diegelmann
    November 28, 2020

    Niel S. Atkinson and Lynette,

    THANK you both for your heartfelt candor! We (all) most certainly do struggle with these exact same frustrations. However, in striving to do God’s will,
    which is to love and forgive each other,
    we pray for our enemies,
    in order to give them another chance (to return to God, — NOT to sin again!),
    because we are ALL sinners,
    constantly needing more chances and God’s forgiveness, ourselves!
    In so doing, we are actually increasingly-strengthened to do God’s will (love & forgive), thereby enlightening and inspiring OTHERS to return to God. Niel and Lynette, I sure hope this helps you to understand our prayers, but, moreso, to understand God and His will for our lives. Please realize, too, that He, being a perfect, loving, forgiving and just God, ultimately HAS to judge and punish those who will choose to reject His perfect will. If He didn’t, He wouldn’t be perfect, and He wouldn’t be God. That’s why He wants us to do His work (love and forgive), and leave judgment, vengeance, punishment and condemnation to Him. Thankfully, He is FAAAAARRRR better at it than we could ever figure out how to get it right. Constant. Fervent. Prayer.

November 28, 2020

Lord Jesus, please, by your mercy and grace, make it so that President Trump is re-elected, and Joe Biden is not.

    Ellie Diegelmann
    November 28, 2020
      November 28, 2020

      Be careful with Bible gateway 1week then 2-3 days before election they had John Piper 2x as a devotional speaker and then Tim Keller who came out campaigning for Biden. I deleted the app. All i can say in response to your love sermon is pray for their salvation and repentance and Bidens and all the Democratic leadership but dont pray lovingly for their evil to succeed. Dietrich Bonhoffer was The Resistance and was hanged. Soros was a collaborator. Choose ye this day. Hate evil. Love that which is good. God will judge but one cannot be lukewarm about evil.

Rebecca Ruffin
November 28, 2020

I think China has bought and paid for Joe Biden. Biden is turning America over to China. All for financial gain.

November 28, 2020

I posted a good portion of this on Facebook that Biden is lining United States up with Communist China. But I know our God is sovereign and in control. My belief is that He is allowing America to become a weaker nation as Biden shrinks our military. We are not mentioned in Revelations or anywhere in Bible prophecy because we will be so weak that we will not be a threat to anyone. God can then take us home and begin to usher the world into the Tribulation period. Everything is falling into place.

    Ellie Diegelmann
    November 28, 2020

    Let’s hope so!

      November 28, 2020

      Hopefully we are not heading into what Jesus told His disciples about in John 15:20″Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours.” It is said that Biden and company want to do away with our First Amendment rights which is “The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects the freedom of speech, religion and the press.” This could easily mean the shutting down of churches that speak out against the sins of homosexuality, adultery and so on. I know that God is in control but these are such uncertain times.

    Marty Robinson
    December 4, 2020

    Chuck, I wanted to tell you something that the Lord said to me:
    “Until things are lined up, nothing will happen.”
    He is lining it all up. Your comment about Biden lining USA up
    with Communist China made me stop and share this with you.

      December 4, 2020

      Thanks Marty. Yes, I know that nothing really matters in the affairs of man, because the Lord truly is in control. Because of Him, we have no fears. Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand.”

November 28, 2020

Father, I thank You that this great nation is becoming a nation under God, with liberty and justice for all. I say that the eyes of the blind are opening to the truth that the Biden administration (which I say will not come to fruition) would be in bed with communist China. Forgive us of our complacency. Restore our inheritance. Forgive our sin. Heal our land.

    Sharon S
    November 28, 2020

    Amen! Thank you for declaring we WILL NOT come under this insidious rule of a corrupt administration. Trump will be our President in 2020. Let’s speak it out LOUD. In Jesus name.

Barbara Saldivar
November 28, 2020

I am a 72 year woman. Ever since I was in high school, I have had the privilege of seeing communism growing in America. I thank the Lord half of us are now seeing it also. Lord, I pray for the souls who are still blindly following this anti-God philoshpy. Give those of us who see the power to stand strong in the face of what seems to have suddenly come upon us and help those who will come into the light.

Lisa J
November 28, 2020

Lord, our eyes are steadfastly focused upon You. Have mercy upon us Oh Lord. We repent for our lukewarmness that has allowed our enemies a foothold in our nation’s government, and in the educational system in our nation that is indoctrinating our children and grandchildren in anti-God propaganda. Help oh Lord. Return America to righteous and just foundations and show each of us our part in this oh Lord. Your enemy is riled up because he knows his time is short. Strengthen your people with endurance for this battle we pray. For the sake of Yeshua, whose right it is to rule, let the battle be turned at the gates. America – you are Jesus’ inheritance. Lord, exalt your name in the nations we pray. Raise up your own expression of breath of fire – is not your word like fire, and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces!? Your kingdom come in America!

Elizabeth Schneider
November 28, 2020

What do I think?!!!

We are in the fight of our lives to save AMERICA!!!

Let’s get on are knees and pray like your life depends on it!..because it does!!

