I Prayed have prayed
Father, do not let us live in fear. Help us to make no provision for the enemy to attack and give our nation wisdom and discernment.
Reading Time: 7 minutes

. . . Today, the country is facing a Covid-19 crisis, as well as a crisis of rioting in the streets and a spiking crime rate, and now even a vacancy on the Supreme Court. But as far as Democrats are concerned, the real crisis is Donald Trump, and these other crises provide an opportunity to defeat him. . . .

We can see a seven-step Democratic strategy emerge to win the election by unleashing chaos in our voting system, violence in our streets, and a legal fight that could lead all the way to highest court in the land, which is currently missing a member.

1. Never let a Covid crisis go to waste! Use the pandemic to push for a nation-wide vote-by-mail scheme.

. . . Mail-in voting is “essential from a health reason because we want to keep people at home to vote without having them all collect on Election Day,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said last month. “People should not have to choose between their health and their vote.”


2. Enlist all the messengers at your disposal (Hollywood, Corporate Media, Big Tech, Pro Sports) to push for vote-by-mail.

The Democrats are using every tool in their considerable arsenal to push the vote-by-mail messaging, including multi-million-dollar super PAC ad campaigns. Former Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Amy Klobuchar has teamed up with failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams to mandate a national vote-by-mail system, and a group called Stop Republicans has launched a digital blitz to push for the idea. . . .

At the same time, the Democrat-Media Complex is also celebrating the new wokeness of pro sports, which is busy helping Democrats win in November. On September 7,  Politico asked, “Could LeBron James Defeat Donald Trump?” As has been widely reported, the National Basketball Association has agreed to set up a “social justice coalition” to help get out the (Democrat) vote.

3. Get millions of questionable mail-in ballots into the system. 

Here we might pause to note the distinction between the various kinds of voting by mail.

It is true that absentee voting by mail has been with us for many years. Even President Trump has voted by mail, and our active duty military regularly votes by mail. In fact, Republicans have been quite successful in the past with absentee voting. In Florida in 2016, for example, more Republicans voted by mail than Democrats, and Trump carried the state. There is even legitimate concern that any disparagement of mail-in voting could unintentionally hurt Republicans in November because their voters like voting by absentee ballots. Indeed, there are sincere and legitimate reasons for why absentee voting should be available during the pandemic.

However, there is a big difference between allowing absentee ballots as an option for people who are unable to make it to the polls and mandating that an entire election be done by mail-in voting. . . .

And then there is the issue of sending all these ballots through the mail. Can the U.S. Postal Service process them all in a timely manner? Every state has a different deadline for when these ballots need to be postmarked. What happens if they don’t arrive in time? Can election officials process them all in a timely manner? Counting mail-in ballots is much more time-consuming. It can involve matching signatures, checking postmarks, flattening out ballots that were crumpled in the mail, etc. If the recent primaries in Wisconsin and New York are anything to go by, mail-in ballots will take weeks to process and that process will be fraught with problems and potential for fraud. . . .

There is also the issue of how voters can apply to vote by mail and who is eligible to do so. According to FiveThirtyEight, nine states and the District of Columbia will simply mail every registered citizen a ballot. In another 14 states, authorities will mail everyone an application to vote by mail. . . .

Indeed, even Democratic pets can make a difference—and they don’t even have to be alive! Recently in Atlanta, a family got a voter registration application in the mail for their deceased house cat named Cody.

How did that happen, you ask? Well, outside third-party groups can rent mailing lists and randomly send everyone on the list an absentee-ballot application or voter registration application that they downloaded from the state’s election website. Have you ever used your pet’s name to subscribe to something because you didn’t want junk mail in your own name? If so, don’t be surprised if Fluffy or Spot gets a voter registration or absentee ballot application in the mail.

Georgia’s election officials assure us that Cody the cat would not have been able to vote at the polls in the Peach State because the cat doesn’t have a license or state ID. But one wonders if he would be allowed to vote by mail, assuming his registration application cleared. And, of course, not every state requires a photo ID to vote like Georgia does. . . .

Voter fraud exists even when you vote in person, but mail-in voting blows the doors wide open in fraud potential. And the Democrats are ready to fight for every ballot—pets and all!

4. Send Democratic lawyers into key districts to fight for every challenged ballot. Use the courts and progressive election officials to keep the count going as long as possible with as little verification as possible.

