I Prayed have prayed
We ask that You would help us to not only pray for our country, but also help those who are in a position to run for office and implement those changes for which we pray.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Have you wondered how we got to this place in America where we are just one election shy of losing our nation?

I know I have.

As I ponder and pray for insight regarding the increasing division in our land, and the push toward policies that continue to remove God from our nation, there are some hard facts that as Christians I believe we must face in order to see the change we say we desire.

  1. Giving

Prior to two years ago, I had never given to a political campaign financially. I tithe. I give to our church and other non-profit organizations, but I had never even thought about the importance of financially supporting a candidate to help get them elected so as to bring about the change for which I prayed.

I realize now that doesn’t really make sense. But I’m just being honest. It wasn’t on my radar.

In present day society, we see numerous liberal-leaning millionaires who are giving away their fortunes to see America turn socialist. But do we see that among conservative millionaires? Not so much. And what about the rest of us? Average citizens who just want to honor God and live our lives? Do we put our money where our mouth is? Or do we simply say, “I will pray?”

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t discount the imperative need for prayer. It is the pre-requisite of any change. But how can we say we will pray and then take no action to help implement that for which we have prayed?

A new friend of mine running for a seat in New York told me recently, “I can get Christians to pray for me, but that’s not the only thing I need. People have no idea how expensive it is just to get a website up and do all the administrative part just to get started and that is before we can even launch our campaign which includes expensive television and radio ads. I need their prayers, but I also need their help financially.”

If we want to see the change we are praying for, we have to help make that happen. If a candidate is willing to throw their hat in the ring and take on the abuse that comes from the liberal media and other candidates—which has unfortunately become commonplace in elections today–then we should be willing to help them in whatever way possible—if we truly want to see change.

  1. Volunteering

This area is very similar to my giving record. I have always volunteered at my church, food banks, and other non-profits. But up until a couple of years ago, I had never volunteered for a political campaign to get a godly candidate elected. Sadly, up until then it had never really hit my radar. How about you?

If it did, it was easy to push it aside. I mean, I’m a busy person. I run a business. I was homeschooling my kids. I help my husband run a ministry. In my mind, I was doing my part…But was I really?

Volunteering for a campaign is an area that really gets me out of my comfort zone. Making phone calls. Going door to door. I’m an introvert and those things are hard for me. But guess what? I found there are plenty of other areas like stuffing envelopes, putting up signs, or just talking with friends and spreading the word that do work for me. I just have to make the decision to do it.

  1. Voting

This seems like a no brainer. But unfortunately, it is not. We must understand that it is not an option to stay home and not vote. Christians are one of the largest voting blocks in America. But we are a majority that acts like a minority. We are divided and complacent and it has brought us to where we are now.

It really doesn’t matter if we don’t like either candidate. It’s not about liking a candidate. It’s about supporting a Party platform that best represents our values and biblical beliefs.

In recent years I have heard some say, “I voted for him because he was black.” Or “I voted for her because she was a woman.”

When we vote based on reasons of ethnicity or gender, we are in idolatry. We have elevated those areas as more important than biblical values. If we enter the voting booth with the primary consideration that we are white, black, Hispanic, Asian or male/female, we need to consider why that has become more important than the spiritual foundation on which we say we have based our lives.

As we head toward another election, we all need to pray and consider if we are still pointed to True North. Are the values that we support in alignment with biblical mandates? Or have we inadvertently taken our eyes off of what is on God’s heart based on His Word?

  1. Speaking Up

Believe it or not, prior to 2016, I was pretty silent about my political views. My friends knew I was a conservative. But we didn’t sit and discuss politics. I certainly didn’t write or post about it.

But that all changed in 2016 when it became clear that the upcoming presidential election was far more than a choice between Democrat or Republican. It had become a choice on whether our nation would continue to exist with the freedoms on which it was founded.

The upcoming 2020 election is no different. The answer to that question still hangs in the balance. And if as Christians, we remain silent, uninvolved or on the sidelines, we will not have to worry about voting in another election after 2020 because I don’t believe we will have the chance. Our vote will not matter and America as we know it will be gone.

I’m not willing to see that happen. And my guess is, if you have read this far, you are not either.

Will you join me as we all leave our comfort zones and choose to do what most of us have not done before which is to engage? We need to first and foremost engage prayerfully, but we need to also begin to engage financially, actively, and vocally.

And while we are at it, let us pray for a few more conservative millionaires who will take this challenge as well and step into the ring willing to give their fortunes as President Trump has been willing to invest his.

