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Lord God, thank you for Lynne Patton and all she is doing to help people in New York City especially. Give her Your wisdom and bless her work.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

This weekend, The Wall Street Journal published an interview with Lynne Patton, a HUD official, appointed by President Trump and called a “prop” by Democratic opposition because she is black and a supporter of the President. After Patton made news by glaring at Michael Cohen during his testimony on Capitol Hill, Rashida Tlaib commented, “Just because someone has a person of color, a black person, working for them, does not mean they aren’t racist. Some would even say . . . the fact that someone would actually use a prop—a black woman—in this chamber, in this committee, is alone racist in itself.”

Patton’s response? ““The biggest racism to me is the ideology that, again, black people can’t be independent thinkers, that they can’t vote for a party other than the Democratic Party.”

Patton’s story is amazing and what she is doing through her work at HUD is amazing. She is a recovering addict who credits her recovery to the Trump family. Working for the Trump organization, Eric and his then fiancée noticed her problem and coordinated an intervention. She struggled with relapse until Inauguration Day: “I’ve never said this before, but the Trump presidency—his decision to run for president—saved my life. The Trump family thinks that I stopped doing drugs a lot earlier than I did. But when I saw him come down the escalator, and I was in the rare position to be there on Day One, that’s when it hit me that this was no longer about me—that this is about something greater, and that I can’t embarrass him. . . . From that day on, I did no drugs.”

At HUD, she has a “housing first” perspective on addiction treatment: “It’s important to shelter homeless people before expecting them to conquer addictions. It’s hard enough to recover, even as a wealthy person” but imagine how difficult it is for “somebody who has no home, no job, no stability, no money.”

How Patton really made headlines is by living in HUD-funded housing in New York City and chronicling her experience on Twitter. She found inhumane conditions and deeply broken bureaucracy perpetuating those conditions. She describes the conditions with salty, PG-13 language, but the facts are poignant nonetheless–huge rats, faulty wiring, insufficient plumbing, fire hazards galore, and more.

She has wise words to share about Black Americans and the Republican party: “Black culture is, by nature, largely conservative. You’re raised to go to church; you’re raised not to have sex before marriage. When you look across the country at the most destitute cities in the nation—Detroit, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, Baltimore—you’re talking about cities that have been run by Democrats for decades.”

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April 9, 2019

LORD, I bless Ms. Lynne Patton with strength and protection. Thank you that promotion comes from you and the scripture says a man’s gifts make way for him in the presence of great men. Thank you for the gift of compassion and a servants heart and she has connected with the Trump family.
Bless the work of her hands and give the HUD team practical solutions that can and will be implemented and produce results for the residents. No one should live in housing that is dangerous, infested with rodents, and roaches, without functioning plumbing and walls that are crumbling. She is a voice for the voiceless open more doors for these stories to be heard and expose the corruption and waste that is happening in New York, Baltimore, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia etc. The task must be overwhelming but give her success in whatever she puts her hands to and let there be stories of real results from the residents. Few would do what she has done to live among the people and see what their needs are. She wants the people to feel safe in their homes and when a work order is placed the repairs will be made correctly and in a timely manner. Thank you LORD, for her personal story use it to inspire others to take the steps to walk away from addiction and seek counseling and bring healing in their lives. Lift burdens that are too heavy for her to carry and replace the sadness she feels when she sees this suffering with joy when she hears good reports from the residents. Use Ms. Patton to turn Nycha upside down and right side up. Give her and Sec. Ben Carson the kind of assistance and staff they need to move things forward quickly and effectively we ask this in Jesus Name.

April 2, 2019

Father, I agree in prayer with my sister’s here. Thank you for Ms Patton being in the position that You have placed her in.
Guide her and strengthen her in the inner being. May insults bounce off of her and make her more determined to follow and serve You for Your glory.

April 2, 2019

Father, thank you for Lynne Patton – her honesty and courage, her determination, and her influence. I ask You that she would have divine wisdom in her life and her job. Please give her strategies for sustained change. Let her walk in divine favor and protection.

Linda H
April 2, 2019

Father God, I thank you for using Lynne Patton for her position at HUD, to help the homeless and the addicted. Father, You have always used the people whose hearts are pure and loving, who love you and want to do what is right. You look for honesty and You look at a person’s heart Lord. Just like you used David, a shepherd boy to conquer the giant, and Moses, who felt he was incapable, and Daniel and so many others, I praise you for using Lynne Patton.

Lynne is correct. We need to shelter people and counsel people with the Love of God, regardless of their problems. It is very hard to give up substances and get ajob when you are sleeping under a bridge and can not even take a shower. It takes someone who has been in a similar situation to know what is needed to fix shattered lives, and to help encourage and fix the brokenness that engulfs addicts and the homeless.

At the root of healing must be salvation and trust in our Lord.

I thank you Father for blessing Lynne with Your wisdom, revelation, favor, strength and all the virtues she will need to in Jesus’ mighty name. By the power of the Holy Spirit I thank you Lord that you never change. You are the same loving God, yesterday, today and forever, and your promises are true. Thank you for blessing Lynne. Thank you for using Pres Trump and Eric to see the beauty and love Lynne has to offer. You always give us beauty for ashes.

    April 3, 2019

    Amen Linda. Father I stand in agreement with Linda and thank you for hearing her and everyone’s prayer. We thank you Lord for Your promise if beauty for ashes. In His Name I pray.

April 2, 2019

Heavenly Father, I pray that the true healing work of our Lord Jesus Christ will be complete in Lynne Patton. I pray for response to the need in these housing districts and the eyes of those who can affect change will be opened. Thank you that the truth always comes out. In Jesus’ Amen!

April 2, 2019

Thank you Lord for Lynne’s redemption. I ask You to bless her with favor and opportunity to be heard and not silenced to bring truth and deliverance to all who are in bondage. She is Your Esther for such a time as this!

April 2, 2019

Father Lord I lift up Lynne Patton. I thank you for where she had been, where she is and where you are taking her. I make a bloodline of the Blood of Jesus around her to bounce off every mockery and accusation in Jesus name.

Laura Nguyen
April 2, 2019

Lord, I pray for you to continue to lift up Lynne Patton. Thank You for enabling her to defend herself, the Trump administration, and the black people of our country against the vicious attack of Rashida Tlaib. I thank You for Your powers of redemption and pray that her story will inspire others and that her policies will rescue many from drug abuse. Please bless her and others like her with Your wisdom and strength. Amen.

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