Faye Smith
November 28, 2020

Biden and Harris and all of their “picks” are just scary with their intentions clearly being to destroy America; to finish what Obama and Biden started! Father, in Jesus name, I repent for my sins and those of America, ask You to forgive our sins and heal our land; to turn the hearts of every man, woman and child to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and like the Israelites in Egypt to hear our cry, see our misery and deliver us from the hands of our enemies! I pray for Your love and compassion to move on our behalf as we continue to seek Your face and to live and stand for Your righteousness. Thank You Father for answered prayer, in Jesus mighty name! Amen!

Jerry sauls
November 28, 2020

The Bible says, that when a nation forgets God, it is doomed for Destruction. We have sown the wind and are reaping a whrilwind, (Hosea 8:7.)May God have mercy upon us.

    frank flores
    November 28, 2020

    This reminds me of the story Lion King when the uncle took over when the main character died and he became king and how every died and life became became black and white. Yes America needs major prayer coverage. Father in heaven forgive Americans of their sins mainly turning from God our Creator. How soon people forget Him in good times well those good time are coming to a screeching halt with Biden and his picks they’re all anti-americans. GOD help us .

Jacques P.
November 28, 2020

Firstly, there is no such thing as office of “president elect” because the media doesn’t choose who the president is. Nonetheless, it is good to put names out there for all to see & be aware of the “evil enemies”. I pray that justice will prevail because a blind man can see that President Trump won on Nov. 3rd. Thank God for exposing the blatant, flat out cheating.

    Floyd J Hardee, Jr
    November 28, 2020

    In the bible Satan and his creations are described as the Dragon, the Snake, the BEAST, etc. In modern times who are they/ They are ABC,CBS, NBC, MSNBC,CNN, even Fox to some degree, and they are Face Book, Twitter, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. They are a host of magazines, News paper and Radio Outlets. They are Pharmaceutical Giants, and other Large Companies who strangle competition and who love mammon more than God, or us. They move if you look closely, in lock step, promoting their evil agenda. They demean their opposition, and praise their allies. They try to brain wash us into accepting our place as Slaves, second class citizens to them who fancy themselves as the Elite or Master race. They think he who owns the media owns and controls the world. We are their rightful subjects. we are their peons, peasants, serfs, tenants, and servants, and of course, their SLAVES to be used as needed, or disposed of when not needed and are in their way. In spite of our best efforts they will win. Our only hope is Jesus Christ who will come back with his might army to rescue all who trust in him! That day is closer than you may think. So repent and accept Christ as your Savior for he will soon return!

      November 28, 2020

      Floyd, I disagree with you regarding “In spite of our best efforts they will win” that’s not what the Word of God says. God’s Word says Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence (Psalm 91), He brought them out of darkness and the deepest gloom and broke away their chains. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men, for he breaks down gates of bronze and cuts through bars of iron(Psalm 107:14-16),Praise the Lord, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word (Psalm 103:20), Give us aid against the enemy, for the help of man is worthless. With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies (Psalm 60:11-12), Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe (Psalm 61:1-3), There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs (Luke 12:2-3), And the Lord said, Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that the get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth? (Luke 18:6-8), Jesus replied, What is impossible with men is possible with God (Luke 18:27), Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. Rescue me from my enemies, O Lord, for I hide myself in you. Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground (Psalm 143:8-10), Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:25), Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever (Psalm 136:1), But you, O Sovereign Lord, deal well with me for your name’s sake; out of the goodness of your love, deliver me (Psalm 109:21), The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? The Lord is with me; he is my helper. I will look in triumph on my enemies (Psalm 118:6-7), So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you (Isaiah 41:10,13). The United States has a covenant with Jesus (Isaiah 54:10 Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on you). He loves us and He will not forget our fore fathers who loved God and formed this nation for the purpose of being free to worship Him. As we speak the Word of God over our nation, the Lord,watches over his Word to see it is fulfilled (Jeremiah 1:12). Blessings, Janet

      Jacques P.
      November 28, 2020

      Oh no they wont win. God appoints Kings & He definitely does not cheat. If God wanted Biden to win he would’ve won fair & square.

      No sharpies, 130,000 ballots, strangely ALL for biden, shutting down on election night.

      President Trump won by a landslide on Nov 3rd, it was in fact a red wave. It is all documented.

      The cheats got blasted when the numbers for President Trump exceeded their cheating apparatus.
      Caught them totally😳😬 off guard.

      I’d venture to say it was a God thing, to expose the evil deeds of darkness.
      As the intercessors have been praying for.

      Explain 80,000,000 votes, better yet explain the rising of the dead to vote, & lastly explain how more votes being cast in one town than the actual population of that town??

      They definitely got some splaining to do.
      God does not cheat. PERIOD!

    Ellie Diegelmann
    November 28, 2020

    Unfortunately, Jacques P., there are SOOOO MANY who are BLIND and amazingly CAN’T see ANY of it!
    Constant. Fervent. Prayer.

      Jacques P
      November 28, 2020

      Not harsh, just the brass facts🤷🏽sadly folk are blinded by fake news, so they have fake views.

      Jacques P.
      November 28, 2020

      Ellie so true. I know & work with folk who haven’t a clue of what is transpiring right before our very eyes. And sadly there are those who are doubly blinded by biden being vp of the worst hoax, besides the Nov 3rd election and plandemic; namely obamanation, so they cast their votes for the one & only china Ukraine Joe.


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