I Prayed have prayed
Father, there is a full-court press on against our values and the truth concerning the transgender push. Protect us as we speak the truth!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Virginia parents concerned about the implementation of a new transgender policy in their public school system gathered more than a hundred signatures within hours of posting a petition to delay the policy online, but it was quickly shut down by the host website.

“The content of your petition violates our Terms of Service,” an email from Care2 obtained by The Daily Caller stated. “It has been removed and we will not host it on our site.”


A parent started the petition to demand Arlington Public Schools pause implementation of the new policy in order to allow more time for parents to vet it and give feedback. “We are asking for inclusion, impartiality, and equal consideration in the policy implementation,” a copy of the petition obtained by the Caller said. (The parent asked not to be named in order to protect her husband’s job.)

More than 150 people signed the petition after it was posted on Wednesday, but it was shut down the following day. It’s not clear what terms the petition violated, although it is clearly a liberal site. Care2 has not responded to multiple inquiries from the parent who started the petition, she told the Caller. Care2 did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Caller.


The policy in its current form requires schools to embrace a student’s chosen gender identity, by allowing them to use the bathroom and locker room of their choice, to dress according to their preferred gender, and to be addressed by their preferred pronoun. Students will be allowed to join the sports team of their preferred gender and to stay with students of their preferred gender on overnight trips. The school also reserves the right to keep their child’s preferred gender secret from parents.

A small group of parents began organizing in opposition to the policy after they stumbled upon the school’s plan to implement it earlier this year. The school has been working on the policy with a local transgender activist group since at least September 2018, but it was shrouded in secrecy until the parents learned of its development in March of this year and began demanding more information, including through freedom of information requests.

They are concerned the school is wrongly assuming control of what political ideology their kids are taught, and denying them control over the safety and wellbeing of their kids at school.

The petition listed three key concerns about the policy: that the school will hide information from parents, that students of the opposite sex will be allowed to share facilities with their kids, and that girls’ sports will no longer be fair because of the potential inclusion of biological boys in their competitions. “We ask that you delay the vote to ensure due process and a transparent, fair, fully vetted, and unbiased policy that protects ALL of APS students,” the petition said.

The school system has given parents from May 28 until June 11 to provide input on the policy in a public survey form online, before the board votes to approve the policy implementation.

(Excerpted from The Daily Caller, article by Rachel Stoltzfoos.)

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Joan Bartruff
June 11, 2019

In the Name of Jesus, Precious Savior, Lord of Lords and King of Kings, I say AMEN to all prayers above with assurance that where two or three gather in prayer over a matter you most certainly hear, and YOU answer all prayers. “Ye though we walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death we, His Sheep, do not need to fear evil.
We know Heavens Armies are mightier than any evil force. As Your people, we know your good overcomes all evil in the end. Thank you for those who are on the frontlines of this battle, students, parents, families willing to take a stand and fight for the Right. Please strengthen, renew, comfort, protect them in the battle. Please Lord save our children, our schools, our country just as you saved Israel from the attack of the Persians in Nehemiah’s day. Or, when you saved Israel using Gideon. With you all things are possible, and no force of evil can prevail as you are the author of good and great power. Praise and thanksgiving Heavenly Father for all your goodness towards us. Amen

Randolph A. Malone, M.D.
June 11, 2019

I believe it is wrong to put immature children and kyoung teens into the position of having to decide their gender at an early age. Many go through temporary feelings about their sexuality, which changes, if given time and a normal environment. As a pediatrician dealing with adolescents for 35 years, I have found this to be true.

June 9, 2019

Prayers don’t work.

June 9, 2019

Father in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, l come before you pleading for mercy and salvation for those parents of transgenders. They need to come to know you. Your word says you wish above all things that all men are saved and come to the knowledge of your truth. Let them cry out our Father what must l do to be saved. These parents need Jesus!!! A personal one on one with the Lord himself that a fear, a reverence of God be in them. Lord Take them from the snares of the devil that has held them captive to the lie of changing their sex to what feels good to them. God created man and woman and he was not confused when they were born, he formed man and woman in the womb. I pray for conversion in the spirit rim. I thank you for sending angels to everyone of them that they will turn from their wicked ways and genuinely accept you as Lord and Savior, and that they are taught by the Lord what is good and acceptable in his sight!!!! Amen, Amen,and Amen.