As we have seen, each mailed-in ballot has the potential to foment a legal fight over its validity. In fact, the Washington Post reported on August 24, that more than 534,000 primary votes in 23 states have been rejected for one reason or another:

Democrats and voting rights groups are now waging court battles to ensure that absentee ballots are not discarded on technicalities, pushing to require that ballots postmarked by Election Day be counted and to make signature-matching laws more voter-friendly.

. . . In fact, with such legal fights in mind, the Biden-Harris campaign has already built a SWAT team of 600 lawyers, expecting many more recruits to come.

And just on September 14 came this headline, courtesy of the New York Times: “Biden Creates Legal War Room, Preparing for a Big Fight Over Voting.”. . .

5. Set expectations that the election will not be decided on November 3. Plan for mass protests in the streets. Scare people into believing that Trump won’t leave office (should he attempt to challenge the results).

Remember that celebrity “United to Save the Vote” virtual gala? One of the goals of the organizers was to ensure “that everyone knows it will take a week – not a day – to get results.”

One week might be too optimistic. As we noted above, counting mail-in ballots is more time-consuming than regular ballots, and recent court cases have ensured that these ballots will be accepted days and even weeks after Election Day. And, of course, all of these lawyered-up ballot brouhahas will take time.

The American public has become used to getting election results within 24 hours of the polls closing. So now the Democrat-Media Complex is hard at work setting expectations that we won’t know the results for days or weeks or possibly months. . . . .

6. Challenge the results in court with the help of election officials and district attorneys that George Soros has spent years getting elected.

As we noted, the Biden campaign has assembled a Murderers’ Row of Democratic legal talent, which can be expected to have a great effect when vote-counting controversies find their way into the courts.

Democratic lawyers will likely soon be in front of district attorneys and judges, demanding judicial relief for anything they don’t like.

Interestingly, many of those DAs—including in such big cities as Orlando, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Chicago, and San Francisco—are of the new breed of George Soros-funded wokesters. In fact, Soros has spent at least $13.4 million, across dozens of states, in pursuit of his vision of Democratic electoral victories.

While these Soros-funded DAs might not be directly involved in any election legal fight, they will likely decline to prosecute any of the Democrats’ shock troops who set fire to our cities (and Democrat donors will happily provide the bail for any election rioters.) These DAs could also decline to prosecute anyone engaged in voter fraud or voter intimidation on behalf of Democrats. There are any number of ways a Democrat-friendly local official can assist even indirectly, which is precisely why Democrat donors like George Soros are willing to spend millions on races that are way down-ballot.

Consider, for example, the Soros-funded Secretary of State Project (SoSP), which was created to elect secretaries of state in swing states. The Democrats realized that elections can be won or lost depending on who counts the votes and who enforces–or doesn’t enforce—election laws.

. . . And here should note that the Secretary of State Project was born of the angst Democrats felt after losing the 2000 presidential race.  . . .

7. Let Chief Justice John Roberts (or the new Justice?) pick the next president. Or let Nancy Pelosi do it. 

. . . Today, the court is led by a new chief justice, John Roberts, who ostensibly is one of the court’s five conservative justices appointed by presidents Bush 41, Bush 43, and Trump.

However, Roberts doesn’t appear quite so conservative these days. In recent years, he has proven himself to be movable on such issues as DACA, the Second Amendment, and presidential powers, much to the delight of the Democrat-Media Complex. As CNN’s Elie Honig cheered in July, “Roberts defied conventional wisdom and entrenched ideology to join with the court’s traditionally liberal bloc.” By contrast, Vice President Mike Pence has bluntly labeled Roberts “a disappointment to conservatives.” . . .

So if the 2020 presidential election proves to be anything like 2000 in terms of disputed ballots or other irregularities, it’s entirely possible, even likely, that a case or cases will end up before the Roberts court.

If that happens, you can bet that Roberts will once again be exhorted by the Democrat-Media Complex to “defy conventional wisdom and entrenched ideology” by voting with the liberals on the court. And if Roberts wants to eat lunch at all the cool places in Washington, DC, that’s exactly what he’ll do; by contrast, if he votes with the conservatives and thereby helps elect Trump, his name will be mud inside the Beltway. . . .