Lord, forgive us for the past where we have not been actively involved for that for which we have prayed. We repent. We ask that You would help us to not only pray for our country, but also help those who are in a position to run for office and implement those changes for which we pray. We pray for more candidates, called by Your name, who will say, “I’m willing to run.” And we also pray, Lord, for financial increase and time to be able to stand with them in support. Lord, we ask for your mercy for our nation. Hear our prayers, O God, and save us. Reach down and help us, for our eyes are on You.

Karen Hardin is an intercessor, author, minister, and literary agent. Her work has appeared on USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors for America, Charisma, CBN.com, The Elijah List, etc. For additional information, you can contact her at www.prioritypr.org or www.karenhardin.com.

This article originally appeared in IFA’s monthly publication, The Connecter. Call our office, 1-800-USA-PRAY (872-7729) to receive hard copies in the mail or peruse our archives on our website HERE.


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January 3, 2020

Donna (Canada)
Thank you Karen for that most excellent eye opening long article. Here in Canada we are fighting for our freedom of speech etc. etc. I will certainly be changing a thing or two. Yes we pray but we must also act!
Amen and Amen

Jay W Mennenga
January 2, 2020

I am an evangelical Christian and a Democrat, conservative on moral issues (abortion, gay rights, and the death penalty) but liberal on helping the poor and average workers instead of corporations, and fighting climate change. I started a prayer breakfast in the Iowa Legislature and spoke at the Governor’s Prayer Breakfast in the 1970s. I weigh the pluses and minuses when deciding for whom to vote. I didn’t always go along with our Democratic caucus and don’t fit in a neat “box.”
Jay from Montana

    January 3, 2020

    Glad you don’t fit in a box, but I changed to NEVER vote for ANY democrat until the party platform changes, and I let them know that.

    As for your “democrat” leanings, consider that a conservative Republican view pushes support for the poor and workers closer to where they live on the local level, IMHO, where it should be.

    Think about it, as well as pray …..

      January 4, 2020

      Then explain why Republicans are the first to cut social safety nets, wants to privatize or get rid of Social Security, can’t seem to understand that tax cuts to the ultra rich and corporations does not trickle down. ATT got a massive tax break and they fired a bunch of employees.

      Explain how cuts to programs such as CHIP, removes thousands of kids from insurance. Cuts to SNAP will literally cause children to starve.


        January 4, 2020

        Pushing “assistance” to the local levels benefits everyone except the swamp.

        According to the economy, trickle must work to some extent.

        Lessons to be learned…..

          January 4, 2020

          Exactly how is pushing assistance to the local level a good thing when the budgets for many communities are pushed to the limit?

          TO make matters worse, Congress keeps raiding Social Security, they refuse to “lock box” it.

Ken Budz
January 2, 2020

Dear Lord I’m sorry I did not vote in the last election. People vote for the lesser of two evils but I see the evil of two lessers. The candidates are completely awful. Lord help me to focus on Your will for the upcoming election. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

    January 3, 2020

    Not voting for the party that most closely aligns with your primary values, is a vote for the party that “wins”. Weigh your values closely, and consider more than just the “party talking points”. Use your prayer and the brain you are given.

Debbie Wuthnow
January 2, 2020

Excellent article and very needed voice of truth! One organization that can help Christians be good stewards of their vote is iVoterGuide.com. We researched about 3,500 candidates in the 2018 election in all fifty states and it’s a great resource to help you identify the candidates that “represent our values and biblical beliefs.” I check iVoterGuide before I vote personally (#3). We will need hundreds of volunteer panelists to help evaluate almost 8,000 candidates in 2020. Would you like to volunteer (#2)? If you want to help conservative candidates across the country, you could give to iVoterGuide to fund their research (#1). We must all do our part if we’re to bring our country back from the brink.

Brenda Dormann
January 2, 2020

Thankyou Karen , May we respond to the call
Onward Christian soldiers marching unto war
With the Cross of JESUS going on before ……..

January 2, 2020

Thank you, Karen! May your message be preached from every GODLY pulpit in the United States. Now is the time for all GOD’s people to join together and bring about the change that is so desperately needed. “Let GOD arise and let HIS enemies be scattered.”

    Karen Kendrick
    January 5, 2020

    Yes if only church leaders would get involved themselves as they should…I pray more and more would get their eyes opened and see their crucial role..

January 2, 2020

Conservative talk news/radio stations like Fox News/Rush Limbaugh’s can give Candidates exposure to US audiences with minimum cost. President Trump made good use of Fox News during his candidacy with success. Just a thought. I’m praying for successful results for Republicans in the 2O2O elections. God’s will be done in Jesus’ name.

