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Thank God for the Bible in the Schools program in West Virginia. Pray for the legal challenge against it to fail. Ask God not only for this program to continue, but also for similar programs to start around the country. May our youth learn the Scriptures and be equipped to lead this nation to righteousness.

I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. (Ps. 119:11)

“Trenton Tolliver, a 7-year-old, is a huge fan of the weekly Bible course at Princeton Primary, his public elementary school. He gets to play matching games about Bible stories and listen to classic tales. Noah and the Ark is a favorite. Adam and Eve and the garden of Eden, of course. Bible classes on school time are a rarity in public education, but here they are a long-standing tradition. The program is not mandatory, but almost every child in the district attends. And there is widespread support for the classes: Parents and community members help raise nearly $500,000 a year to pay for the Bible in the Schools program.

Now Bible in the Schools is facing a stiff legal challenge. Two county residents with school-age children argue in a lawsuit that the program violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment and the West Virginia constitution. Filed in January and amended last month by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, the suit charges that the Bible class “advances and endorses one religion, improperly entangles public schools in religious affairs, and violates the personal consciences of nonreligious and non-Christian parents and students.” (Excerpted from The Chicago Tribune, reporting by Joe Heim.)

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May 3, 2017

Lord, come quick. You said to teach Your Word to our children and we are willing. Remove the obstacles that are trying to befall us to fulfill Your Word, to teach in schools, and other public places. Your Word says You will protect us and protect us as we fulfill the Great Commission of sharing Jesus and teaching Your Word. We trust You to come and rescue and defend and protect our Christian value.

Nancy Murphy
April 28, 2017

We praise You, the Living God, the One True God, Creator of all. Thank You for Your great love for us. Thank You for Your Word, the Bible. Thank You that schools in West Virginia are teaching children Your Word, we know this is Your will. We pray for these children to believe and to grow in their faith, to be strong and courageous leaders of their generation, leading many others to faith in Jesus Christ and righteous living. We declare victory over the enemy and those who would try to stop this program. The battle belongs to the Lord! We declare that more and more schools across the country will see the benefit of Bible classes and will adopt this program. We pray for Your hand of protection over the teachers and administrators and school board members who support Bible classes, that they will continue to stand up for righteousness and not be swayed. We pray that the true intention of separation of church and state would be understood so that religious freedom continues to be protected. (The phrase “separation of church and state” itself does not appear in the U.S. Constitution. The First Amendment states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”) Thank You Father, for answering our prayers. In Jesus name, amen.

Sandra Hogue
April 27, 2017

May our Mighty God use this challenge to ignite this Bible program all over the country in public schools. May teachers, principals and school board members all over the country rise up to challenge outrageous misrepresentations of the First Amendment with the real meaning of “religious freedom”. Father, please protect children and make them strong in this hour of history to see the Truth of the Bible proclaimed once again in every public school classroom. Make parents strong and courageous to stand in prayer against all the deceptions presented by unbelievers. Open the eyes of leaders in our country to the absolute necessity of restoring Bible knowledge to our public school. May God usher in, through increased reading and believing of the Bible, a time of peace, civility, and order in the hearts and minds of our children…..all people. God is able. Amen

Bernadine Reid
April 27, 2017

Father in the name of Jesus, we pray for prayer remaining in West Virginia, schools and that similar programs begin throughout every school in America. Our children need to be filled with the wisdom and knowledge and understanding that comes from the Word of God. We believe in doing this they will be stronger in their choices and prayer will bring them closer together as they prsy for each other and their day. Prsyer will also help them to recognize who the real enemy is. There will be less bullying and more compassion and understanding for each other. There will be a stronger bond with their Teacher’s and with one another. They’ll learn that the Bible is an excellent tool for life and that it’s not just a story book. The people of the Bible faced some of the same challenges that we face today we must not make the same mistakes the religious leaders and those in authority made then. We have the greatest Book ever written to give us guidance so don’t let it be removed from our schools. If the Bible remains vital in West Virginia then it will become more vitsl in our school’s all across this Nation and around the world. In Jesus name, Amen!

Iris Winters
April 26, 2017

Years ago after the Supreme Court ruled that students may have student lead Bible clubs, my daughter and her friend applied in their respective schools. Her friend immediately got permission and a classroom. Only the ones who came in, heard the Good News since the doors needed to be shut as all rooms are when in session. My daughter’s school made a fuss and forbade her a classroom with the result that daily by different lockers in the halls students gathered and prayed for their classmates, many of whom just so happened to need to tie their shoelaces not far from these pre- class time meetings. They were successful all 4 years she led them. Reports say after that, no one stepped forward to rekindle them after she graduated. I am reporting to stimulate you on how and what to pray for.

Maria telma perez.
April 26, 2017

Amen.Estaremos orando y en manos del SEÑOR todo obrara para bien a EL SEA LA GLORIA su palabra es vida y en abundante no hay nada mejor q en las escuelas se enseñe su palabra instruyamos los niños del futuro para un futuro mejor el q temor a JEHOVA es el principio de obediencia a EL DIOS bendiga los labios de todo aquel que enseñe SU PALABRA.

April 26, 2017

Move by your Spirit, God! An answer to our Prayers! We will continue to pray for them to continue. For Bible clubs to spring up all over! That the word of Jesus be taught and those opposing be defeated!

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