The court is now missing a member with the death of Justice Ginsburg; and if the Republicans are successful in confirming her replacement, this new justice will finally, definitively, tilt the court in favor of conservatives. And this new justice could also cast the deciding vote in a 5-4 decision, if Roberts joins the liberals. . . .

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by Rebbecca Mansour. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

Share your thoughts on this 7 step strategy for Democrats to win the election . . .

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Jeane Whiteside
October 3, 2020

For years in my community republican signs will get removed. Democrats signs are displayed in the inner city more than anywhere. Of course no one removes them. To me this reveals the meanness and lack of integrity in the Democratic Party. Just a small thing perhaps but is true. I call that the trickle down effect. The head is leading he way to lies,deception and discord in our nation

October 2, 2020

Joh Roberts is a good reminder of why we need to keep the Justices in prayer, and not to succomb to the principalities and powers in high places.

Leshia Burt
October 2, 2020

Father God, this means Trump can only be reelected by YOU!We do our part and ask You to put your Super on our natural and You make up the difference! In Jesus name amen!

Brother Amartey
October 1, 2020

Don’t count Chief Roberts among the conservatives; he’s a turncoat!!

October 1, 2020

Lord, let this be an encouragement to us that you know every single plan and plot of Satan and his demons. Darkness is not dark to YOU. We are fighting a spiritual battle. We call forth every vote for all of your chosen candidates in every state. Thank you that only 9 or 10 states are mailing unsolicited ballots to everyone (per NPR). We particularly pray for these states that your eyes would pierce through the darkness and expose any problems or fraud: Colorado, Nevada, Oregon, California, Utah, Hawaii, Vermont, and New Jersey and Washington State and Washington, D.C. We ask for many sets of eyes to be on the lookout in these states. Please raise up intercessors and send in warring angels to every nook and cranny, Lord. May nothing escape the notice of the proper authorities. In Jesus Name. Amen.

October 1, 2020

Father God, the earth was formless and void but the Spirit of God was hovering OVER the waters. Great is thy faithfulness! You are over all. In 7 days you created the heavens and the earth. You simply spoke. Speak, Lord! Your voice is like thunder, your voice shakes the desert of Kadesh, your voice breaks into pieces the cedars of Lebanon, your voice can strike like a flash of lightning with total precision, your voice speaks to wind and waves and they obey, your voice can utter a whisper and calm a fearful child.

Prov. 16 In their hearts humans plan their course,
but the Lord establishes their steps.
10 The lips of a king speak as an oracle,
and his mouth does not betray justice.
11 Honest scales and balances belong to the Lord;

In God we trust. In You is our hope. We ask you to speak, Lord, on behalf of honesty, truth, integrity and justice in our land so we can live quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness. Thank you. Amen.

Elizabeth Romack
October 1, 2020

We call forth God’s Angel Armies to preside over this election and this Court nomination. We call on YOU Jesus, to take our government upon your shoulders, as is prophesied in Isaiah 9:6. Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done, Oh mighty and righteous God!

Bobbie Merritt
October 1, 2020

Most certainly, prayer is our foremost weapon, but faith without works is dead! We cannot continue to pray and fast and sit on the sidelines! We MUST get involved wherever and however the Spirit leads! JUST ASK HIM!
Holy Spirit, please direct our steps – each one seeking You – how can we be involved and work to shine Your light and Your love into the darkness and be an instrument to reveal the evil? HENANI! Here am I! Send me!
In Yeshua’s might Name!

    October 1, 2020

    Yes- Get out the vote in your communotoes! Share the IFA Voters’ guide and send emails IF homebound.

Darlene Estlow
October 1, 2020

Father, as we hear of Satan’s raging, my we trust you and have peace, knowing you are on the throne. May we as your body, continue in spiritual warfare against the evil and for the salvation of many souls.

Jan Sims
October 1, 2020

Oh Father satan’s time is short and he unleashing his wrath, full bore to take our nation down. You are above all, nothing is impossible with or for You. We are united all over the world in prayer 2 Chronicles 7:14, marching, standing, proclaiming. You have set Donald Trump as your man for this time, your battle axe. We pray for our president, for the democratic radical agenda’s defeat. Send the angels to snatch the fraudulent ballots. Send seed, alerting agencies, investigators the locations where fraud is happening, bringing these people to justice. Revealing to all this is in fact happening, pricking their hearts to get to the polls to vote their choices. Father “heal” or land and take us back to your heart. In Jesus Name we pray.