    Carol Allie
    January 2, 2020

    Amen and Amen to the ladies Brenda, Mari, and Barbara! This is a wake up call!
    So sad for Art and his comments. He is sadly deceived. Church attendance is declining because the pull of the World is often stronger than our commitment to Christ.

      January 3, 2020

      You are missing the point Carol, atheist/liberals simply don’t care what Evangelicals do, as long as it doesn’t affect the rest of us. The problem is that Evangelical’s actions are affecting the rest of us. Women and LBGT can denied proper healthcare because health care professionals have been given a license by Trump to legally refuse to treat someone if they don’t agree with the person’s lifestyle if it goes against their sincerely held beliefs.

      See how that works?

        January 3, 2020

        And I beg to disagree with you that providers have a responsibility to treat unless there is a viable alternative. Similar to how most of the wedding “artists” gladly referred potential clients to other providers willingly sacrificing the possible business.

        Besides, again, consider it REFERRING, not refusing. If they are not receiving “proper” care, that is their own responsibility. Start with their life choices. Remember, the latest, greatest study for AND BY GLBT indicated that CHOICE is the highest indicator, that no one or very few are “born that way”.

          January 3, 2020

          Im not getting into the LBGT debate, I have had some gay friends, and you’re wrong, period, about them choosing to be gay.

          And how Christian of you to be willing to deny someone proper medical care because they are different. If this person was in a car accident, how is that related their “lifestyle” choices?

          About the medical question

          On January 18, 2018, the United States Department of Health and Human Services announced the creation of a new division within its existing Office for Civil Rights (OCR).[29] The new division is called the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division. It was created to enforce federal laws related to “conscience and religious freedom.” That same day, Indiana University law professor Steve Sanders criticized the new approach as having “the potential to impede access to care, insult the dignity of patients, and allow religious beliefs to override mainstream medical science.”[30]

          As for the cake artist, you’re still missing the point. Some states have laws that forbid discrimination.

        January 4, 2020


        You continue to show your mythunderstanding of treatment referral, as you are correct about a car accident, that has nothing to do with GLBT, unlike a purposefully hidden pregnancy which would create problems. Emergency personnel do not have the option to refuse treatment, etc……

        As a result, I will leave you to your own devices until you are up to date.

January 2, 2020

Thank you Karen for this clear and most necessary wake up call.

January 2, 2020

Yes, yes, yes! If we were to lose all our freedoms this year in this election because we allowed liberals to win, we only have ourselves to blame. And if the liberals then begin throwing Christians in prison, how many Christians would then be remorse over their complacency???? So many Christians patronize the same tv shows and movies that liberals promote yet they will not give any money toward conservative campaigns. The latest phone, materialism, socia media popularity, and being “cool” will mean nothing if our liberties are stripped. We are one election away from ALL of us facing the same legal battles as bakers, florists, and whistle blowers. Christians sat by doing nothing while Natzis took over. Will we do the same????

    January 2, 2020

    What makes you think that Liberals/Atheist want to throw Christians in prison/silence them? You’re not being oppressed, get over it. You are still free to practice your religion any way you see fit, but society is trying to move on from backwards ideas and systematic discrimination and hatred. Church attendance is dropping steadily, and it’s the bad apples that are causing the majority of this decline.

    It’s not silencing when a cake maker doesn’t want to bake a cake for a same sex wedding, they get called out on it, and end up losing their business when the general public disagrees with their ideas.

      January 3, 2020

      1. Faith, family, and living according to one’s conscience under God are not “backwards ideas;” they were instituted by God and are being railed against by humanists. Under God and under our Constitution one’s religious beliefs triumph over personal preference. Amendment 1–“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;…” The “free exercise” clause refers to one’s conscience under God. This is the law of the land and cannot be countermanded/revoked by state, city, or local law. Insight into the Constitution can be gained from reviewing quotes by our Founding Fathers: https://www.ncregister.com/blog/matthew-archbold/7-religious-liberty-quotes-from-our-founding-fathers-you-should-know
      The U. S. Constitution was written to ensure a strong foundation for our nation and subsequent generations. It is not a “living, breathing document,” which can be changed easily by a group’s whim. The Declaration of Independence ends with: “We pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.” ( http://founding.com/our-lives-our-fortunes-and-our-sacred-honor/ )
      A book “Forgotten Patriot: The Story of Haym Salomon” by David Allen Lewis is just one story of sacrifices by our Colonial patriots. (“Perhaps no one did as much to help establish the United States as Haym Salomon–a forgotten hero who gave everything for the cause of freedom.”) This book is available from Bridges for Peace.
      “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same; or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” –Ronald Reagan (Good Reads.com)
      May we all be encouraged to do the best we can for God and country.