June 8, 2019

I can’t believe how low the people of the USA have fallen, all because prayer was removed from our schools, and parents stopped sending their children to Sunday School and Church. How horrendous this has turned out. Satan has taken over FOR THE TIME BEING, but he will not prevail. Fight this curse on our children tooth and nail with the Lord’s help. Pray and fight. Write to your congressmen and let them know what you think of them. Most of them are disgraceful and just looking for your votes. Don’t give it to them.

Janette D.
June 8, 2019

Yes yes this is so evil. Please take care of these children and stop this evil. In the name of Jesus

Shirley H
June 8, 2019

I agree in prayer with those before me in prayer for God’s mighty hand of protection over these innocent school children. May those in authority who scheme to harm these children through secret meetings be put to shame and may their sin find them out. I bind this spirit of confusion and call off any future plans to harm the lives of these school-aged children. I pray these parents rise up, organized, focused, prayerful, and deliberate in demanding a stop to this evil at once. May God arise and His enemies be scattered. Let the children come to Him. God, have mercy for the sake of these little ones. Amen

Sharon Armke
June 8, 2019

Father, I agree with the prayers posted here so eloquently. Please protect our children and grandchildren from this evil perversion of the truth of Your creation. May biological reality and truth prevail in all our schools and in our states and nation. Please do a work that only You can do to open the eyes of those who have been so deceived. Please do a work here in Dripping Springs and Austin Texas that will bring great glory to You, with many souls being saved, and Your Holy Spirit awakening the sleeping church. May Your church rise up to impact our society for good and bring many souls into Your Kingdom. Please also awaken your people to the Save James project, where a 7 year old is being set up for sex change surgery by his mother here in Texas, with the divorced father trying to save his young son. https://savejames.com/ Please protect little James and all others whose parents are so deceived that they are allowing these children to be permanently sterilized and harmed. We bind every spirit of perversion and every lying spirit in the lives of our children and grandchildren, and we release Your blessings on our children and grandchildren, that they will not be deceived but will be valiant for truth, empowered by Your Spirit. We claim the blood of Jesus over all your elect.
In the name of Christ our Savior and KING.

    June 8, 2019

    Agree strongly with Sharon ‘s prayerLORD GOD ALMIGHTY deliver our children from this evil
    IN JESUS name Ameb

      Deanna Miller
      June 10, 2019

      Yes LORD — I agree with these prayers in the mighty name of Jesus — The Name ABOVE All names !!

Lillian V
June 8, 2019

Praying Almighty God would send down from His Throne a great awakening, reveal His Truth in all things and rebuke everything that comes against Him, His creation and His will. O Sovereign Lord, turn the hearts of mankind to You in repentance and faith and restore what the locust has stolen in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

God’s Word is Truth and His Truth shall prevail.

“Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven.” Psalm 119:89

June 8, 2019

Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank You for this day. I thank You for Your gift of our precious children.
I assign mighty angels to stand around the children of this nation, around their schools, teachers, and administrators shoulder to shoulder that no evil can penetrate. I bind all spirits that would try to teach our children unGodly things.
I speak a supernatural ability to our children’s minds to retain only what You would have them know.
I loose Your supernatural favor, Heavenly Father, to protect our children and those who love You.
I bind every spirit of rebellion that would cause our children and school administrators to want to alter Your divine plan for them.
I loose upon our children and their school administrators a spirit of peace, obedience to You, and respect for for themselves, their teachers, and others.
And I thank You, Father, for a great, happy, and blessed day.
In Jesus’ name,
Amen and amen!

June 8, 2019

I agree with all! Pray! Stand with actions, voice and prayer! Brainstorming: Maybe it is time to run for election for School Board positions and take our kids education back! We can not be the silent majority! For sure it is time to form Christian education co-ops or home school if private school is not an option.

June 8, 2019

The Indian River School District in Sussex County Delaware planned to implement the exact program this past year before a huge outcry from parents put a (temporary?) stop to it. I’m sure it will resurface. Even a conservative county such as ours is not free from these tactics. Consistent fervent prayer is needed.

June 8, 2019

Dear Heavenly Father we pray in Jesus’ name that we who are called by your Holy Spirit rise up, and make a stand and intercede to bring down these principalities and powers in high positions for our children’s Sake. Amen

Darrell Mordente
June 8, 2019

Pray against this. And understand that the Democrat Party fully supports this insanity. Understand that it is also a dangerous policy. A 5- year old girl was molested by a “transgender” boy in a public school restroom in Decatur Georgia not long ago.

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