October 1, 2020

My only uncle on my dad’s side received an unsolicited mail-in ballot for the November 3rd election. My uncle has been deceased for 15+ years. There is definitely fraudulent and evil workings among those who walk blindly in the dark to steal an election. Let us let God’s light shine through us, and let us be prayer warriors for the elections all across our nation next month. But more importantly, let us pray for revival and another great awakening. We sure do need it now.

October 1, 2020

While Christians have slept the enemy has invaded America’s households. So now we will tie up the enemy of our souls and cast him into the sea where punishment awaits him and loose God’s Almighty power to send out His Holy angels to those who are being saved. We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the Word of our testimony that Jesus is LORD and there is no wickedness in Him. His ways are right and He is our Rock! Praising God that He allows us to pray His enemies under His footstool!!!

    Carol Vigo
    October 1, 2020

    Amen!!!! Coleen!
    I pray in agreement with your faithfilled prayer. Thank you.

October 1, 2020

Father God, you are the supreme judge and ruler over our nation. We praise you for inspiring our founders to draft our constitution. We were founded on Judeo-Christian values, one nation under God. We pray that we will continue to be one nation under God.
Father God let your people pray and proclaim that your design for our nation is perfect, including our election/voting system.
Father God let your people pray and proclaim that the enemy will not destroy our great nation through fraudulent voting during this upcoming election.
Father God let your people pray and proclaim that the evil plans in place to unseat Pres Trump will be thwarted.
We pray that the chaos we are seeing is a wake-up call to repent and pray… for our nation, our president, our religious freedom,our SCOTUS, and for this election. I pray that this evil we are witnessing across our land will awaken Your people and stir a great revival and a return to You.
As Your word clearly teaches us in 2 Chronicles 7:14 …if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Let us shout praise and all glory to our God who has given us a path to heal our nation. Hallelujah…Hallelujah…Praise God

Frankie Hutchens
October 1, 2020

Sadly, the Democratic Party has veered from from its origins and has become an angry, antagonistic, corrupt and anti-American mass of liars, criminals, and murderers as a result of their sick depraved minds. They continue fighting for an election they lost 4 years ago by attacking our sitting President Trump, God Bless him, destroying our cities, people’s’ lives monetarily and literally, and making the American Way of life miserable in the land of the free. Every single one of these deep state affiliated government officials have a home waiting for them and a judgment they have yet to face for all the atrocities they have supported and committed.

    Jacquelyn Y Miller
    October 1, 2020

    No disrespect intended. The Word of God tells us to pray for them. If you know the truth, pray that they, too, will receive it. That is what we, as Followers of Christ are supposed to do. Knowing their end, pray that that they will know Jesus as their Personal Savior and Lord, and enjoy the freedom that you now have. Just as Jesus saved you, He can save them. Who knows? You may have been called for such a time as this. Angels rejoice when a soul is saved and there is a crown for those who lead lost ones out of darkness. You may not know them now, but you will when you stand before the judgment seat of Christ to be judged for your works, and receive our rewards for jobs well done. WE don’t have much time. There is much work to be done. Thank You.

      Sherry Mallory
      October 1, 2020

      Praying for them and declaring God’s Word over them is a strong weapon against the enemy’s influence. It’s good to remind ourselves anything is possible with God’s intervention. This battle is spiritual and our spiritual weapons are mighty. Scripture says that none should perish 2 Peter 3:9.

Jacquelyn Y Miller
October 1, 2020

This is wild. For Followers of Christ, these things should be of no consequence. This is what happens when our focus is taken off of Jesus and placed on man: Utter Chaos. We are giving too much attention to man and not enough to God. We declare that we are “One Nation Under God”, but what god? Where is the God of the Universe that America used to hold in high esteem? What have we done that we are looking to mere man, people just like us, to free us from the mess we are in? It is not in man to help us. Look unto Jesus. He is the only One that can help us. If we don’t trust Him, who will?

    Christine Stephenson
    October 1, 2020

    You are so right, Jaqueline! I realized months ago that we must keep our eyes on God to save us. This is NOT just another election but one in which Jesus will show He is God over the nations! God spoke to me last Sunday in church, saying “Keep your eyes on me!”


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