        January 3, 2020

        Ruth, here’s the thing though, Evangelicals pick and choose what they want out of the Bible to fit their ideas. Yet, they forget the one main idea, that God loves everyone and forgives everyone no matter who they are or what they are. The ironic thing is that Protestant religions are far more open and accepting than Evangelicals, yet these are the ones that are dying out.

        My dad is a history scholar, and taught History for 40 years. The information on the constitution that you provided is being misinterpreted. The Founding Fathers were escaping a hard line theocratic system in England.

        So I ask again, when Protestant religions make no mention of abortion, LBGT rights, and treating ALL people with love and with open arms, why is that the Evangelicals are slowly taking over?

        The reality is that the Government, by default, is promoting Evangelicalism.

        As I mentioned before, Christians are not being persecuted, it’s general public that’s calling them on their actions.

        As for the rest of your post, I really prefer not to live in Gilead (Handmaid’s Tale). Which is a perfect example of the point you are trying to make. In Gilead, a hardline Theocratic government took over the US, ALL religions except for the Sons Of Jacob, were banned, and practicing other religions was a death sentence (and this is happened in real life). Women became Handmaids and forced to carry babies for the elite, abortion was outlawed, LGBT were killed, all political dissidents were killed, women who had nothing to offer, were sent to die cleaning up toxic waste. Families were ripped apart, and women who already had children from before, those children were taken and “adopted” out. Women could not hold jobs, earn money, or even read. If they read, they would lose fingers. All sources of news and information were banned.

        Every single one of these has happened in real life, so tell me again, how are you being oppressed?

          January 3, 2020

          Your “handmaids tale” government (a real fictional laugh) will only happen if dem/libs are in power. Proper government controls will prevent any theocratic tendencies (which isn’t even close to reality). The problem is the dem/lib mythunderstanding of church/state separation to include the silencing expression of ideals of religious voters that in no way dictates any religious practice (abortion kills humans, GLBT lifestyle demeans human sexuality and creates disease situations, open borders creates an inability to handle immigrant “dreamers”, etc).

          I believe also you misunderstand Evangelicals as theocratic activists instead of just not being the wishy-washy “believers” that your Protestants have become. We know what we believe until PROVEN otherwise keeping our ideals conservatively instead of following the pack off a cliff as libs have with abortion and GLBT. Your “protestants” are declining due to no backbone.

          As to history, your reference must have been dealing only with the modified texts that have lost the originality of truth that was given by the person you attempted to rebut.

          Thomas Jefferson, the “expert” on liberty, not only indicated that Christianity was most favorable to liberty, but was a proponent of “simplistic Christianity” based primarily on direct teachings of Christ, like “man/woman marriage” not interpretations. Though I believe that Jefferson, for sake of liberty, would have “allowed” same gender “relationships” for purpose of legal “needs” (like civil unions that rightly also may have permitted familial non-sexual joins for govt purposes), marriage and sexuality would have remained as taught, male/female – man/woman, and NOT transgender.

          Good night …..

      January 3, 2020

      Throw Christians in jail? Its close. With $135,000 STATE level fines, and MILLIONS in legal costs, if jail hasn’t already been threatened, I would be surprised.

      If the “general public” were aware of the GLBT activism taking place, just like abortion, they would be with US, not the dem/libs.

        January 3, 2020

        You’re really not seeing the forest for the trees. Younger generations simply don’t care if someone’s LBGT. I have had trans kids in class (elementary age) and they take it in stride, they are accepting and play with them like normal. They aren’t ostracized or made fun of. It’s when the adults get involved when things go pear shaped.

        The older generation is losing the battle.

        Go back and read my post about Gilead.

          January 4, 2020

          You are just wrong about gilead just parroting talking points.

          As to trans “kids”, that is child abuse number one, and second its the “entitled” adults (and kids if pushed by adults) that DEMAND pronoun use without consideration and such when society/culture has yet to grandfather that type of thing (and should’t have to, as yet).

          In case you didn’t read, there is no longer an “argument”, GLBT HAS YET TO BE ESTABLISHED AS OTHER THAN A CHOICE (which is truly is, based primarily on nurture experiences POSSIBLY fueled by a predisposition like alcoholism, drug abuse, and other “risk taking” actions), clued in primarily by research for AND BY homosexuals and published as part of NATURE and likely other sources by now.

          My apologies if you are not up to speed. Let me know if you need assistance. GLBT do not deserve violence, but care, education, and patience show successful BIBLICAL results.

January 2, 2020

Amen to this article.

If our forefathers could lay down their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor for the hope of passing freedom on to us, can we do less and still consider ourselves patriots?

May God give each of us guts and wisdom to follow as He leads moment by moment.

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