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Chinese Communist President Xi Jinping wants travelers to adopt a global QR code system to help determine their health status and travel “permissions” in a post-coronavirus pandemic travel reset.

During the virtual G20 summit on Saturday, Xi called for a coronavirus “global mechanism” which involves international recognition of health certificates in the form of QR codes to allow people to travel freely, according to state media.

The dictator says the system can be based on “nucleic acid testing results in the form of internationally accepted QR codes,” reported state news agency Xinhua. . . .

QR codes are bar codes that can be read by mobile phones that are a common tool of tracking and control in Communist China.

Under the scheme China has employed since February, users are issued a traffic-light style health code, with a green code allowing someone to travel freely, and an orange or red code indicating that they need to quarantine for up to two weeks.

The codes are based on a combination of big data and information submitted by the users themselves.

The leader of the Chinese Communist Party did not explain how the international scheme might work or if it would mirror the health code system which has been widely adopted in China. . . .

In a tweet, the executive director of Human Rights Watch Kenneth Roth expressed caution over Xi’s proposal.

“An initial focus on health could easily become a Trojan Horse for broader political monitoring and exclusion,” he said. . . .

China been building its own mass surveillance network for the past decade, which boasts hundreds of millions of street cameras.

The surveillance network has been billed as the world’s most powerful facial-recognition system and aims to identify any of its 1.4 billion citizens within three seconds.

China is also looking at more digital methods of ensuring its citizens comply with the strictures of the single-party state.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by Simon Kent. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

What do you think about China’s proposal? Let us know in the comments!

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November 30, 2020

Dear Heavenly Father, if this proposal is not according to Your Will for this time then please bring this plan proposed by Communist China to nought?
‘Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails’ – Proverbs 19:21 NIV
Please, Lord, may Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven!
You alone are God.
In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

November 29, 2020

This Chinese proposal is horrendous and every other country should shout a resounding “NO” at China’s plan for other countries to surveil China’s citizens for them, and then byvtge way let China keep track of the whole population of the world, too. I’m sure China will offer to sell every other country their QR tech for a bargain basement price to sweeten the deal, too. Buyers Beware!!!

November 29, 2020

This is heading in the direction of THE MARK!

Barbara Kuhls
November 29, 2020

Father God, forgive us for making physical health our idol. By doing so, we have opened the door to the evils of fear and government control and surrendered our freedom. In you alone do we live and move and have our being.

November 29, 2020

Almighty Father, you are greater than all our technologies, you are greater than all our ways. Thank you for hiding your people in China under your wings that they may disappear before the prying contoling eyes of men. Like Jesus you will cause them to disappear from those who wish to harm and stop them from doing your will. Let righteousness and your word which never returns empty go forth in Asia, let it run into the dark places, let it hover there as your voice hovered over the deep. It will not be stopped nor will your people for the Chinese officials will be perplexed as to how a Christian can one moment be in their daily life routine and the next be transported to a forbidden zone preaching the gospel of Christ. In Jesus name we thank you for moving abundantly and increasing the church of China, for pouring a Pentecost upon a nation who has no fear of the Lord so they may bow before you before the days of seeking you are completed.

November 29, 2020

Dear Lord, how your prophesies unfold. Great is the evil in the world today, and great is the arrogance of those who wish to make this world a technological prison for us all. But great as their evil and arrogance are, they are nothing compared to Your glory. How I yearn for the day you shatter their intended evil global reset with Your righteous reset. Deliver us from evil, dear Lord, deliver us from evil. In Jesus precious name I pray dear Lord, amen.


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